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The Victims of Opportunity
The Victims of Opportunity
The Victims of Opportunity
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The Victims of Opportunity

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It is not the author’s intention to hurt susceptibility of people identified with this controversial issue. It is only the concept of a writer who thinks that the homosexualidad has increased in recent times, and as a result, there are children victims of opportunity of pederasts accordingly. In these thirty years or more, homosexuality has increased because there is a close correlation between the number of children violated all over the world. This is a warning for parents, who have to be informed about the profile of a pervert and how to prevent, in thirty years more, our children from giving us the surprise of integrating the word “gay.”

We must learn by example that the majority of abusers are men (between 80 and 95 percent of the cases) and heterosexuals who use the confidence and familiarity and deceit and surprise as most frequent strategies for subjecting the victim. The ages of the victims are between eight and twelve, and the children with greater risk of being abused are:

—those who have a reduced capacity to resist or to categorize or correctly identify what they are suffering, as is the case for children who do not speak and those who have developmental delays and physical and mental handicaps;
—those who are part of disorganized or reconstructed families, especially those that suffer from lack of affection and initially may feel flattered with the attentions of the abuser;
—those in age prepúber with clear signs of sexual development;
—those who are also victims of abuse.

Meanwhile, us, the great public, are contributing to the increase of this social evil, demonstrating consent, indifference, or criticism. Meanwhile, in children grows confusion when they see on TV for example to same-sex couples marrying or making demonstrations of love. And what will we answer as parents if they ask us about it—that this is something natural and is only a sexual preference, that this is like choosing any class of preference and they also when they are adults can choose, or that this is something unnatural and increase their confusion?

Many times, this generates school violence, harassment, psychological or verbal or physical abuse from adolescents who were directed toward intimidating the victim, while the subject is mistreated and lives terrorized. For them, the school represents a place of torture, and they’re not capable of curbing this harassment by denouncing it to the relevant authorities or to their parents for fear that they’d be seen as effeminate. They suffer in silence, sad and lonely, and try to change. The bully tries to intimidate them, reduce them, and cause them to submit, consuming the victim emotionally as they try to prove their manhood.
Release dateJun 23, 2016
The Victims of Opportunity

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    The Victims of Opportunity - Cathelife

    Copyright © 2016 by Cathelife.

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    The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Rev. date: 15/06/2016


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    Chapter I   Discussion and Disputes between Psychiatrists and Psychologists on Homosexuality

    Chapter II   Possible Causes and Effects

    Chapter III   Profile of a Pederast

    Chapter IV   Pedophilia in the Catholic Church

    Chapter V   Reflection


    The impunity, indifference, and mere criticisms have allowed, in this last era, the increase of homosexuality without noticing that there is a close correlation between the number of children violated all over the world within that time and those that are now leaving the famous closet. This is a warning for parents who have to be informed about the profile of a pervert and how to prevent that in thirty years or more, our children do not give us the surprise of wanting to integrate into the gay community.

    Dedicated to the young parents who, due to lack of experience and malice, entrust the care of their children to mentally sick people. Doing so can expose them to dangerous wolves in sheep’s clothing, and the damage can be irreversible.


    Discussion and Disputes between Psychiatrists

    and Psychologists on Homosexuality

    It is not the intention of the author to hurt the sensibilities of people involved in this controversial topic. It is only the concept that homosexuality has increased in this last era, and as a result, children have become victims of opportunities of pedophiles. Psychologists and experts from past centuries were responsible of the theories classifying whether it was or was not a mental illness. The dispute is still present at this time. For example, in the European movement of sexologists at the end of the nineteenth century, in 1886, sexologist Richard von Krafft studied perverted sexual practices into his final work, the Psychopathia Sexualis. Kafft-Ebing proposed that homosexuality was caused either by an investment congenital (during the birth) or by an investment acquired.

    In 1896, Sigmund Freud published his ideas on psychoanalysis. Freud believed that all were bisexual by birth and that one person in particular demonstrating homosexuality or heterosexuality was the result of environmental factors that interact with the biological and sexual impulses. Freud expressed serious doubts about the potential of conversion therapy. In a famous letter to a mother who requested him to treat his son, Freud wrote, Wondering if I can help [to his son], wants to ask, I guess, if I remove the homosexuality and make heterosexuality can take it it place. The answer is that, generally, we cannot promise we do so. In a number of cases, we are successful at developing the genes of heterosexual traits that are present in all the homosexuals; in most cases, it is no longer possible. It is a question of the type and the age of the individual. The result of treatment cannot be predicted.

    During the three decades after the death of Freud (1939), the conversion therapy enjoyed a period of employment of aggressive treatment of homosexuals and the approval of the psychiatric profession. Researchers who were arguing over the therapeutic conversion included, among others, Edmund Bergler, Irving Bieber, Albert Ellis, Abram Kardiner, Sandor Rado, and Charles Socarides. Rado rejected the theory of Freud that bisexuality is innate and argued that human nature is heterosexual and that homosexuality was caused by the psychopathology of the parents. Socarides and Kardiner developed similar theories. Socarides interpreted the wishes that homosexuality is a disease caused by a conflict between the id and the ego that typically occurs at an early age in an environment dominated by women, in which the father is absent, and the mother is weak or sadistic. The therapists of conversion also had rejected the pessimism of Freud on the possibility of changing the sexual orientation with therapy.

    Bieber published in 1962 a study that concluded that although this change can be achieved more easily by some than by others, in our view, a shift toward heterosexuality is a possibility for all homosexuals that are strongly motivated to change. It was assumed that homosexuality was a psychopathology. Ellis said, Homosexuals fixed in our society are almost invariably neurotic or psychotic . . . therefore you cannot find any group of homosexual normal in any site. This point of view had the backing of the Psychiatric Association of United States in 1952 in the first edition of the DSM-I, manual for diagnosis and statistics from mental disorders, which classified homosexuality as a mental disorder. Evelyn Hooker’s voice was a contrary after publishing her influential article The Adjustment of the Male Overt Homosexual in 1957, where he affirmed that the homosexual ones were not intrinsically abnormal and that there was no difference among homosexual men and heterosexual in terms of pathology. The professionals who considered the sexual orientation as a result of a learned behavior adopted behavior modification techniques. These included techniques of refurbishing the masturbation, viewing, and social skills. The most radical procedures included the aversion therapy and electroshock therapy. Documented cases included electric shocks to the genitals of the patient, sometimes together with nasty images, which included lots of feces and injuries due to Kaposi’s sarcoma. In another case, plethysmography was used, which is the employment of united electrical sensors to the genitals to measure sexual arousal, employed along with the therapy of electric shocks on the penis of the patient.

    In 1966, the American

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