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They Betrayed Humanity
They Betrayed Humanity
They Betrayed Humanity
Ebook42 pages31 minutes

They Betrayed Humanity

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In a post-apocalyptic world, three women have been chosen for a secret mission: to face the great monster that enslaved the world. The monster wants only one thing: their bodies. Can the women distract the monster long enough while the army triggers a nuke to destroy it?

CONTENT WARNING: They Betrayed Humanity is a hardcore erotica science fiction story about a tentacle monster and three female scientists. It is a work of fiction. All characters are 18+

Release dateNov 18, 2021
They Betrayed Humanity

Sonia Robinson

ABOUT: I'm an author of taboo and steamy erotica with a submission and domination slant. I try to make each story as different as possible, dabbling in various sub-categories to keep it exciting.

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    Book preview

    They Betrayed Humanity - Sonia Robinson

    They Betrayed Humanity

    By Sonia Robinson

    Published by Sonia Robinson at Smashwords

    Copyright 2021 Honeypot Erotica

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If

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    The three women were picked up by tanks. There weren't many places to live above ground at that point. The monster only allowed humans to obediently live underground.

    Their names were Mossy, Karen, and Em. Only Karen knew the full details of the mission, and she wasn't about to say it.

    They all knew the general gist of it though. In their vast hidden cave networks, the monster was blocking access to a nuclear room that they could sneak in and set it off to kill it.

    The human world lived underground in caves for one hundred years at that point, and the monster never found them, in part because they had special traps that would confuse it and send it in opposite directions.

    It was a one hundred year cat and mouse after the monster destroyed humanity above the earth. Some were trained to go above the earth into houses.

    Those people would live above ground for a week, maybe a couple weeks, but inevitably the floors would rumble. The ceilings would crash, and the monster would grab them right out their beds, yank them by their legs, and pull them under miles beneath the earth.

    They had to send out sacrifices like that to see if the monster was even still alive.

    They did not realize that it would live a million years.

    When the tanks pulled up in front of the cave, the women came out. They were trained as astronauts. These women were sexy, but more than that, they were smart. They had been studying the alien language. It was not certain if they would get out alive.

    The women needed sexy bodies or else they would not have the monster's attention. It wanted them the way people want fruit. A firm, shapely female breast was like ripe pinapples, or red apples so plump they are juicy to

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