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Cannabis and the Developing Brain
Cannabis and the Developing Brain
Cannabis and the Developing Brain
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Cannabis and the Developing Brain

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Marijuana is the most commonly used psychotropic drug in the United States, after alcohol. With the legalization and decriminalization of cannabis, momentum continues to build and propelled by the reduction of stigma associated to its consumption, there is growing concern regarding the long-term impact on brain function and behavior.

Cannabis and the Developing Brain aims to provide comprehensive research on the effects of cannabis during neurodevelopment stages (i.e., perinatal and adolescent ages). This book introduces readers to vivo neural circuits, molecular and cellular mechanisms affected by cannabis exposure during three different temporal windows of brain vulnerability. Second, it offers a unique insight to shared neurobiological features of cannabinoid exposure during different developmental periods. Lastly, Cannabis and the Developing Brain determines the adverse impact of developmental cannabinoid exposure on specific cognition, emotion and behaviors.

  • Reviews exposure effects on different areas and circuits of the brain
  • Identifies effects of exposure at prenatal, perinatal, infant, and adolescent ages
  • Includes cannabis interaction with known genetic and environmental risk factors
  • Contains neurodevelopment and neuropsychiatric disorders associated with cannabis exposure
Release dateAug 18, 2022
Cannabis and the Developing Brain

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    Cannabis and the Developing Brain - Miriam Melis


    At a time when the legalization and decriminalization of cannabis is accelerating worldwide, thanks to the reduction of stigma associated with its use and the misperception that cannabis is a natural and safe therapeutic option, the evidence is sorely lacking.

    Cannabis is the most widely used illicit drug among adolescents and pregnant women, and there is growing concern about its long-term impact on brain function and behavior.

    Cannabis effects vary among individuals, and its consequences are particularly heightened in vulnerable groups. In particular, evidence suggests that cannabis exposure during neurodevelopment (i.e., prenatal, perinatal, and adolescent stages) results in persistent alterations in neuromodulation at molecular and circuit level that contribute to the pathophysiology of several neuropsychiatric disorders at some point during a lifetime. Notably, gene by environment interaction plays a fundamental role in these disorders, with a growing body of evidence demonstrating a significant link between developmental cannabis exposure and psychiatric vulnerability, including susceptibility to depressive states and substance use disorders.

    The aim of this book is twofold: first, providing students and researchers in basic science and medicine an up-to-date overview of the impact of cannabis exposure during sensitive and critical developmental windows in the larger context of neuropsychiatric diseases; and second, helping actions taken to restricting access, reducing the potency of cannabis derivatives, and to raising awareness on the risks of recreational use, particularly during adolescence and at the age of child-bearing.

    This book is the first of its kind to offer readers the opportunity to (i) learn about the in vivo neural circuitry and molecular and cellular mechanisms affected by cannabis exposure during three different periods of brain vulnerability, (ii) gain insight into the unique and common neurobiological features of cannabinoid exposure during different developmental periods, and (iii) determine the negative impact of developmental cannabinoid exposure on specific cognitive, emotional, and behavioral areas.

    The book brings together interdisciplinary, translational, animal model, and human studies. Thus, the effects of perinatal exposure on different areas and circuits of the brain in both clinical and preclinical settings are covered in the chapters by Drs Mackie, Hurd, McCarthy, Harkany, Trezza, Galve-Roperh, Melis, and their coworkers. In addition, the effects of the exposure to cannabis (including cannabis-derived drugs) during childhood and adolescence, comprising the interaction with known genetic and environmental risk factors, have been covered in the chapters by Drs Parolaro, Stella, Urigüen, Laviolette, Pletnikov, Pelissier, and Manzoni.

    Chapter 1: Pre-clinical models of neurodevelopmental cannabinoid exposure

    Ken Mackie    Gill Center and Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Indiana University Bloomington, Bloomington, IN, United States


    Compelling human epidemiological studies suggest that cannabis impacts the developing brain. Two specific periods of susceptibility to cannabis exposure have been identified—pre-natally and during adolescence. These findings have motivated a desire to understand the mechanism(s) by which cannabis disrupts neurodevelopment. As human epidemiological studies do not readily yield mechanistic insights, this desire has stimulated the development of pre-clinical models, most often using rodents, to better understand the mechanisms underlying the impact of cannabis on the developing human brain. Modeling human developmental disease in rodents always requires compromises and presents challenges in interpretation. In this chapter, we will discuss some of the commonly used rodent models to study the impact of cannabis components on the developing nervous system. The emphasis will be on the strengths and limitations of the models. We will conclude that, while there is no single best model of rodent cannabis exposure, specific aspects of how the model constructed and how it is implemented will have profound impacts on the translatability of the findings to humans.


    Cannabis; Tetrahydrocannabinol; Cannabidiol; Perinatal; Adolescent; Neurodevelopment; Pre-clinical models

    Conflict of interest



    Endogenous cannabinoids have been implicated in many aspects of nervous system development occurring pre-natally and during adolescence¹ (Tibor’s and Olivier’s chapters). Thus it can be hypothesized that pre-natal or adolescent exposure to exogenous cannabinoids (i.e., phytocannabinoids) from cannabis may impact proper development of the nervous system, leading to impaired function. Several large epidemiological studies and meta-analyses have consistently confirmed this hypothesis following both pre-natal cannabis exposure² and early adolescent cannabis use³ and as discussed in chapters X and Y (Viviana Trezza’s and Daniela Parolaro’s chapters). These human findings have prompted extensive efforts to determine the mechanism(s) underlying cannabis’ ability to impair the developing human nervous system. As ethical constraints make detailed mechanistic studies impossible in humans, this research, particularly when behavioral outcomes will be evaluated, has utilized pre-clinical animal models, chiefly rodents.⁴–⁷ Cerebral organoids utilizing inducible pluripotent human stem cells offer an alternative to animal models for certain types of questions⁸ but would not be discussed in this chapter. Some studies on the developmental effects of phytocannabinoids have been done with non-human primates, particularly to evaluate the effects of adolescent phytocannabinoids⁹,¹⁰; nonetheless, the vast majority of studies have used rodents. While rodents offer many advantages in neurodevelopmental studies, they also poise unavoidable limitations. In this review, we will discuss the primary considerations in choosing appropriate rodent models of pre-natal and adolescent cannabis exposure. While our primary focus will be on the choice of model for cannabinoid administration, equally important is determining which outcomes will be evaluated. This latter topic is discussed at length in other chapters in this volume.

    Model considerations

    Pre-clinical models involve tradeoffs between efficiency, validity, scalability, and so on, that influence the development and choice of a model. The following are some of the important considerations in choosing an appropriate pre-clinical model of developmental cannabis exposure: timing of drug administration, route of drug administration, nature of drug administered, and dosing frequency of the drug. In the following sections, we will discuss each of these considerations in detail. These considerations and recommendations are summarized in Table 1.

    Timing of drug administration

    Pre-natal models

    A key goal of pre-clinical models of cannabis use is to expose the developing rodent brain over the range of dates corresponding to the development of the relevant structures in the human brain. This goal is made more difficult by the fact that the later stages of fetal human brain development that may be affected by maternal cannabis use take place during the first two post-natal weeks in rodents. Another issue is that brain regions in the rodent often mature at different times and rates than in the human. Thus as will be a recurring theme in this review, there is no perfect model to perfectly mimic human brain development, and drug exposure must be timed to correspond to the development of the brain region being examined and it may not be possible to accurately model the influence of phytocannabinoids on circuits involving several brain regions. There are several good reviews and online tools that attempt to match the stages of rodent and human brain development.¹¹,¹² As a generalization, rodent brain development at birth corresponds roughly to human brain development at the end of the second trimester. Thus experiments that treat rodents only until birth are mimicking human exposure through the second trimester and not exposure throughout a full-term pregnancy. One way to model human third trimester cannabis exposure is to continue to administer drug to the dam (e.g., Ref. 7) or the pup (e.g., Ref. 13) post-natally. However, this introduces the confounds of uncertain transfer of drug via lactation¹⁴ and potential effects on mothering behaviors (if drug is given to the dam) or stress of administration and determination of appropriate dose (see later) (if drug is given to the pups).¹⁵ Exposure to THC only during the early post-natal period (post-natal days 1–10) in rats (approximately corresponding to the third trimester in humans) can have enduring effects on synaptic plasticity and behaviors,⁷,¹⁶ so treatment during this time period should be included if a study is aiming to determine the effect(s) of using cannabis throughout pregnancy. In addition, models of the impact of phytocannabinoid exposure only during the period corresponding to human lactation are worth exploring as at least one study found that a significant fraction of women did not use cannabis during pregnancy, but did use it while nursing.¹⁷ Finally, pharmacokinetics of many drugs are altered during pregnancy¹⁸; thus caution is advised if pharmacokinetic parameters derived from studies using non-pregnant subjects are applied in developing models of cannabinoid exposure during pregnancy. In this regard, sophisticated human pharmacokinetic models (e.g., Ref. 19) might help to inform the design of pre-clinical models.

    Adolescent models

    Determining the timing of adolescent cannabis consumption is usually done by defining rodent adolescence by matching sexual maturation of the rodent and human. The precise timing of adolescence in rodents varies by measure but is generally considered to start a few days before the onset of puberty (denoted by vaginal opening in females (~ PND35) and presence of sperm in males (~ PND40)) and to extend until the males and females are fully reproductively competent, between PND 50 and 60.²⁰ These are only rough guidelines and are influenced by several factors—species, strain, housing conditions, and so on.²¹,²² Since human data on adolescent cannabis use suggests that cannabis use during early adolescence is the most detrimental,²³ many rodent studies initiate phytocannabinoid administration early in rodent adolescence, often starting sometime during the fifth post-natal week and extending for a week or more, depending on the nature of the question(s) being addressed.

    Route of drug administration

    Ideally, the route of phytocannabinoid administration in pre-clinical models mimics human modes of consumption with the goal of achieving plasma and target organ profiles (i.e., levels over time) of the drug similar to those observed in humans. When designing and interpreting rodent models of developmental cannabinoid exposure, the potential differences between the pharmacokinetics of phytocannabinoids in rodents and primates need to be considered.⁵,⁹


    For modeling cannabis use, the preferred routes of administration would mimic those used in the community, so would be voluntarily and inhaled (for most users) combusted cannabis, vaped phytocannabinoid, or orally consumed (for a small, but increasing number of users) product. Voluntary consumption, defined as the intentional, goal-directed consumption of a phytocannabinoid, is difficult to routinely achieve for phytocannabinoids in either perinatal or adolescent pre-clinical models for several reasons. In contrast to other abused drugs such as nicotine, opioids, and cocaine, rodents are reluctant to self-administer THC (and would not self-administer cannabidiol (CBD), which is generally non-rewarding) and weak patterns of reinforcement are generally observed.²⁴

    While vaping chambers as a viable means of exposing rodents to cannabis-related drugs have emerged over the last few years,²⁵–²⁸ the technology and best practices are still evolving. The impacts of several aspects of inhalation exposure remain to be better understood, particularly for developmental studies. For example, administration of phytocannabinoid in a vaping chamber can be passive (taking advantage of the inhaled route by placing the subject(s) in a closed container and providing volatilized phytocannabinoid in a regulated fashion) or contingent (better models the human situation by having the subject perform a nose poke or lever press to receive a puff of volatilized phytocannabinoid), brain levels of drug achieved during the treatment, potential stress of being in the chamber, difference in human (inhale and hold) and rodent (very rapid respiratory rate) patterns of inhalation, and so on. Since exposure to the vapor chamber can be a significant stressor,²⁹ it is important to include control vapor and non-vapor controls when developing a vapor administration system. One important potential advantage of vaping is that it avoids the substantial first pass metabolism seen with intra-peritoneal (i.p.) injections of THC³⁰; thus it may more faithfully mirror the ratios of THC, 11-OH-THC, and 9-COOH-THC seen in human consumers of cannabis compared to profiles obtained with the more common i.p. injections.


    Oral administration has the advantages of being simple to conduct and mimicking the increasing use of edibles, particularly by those who are using cannabis products to treat symptoms. Two major oral routes have been employed. The first is by oral gavage. Though frequently used, at least in the past, oral gavage will be stressful to the rodent, particularly when used for chronic administration, which is clearly undesirable. The second is by mixing the phytocannabinoid with a palatable food. Various palatable foods have been used including gelatin,³¹ cookie dough,³² and sweetened condensed milk (K. Mackie, unpublished). Oral consumption is, however, a poor model of inhaled consumption due to the much lower peak blood levels of THC achieved after oral consumption, the prolonged elevation of blood levels, and the substantial first pass metabolism that occurs.³³ In the case of THC, first pass metabolism will generate much more 11-OH-THC than inhaled THC,³⁰ which may have different effects due to its greater potency.³⁴ A similar situation will occur for CBD, with first pass metabolism giving rise to high levels of 7-OH-CBD.³⁵ Thus oral administration is appropriate to use to model oral consumption. If it is used, it is important to determine brain levels of the drug and its metabolites to ensure that they approximate those anticipated from human studies.


    Injection has the advantage of being simple to perform and allowing for a precise amount of drug to be delivered. Injection is typically by the intravenous (i.v.), i.p., and subcutaneous (s.c.) routes. I.v. injection has the advantage of being able to most closely mimic the plasma phytocannabinoid concentration-time curves obtained when humans inhale combusted or vaped cannabis or cannabis product. Disadvantages of i.v. injection include restraint of the rodent during the injection and the stress this causes, higher degree of technical skill required, and possible thrombosis of the vein if injections are frequently repeated (often necessary for developmental experiments). I.v. injection via catheter (e.g., as might be used during an i.v. self-administration experiment) introduces the confound of single housing after catheter implantation, which is a model for social isolation stress.³⁶ I.p. injection is very commonly used as it is easy to perform. Disadvantages of this approach include substantial first pass metabolism due to absorption into the portal circulation,³⁰ intermediate levels of stress, and potential for sterile peritonitis and other complications with repeated injection. S.c. injection, like i.p., is simple to perform and the least stressful of the injection techniques as it requires the least restraint. The slowness of absorption from s.c. injection needs to be considered (this may be an advantage or disadvantage, depending on the questions being asked) when planning experiments.

    Nature of drug administered

    Cannabis consists of a complex mixture of cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, and several other classes of compounds. Different cultivars will vary widely in their composition of these compounds. It is challenging to determine the cannabinoid content of cannabis consumed in the community, and the concentrations of other components are seldom even measured. Thus when modeling the pre-natal use of THC-rich cultivars compromises need to be made when deciding what compounds to administer. The first decision is to decide which cannabinoid(s) should be administered, THC or a potent synthetic cannabinoid. Since THC, and not potent synthetic cannabinoids, is present in cannabis, experiments seeking to understand the impact on brain development of the consumption of THC-rich cannabis (typically, cannabis used for its psychoactivity) should use THC. Synthetic cannabinoids (with their very different pharmacology³⁷,³⁸) are appropriate to use in developmental studies mimicking exposure to spice compounds and perhaps for addressing specific questions involving the endocannabinoid system on central nervous system (CNS) development. However, they are not a good model for the effects of THC on CNS development. A second decision is determining which other (if any) cannabinoids should be co-administered with THC. CBD is a variable constituent of cannabis cultivars used recreationally and has attracted considerable interest for use on its own for a variety of maladies, including those that might accompany pregnancy. CBD has a variety of pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic interactions with THC,³⁹,⁴⁰ which both raise interesting questions (i.e., if CBD-rich cannabis is used pre-natally will this attenuate THC’s effects?) and can complicate experimental design (i.e., does CBD inhibit THC metabolism in humans to the same extent it does in rodents?¹⁰,⁴¹). An understudied question is the extent to which CBD impacts the developing nervous system, especially important given the widespread use of CBD. Emerging evidence suggests that CBD can affect the developing brain.⁴² Almost nothing is known about the impact of other cannabinoids, e.g., cannabinol and cannabigerol, on the developing nervous system. Similarly, it is unknown how the acid forms of cannabinoids (i.e., the forms synthesized in the plant, THCA, CBDA, etc.), which are increasingly being considered for their possible therapeutic benefit,⁴³,⁴⁴ affect the developing CNS. Finally, it is not known if the myriad of terpenoids and flavonoids present in cannabis affect nervous system development at the doses likely to be consumed by humans using cannabis. All of these are important avenues for future study given the great attention that these compounds are receiving in the popular press as over the counter remedies for a variety of conditions.

    Dose of drug administered

    In pre-clinical models, the low toxicity of cannabinoids presents the temptation to push the dose of drug until an effect is seen. However, this approach is of little use if one is trying to understand the effects of drugs on the developing human nervous system. It is possible to achieve CNS phytocannabinoid concentrations several orders of magnitude higher than will be encountered by the CNS of a human fetus or adolescent. In this case, it is more appropriate to choose a dosing regimen for the pre-clinical model that gives target organ concentrations that are similar to those achieved in humans. The drawback to this approach is that the levels of THC and other phytocannabinoids in the developing human brain after cannabis use are not known. A compromise would be to determine the levels of these compounds in human fetal blood and assume that the partitioning between blood and brain in the fetal rodent and human brains are similar. However, even for THC, human fetal blood levels are not known with any certainty. A few studies have looked at fetal cannabinoid levels in umbilical cord (blood) at delivery. However, most of these focus on THC metabolites (e.g., THC-COOH⁴⁵,⁴⁶) for identifying exposure to cannabis, rather than active components, such as THC or 11-OH-THC, making them less useful for determining the quantity of active component that the developing brain has been exposed to. A single study has looked at fetal levels of THC following a single 0.3 mg/kg i.v. dose of THC in pregnant rhesus monkeys.⁴⁷ This study found peak plasma fetal values of THC to be ~ 5% of maternal THC and substantial THC was detected in fetal brain and liver. Interestingly, almost no THC-9-COOH was detected in the fetuses, suggesting impaired fetal phase I metabolism of THC. While the acute dosing data are helpful, fetal levels after chronic dosing would be more helpful in designing models for THC exposure. Further confounds for human studies including unknown dose, unknown duration between last dose and sampling, an incomplete understanding of transport of phytocannabinoids across the placental and fetal blood-brain barrier, and so on, make these values only useful as a rough guide. It is likely that in US states with more liberal cannabis legislation, additional studies are ongoing and these data will be forthcoming.

    Other considerations with dosing are frequency of dose and if the dose should be increased during the treatment period to mimic escalating use as could occur with humans if tolerance develops. Frequency of dosing should incorporate patterns of human cannabis use. However, this is quite variable and may range from several times daily to once every few days. Thus if the pre-clinical model is mimicking heavy use, daily or twice daily dosing may be appropriate. However, for occasional use, dosing every few days would be most appropriate. As mentioned previously, it is important to determine target organ phytocannabinoid concentrations with these different dosing schemes to better understand their translational relevance and to facilitate comparison between experiments. Certainly, experiments that vary dosing schedule, while maintaining other variables constant, can give important data on how varying exposure of the target organ to the phytocannabinoid may modify the outcome.

    Table 1


    While there will never be an ideal model for developmental cannabis exposure, the validity and predictive validity of the models used can be improved by careful attention to some of the details discussed previously.


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    Chapter 2: Epigenetic imprint: An underlying link to developmental effects of prenatal cannabis exposure

    Anissa Bara; Yasmin L. Hurd    Departments of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Addiction Institute of Mount Sinai, Friedman Brain Institute, Mount Sinai, NY, United States


    Recent years have been transformational in regard to the perception of the health risks and benefits of cannabis with increased acceptance of use. This has unintended neurodevelopmental implications given the increased use of cannabis and the potent levels of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol today being consumed by pregnant women. In this chapter, we provide an overview of the molecular effects of cannabinoid exposure during the prenatal period, in which the endogenous cannabinoid system plays a fundamental role in neurodevelopmental processes. We also highlight the important contribution of epigenetic reprogramming as a critical link underlying the molecular processes that maintain the long-term impact of such an early exposure into

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