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Changing Into a Furry 1
Changing Into a Furry 1
Changing Into a Furry 1
Ebook27 pages23 minutes

Changing Into a Furry 1

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A young women around the age of 22, finds herself in her single bedroom apartment not where she is used to as everything goes dark, and she soon finds herself wanting to get naked, and then go out of her apartment, once she does she finds herself surround in a dark forest, and yet she is no afraid as she steps outside of the apartment and shuts the door as she does so she is now somewhere else, and not where she used to be at.

She looks around and then meets a dog man, a furry, who takes her in and tells her that he has brought her here, as he knows her desires as she has dreamt of having sex with furries and with mythological beast and monsters, as well as aliens. She dreamt of a white knight taking her off her feet and taken her from her life as she barely has the means to survive, now all of her past life, is gone and now she is on another world, where she can experience love, and peace and start a family with the beings she has so long desired, but there is also a secret, they can also change her into a furry as well.

As this is just a short prelude to her journey on a new world, as she finds she is the only female on this world, surround by male furries of all types and as such, she likes the idea of having many husbands, and bring forth many children.
Release dateJul 29, 2022
Changing Into a Furry 1

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    Changing Into a Furry 1 - Christy Horse

    Changing Into a Furry 1

    Copyright (C) 2022

    By Christy Horse

    Copyright Page

    Copyright © 2022 Christy Horse

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Names, characters, and places are products of the author’s imagination.

    First printing, 2022.

    ISBN: 978-1-387-74047-5


    Author Notes

    Author Notes and Warnings: All characters in this story are 18 years and older, this is a work of fiction and as such do not try this on your own.

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    Changing Into a Furry 1

    My name is not totality important I am 22 years old, white with some Hispanic features as my mother is of European descent and my father who is from Mexico, after a long day’s work at where I worked at, which is mostly at a dead end job, as I barely make enough to live off of, and I wish at times for a handsome well built and wealthy man to come lift me off my feet and take me far from where I am now.

    However, I soon found that I may have gotten that wish, and another wish as one of the things which has always been a fantasy of mine, since wolfmen, or dogmen do not exist, is to be a wife to one, I have heard stories about them, both the good and the bad, but there is far more bad then good, but this does not swing my fantasies of having babies with one, and being one of their wife’s not all of them but with one of them of course, living free off the land, and not worrying about things, and being free, naked even, being wild and untamed but not uncaring to other people.

    Another fantasy and more likely would be best would be taken by

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