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Without A Gun
Without A Gun
Without A Gun
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Without A Gun

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a Test this is my book... it is a good book.. All work and no play makes Gnome a dull boy.

Release dateOct 28, 2018
Without A Gun

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    Without A Gun - Lou 'Gnome' Levite

    For the children of Earth, so they may grow up in a world a little better than I had.

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    Truth isn’t truth? Rudy, I will bet you my life verses yours that this truth is truth - depending upon what your meaning of the word 'is' is. The name is Lou Levite (pronounced lé vēēt), better known today as Gnome (nōm), and I am about to change your world.

    Talk about some dirty laundry. Let’s see if we can make Michael Avenatti’s prediction of Da Führer resigning come true. [True story: An old housemate from the Compound in Atlanta and his wife are well-known adult film stars who have made a film with Mr. Avenatti’s famous adult film star client. Small world, huh?] Bet this will help him to resign in disgrace.

    Thirty years ago today, I was working for Donald Trump as a craps dealer in his flagship casino and Atlantic City centerpiece, Trump Plaza. My short-lived casino career began four-years previous, at the young and impressionable age of nineteen, when I was too young to legally enter a casino. The skyline of Atlantic City surely has changed since then. So too, have the owners of the different casinos. In fact, my old college became a university and bought the Showboat Casino to use as a campus until the Trump Taj Mahal sued them and made them sell because of some previous contract that stated it could only be used for a gambling hall. On the day I left the Plaza, I cursed it, Donald Trump, that town, and that business. Since then, Trump Plaza has gone bankrupt and closed its doors for good, along with four other casinos (one the Trump Taj Mahal) and is scheduled to be imploded soon. A coincidence? Maybe so and maybe not, but I never believed in coincidences.

    The first completed draft of Without a Gun came in 1991, but was written, over and over, in my mind since 1985, and on some paper[sic], since 1988. There were three chapters and 25,000 words that were taken out of that first draft. What was left, proofed, edited, and reassembled over the years, is what you read here today. To all who have helped, thank you. It has, intermittently, been on the Internet since 2000 or 2001, either at or dot net, and since May of 2015 has been, up until recently, at for all to read, free of charge.

    Now, I’m cashin’ in! Someone, if not everyone, owes me.

    The book used to have a subtitle, A Heartsong, which was added later during editing in the late ‘90s for the Internet. I decided on Without a Gun in 1984 or five, for reasons that will become clear. A heartsong is something I learned while in hiding and living in the woods with the Rainbow Family of Living Light. We sit in a circle facing each other. In Native American fashion, a feather is held by one in the circle. Only the person with the feather can speak. To tell a painful truth, such as this story, is called a heartsong. Thus, the subtitle name. While with the Rainbows, at a Pennsylvania gathering in September 1992, I was given the name Gnome. From there onward, everyone was introduced to Gnome whenever meeting me for the first time; it has since been my Nom De Guerre, and the reason it was included on the cover. For many years, anyone who met me never knew my real name, and seldom heard my heartsong. I have been, however, able to keep it off the NCIC for two and a half decades. To the government, I was always Lou Levite - never giving a nick-name. It has been being given out, online, for a few years now.

    Reasons why it took so long to publish this brick and mortar version were due to several factors, first of which was my going into hiding from Donald Trump. Next were the many publishers who turned this down in 1992. Can’t blame them. It was the unrefined first version - 550 double-spaced pages that were more a regurgitation of the facts and not much refinement; proofed and edited only once. I just wanted to get a publisher to read it so I could get a contract to finish it. They could have helped with editing. The first chapter, Overture, was pretty much untouched and still the same as it is in this publication, yet they all said they either weren’t interested or that it wouldn’t appeal to their audiences; and after all they read. (I wonder how many copies I will sell?) That made me even more uneasy knowing that they wouldn’t go against a current Mafia capo like Donald Trump, and I went further into hiding. I even tried again in 1998 to no avail. And the last reason this took so long, is that Lord Trump had too many people who loved him. It would be very hard to convince people that their hero is Mafia. His fans must be taught the truth.

    Why now? Many reasons, most of which are very complicated and subjects for future publications. One reason is that today there are more people in this country who now do not like Donald Trump after seeing him in action and would be willing to believe this unbelievable story. Trumpets are also doing me harm since the election once they find out I am no fan of 45. Plus, I had no idea how easy it was to now publish a book on my own. Too bad Duckie Boy never saw that coming. But the main reason, if I had to pick one, would be Rudy Giuliani, who proved to me that Durkheim’s theory of Anomie is real. This is a subject America must discuss. I had been feeling very suicidal since the turn of the year. My decades-long dislike of Donald Trump, and my frustrations in trying to navigate through this Hell we now call Trump’s America, had me reaching futility and deciding to just end it all. Then I saw that clown doing clown shows on television. Rudy Giuliani, a man who lives in a very thin glass house, was all over the television spewing lies out of his very frightful face. When I saw and heard that, it was proven; anomie is real. In a sense, this is me, putting the gun to my head and pulling the trigger; only this trigger is an icon with the words Publish Now written on it.

    Anomie is how one could, or more to the point should, describe America. Kind of like a modern-day Sodom or Gomorrah. For those who have never studied the psychological sciences, or ever heard of the term Anomie, it comes to use from Emile Durkheim. According to The Editors of the Encyclopedia Britannica dot com:

    "Anomie, also spelled anomy, in societies or individuals, a condition of instability resulting from a breakdown of standards and values or from a lack of purpose or ideals.

    "The term was introduced by the French sociologist Émile Durkheim in his study of suicide. He believed that one type of suicide (anomic) resulted from the breakdown of the social standards necessary for regulating behaviour. When a social system is in a state of anomie, common values and common meanings are no longer understood or accepted, and new values and meanings have not developed. According to Durkheim, such a society produces, in many of its members, psychological states characterized by a sense of futility, lack of purpose, and emotional emptiness and despair. Striving is considered useless, because there is no accepted definition of what is desirable.

    "American sociologist Robert K. Merton studied the causes of anomie, or normlessness, finding it severest in people who lack an acceptable means of achieving their personal goals. Goals may become so important that if the institutionalized means—i.e., those means acceptable according to the standards of the society—fail, illegitimate means might be used. Greater emphasis on ends rather than means creates a stress that leads to a breakdown in the regulatory structure—i.e., anomie. If, for example, a society impelled its members to acquire wealth yet offered inadequate means for them to do so, the strain would cause many people to violate norms. The only regulating agencies would be the desire for personal advantage and the fear of punishment. Social behaviour would thus become unpredictable. Merton defined a continuum of responses to anomie that ranged from conformity to social innovation, ritualism, retreatism, and, finally, rebellion. Delinquency, crime, and suicide are often reactions to anomie.

    "Although Durkheim’s concept of anomie referred to a condition of relative normlessness of a society or social group, other writers have used the term to refer to conditions of individuals. In this psychological usage, anomie means the state of mind of a person who has no standards or sense of continuity or obligation and has rejected all social bonds. Individuals may feel that community leaders are indifferent to their needs, that society is basically unpredictable and lacking order, and that goals are not being realized. They may have a sense of futility and a conviction that associates are not dependable sources of support."

    Do I really need to pull all that apart and explain? The casino business is anomie. Those who participate have anomie. My actions in this book and my actions happening currently today are all due to a feeling of anomie and the knowledge that I live in the middle of a society suffering from it. Please try to remember that as you read this. I am willing to bet that what you read above feels eerily familiar to many people—with many of the same feelings from the same observations. This is why the suicide rate is on the rise and will only grow. The opiate crisis is just a first step. What is it most of you think is the reason why these people are killing themselves? Can you say, A N O M I E? They see the world for what it’s worth and decide to participate no more.

    This book is a true story written almost thirty years ago. It contains real and fictitious names of real people. No names of any locations were changed, and all were real places at the time of writing. It also reflects my feelings at the time (I have changed, just a little). The book ends in October of 1991, half a lifetime ago. From there started the next chapter of my life; the second half - Act Two. After visiting Black Hawk, Colorado to see their new gambling operations, I moved in with some folks in Durango, where I bought the latest in technology, a Tandy 286 computer for $1200 and worked on my first edit, proof, and printing of the book to bring to a publisher. From what I can remember, only the friend who brought me in knew what the subject of the book was truly about. It did make her nervous. I did let a roommate read it when we got to Sedona. A girlfriend I once confided in, outside of Atlanta, when things seemed to be getting serious between us, did a proof for me (when everyone else in the area had no idea about it) in 1996 and stated that she never wanted it published. She didn’t want a life in the limelight, especially if the Mafia was coming after us. I knew it wouldn’t last but lied to myself and that was worse. From Colorado, I drove a 1972 VW microbus I bought using more of my rainy-day money to Oakland, California (driving around the state of Nevada), for the Grateful Dead’s New Year’s Eve shows. From there, I traveled back to the east coast to see my daughter whom I promised when I left I would see before her next birthday, which was four months away. But that meeting never occurred. What happened from the time I left that one room apartment in Aztec, New Mexico, in October 1991, are many stories in themselves that most people have trouble believing whenever I tell them. They truly are Forest Gump like stories. Even though I don’t lie, most people think I am when I tell my stories. The fact that I have survived this menagerie of freaks so far, without dying or ending up in jail for the rest of my life, is a testament to the universe and, and I know this may sound a bit cryptic, to how confused my mind really is. The stories I currently tell are usually about my life after 1991, but the ones in this publication, Act One of my life, are just as unbelievable to hear...especially being told by a kid from a small defunct coal-mining town in Pennsylvania. Their fault for hiring kids.

    The story is written as I lived it. I write in the ages I am describing as if it were the actual four, five, or six-year-old writing the story. In my adulthood, the language and the attitude turn adult, so be forewarned. If you are a prude and cannot read real people speaking real American English slang, then either grow-up or close the cover now. Anyone who reads this book will grow-up immediately. I wrote it with the same conviction I felt at the time; most of which hasn’t changed.

    What we have within our presidency today is a cancer on the planet and humankind. Everything, every life, every business that man touches, he destroys. As Mieke Eoyang told Nicole Wallis on her show one afternoon, Trump steals people’s dignity like the devil steals people’s souls. He is but an entity much like the people who believe and follow him, only this specific entity steals their dignity. Donny has been on a mission since birth and that is why he is the way he is. If he were short, you’d say he had a Napoléon complex.

    What Donald Ducklips is doing to this world is a travesty. It’s a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham, if you get my meaning. It is BS, and I’m not going to live under his banana republic. He is a bad joke. Within the essence of my inner being, I know that Vladimir Putin is playing this fool/idiot/moron. Using Occam’s Razor, we will all come to that conclusion. Those that haven’t done so yet, get using the Razor and figure it out. The FBI already have, and they know the penalty. The game is over. It’s time to grow up folks.

    This country seems too scared to know the truth. That is obvious by the way we accept Drumpf’s (real family name) gaslighting us all. Because of that, I do not believe the American people are ever going to learn this truth between Trump and Putin. That would be embarrassing and could prove quite dangerous. Robert Mueller may choose to not disclose this information just to save face with the world and avoid war with Russia. To learn this would be to learn that Russia committed an act of war by blackmailing our president and interfering with the country’s elections. Not only that, but I also believe that Putin exports this knowledge of how to control our president. Perhaps he sells it for a billion dollars. Perhaps he sold it to Kim Jong-un and that is exactly why Trump is now kissing Kim’s ass. Maybe Putin just gave it to Kim for kicks. The Russians were an ally of China and North Korea during the fighting in the fifties; not too friendly with us. Maybe now that this has published, and the truth of Hair Führer is more accepted, Mueller can disclose. The truth just might surprise you; unless you are delusional. [July 13th, 2018: Mueller indicts 12 Russians who make up the social names, Guccifer 2.0 and DCLeaks. He is willing to expose this act of war, but what about the blackmail, and Trump's treason?]

    To the Russians I say only this: once this fool leaves office, give the American people what you have been holding over Donald Trump’s head (if our CIA doesn’t have it already), and the American people will not attack. We will not be friendly with you any longer, but we will not attack. We understand it is Donald Trump’s fault, and we will take care of him and his family – siblings too. We just want to know the truth.

    People just love Trump’s Sam Rothstein act. Does anyone remember Sam Rothstein? He was the fictitious character played by Robert DiNero in the movie Casino, the true story of Frank ‘Lefty’ Rosenthal, the mastermind of Las Vegas. His variety show was called Aces High. Trump was just the same thing for the east coast. Trump Card...ha.

    During the primaries and through the general election, I did a lot of traveling. I also had a blog about Trump’s run on my website, One thing I notice about the Trump supporters was how they, a lot of them, would tell me that they were voting for him because they really believed he could not be bought because he was so rich. Uncorruptable they called it. Sheeple, I call them. But those folks don’t know what it takes to get rich, or how Don Donny really made his money before most of them were even born. Other than those things mentioned above by Robert K. Merton about cutting fairness, the real way that Gigantor makes his money is by underpaying his employees and overcharging his customers; that and the fraud. That is how all the rich got and get rich. There is no other way. But the one thing none of the Trumpets ever thought of was that because he is so rich, he is rich enough to pay off anyone in our government for anything he wants them to do; either to make him look good, or more than likely to make his family money. He has given his family a billion dollars from his tax cut, opposite of what he said he would do while campaigning. People believed him. No matter what it was: the teleprompter he said he would never read from, the broken promise that we would all be seeing his tax return, or his wife’s speech he promised that she was going to give about her immigration to the United States, it was all just a pack of lies, and I feel the true Trumpets, or Trumptards as I call them, would go down with the ship rather than admit they were wrong (about anything). Others won’t be surprised and will stick to him the same; those are the truly wicked ones. They see his malice, yet they stay with him because they don’t care. He is them. They are living vicariously through him. I know one thing after meeting the Trump base: it’s not going to be easy to arrest him...yet.

    Donald ‘Genghis Khan’ Trump gets a lot of help from Rudy Giuliani and Chris Christie. Ever wonder why? Probably because they used to go into his casinos to take their payoffs – their cuts. You know how Trump loves to talk. Those guys used to hang out together at the casinos while they investigated the Mafia. Do you think they were naive about what really happened inside the casino business? Not on your life. Not even James Comey could be that naive. They knew, and they played the game. They let it continue for payoffs. The others might not know, but look at how people like Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, or Paul Ryan, used to talk smack about him and how they have all gone 180 since. You think Trump convinced them that he was not a shady character like they told their constituents? No way. He paid them to change their positions. They’re politicians. Every man has his price. Go back and look at the videotapes. If they take opposite positions on the same subject dealing with opposite political parties, you know they are either bought off, in it for themselves or just plain stupid. Let us hear them say they were wrong. That goes for all the lawmakers. Either way, we don’t need them, and I don’t want them. Why are they still around when they all need to go! Trump has less than 300 people he needs to pay-off between the two houses. So you give each $3 million and you still have seven or eight billion dollars left to your name. Are you people blind? This is Donald Trump we are talking about! Not only can you pay him off (which no one believes), or blackmail him, you can also collect a lot of money for changing your position on his presidency, and if you’re a member of his cabinet, make a lot of money working for it. Why do you think he has millionaires and billionaires in his cabinet? It is because they pay him his price for the job. Those people don’t need the government salaries. Nor do they care about serving the little people of these United States. They have those jobs because they are rigging the game to benefit themselves once they leave. And now Trump gets to pick his second Supreme Court appointment? Are you guys catching on yet? COY?

    There are many reasons why we have that uneducated moron as our president today. It started at home with his father telling him he was better than everyone else. His father would tell him that he was a killer and a king. Made him repeat it. And Duckie? He believed it. From there, the keys to the kingdom were given to him, and he was on his way. But the biggest reasons for this presidency is us. Us, and Hillary, and Bernie, and the press; we all are to blame. I have had this book online for a long time. Between 2001 and 2002, it received 5000 hits per month. Today, the site is blocked from the spider by unknown forces and receives way fewer hits. Many news pundits, politicians and celebrities from the past have seen it. They could have run with it at any time. It has also been fully downloaded by many different government agencies from the United States and elsewhere in the world. A major advertising company from New York City was on it for an entire month in the summer of 2016. So, it is our own faults for not accepting the truth about Da Führer, thus allowing other countries to blackmail him because he is too embarrassed to admit the truth, and we cannot, or will not, accept it. Today, he commits treason as a Russian puppet, and all because of anomie; a spell forced on all of us by those who want all the money. The only way for them to get as rich as they are is to convince others that one, they don’t care, and two, being rich is the one thing we all strive to be. They must steal our souls. So, how one gets rich is of no concern to the average person. A lot of people know what it takes to acquire wealth and want nothing to do with it. They sense the anomie, they just don’t know what to call it. Others are mesmerized by wealth. The fact that he is rich is all they see when they look at Drumpf, or any other millionaire or billionaire. It was anomie that placed that idiot into office, and no one cares because we all have anomie. Anomie is causing me to publish my work today. Because I just don’t care what happens afterwards. I’m already dead in my world. Even if the supporters suspect or know Big Bird is a criminal, they don’t care; he’s rich and what he is selling feels good. Right now, though, I’m too tired to get into everything that had a hand in this fiasco, so I will leave this subject at that.

    In my opinion, the Oompa Loompa is treasonously through the Russians trying to start a civil (race) war. The shooting has already begun in the way Trumptards are treating those against their hero or even the minorities in this country. People are becoming emboldened to attack brown people speaking Spanish in this country or black children selling lemonade on the side of the road. No real shots, yet symbolically the same. You can also see it from the Democrats. (Not everyone against Trump is for replacing him with a Democrat; I’m not – nor a Republican.) And he is doing this to save capitalism. The rich know we are waking up and capitalism is about to fall. Everyone who voted for Agent Orange knew he was a greedy racist and knew he was a misogynist, yet they overlooked those flaws in favor of receiving a tyrannical judge that would overturn Roe v Wade. They sold their souls for things they do not fully understand. Either that or they hated the other guy/gal. I wanted to vote for him because I knew he would turn out as he did, and that would make selling this book much easier, but I voted for myself, which I often do. Perhaps you will now catch on that you have to be a real asshole to be a billionaire. You have to break the rules - even commit crimes. Big Bird has proven that he can shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue, and not lose any supporters. He has done it repeatedly. How will they think of him now after reading this book? My experience has been, they will deny its facts without even opening it up in fear of facing the truth, and that is hard to wrap my head around. They will never accept the fact that the hero they spoke so highly about or attacked people for is a Mafia crony who stole money from people and employed individuals who would intimidate other Trump employees to keep them in line because it never happened to them. Will they ever comprehend that he may have even ordered contracts on his enemies? I believe he did it to me. (I’m willing to take a polygraph.) How many of them have lost money at a Trump casino? Hell, what happened, happened to me and I know a very good friend who knew of my story and still voted for, and is still supporting, President Bonespurs; My parents even did and still do. It happened to me, not them. And this is a friend who would seriously hurt anyone else if they had done the same thing to me in his presence. But it is Trump, and my friend is a millionaire, or close to it, that has anomie. I just hope he picks the right side. How many more recounts from former Trump employees telling the same stories of their own lives will it take before they will believe all this? Let me make it easy for them.

    Most of you Trump supporters used to believe in things like Santa Clause, flying reindeer, the Easter Bunny, leprechauns, invisible friends living under your beds or in your closets when younger, yet faced the cold hard truth that those entities were not real. At some point in time, in your life, your reality had changed. It may have been hard, it may have been easy, but it still happened. It can happen again, just like it did when you were younger. All you have to do is think for yourselves, and you will figure it out. Or do you still believe in those things above? [Special thanks to Sarah Silverman for being the one to point-out most of this solution (not sure if she mentioned thinking for yourself). Hope I got it right!]

    Trump destroys everyone who goes to work for him. He gives them winks as he expects them to cover for him for no other reasons than he is rich and famous, and now he is powerful! Most people do what he asks. He destroys the souls of anyone impressed by his wealth and/or fame; power too. Kids just out of high school and college are expected to conform or leave without ever speaking a sound of the truth. Well, not me. You hear me, Donald Trump! I was one person whose soul you could never steal. You, nor that business, ever impressed me. Those you impress, those that conform to your ways of telling lies and making money, are, and were, just weak minded from the start, which was why you can, and could, turn them into beings they were never meant to be. Perhaps now they will start thinking for themselves.

    Why is it that Agent Orange can turn the most trusted person into a deceiver that no one has any idea they cannot trust? Mostly, because he has money. Lots of money. So much money that he employs thousands of people in need of a place to stay, and a meal. They don’t work for him because they are rich. Those thousands of people are now taxpayers, paying income tax, consuming apartments and food and paying state sales and federal Excise taxes on everything else. That is why the government lets this rich a-hole get away with whatever he wants. Little Hands, along with the other job creators, gives a cut to the Mafia in charge, the government; a tax. As earners, they must kick up to the bosses. He could just keep the money and hire no one. That is what they do when they shut down businesses. They close them up having made millions or billions of dollars, while the employees made enough to ensure they returned to work the next week. When those businesses close, the former employees become destitute. Ask any ex Trump employee.

    The rich are viewed by those wanting to be rich, as people with a lot of respect - so much respect that they couldn’t possibly be corrupt. This type of treatment, of the rich, creates an atmosphere within the wannabes (whom will more than likely never be rich) not being able to comprehend how anyone who is rich could be corrupt. That is because they cannot understand that to be rich, you must be corrupt. You must either underpay employees or overcharge customers; or both. This is the only way the rich get so rich. Unless you won the lottery, or are the recipient of an inheritance, you better come up with some scam to get rich by. The rich are corrupt. In other words, the rich are evil. So, the problem with most of the poor isn’t that they cannot get rich, it’s that they cannot turn evil. Nobody can even identify evil in this country. Evil is something that existed in days of old. Today, evil is only the killer that kills humans for sport or personal gain, not the rich guy, wearing a smile and a business suit while lying and stealing your time and money – your futures.

    So, how do we identify evil? Well, first off, evil would never be married, smile or laugh. It would never have children, or a nice car and an expensive house, or wear a suit. And evil would never be rich, especially if you have a "Job type outlook about wealth and where it comes from. Evil would never say, God bless America, or I love you all." Right? Wrong! That is exactly what evil would say because that is how evil wants you to think. Evil wants you to believe that only a good person would wear that disguise. They want you to believe that evil would have brown skin, long hair and a beard, be jobless, spouseless, penniless, homeless, and live in the woods helping his friends and those in need. There is a man that I know of, that fits that description quite well, but I don’t think anyone would ever call Him evil. But most of all, evil would never be your father, or your mother, your son, or daughter. And why is that? Could it be because evil is a deceiver, like the first known deceiver there ever was? Because of that, our loyalties to our friends and families will be our downfalls. I was just doing what my father asked of me, won’t cut it. So, ask yourself, is this person being selfless, or selfish? Do they have my best interest at heart, or are they trying to deceive me for reasons unknown to me? When you figure that out, you will be able to identify evil. Hint: if it lies, or is selfish, it’s evil.

    Unfortunately, as everyone knows, there is no God living on earth to judge anyone, so the rich know they can lie so long as everyone believes them. In this book, I mention God throughout. However, my interpretation of God is not the same as most Judeo/Christian believers’. I don’t subscribe to the my God is better than your God, (or even country) way of thought. Currently, here on earth, there is no one person who could tell you when this man is lying and have everyone believe it. All Trump has to say is, I’m telling you the truth, may God strike me with lightning if I am lying, and every Trumptard will believe him. No lightning bolt is going to hit him. Money gives the rich power that impresses, and that admiration makes them feel superior to any God. They become God, in their own minds. Our presidents are looked at as Gods since there is no real God here on earth to tell us the truth and punish the wicked with the spread of its arms. The rich know that, that’s why they do what they do. Their true realities are, There is no God but me, and everyone else is for my benefit, so live it up. What other reason would Donald Duck have for lying all the time to enrich himself? There is no other reason. It is because in his mind there is no God but himself, and everyone else is a sucker - here to serve and worship him.

    Before I end this Foreword, I would like to mention that this book has a subplot that deals with the very difficult subjects of child support and mental health. The Supreme Court will not touch those, but I will. In a nutshell, mental health problems are just due to anomie, which is caused by the rich, and married people sign and swear a pledge to each other, therefore, they must always raise the child equally. For single folks, it is a little different. Whoever claims to be the custodial parent shall pay. The other can share in the expenses if they so choose, it is just that the government will not force the non-custodial parent into slavery. Such an act goes against the known 13th amendment of 1865. This is nothing but a scam by the mafia...I mean government. You will all be reading more about that soon.

    What will happen now will be, and I love the pun, a craps shoot. Now that this book is in the air, there is no telling how it will fall. That will depend on what everyone does once they have finish reading. Will you back me up, or will you seek me harm? Could a movement start that has everyone telling their stories about their places of employment? Hopefully, anyone still supporting Trump will be singled out and sought after. Stay calm and speak the truth. What will happen will be liberating.

    Yesterday, I was watching CNN, when I saw a story where the Republicans pulled their support of my old lawyer, Seth Grossman. He was running for US Congress. You can’t have a man running for Congress who personally worked for me since 1984. That would be too much of a "distraction with this book coming out. What if he won, and went to Washington? He might hire me to be on his staff. From what I remember of Seth, he is a good man. His thinking today is a little twisted with his support for Trump, but what will he think of this situation now? Or is Seth Grossman someone who was paid-off to change his position? There is going to be a lot of egg on the faces of those in the Republican party. How will they react? Things that make you go, hmm." You really need to consider that.

    To the Trump supporters I say only this: if after reading this book you continue to support him, you become a true enemy of humanity, and I cannot feel bad for whatever will befall you. You can, however, take notice of your folly, and join those fighting the evil. We are waiting for you to give us our world – not yours.

    As far as who I am, Trump knows. In fact, I am willing to bet my life that my name and this work is mentioned on the Cohen tapes. I say that with 100% confidence. If not, and I am wrong, boy, weren’t we both fools? It looks like I’m going to die soon. Guess I won(?) a game we weren’t playing. As I’ve tweeted to Michael Cohen in the past, You wanna sue me? Sue me. I beg you. That goes for anyone else mentioned in this book.

    To Donald Trump, I say only

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