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Classic Bedtime Stories for Kids (4 Books in 1): Kids Bedtime Story
Classic Bedtime Stories for Kids (4 Books in 1): Kids Bedtime Story
Classic Bedtime Stories for Kids (4 Books in 1): Kids Bedtime Story
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Classic Bedtime Stories for Kids (4 Books in 1): Kids Bedtime Story

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About this ebook

We can use stories to speak to the mind, body, and spiritual things beyond our understanding but resonate with them in a profound, direct, and indirect way.

Stories are created in our language to supply tangible methods for determining things that are seemingly beyond our world, like space, the heavens, the foremost distant depths of the world, and the longest depths of souls.

Through storytelling, we can shape our inner landscapes and be guided on journeys that might seem impossible were it not for the facility of our imaginations.

When specifically applied to specific moments in our lives, individual stories and myths and guided narratives offer spiritual and spiritual transformation and physical transformations.

"Bedtime Stories" contains relaxing stories to fall asleep fast, for stress relief and a good night's sleep.

These stories are designed to bring the mind and soul into an environment hypnotic and relaxing. It offers a journey to the farthest points of space and time, from the world's acute depths to the littlest microcosm, to the farthest reaches of our known universe, to the last macroscope.

These tales are relaxing to read and excellent for those who got to catch some sleep. With each story, you will be swept off into a faraway place, a dreamland where people, places, and things aren't as they appear - where everything seems almost…surreal in a sense. Doing so offers an excellent way to understand these stories.

"Bedtime Stories" will give you all the information you need to start making and serving up delicious and nutritious dishes in minutes.

As you get through life, there are tons of things that would have transpired in the day, but having a calm and quiet night's rest is the best way to recuperate and stay in shape. Nothing compares to a memorable bedtime story under comfortable spreads.

Do not hesitate to grab a COPY today!
Release dateMay 10, 2022
Classic Bedtime Stories for Kids (4 Books in 1): Kids Bedtime Story

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    Classic Bedtime Stories for Kids (4 Books in 1) - Brenda Turner

    Adam and Andy

    A long, long time ago, in a far, far away desert overflowing with sand, there existed a massive family of Ants. Every day, the hot sun shone down on the desert, and there had been no rain for a long time. The Ants resided in a colony under the sand and were governed by a powerful King named Julian.

    King Julian was the greatest ant king ever; he was brilliant and smart, and he had two boys, Prince Andy the elder ant and Prince Adam, the younger and.

    As King Julian got older, he needed to decide which of his two sons would become King, but it was a tough choice since he equally cherished both of his sons. He didn't think of anything else but couldn't distinguish between the two.

    He had a nightmare that night! He was terrified by his dream, but he wanted to share it with the ants the next day.

    The next day, King Julian convened a conference of the whole colony. He started speaking after all of the ants had landed.

    I decided to learn about the annual Sun Festival we're organizing next week, my fellow Ants, he said. But first, I'd like to discuss something else, the King sighed and continued, As you know, we haven't had any rain in years. And in certain respects, this is a positive thing, because when it doesn't pour, we can go beyond our colony and find food every day. However, the King stopped and turned to face the audience. Many of the Ants, including Prince Andy and Price Adam, were waiting with bated breath to hear what the King will suggest next...

    However, I had a nightmare last night. It was such a terrible nightmare that I'm scared for both of us! The Ants were all taken aback when they heard those sentences! Is the mighty King afraid?

    I dream that the sun went down unexpectedly as we enjoyed our annual Sun Festival with the whole colony! Dark clouds obscured the heavens! Within seconds, I heard very loud thunder that sounded like a massive earthquake! Then I saw large, massive drops of water dropping from the sky! It was as if the sky was collapsing on top of us! Half of the colony was washed out in a matter of seconds. We lost our homes, shelter, and loved ones! The King stood there with a terrified expression on his lips. Many of the ants seemed to be frightened. They remained quiet, unsure about what to say next.

    I'm not sure if that's a message to any of us. But I'm curious what you, our courageous Ant colony, think we should do next. Will we postpone this year's festival if my worst fear comes true, or should we move on as planned? Will we strive to devise a scheme to hold our colony secure if we move ahead? What are your thoughts, my sons?" The King inquired about his sons. Prince Andy was the first to react, answering all of the Ants.

    Real, the King, my Father, had seen an awful dream. Yet I don't see why the annual Sun Festival could be canceled. Everyone has terrible dreams now and then, but they are just that: dreams. Our dreams do not control us. The majority of the colony agreed with Prince Andy and applauded loudly to demonstrate their approval.

    The King then requested that Adam express his feelings. He paused before talking. What my brother has said is right. Our dreams do not dominate our lives. But, what if anything like this would happen? What will happen to our families, food stores, and loved ones? The reality is that we have no means of avoiding a tragedy like this. So, I believe we can postpone the celebration until next week and begin working on a rescue strategy.

    Only a few Ants supported Prince Adam, and no one cheered for him. Those Ants who backed Prince Andy mocked Prince Adam and his few backers.

    To avoid a dispute, the King chose to make both of the Ants comfortable. The King instructed Prince Andy to continue planning for the Sun Festival as scheduled, and Prince Adam immediately began working on a rescue strategy.

    Many of the Ants began to mock Prince Adam, calling him a fool, because they couldn't understand why a rescue strategy was needed because they had all been fine in the past!

    Some of the Ants thought Prince Adam was crazy. Any of the other Ants commented that he was losing his mind.

    Even Prince Adam's girlfriend informed him, Adam, you ought to stop this. Everyone assumes you're wasting your time and are a moron! Yet Prince Adam was unfazed, telling himself, Sticks and stones may crack my bones, but titles will never harm me. He was so adamant. He was well aware that they had a rescue strategy. And no matter what they did, he wasn't going to let anybody interrupt him.

    I'm going to focus on this proposal for you and will finish it! I hope one day this will save our colony! he exclaimed to those who mocked him.

    For the next two days, Prince Adam devised the ideal strategy for his rescue. First, he requested permission from the King to ration meals and store surplus food in a certain part of the colony. The King agreed and directed the ants to contribute one-third of their regular meals to the other food storage site. The Ants did as the King demanded, but not one of them agreed; they felt Prince Adam was cruel!

    Prince Adam's next idea was to build a large, strong, concrete underground room where all the ants might assemble in case of an emergency. He planned the room with the aid of his colleagues, and they created it together! The hall's walls were so solid and dense that even an elephant couldn't crack through them! The ceiling was also very sturdy and very heavy, such that not even one of the tallest soldier Ants with his longest spear could scratch it! Nonetheless, the other Ants mocked Prince Adam for wasting his time.

    Adam's next plan was to build a network of underground tunnels such that any of the Ants could quickly access the large room from anywhere in the colony or outside. All, even the King, felt it was a ridiculous concept. Why did they need special tunnels because there was already a hallway leading to the room? But Prince Adam was certain that if a large crowd of ants wanted to get down there all at once, the current corridor would be too narrow.

    Finally, the King decided to accept Prince Adam's proposal, but he was also skeptical. And, while Prince Adam was focusing all of his attention on making the rescue mission a success, Prince Andy loved his job planning for the Sun Festival, dining, drinking, and socializing with his peers. Prince Andy and his followers agreed that the King would choose Andy as the next King anyway, so they may as well have fun.

    Finally, the Sun Festival had arrived. Every Ant in the colony was ecstatic. They all suited up in their finest attire! It was like being at a massive carnival. There were magic displays, music, gladiator wars, and a massive fair with a gigantic Ferris wheel! Stalls were selling sparkly diamonds, new fine dresses for the lady Ants, toys for the younger Ants, and, of course, plenty of the newest gadgets for the man Ants to try to purchase. There was still plenty of decent food and drink, and the Ants were having a great time.

    Finally, the King and his sons landed. All applauded the King and Prince Andy, but they booed bad Prince Adam! The King took the stage and began to deliver his address.

    He felt something tremble under his feet just when he was about to talk. He then detected a rumble that sounded like thunder. He stared into the distance and saw a massive sand pillar emerging not far away! Is it raining? He inquired about his sons. Is it a sandstorm? Prince Andy inquired, his voice trembling. Someone shouted just then. It's as if there's been an earthquake!

    They finally knew what it was. It was a swarm of ant eaters charging into the ant colony! Nobody has ever seen something like it!

    Prince Adam yelled, Run to the closest tunnel entrance! During the next few minutes, all of the Ants dashed to the closest tunnel entry. Since Prince Adam had made too many exits, it was convenient for all of the ants to get into the tunnels without getting injured easily. All dashed down the tunnels and met in the massive space that Prince Adam and his friends had built.

    It was terrifying, but they all remained silent for a long time. They could still hear rumbling noises from above the colony for a few hours, but things seemed to have died down, and everything was peaceful again. A couple of the soldier Ants were sent up to check the shore, which was open.

    Adam saved our lives! One Ant applauded.

    He is, really, a hero! Another individual screamed.

    Adam, you saved my marriage, said his girlfriend, hugging him tightly.

    And everybody began to applaud Adam.

    Prince Adam spared hip Hip Hoorah, Hip Hip Hoorah, Hip Hip Hoorah, Hip Hip Hoorah, Hip Hip Hoorah, Hip Hip Hoorah, Hip Hip Hoorah, Hip Hip Hoorah, Hip Hip Hoorah, Hip Hip Hoorah, Hip Hip Hoorah, Hip Hip Hoorah, Hip Our lives! All applauded.

    Even though I didn't approve of what you were doing at first, I can now see that your persistence and diligent work has finally paid off, Adam, the King, said. Otherwise, the anteaters may have consumed or stamped on all of us! Adam, I am so proud of you. You have taught us all about perseverance and hard work. Furthermore, you showed us that, regardless of what others think, one should believe in oneself and strive hard to accomplish one's goals. And there is no finer life lesson than that!"

    As you all are experiencing, I at this moment name Prince Adam as the next King! The Ants erupted in applause. Prince Adam, according to Prince Andy, should be the next King. They raised Prince Adam onto their heads and began to sing and dance.

    They chanted, Hail the new King!

    When Prince Adam became King Adam, he never lost what he had learned, and he governed the colony as the greatest ever King!

    The Five Children and the Old Lady

    The holiday season has arrived! Christmas is here after just a few hours of anticipation! Yet this old lady has been unhappy on Christmas Eve. She is alone because no one is around to spend the upcoming season with her.

    Jingle bells, jingle bells, a group of small children sings outside her house. She was preparing a roasted turkey when she heard them perform. She washed her hands and dried them with a cloth before going to the door to see what was going on outside.

    When she opened the gates, she saw five children dressed in various costumes. They kept performing the Jingle Bells song and amused the old Lady from the outside. She was initially irritated, but she then became intrigued at how these kids sang the tune.

    They're adorable, and you can tell they're having a good time. The elderly lady praised the initiative.

    That's why, after their album, she invited them to accompany her inside her home. They all seemed to be starving, so she inquired, How long have you been singing around the neighborhood?

    The tallest one replied as he began unbuttoning his coat and seated alongside her little sister; we started from 3 p.m. until now; the old Lady nodded as she mentally calculated how long they had been walking along the lane.

    She was taken aback and exclaimed, You've been driving and singing for almost 4 hours! She shouted, Are your parents not concerned about you? By now, you should be having dinner at home.

    We called them, and they said it was okay if we stayed until eight o'clock at night. We were having a good time, and our subdivision is safe, so we shouldn't be concerned. Prim spoke to the elderly lady.

    Okay, so thank you for keeping my Christmas Eve meaningful; please join me for dinner. The old lady grinned and replied happily.

    Wow, are you serious? Jasper, the adorable little chubby baby, shouted, Thank you! I'm so hungry right now! He smiled, and they all laughed with him.

    What are we having for dinner, Mrs...?

    I'm Mrs. Wilson, the old lady introduced herself, and I've been staying here alone for almost a decade. They all fell quiet, saddened by what the old lady had gone through, then she added and grinned, For Christmas, I've prepared roasted turkey and white pasta! Come eat with me before you all go. She led them to the dining room.

    The children all followed her quietly. She set the table for them. She directed the blessing and provided the meal until they fed. She found that they were all still deafeningly silent.

    Hello, young people! What's the deal with your sad expression? She inquired.

    Mrs. Wilson, please accept our heartfelt apologies. We just figured living alone was lonely, so the tallest one stopped for a moment and stared at his friends as though expressing something through their eyes; I guess we should send you a hug.

    Mrs. Wilson's mouth formed an O as the children approached her and offered her a huge wet community embrace. She was so moved! She couldn't think of something to say to her. They were so sweet, and this was the greatest Christmas present she'd ever got.

    After a bit, the kids would tell their goodbyes because it is getting late. Their parents may be concerned at this stage, so she allowed them to leave right after dinner.

    Mrs. Wilson, don't worry, we'll come by every day, or as much as we may; the old lady appeared teary-eyed.

    I always enjoy your presence here, kids, and thank you for making my Christmas Eve so memorable. I miss my late husband and my grown children. But you just took away the agony from here, she said, referring into her left chest. She kissed their foreheads and offered them candies and cookies.

    They ate the sweets in her lap, which were gummy worms and bees. They ate them cheerfully before saying farewell to the old lady.

    The Angel of Orange

    Once upon a time, long ago, there was a large garden of all white butterflies! There were no black, red, blue, or green butterflies; just white! And the white butterflies liked it; they both looked and behaved the same; they were comfortable and didn't want anything to improve.

    The other butterfly that stood out was Leo, the king of the butterflies. He was much larger than the majority of the white butterflies.

    Can you see hundreds of white butterflies flying in the wind together in the garden? It seemed to be large white fluffy clouds hovering just over the horizon!

    There was a major thunderstorm one evening during a scorching and humid day. It was the terrifying thunderstorm the butterflies have ever seen; thunder banging and roaring echoed throughout the garden, and the lightning seemed like large electric forks nearly hitting the earth!

    Leo yelled at the top of his lungs, Get everybody to the huge hole in the forest! and guided the butterflies to the hole in the tree. Whenever there was poor weather, this was the perfect spot to stay the night. The butterflies all made it safely into the pit and remained there all night while the hurricane roared outside.

    The hurricane had settled by the next morning, and the sun was rising brightly with clear blue sky. The butterflies peered from the hole in the forest, and when they noticed the sun shining, they cautiously emerged and spread their wings. The garden seemed to be in good condition, but it was already very muddy, and many of the flowers and plants were soaked. The butterflies knew this wasn't a huge deal because they knew the sun would quickly dry off the flowers, and they'd be able to resume their busy job of drinking nectar.

    Leo cried out, Everyone, can I have your attention please? and the whole party of butterflies interrupted what they were doing and turned around to hear what Leo had to suggest.

    We had a horrible thunderstorm last night, as you are aware. The flowers and trees would have dried out in a couple of hours. Leo went on to say, As we wait for the flowers to dry, keep an eye on the garden and make sure that if any of us got caught in the storm last night, we could help them dry off! This was a critical activity because butterfly wings are very delicate and cannot function until soaked.

    The white butterflies began their quest across the garden to see if any of them had been stranded overnight. They walked across the yard, looking under the roses, under the trees, in the lawn, and around the shed.

    No, no! Everything unusual is going on over here!!! Someone, please assist me... One of the younger butterflies cried out, and Leo noticed it. Leo and others flew over to the location of the voice and couldn't believe what they saw...

    It was hidden under a large red tulip. It had a massive orange mask with four black pupils, two on top of its head and two smaller ones on the lower half of its face! It also had a tiny green mouth and a shiny red nose in the center. It was looking at the terrified little butterfly and pleading for assistance!

    When the butterflies began to assemble, there were several gasps of confusion and jostling as they all attempted to see the orange giant hidden under the tulip. Courageous Leo took a step forward and talked loudly, making himself seem far larger than he was. Come out from under the tulip, orange beast, and face me; we are not scared of you! Leo said, even though he and the other butterflies were terrified.

    The other butterflies were all waiting for the orange monster to do or tell something; it was all quite frightening! Will the orange giant attack Leo? Will Leo be able to beat the orange monster? Will the huge, frightening orange giant try to take over their backyard, or much worse, kill them all?

    The orange creature slowly turned to face Leo, and everybody was surprised to see that it wasn't a monster at all, but a butterfly far bigger than Leo with huge orange wings with black spots. They could tell that the orange butterfly was exhausted and frail and that it was shivering all over because its wings were wet.

    The orange butterfly answered Leo, Angelina is my name, and I live on the other side of the valley. I was flying back home last night when I got trapped in a storm. I had little choice but to cover under this massive tulip. But my wings were soaked in the rain, and I couldn't move, so I was only trying to dry them out in the sun when one of your butterflies saw me. Angelina took a deep breath before saying, I need your support to get back to my house. Please assist me!

    The butterflies exchanged glances. Despite having listened to what Angelina had to say, they couldn't help but look at her massive orange wings with black spots. They have never seen anything like it!

    I don't think you're telling the truth! Yelled Leo You are not a butterfly. Butterflies have just white bodies! Take a look around; we're almost the same! You may be a buddy of the terrifying hawk who used to chase us down and eat us for fun! Leo said. And the majority of the butterflies were in agreement with him.

    I swear I'm telling the facts! Angelina said that I am not a fan of the cruel Hawk! I'm exactly like you, a butterfly with various colored wings and marks. I still do work on the other side of the valley, where there are several different colored and patterned butterflies. The Goddess of the Valley painted our wings, and I'm sure if you asked her, she'd paint yours as well."

    Leo was already irritated that he had never learned of a Goddess of the Valley! And for you, I've never seen a non-white butterfly!

    Angelina responded It's fine for everybody to be the same color, but it's also essential to be different and special. Consider how monotonous it would be if all of the flowers on the planet were the same color. Would we appreciate the sky as much if it was still blue and never changed color? I adore my vivid orange wings, but I wouldn't mind seeing red, green, brown, or some other color of the rainbow! Angelina explained.

    Just then, they saw a shadow on the grass that was becoming larger by the second. The shadow began to take on the appearance of a hawk. They soon learned it was the cruel hawk who had come down to hunt the white butterflies!

    Get everybody to the huge pit as soon as possible! Leo exclaimed, referring to the tree. All of a sudden, the butterflies arose and began to move towards the oak. Leo was about to take off when the hawk reached out his paws and grabbed him! Leo shut his eyes...

    The hawk was about to fly away with Leo in his grasp when he saw a large orange creature emerge in front of him. It had four eyes, two wide eyes on the top half of its face and two tiny eyes on the bottom half of its face, a red nose, and a little green, frightening mouth. When the hawk saw the monster looking at him, he took a step back. This was the first time the hawk had seen something like it!

    The hawk let go of Leo and flew backward, screeching with fear!

    Leo slowly opened his eyes, and there in front of him was Angelina, her huge orange wings spread as large as she could. The hawk had been frightened away by design on her legs, which resembled a big frightening orange monster!

    Both of the white butterflies eventually emerged from the large hole, having seen what had occurred.

    Leo screamed, Angelina, you saved my life! Angelina simply grinned.

    Angelina is not an orange monster but a hero, according to one of the white butterflies.

    She is also known as our Orange Angel!" Leo said.

    You were right, Angelina. It's a positive thing to be special and distinctive. If you were the same as us, I wouldn't be standing here right now, Leo said. We're going to help you get dry so you can go home, but please pledge to come back sometime.

    The white butterflies assisted Angelina in drying her wings and giving her some of their nectar to give her enough energy for the trip home. She then said good-bye to the white butterflies and went back to the other side of the valley, promising to ask the Goddess of the Valley to stop by and paint their wings various colors.

    Two days later, the Goddess of the Valley came to see the white butterflies and painted their wings every color of the rainbow so that each butterfly was special. They were all distinct! They never had to be the same color again, and they understood the importance of individuality.

    The Dog and the Bunny

    One day, a little white bunny with a small button nose jumped around her owner's backyard, unconcerned.

    She was content living with her owners, who adored her, or so she figured. Her owners have recently been fighting a lot and becoming mad at their daughter for holding the little bunny around, leaving her unhappy.

    Odin, the Bernese Mountain dog next door, kept her company every day, and this was no exception.

    Hello, little rabbit, Odin said, his black nose poking through the fence crack.

    Oh, Odin! I've been missing you! The little bunny squealed as she jumped up to the dog's snout and patted it on the head with her tiny hands.

    The dog grinned as he lay back, tail wagging against the lawn. How are you doing today? You seem... depressed.

    The bunny relaxed and curled up next to the door, nuzzling Odin's snout. My owners are still yelling at me... Telling me, they can get rid of me!

    Odin couldn't believe his eyes! Why does anybody want to get rid of such a sweet little bundle of joy?

    They try to get rid of you? Odin asked. That's fine. Come visit me here tomorrow, and you'll be able to live with me and my owner, "Odin proposed.

    Odin, are you certain? What about Checkers, your owners' cat? The little bunny inquired.

    I'm cool with it, Checkers responded from the top of the fence, his tail tucked as he wiggled his black patched nose.

    Please keep in mind that the window is my place to sleep. Checkers grinned, climbed down the door, and returned indoors to enjoy his meal.

    Thank you so much, Odin! I'll be here at night, I swear! the little bunny screamed, his ears perking up.

    Odin watched his bunny friend jump inside and started digging haphazardly under the fence, making a space large enough for her to fit into.

    When night fell, the little bunny crept out the back door and into the backyard, softly calling out to Odin.

    Odin reappeared shortly after his house's back door was unlocked, and he stood by the fence once more.

    Odin, I've arrived! How am I going to get through this? Asked the tiny rabbit, who kept an eye out in case her owners came to get her.

    Under here, Odin said as he nudged a rock out of the way, revealing the pit he had dug earlier. It's large enough for you to squeeze beneath, and I'll refill it until my owner notices.

    With resolve in her gaze, the tiny rabbit twisted and wriggled her way through the fence, her white fur darkening to an ash grey as she popped out the other foot.

    See what I mean? You accomplished your target! Odin cheered, then he started to fill in the gaps and replace the rock he had pushed.

    "Woooooowwwwieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee The little bunny was taken aback at how large the garden was in comparison to her own, and her eyes opened when she entered Odin's owner's home.

    All were built of timber wood; there were blankets on the couch, a fantastic plasma flat screen tv, and a large fireplace to warm up by, not to mention Checker's window room.

    Is it all right if I go inside? The little bunny inquired of Odin, who grinned and raised her into his mouth, bringing her inside.

    The little bunny sensed the heat of the kitchen, and when Odin placed her down, she jumped over to the fireplace and curled up into a ball.

    Odin's owner came in from the kitchen and saw the bunny; he walked over and kneeled, stroking the bunny's fluffy hair and laughing, You've missed your owner, haven't you? Okay, then. If you like, you can sit with me, Checkers, and Odin.

    Checkers walked into the living room and hopped up to the window, where he fell asleep snuggled into his blanket space. Odin was laid by his bunny pal when his owner turned on the television.

    The little bunny had poor owners, but she had a wonderful companion named Odin and was now in an even better family.

    Bobby's Present

    Bobby, the little bunny, and his Mummy rabbit lived in a little area in a little house right next to a large oak tree. They even had a little front garden filled with a variety of flowers. Overall, it was a very nice place to visit, and they were very comfortable there.

    Bobby learned it was his Mummy's birthday today, and while he adored her, he decided to find her a sweet gift. Unfortunately, Bobby did not have enough money to give her a gift, but he pondered what he might do for his Mummy to make her birthday special.

    He wanted to look around the house for anything he could turn into a present for his Mummy after lunch, while his Mummy had gone to visit the neighbor for some afternoon coffee and carrot biscuits.

    First and foremost, he discovered a lovely silky red ribbon on the bar. This ribbon is beautiful, and red is also one of Mummy's favorite colors! He suddenly thought to himself and wanted to make something out of the red ribbon for his Mummy.

    He then went out into the garden and discovered a lovely red rose. Wow, this rose is lovely. He said, I'm sure Mummy would love it! and then gently sliced the rose off the vine since rose bushes have a lot of sharp thorns.

    Bobby then discovered another plant in the garden that had large heart-shaped leaves. The leaves were bright green and perfectly formed! He took one of the plant's leaves and set it on top of the rose. Hmm, this seems to be fascinating! He exclaimed.

    And he discovered a very gleaming rock next to the garden road. It seemed to be a glass crystal, and as the sunlight struck it, it shone like a large diamond. He thought to himself, I guess I can remember to use the shiny rock for Mummy's present as well.

    He then returned inside and sat at the kitchen table with the silky red ribbon, red rose, green heart-shaped vine, and sparkling stone. He looked at them all for a long time, trying to figure out what he should do about all of them.

    First, he attached a little bow with the silky red ribbon to the stem of the red rose. That looks very amazing to me! Bobby reflected himself.

    He then found some adhesive and glued the rose and ribbon to the heart-shaped leaf, sometimes getting right in the center of it! Bobby was quite happy with himself; it turned out much better than he had hoped!

    He then stared at the rock, thought hard about what he might do with it, and then had an epiphany. He took a tiny hammer from Mummy's toolbox, then wrapped the stone securely in a tea towel. Then he softly struck the rock with the ram, causing it to shatter into a slew of tiny fragments. He then used the glue to stick the tiny shiny pieces of rock into the leaf, and when he was finished, they spelled out the title, MUMMY!

    Wow, this looks incredible! he screamed, keeping his design tight to his face to ensure he was delighted with it; the heart-shaped leaf with his Mummy's name in sparkling stones, the stunning red rose in the middle, all finished off with a silky red bow.

    He then placed his creation in the bedroom next to the window to allow the glue to dry. He waited for his Mummy to get home and then fell asleep on the couch because he was exhausted from all his hard work.

    Bobby, get dressed. I've arrived! When his mother entered the room, he heard a message. Are you up for those carrot bites for dinner? She inquired. Bobby awoke from his slumber, and as he glanced at the clock on the mantelpiece, he discovered he had been sleeping for almost two hours!

    He jumped up from his seat on the sofa. Mummy, I have a birthday surprise for you! he exclaimed, giddy.

    Have you ever, Bobby - that's very kind of you, but where did you get the money? His Mummy inquired, perplexed.

    This did not necessitate the expenditure of any funds on my part. I did it all by myself. Bobby responded.

    Wow, you made me a gift? That is the most adorable thing ever! She said this when embracing and kissing her son.

    So, where is it? She inquired.

    I'll get it to you right away! Bobby dashed into his apartment.

    As he entered the apartment, the present had changed drastically! It had gotten so much sun and had withered and dried up! The leaf seemed to be almost burned! The rose had been droopy! The entire thing seemed to be a disaster! He was both furious and depressed that all of his hard work had gone to waste, and he now had nothing to offer his Mummy for her birthday.

    Bobby's Mummy was patiently sitting in the lounge, and she wondered why he was taking so long. As a result, she opted to go to her bedroom.

    Bobby, are you all right in here? None, Mummy, she inquired as she entered the bed. Bobby explained, pretending to conceal the gift behind his back. His mother saw that and replied, Come on, Bobby, show me what you've got there. Bobby, though, declined to reveal her because he was ashamed. As his mother confronted him again, he reluctantly took the present from behind his back and revealed it to her...

    Wow, this is stunning – I can't believe you created it yourself! She screamed.

    No, it isn't – it has been destroyed! Bobby wept, tears streaming down his face. You're just doing it to be kind! He went on.

    Mummy smiled at Bobby for a moment before giving him a large embrace and kiss.

    Do you realize how content I am right now and how proud you make me? She inquired. Bobby was taken aback by his mother's reaction.

    "You used your ingenuity and inspiration to create something wonderful for my birthday. Best still, you did that because you decided to show me how much you

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