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Coffee and Thunder
Coffee and Thunder
Coffee and Thunder
Ebook359 pages6 hours

Coffee and Thunder

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About this ebook

Avi Patterson is a forty-year-old, curvy, quirky African American woman with a promising career in the healthcare insurance field. She’s independent and loves life, while her son Xavier is her pride and joy. The one element missing is romance. She hasn’t experienced that since her son’s father was brutally murdered almost eighteen years prior.

Currently, the only place romance is happening is in Avi’s dreams with a mysterious, dreadlocked vampire lover. All that changes when her co-worker Joaquin shows interest in her around the same time she meets design engineer Kingston Ashford. To Avi’s shock, Kingston bears a very close resemblance to the seductive creature from her dreams.

Avi enjoys spending time with both men for different reasons. Joaquin is handsome, funny, and easy-going. Kingston is sexy, intense, and wealthy, but there’s an aura of danger surrounding him. As Avi explores her relationships, she comes to learn that the world around her is not what it seems, and both sweet dreams and nightmares can become reality.

Release dateNov 17, 2021
Coffee and Thunder

Kyneesha Rynea

Kyneesha Rynea is an up and coming author with a penchant for steamy paranormal romance combined with spine-chilling horror. A Detroit native, she discovered her love for writing at a young age. She went on to graduate from Howard University with a degree in broadcast journalism, but her true love has always been creative writing.

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    Coffee and Thunder - Kyneesha Rynea



    AVI GRIPPED HER bedsheets subconsciously, the tension building as the end of the dream approached. Somewhere within her, dread built at the thought of greeting the day. She tried to hold on to the mental picture of dark eyes framed by long, thick lashes and topped with thick, defined eyebrows; his face, framed by long locks; the dip where his deltoid met his tricep, wrapped in smooth skin the color of freshly roasted coffee beans; his full lips, surrounding white teeth and sharp fangs. Fangs? Avi woke with a start and sat upright in her bed. She was drenched in sweat, and her nightgown clung to her. She could still feel her rapid pulse coursing through her body and culminating between her thighs.

    Whew! Lord, I need to stop eating right before bed, and clearly I need to lay off the paranormal romance novels, she whispered as she placed a damp hand over her face.

    Avi threw her legs over the side of her bed and took two deep breaths to calm her heart rate. She glanced around her room, her eyes settling on her bedroom windows, and noticed the sun was nowhere near the horizon. The illuminated wall clock that cast a soft glow over the space reflected 8:07 a.m.

    Oh, the joys of January in Alaska, Avi mumbled to herself.

    She begrudgingly lifted from the bed and went into her en suite bathroom to brush her teeth and shower. As the water heated up, her mind drifted back to the man from her dream.

    Damn, that man was fine. If I can even call him a man? I mean … fangs? I guess he was a sexy-ass, chocolate-dipped vampire … not a man. He sure did look like a man where it counted though. She chuckled and then shook her head and jumped in the shower.

    For reasons she couldn’t understand, she could not seem to shake the remnants of the dream. As she massaged her golden-brown skin with the tropical-scented shea butter, she remembered how his hands had caressed every inch of her. She could still feel them. It had seemed so real. She closed her eyes and imagined her hands were his. She moved her hands over her shoulders, down her arms, and then across her breasts and her abdomen. She stopped as she felt the softness of her belly. Frowning, she looked down at herself and then up at her reflection in the mirror. She shook her head.

    I need to lose weight, she sighed. Avi was short and a curvy size 16. She wished she could say that she had large breasts to even out her wide hips and thick thighs, but she regretfully had spent most of her life as the president of the Itty-Bitty Titty Committee. She was able to fill only a modest B cup, and honestly, that hadn’t been until she’d become pregnant with her son. That pregnancy had brought along with it some other features, including an extra twenty pounds that she still couldn’t get rid of and a few stretch marks—or tiger stripes, as she humorously referred to them.

    Avi finger-combed some curl pudding into her damp natural short curls. She had a cute little faux-hawk with blonde tips, and she loved how the cut complemented her round face, having a slimming effect. She dressed in one of her favorite off-the-shoulder sweatshirts and some jeggings and put on her favorite gold hoop earrings and matching bangle bracelets. She walked barefoot down the hallway toward the steps to her kitchen. She tried to step softly so as not to wake up her son, who slept like a hibernating bear in his room.

    I can’t believe Xavier will be eighteen this year. Where does the time go? she said to herself as she walked past her son’s bedroom door. Avi had accomplished a lot in her forty years, but she truly believed that her greatest accomplishment was being Xavier’s mother. As she walked down the steps to her kitchen, she thought about the hard and fast relationship she’d had with Xavier’s father. It had started when they were just teenagers themselves. They met at an amusement park when she was only sixteen. Lance had been eighteen, and as he walked with his group of friends, they’d caught each other in their sights across the way. She chuckled to herself as she thought of the desire reflected in Lance’s eyes. As a sixteen-year-old girl, Avi was inexperienced and didn’t recognize what that look in his eyes meant at the time, but he spent the next few years showing her. Eventually their infatuation grew into a true love for each other. Unfortunately, Avi learned the hard way that even true love can be snatched away by Fate’s cold talons. She snapped herself out of her thoughts, as they were about to travel down a dark path. There was no point dwelling on things that couldn’t be changed. At least, that’s what her mother had always said.

    Avi went to her instant coffee maker and placed a coffee pod inside and her mug underneath the spout.

    I have got to invest in a real coffee maker, she said to herself as she hit the ten-ounce cup button. She hated the instant coffee that the machine produced, but she wouldn’t dare start her day without the much-needed caffeine boost. As she sat at her kitchen island with the warm mug of subpar coffee between her palms, she looked around her home. She felt a satisfying sense of accomplishment every time she looked around her house. She had worked hard and purchased the newly built home all by herself when she was only twenty-five. Xavier had been only a toddler at the time, and she’d wanted her son to be raised in a home. She didn’t want him to be bounced around from one apartment complex to another. Although she disliked her job, she had to be thankful for the salary, as it allowed her to become a homeowner and pay off her car note while being a young, single mother.

    Hey, Ma, Xavier said as he came down the stairs.

    Hey! What are you doing up so early? She smiled at her son as he went to the coffee machine to make himself a cup of coffee as well.

    I’m about to go hoop at the rec center with Shawn and Bryce this morning. They just texted me a little while ago saying they’re trying to get there before the gym gets crowded. I’m trying to hang with them as much as possible before we leave for school in August. It’s gonna be weird not having my homies around.

    Xavier was headed to Howard University in the fall on a full academic scholarship. He had taken AP courses and an extra course load to put him at an advantage over the other freshmen who would be joining his class. His hard work and determination had allowed him to finish high school a half year early.

    Yeah, I get it. You guys have been joined at the hip since the fifth grade, Avi responded, snickering softly. She still remembered the day the twin brothers had moved into the neighborhood. They were from a military family and had moved around a lot before settling in Anchorage. Their mom, Amethyst, was around the same age as Avi, and their father, Nehemiah, was ten years her senior.


    Can X come out to play? Shawn yelled as he ran over to her. He was slightly out of breath, as he was obviously trying to beat his brother during the race down the street to her house.

    Hi, what’s your name? Avi asked as she smiled sweetly at the boys.

    I’m Shawn. Nice to meet you. Shawn stuck his hand out to shake Avi’s as he grinned up at her. He was short and skinny with dark curly hair and the most perfect dimples in his cheeks. Bryce caught up to him and placed his hands on his knobby knees as he tried to catch his breath. Bryce was the same height as his twin brother and significantly chubbier. He had the same unruly curls and dimples in his cheeks, which deepened as he smiled up at Avi and stretched his hand out in greeting. And this is my brother, Bryce.

    Avi shook Shawn’s hand and then moved to shake Bryce’s outstretched hand as well.

    Do you boys go to school with Xavier? she asked.

    Yes, ma’am. We’re all in Mrs. Johnson’s class, Bryce chimed in.

    Okay, well it’s nice meeting you boys.

    Shawn, Bryce, why are you over here bothering our neighbor? Amethyst asked as she sauntered over to the group. Hi, I’m Amethyst.

    Hi, nice to meet you. I’m Avi, Avi replied as she shook Amethyst’s outstretched hand.

    At that moment, Xavier came barreling out of the front door to greet his friends with a shoulder nudge and a couple of high fives.

    Avi chuckled. I see our boys are already fast friends.

    Yes, it looks that way, Amethyst replied as she looked at the boys with humor in her eyes.

    Mom, can we walk over to the neighborhood park and play ball? It’s right up the street, and we promise to be home way before the streetlights come on.

    Avi looked at her son. I’m fine with that if that’s okay with you, Amethyst.

    Yes, that’s fine. You boys stay together and make sure you’re home before the streetlights come on.

    Yes, ma’am! the three boys replied in unison as they took off down the street toward the park at the corner of their cul-de-sac.

    Come on in. I was just about to make some tea. Want to join me? Avi offered.

    That sounds nice. I’d like that, Amethyst replied.

    Welcome to the neighborhood, girl, Avi said as they walked into her home.


    The rest was history, as they say. The boys had been best friends since, and she counted Amethyst as one of her best friends till this day.

    Avi looked up at her son. He was so handsome and a whole foot taller than she, which wasn’t difficult to be since she stood at a modest five feet four inches herself. Still, she couldn’t believe that the fat little mocha-colored baby she’d given birth to eighteen years ago was now standing before her as a man. He looked so much like his father with his warm, brown complexion, goatee, and caramel-colored eyes. He even wore his hair the same way Lance used to when he was his age—twisted out with the strands falling into his face and faded at the sides. She was being sentimental and she knew it as her eyes misted with unshed tears. It was going to be hard to send him off on his own in the fall. She caught the tear that was gathering in the corner of her eye as she looked over at her son.

    Oh, okay, yeah. That sounds like fun. You fellas should hang out while you can, especially since the twins are going to be busy with work over the next few months. Make some new memories before you all go off to school in the fall.

    Xavier, being in sync with his mother and picking up on her change of mood walked over to her and bent down to give her a hug. Ma, don’t start. I ain’t dyin’! he chuckled as he stood looking down at her.

    Avi laughed. I know! And don’t stay stuff like that! I’m just going to miss my baby, she said as she touched the side of his face. You’ll always be my baby.

    I know, Ma.

    You want me to fix you some breakfast before you go to the court?

    Nah, that’s all right. I don’t want to eat anything heavy before I go. I’ll just grab a protein bar.

    Okay. You’re gonna miss my cooking when you’re at Howard, she laughed.

    Yeah, I bet you’re right, Xavier said, nodding his head.

    He grabbed his coffee and a protein bar from the pantry and then went back upstairs to get ready. He came back down 15 minutes later dressed in his goose down coat and snap button track pants. She was sure the cross body bag draped over his shoulder contained his basketball gear. His basketball was tucked firmly beside him under his arm.

    He walked over to Avi and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

    I’ll see you later, Ma, Xavier said as he walked out the front door to go meet up with his friends.

    Avi walked over to the stove and began preparing breakfast for herself.

    Hmmm … what shall I do with myself this fine Saturday? she mumbled under her breath. As she scrambled her eggs in the skillet, she decided she was long overdue for some pampering. Unbidden, her thoughts traveled back to the way her body had felt in her dream as the chocolate-covered creature of a man massaged her body. It had felt so real. She realized it had been too long since she’d treated herself to a full-body massage and she was surely overdue for one. She remembered receiving a coupon in the mail for 20 percent off a shiatsu massage at her favorite massage parlor, Marvelous Massage & Spa. She walked over to the refrigerator and removed the magnet from it.

    This would be the perfect time to put this to use, she said to herself as she made her way over to the dining table with the coupon between her lips, her plate in one hand and her phone in the other. She quickly ate and then called the spa, eager to make an appointment.

    The familiar and friendly voice of the receptionist, Celina greeted Avi through the phone. Thank you for calling Marvelous Massage & Spa. How can we pamper you today?

    Hi, Celina! This is Avi Patterson, and I know this is last minute, but would you happen to have an appointment for a full-body shiatsu massage available today?

    Hi Avi! It’s been a while! Actually, you’re in luck, as one of our clients just called in to cancel. Would you be able to come in at six this evening?

    Yes, actually six would be perfect!

    The receptionist took all of Avi’s information over the phone and confirmed her appointment for later on that day.

    Avi cleaned the kitchen then turned to scowl at her cold cup of coffee she’d abandoned on the island. She decided she would also treat herself to a real cup of coffee today. She grabbed her purse and keys, put on her bright orange bubble jacket and her favorite fleece-lined boots, jumped in her car, and headed toward her favorite coffee shop.

    The door chimed as she walked in, and she was instantly hit with the alluring full-bodied aroma of coffee. It was a warm and welcoming aroma that made her feel euphoric every time she was in the shop. She headed toward the counter.

    Hello, and welcome to Cups and Spoons. What can I get for you today? the barista asked.

    I’ll take a large caramel latte made with almond milk and an extra espresso shot, please.

    She handed the payment to the barista as she rang up her order, and she then moved to the side to look at the tempting sweets through the glass display case. Her favorite, the glazed maple pecan loaf slice, seemed to be calling her name. Avi shook her head. She had just been talking about how she needed to lose weight this morning. Indulging in tempting sweets like that would not help her cause, so she looked away and stared out of the glass wall near the tables at the side of the coffee shop. The chime of the door sounded in her ears, signaling the entrance of another patron. She slowly turned back around, intending to see who had just walked in; however, the traitorous glazed maple pecan loaf slice decided to whisper her name again at that very moment, causing her to pause and look through the glass at it with longing.

    Avi took the few steps back over to the barista who was preparing her latte.

    You know what, on second thought, I’d like to add a slice of the glazed maple pecan loaf to my order. Thanks.

    Sure, no problem, the barista replied absentmindedly as she continued to work on preparing her drink.

    At that moment, a soft growl sounded from behind her. Avi hesitated as she reached across the counter to hand the young lady her debit card again. What the fuck? As she turned to see who had made the strange sound, her heart stopped. She could literally feel her stomach bottom out and her heart rate speed up as warmth coursed through her body. The patron who must’ve been behind her had left the shop as quickly as he’d come in. She was only able to get a brief glance at him as he quickly made his exit, but she could’ve sworn it was the man from her dream. Avi’s brow furled in confusion as she looked at the now closed and vacant entrance to the coffee shop.

    I’m trippin’, she whispered to herself, shaking her head.

    Here you go, ma’am.

    Avi turned back around and smiled faintly at the barista, who was now handing over her latte and the slice of sinful indulgence.

    Thank you, she said hesitantly as she placed her debit card back into her purse and took the items.

    Avi walked over to one of the nearby tables and placed her food and drink on it as she leaned against the glass wall, craning her neck as she looked up and down the streets and sidewalks beside the coffee shop. She was hoping to get another glimpse of the man who had seemingly walked right out of her dreams and into her reality.

    Okay, girl, get it together. You don’t wanna be rocking slowly in a padded cell, she mumbled to herself as she sat down.

    She took a sip of her latte and followed it with a morsel of the pastry. She couldn’t help but continue glancing out of the window. Although she couldn’t see anyone who fit the description of her mysterious dream lover, she also couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was out there in the dark, watching her.



    KINGSTON ASHFORD PEERED at the beautiful woman through the coffee shop’s glass wall as he stood across the street in the shadowy alleyway. She kept glancing out the window. There was a hint of desperation in the confused expression she wore on her face. He had barely escaped the coffee shop in time. He had walked into Cups and Spoons, as he did regularly, to get his large cup of black coffee. Kingston kept a routine with the intention of keeping up the necessary facade of being human. He went for a two-mile jog at 8:30 a.m. on days like today, when the sun didn’t make its debut until later in the morning. He always followed his run up with grabbing a cup of coffee from the quaint little coffee shop. However, on this day, his routine came to an abrupt and painful halt. He noticed her immediately after entering the coffee shop. She was standing next to the pastry display case and looking longingly at one of the desserts therein. Her scent wrapped around him, caressing him like a satin sheet, stroking and suffocating him as he inhaled her essence. She smelled sweet, like lilacs with a hint of spice. Her scent was warm, feminine, and alluring in its uniqueness. His manhood immediately hardened in his pants. His fangs elongated, plunging into his bottom lip, causing the sharp pain to sear his body as he strained with effort to keep his mouth closed. He balled his fists at his sides and licked his lips, sealing the fresh wounds in his mouth. He closed his eyes briefly in an attempt to regain control. Against his own volition, his feet moved him forward as he warred with his own restraint. He was determined to make it to the counter, place his usual order, and leave the coffee shop without engaging her and then continue on with his monotonous day. He was a nine-hundred-thirty-seven-year-old vampire, and he didn’t intend to allow this mere mortal woman to shatter his resolve and self-restraint in this moment. He had come too far from the days when he was first sired. He’d almost made it to the counter in his attempt to move at a normal, slow, human pace when she slid back over to the counter, thereby intercepting him and planting herself directly in front of him.

    You know what, on second thought, I’d like to add a slice of the glazed maple pecan loaf to my order. Thanks, the woman said.

    Her voice was like a balm to his eardrums and to his tortured soul, soothing and melodic. He was so close he could almost taste her scent as he stared at the smooth, delicate nape of her neck. He closed his eyes and tried not to breathe, but the temptation proved too strong and he inhaled. Forceful, lust-filled desire rolled like thunder through his system. He felt as though he were drowning in that moment. He could feel his nostrils flaring, and he knew that if he opened his eyes, they’d be neon blue. Confoundedly, his dick hardened further and his gums pulsed as his fangs elongated once again. He leaned forward ever so slightly and let out a soft growl as he grew closer. His eyes sprang open as he heard the sound slide past his raised top lip and clenched teeth. He glanced at the barista who, thankfully, was so preoccupied with making the woman’s beverage that she didn’t notice the near-death experience playing out only a few feet in front of her. Shocked and ashamed by his own behavior, Kingston gathered his thin strands of willpower and quickly left the coffee shop, not caring that he was moving at what was most likely an inhuman pace.

    As Kingston looked upon her lovely face from across the street, a rage built inside of him. Why, after all these years, had he been moved in such a way that had him wanting to ravage this woman’s voluptuous body while drinking her blood regardless of who watched? He was sure both were addictive delicacies to be savored, if her scent gave any indication.

    Fuck! he growled as he paced in the shadows while staring back at the woman. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from her face. Her cocoa-colored eyes seemed to almost plead for a glimpse of him. Her soft, shapely, full pink lips all but beckoned him. He tried to look away. He tried to tear the soles of his feet away from that spot in the filthy alley that gave him the perfect line of sight to her.

    Unbelievable! Standing out here like a fucking stalker! Kingston, you’re better than this, he gruffly said to himself as he paced.

    The more he stayed watching her, the more he wanted to go back into the coffee shop, grab her by the shoulders, and sink his fangs into that soft spot between her neck and shoulder while plunging his steeled manhood into her depths. Onlookers be damned!

    Mmmmm … he groaned at the thought, stroking his left fang with his tongue. He slid his hand over the front of his gray joggers. His dick jumped underneath the pressure.

    Kingston looked down at himself, disgusted with his lecherous behavior. He quickly removed his hand and balled his fists at his sides. He hadn’t ever felt a pull this intense toward a human woman, and it confused him. He stayed there until she left the coffee shop. Feeling the cracks in his self-control lengthening by the second, Kingston warred with his desire to covet this woman with a fierceness he’d never felt before. He watched as she exited the coffee shop. His eyes traveled over her body as her full hips swayed and her rounded backside bounced atop thick thighs as she made her way to her car. Seeming to sense him in the shadows, the woman abruptly looked over her shoulder, and her brows furrowed as her eyes landed on the dark space surrounding Kingston. He could almost feel her gaze fall over him. Perhaps it was wishful thinking. Kingston’s breath stopped and his heart lurched. At that moment, he almost wanted to be seen by her. He wanted the barriers between them to be nonexistent. Alas, just as quickly as she looked his way, she turned around, got back into her car, and drove off.

    Kingston watched the car’s taillights until he couldn’t see them any longer, and then made his way home before sunrise, his mood somber.

    Kingston walked into his home and took in his surroundings. He had totally renovated the house. As the owner of his own architecture and construction companies, Kingston had access to various resources that allowed him to furnish his home with all the bells and whistles needed in order to live comfortably. He took off his coat and placed it in the coat closet. He smirked as he pushed the button in his foyer and all of the blackout window shades descended throughout the house. He walked into the common area, and even though his vision was perfect in the darkness, he flicked on the lights in the vaulted ceiling. His home was decorated in muted tones. He was amazed at how melancholy his home felt now—how cold it felt since being in the woman’s presence. The comfortable silence and peaceful separation from the outside world that he usually appreciated when at home now felt like a stifling loneliness that gripped his heart and hollowed out his stomach. The muted tones mocked him as he sat down on the black leather sofa, stretched his arms out, and laid his head back. As he stared at the white ceiling, he thought of the vibrant orange bubble jacket that the woman wore. In hindsight, it seemed like something maybe a teenage girl would wear, with its short, puffy style and loud color. From what he could tell, she was an adult and definitely all woman, with her thick curves and eyes that seemed to stare right through his wretched soul when she looked over at where he stood in the darkness, watching her. It was a stark contrast to the dim life he’d lived for almost a thousand years. He sat up, placed his elbows on his knees, and stared down at the beige carpet. His dark locks formed a curtain around his face.

    Man, what the hell is wrong with me? He pinched the bridge of his nose as he squeezed his eyes shut. It’s not like I’ve never seen a woman before. What made this encounter so different?

    Kingston got up from the couch and peeled off his sweatshirt and T-shirt as he walked up the stairs toward his bedroom. Entering, he immediately looked down at the relentless hard-on he’d had since running into the woman at the coffee shop. He had managed to calm his raging hormones just enough after the woman drove off to make the jog back home, but now thoughts of her had taken a hold of his body once again. He walked into his bathroom and turned on the rainfall shower. He finished undressing and got in. Placing his hands against the beige marble tile, his head dropped forward and he squeezed his eyes shut tightly. The hot water ran over his dark skin, cascading over each tense muscle. He took the bodywash off the shelf and began to lather up with thoughts of the woman playing through his mind. He thought of her delicate hands resting against the coffee shop’s counter; the shapely cupid’s bow of her pink lips; the smooth, golden nape of her neck; and the way her hips swayed as she walked to her car, away from the coffee shop—away from him. He swiped a hand across his chiseled chest and down over his rippling abdomen through the dark trail of coarse hair that led to his steeled manhood. Taking his length in his hand, he stroked with an earnest need that had arrested him the instant her scent embraced him as physically as he was caressing himself at the moment.

    Ungh, he moaned as he imagined the woman tucked underneath him here in his home, in this shower, his lathered hands moving across her plush body. He imagined what it would be like to kiss her lips—those lips that looked so soft and inviting. He wondered whether she would taste as exotically enticing as she smelled. What would her blood taste like on his tongue? His fangs ached, and his arousal pulsed in his palm. It didn’t take long for him to reach his peak. Aghh! he groaned as he met his release.

    Kingston finished washing and stepped out of the shower into the steam-filled bathroom. He walked up to the mirror and used his large hand to wipe off the condensation. As he towel-dried his hair and body, he looked at his reflection. He approached the sink and placed his hands on the edge as he looked at himself more closely. Somehow, that brief encounter with the woman had changed him. He knew that the idea was preposterous. Vampires didn’t change. But somehow he knew within his very being that he would never be the same.

    Kingston walked over to his dresser and pulled on a pair of pajama pants. He had no intention of sleeping, as it was unnecessary for his body. He went across the hall to his office and to his drafting table, which held the sketches for a new building he was designing for downtown Anchorage. He figured he may as well use work as a distraction. He sat and bent over the sketch and added details to it. It was going to stand out among the traditionally designed buildings in the city. Over the next few hours, he tweaked and modified the structure, adding personal touches to the design here and there. He loved the open-floor design concept. It was one that he had included in his own home as well. He liked the airy, open feel it

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