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Arise Ye Sleeping Christians: Your Money Is the Holy Grail
Arise Ye Sleeping Christians: Your Money Is the Holy Grail
Arise Ye Sleeping Christians: Your Money Is the Holy Grail
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Arise Ye Sleeping Christians: Your Money Is the Holy Grail

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Excerpt from the

‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’

All people are chained down to heavily toil by poverty more firmly than ever they were chained by slavery and serfdom; from these, one way and another, they might free themselves, these could be settled with, but from want they will never get away. We have included in the constitution such rights as to the masses appear fictitious and not actual rights. All these so-called “People’s Rights” can exist only in idea, an idea which can never be realized in practical life. What is it to the proletariat labourer, bowed double over his heavy toll, crushed by his lot in life, if talkers get the right to bable, if journalists get the right to scribble any nonsense side by side with good stuff, once the proletariat has no other profit out of the constitution save only those pitiful crumbs which we fling them from our table in return for their voting in favour of what we dictate, in favour of the men we place in power, the servants of our agentur.(agenda).

We appear on the scene as alleged saviours of the worker from this oppression when we propose to him to enter the ranks of our fighting forces – Socialists, Anarchists, Communists – to whom we always give support in accordance with an alleged brotherly rule (of the solidarity of all humanity) of our social masonry. The aristocracy, which enjoyed by the law the labour of the workers, was interested in seeing that the workers were well fed, healthy and strong. We are interested in just the opposite – in the diminution, the killing out of the GOYIM (Christian). Our power is in the chronic shortness of food and physical weakness of the worker because by all that this implies he is made the slave of our will, and he will not find in his own authorities either strength or energy to set against our will.
Release dateOct 12, 2021
Arise Ye Sleeping Christians: Your Money Is the Holy Grail

James Caulfield

James Caulfield loves books. His parents were reading him classics such as Harry Potter and the Deltora Quest series well before he could even read. Big names such as Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett share his bookshelf with George Orwell and Harper Lee. As well as having a soft spot for Sci-Fi, James particularly enjoys big ideas and the exploration of bold concepts. James lives in country New South Wales, Australia with his family. Their home is a pair of converted railway carriages and here they spend their time caring for injured wildlife. James's first published book, Dark Web, simultaneously won the young adult and adult prizes in the 2016 Goulburn Spyfest short story competition and was written while completing Year 10 at Goulburn High School.

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    Arise Ye Sleeping Christians - James Caulfield

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    Jesus said, The first is, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all, your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.

    To love yourself, you must preserve your mental health, nourish your body and do no harm to yourself. To love your neighbour you must do likewise.

    Money is Jesus Christ’s sacred elixir

    Love is the fruit of prayer

    Work is the fruit of love

    Money is the fruit of work

    Work performed for God is the fruit of Money

    Salvation and Miracles are fruits obtained by working for God

    Your money is your Holy Grail

    God’s people use money to do God’s work

    Evil people use money to do Satan’s work




    Jews in Spain and England


    Jewish Inspired United Grand Lodge Of England

    The American War of Independence

    The Pseudo War of Independence

    Freemasons in Western Military

    The French Revolution 1789

    The Irish Rebellion 1798

    Rothschild Bank’s Involvement in War of 1812

    The Spanish Civil War of 1820

    The Spanish Civil War of 1936-1939

    The Irish in The American-Mexican War 1845-1846

    Money and Civil War in America 1861-1865

    Jewish Conflicts with Gentiles

    World War One 1914-1918

    The Sinking of The Lusitania

    World War Two 1939-1945

    Roald Dahl, Palestine 1941

    The Suez Crisis and The Protocol of Sévres 1956

    The Irish in The American War of Independence

    The United States and Israel and Iraq After 9/11

    USA Aid for Israel

    The Holocaust Industry

    The Beehive is A Freemasonry Symbol

    The Rise of The Jewish-Masonic Alliance

    Jesus Christ is CEO of God’s Economy

    Eucharist and Transsubstantiation


    Money is An Instrument of Distribution

    Appendix 1: U.S. War Statistics

    Appendix 2: Cryptic Masonic Symbols


    Stalin famously said of the Church, The Pope! How many divisions, has he? Less well known is Churchill’s response that Stalin might have mentioned a number of legions not always visible on parade.

    The Catholic Church has more than 140,000 schools, 10,000 orphanages, 5,000 hospitals and some 16,000 other health clinics. Catholic aid agencies and their affiliates spend between £2 billion and £4 billion annually making it one of the biggest aid agencies in the world.

    There is also a host of religious orders and other Catholic charities, most of the 200,000 Catholic parishes around the world operate their own small-scale charitable projects from education to health to social care. The Catholic Church is the largest and most significant non-state organisation on earth.

    If the Church was not involved in the developing world, these services would not be provided at all. Research which has attempted to compare the performance of Catholic provision of education or health with that of other providers, Catholic institutions came out very well.

    According to Kenneth White, of Virginia of Commonwealth University

    Catholic hospitals in the US are on average more efficient than equivalent secular hospitals and he found that Catholic hospitals, reach out to disadvantaged communities, providing more compassionate care and services than other providers.

    Catholic-run, mission maternal hospitals in Africa are of the same or better quality than public facilities, and Church hospitals were also more likely to offer services to the poor.

    Catholic social action goes beyond standard measures of performance. Indeed, Pope Francis has urged Catholic institutions always to put Christ front and centre, arguing that otherwise we would end up a compassionate NGO and what would happen would, be like child-made sandcastles which fall down. Put another way, Catholic ethos and identity is crucial to the survival of Catholic social action and to the outstanding work of passing on the faith, in the face of a culture which is increasingly secular and hostile.

    Aggressive secularisation is a threat to the full range of Catholic social action. Just last month Dame Louis Casey, the Government’s integration tsar, asserted that it was not okay for Catholic schools to be against same-sex marriage., this exemplified the increasing pressure on Catholic institutions to conform to secular norms.

    US President Barack Obama withdrew funds from Catholic projects to help victims of human trafficking because they would not commit themselves to providing abortions. The quality of the care being given to vulnerable women by the Church was not in dispute. It was seen as more important to ensure that all participating organisations were willing to agree to the ideological purity of the extreme pro-abortion position.

    "A strategy more likely to yield long-term success for Catholic agencies is to follow the advice of Pope Francis, and Benedict XVI before him: to uphold our Catholic identify and ethos ever more boldly and to put into action the positive message of Church teaching on sexuality, life issues and the unique dignity and worth of all human beings. Church organisations should always insist on proclaiming the truth and sticking to a bold Catholic identity relying on the grace of God to transform lives in the most unexpected ways.

    Life will not be comfortable facing the fact of reduced state funding. But secular opponents should also face the fact that if they insist on doing battle with the biggest charity in the world, they are putting at risk the wellbeing of millions of vulnerable and marginalised people. Catholic institutions must carry on delivering their services in the context of an ethos that has at its heart the dignity of every human life until natural death and the Church must continue to be the greatest force for good in the world today": David Paton. Catholic Herald.

    The Church has a massive need of financial support to carry on and expand the Catholic drive to bring, spiritual and temporal works of mercy to the entire world. The Church has always been hampered by a lack of funds to achieve the goals set by Jesus Christ, because it has neglected to develop a coherent theology of money, thereby placing Christianity in a monetary Limbo, leaving the people to believe that they could use money without spiritual obligations. The Church has been content to gather the crumbs that fall from the Mason’s financial table, when she should have recognised the sacredness of the people’s work and the sacred power of the money they produce and harness it for the common good, instead of leaving it for non-Christians to abuse it and use it for evil purposes.

    Jesus Christ was firstly a carpenter before He began His missionary career. His experience as a worker and His relationship with money is reflected in much of the His teaching.

    His work was His father’s will, the means of serving others, this is an attitude which all Christians should adopt. Christ’s work ideal has suffered in the modern age because many workers have encountered the injustice of being forced to work solely for investor’s profits, rather than doing the work of God.

    Christian moralists have frequently attacked injustices in the work place, because of low pay rates, excessively long shifts and unhealthy atmospheres. Modern employment is often unchristian because of boredom and lack self-respect and without spiritual motives and incentives.

    Christians should study the history of a secret culture that thrives on the power of money and the misuse of the money which working people create. Jesus Christ, the son of God was born and reared in a Jewish family. When, He revealed to His neighbours, the terms of the New Covenant as a holy relationship between God and humans, most of His neighbours were aghast and considered much of what He said as heretical but some followed Him and became Christians. The early Church was mainly comprised of Jews who believed Jesus was their Messiah and His New Covenant fulfilled them. Other Jews did not accept Him as their Messiah and continued live according to the precepts contained in the Old Testament, the resultant division continues to this day.

    To all my brothers and sisters in all religious denominations and none, Jesus Christ unconditionally loves each and every one of you. He has no plan to destroy your religion or your laws. His only wish is to improve all that you have.


    Early man’s relationship with his neighbour was surely expressed in terms of what one did to help the other. A traditional phrase one good turn deserves another is said when someone does something helpful or useful, in return for the person who has already done something good for one. An act of mutual cooperation is the basis of the barter system. To perform an act, one must do work of some kind. If person ‘A’ does day’s work for person ‘B’, then person ‘B’ must later do a day’s work for person ‘A’ to complete the barter. Work done, was the primary unit of the economy then and so it remains to this day, albeit in a different form.

    At some stage in human development, it became necessary to record the number of work days done by the worker. In some primitive communities a Cowrie shell was given to a worker in payment for his or her work. The worker could exchange the Cowrie shell in exchange for food, useful items or services.

    The Holy Grail; is money that is created by God’s people through the work of their minds and hands and is thereby sacred. At least one tenth of discretionary income should be given to God to do His work. Money can do all things and cure all things. Money feeds the hungry, gives drink to the thirsty, clothes the naked, gives shelter to travellers, visits the sick, visits prisoners, and buries the dead. Money develops infrastructure for the common good.

    Evil people can also use labour and God given raw-material to create money. Money in evil hands does the work of the Satan, Prince of darkness and has thereby become the greatest weapon on earth. It can destroy all things, kill all things, starve all things, corrupt all things and it is on course to wipe out all things.

    Jesus Christ is the revolutionary who radically opposed and criticised Jewish practices and He drove the money changers out of the Temple. His Christian manifesto for a new universal religion of love and forgiveness became the basis of Western Civilisation. During His life on Earth He lived in the real world among real people, all of whom, He loved dearly.

    Set against the ideals of Jesus Christ, our world at the beginning of the twenty-first century is not an ideal Christian place and multitudes are wondering, what has gone wrong? Why are so many people without love, without food, without housing, without education, without medical services, without human rights and so much more? Christian theologians have traditionally concentrated on spiritual aesthetics within the Gospels and the next life, more so, than Jesus Christ himself who frequently spoke of hands-on spirituality and temporal daily needs and wellbeing of people. Clerical thinking appears to be, if we get the theology right the rest will naturally fall into place and it has be recognized, that this approach has been successful to a large degree but the inherent shortcomings therein has however, allowed human living conditions to deteriorate on a global scale. Surely, it is time for Christians to analyse their understanding, and their practice of Christian values, and re-examine the Gospels for other possible interpretations that may be relevant to the basic needs of human beings. The widespread division among modern Christians is contrary to Jesus’ wish that His followers should be united. Unity among Christians is possible if they work together to spiritualise Christian work practises and harness it for the common good and counter current laicized, subtle, concerted and insidious opposition to Jesus Christ.

    Christian’s have a basic obligation to familiarize themselves, with the teachings of Jesus Christ in order to understand what He is saying to them, e.g. I did not come to destroy your (Canon) laws or your prophets (Hierarchy), I have come to fulfil. It is also essential for Christians to thoroughly acquaint themselves with the Gospels and search for overlooked instructions and eliminate false interpretations. It is also necessary to study the history of the Christian religion and to learn from the mistakes and false interpretations of some Christian leaders and to remember that most of what Jesus taught, was rejected by His Jewish neighbours, most of whom were scandalised and dismissed Him out of hand. Some Jews however, did accept His teaching and so began the Christian way of living.

    In the pre-Christian era, the ancient Irish rejected the polytheism of the Celts and adopted monotheism instead, which conveniently prepared them for the coming of Jesus Christ. The pre-Christian Irish had developed a very enlightened constitution known as ‘The Brehon Law’, which enabled them to analyse the pros and cons of the Christian message when it was eventually brought to them, consequentially, it is said, that Ireland is the only country to be Christianized without bloodshed. The pre-Christian Irish had also adopted the circle as their spiritual symbol and they fused it with the cross of Christ, to preserve some precepts from their ancient constitution, which were in harmony with the Christian message. This Ancient Irish Cross aka; ‘The Celtic Cross’ became a symbol representing Jesus’ assertion that He did not come to destroy their Brehon law or their priests and holy men and women, but to fulfil their spiritual life, indicating that He did not object to their customs, but entreated them to consider another way of doing things and this should always be the philosophy of Christians, who deal with other sects.

    "He came unto His own and His own received Him not. Most Jewish people do not accept that, a mere carpenter’s son could fulfil them, preferring instead to adhere to their ancient belief, that a Messiah would be a powerful king-like figure and in the meantime they have clung to the morality of the Old Testament, dismissing the teaching of Jesus Christ. This gives them the freedom to pursue and justify any policy or programme that is important to them and is not in conflict with the tenets of the Old Testament, e.g. An eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth". The troubled history of Judaism since the birth of Jesus is, largely due to fundamental moral differences, between Jews and Christians.

    Scientists, who analyse an outbreak of a disease or a plague, scientifically search for the source of the problem and having identified the source, it becomes a matter of removing it. This study is an attempt to discover the source of widespread hunger and degradation in our world. It examines the extortion and abuse of monetary wealth and how such wealth is used to violate human rights and the tenets Christianity. President Dwight D. Eisenhower once said: Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and have not clothes. The world in arms is not spending money alone. It’s spending the sweat of its labourers, the genius of scientists and the hopes of its children. This is also a study of the historical connections between Judaism and Modern Freemasonry, since the formation of the Grand Lodge of England in 1717.

    When the mysterious manifesto entitled: ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ was published in Russia in 1903, it was met with pseudo outrage and condemnation by Freemasons and Zionists throughout the world. They described it as, anti-semitic, a hoax and a forgery. However, the unknown author was obviously well informed in the history of Zionist and Masonic involvement, in all the western revolutions of the 18th and 19th centuries. He or she, claimed to have had access to a secret manifesto of Zionists and Freemasons, to create a New World Order by instigating international turmoil, such as world wars, widespread violence, assassinations, massacres, the destruction of property, degradation of human rights and the financial enslavement of gentiles. If the ‘Protocols’ are figments of someone’s imagination they have nevertheless, proved Protocols to be a very accurate prophesy of world affairs since that time.


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