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Welcome to My World! Come Stay a While.
Welcome to My World! Come Stay a While.
Welcome to My World! Come Stay a While.
Ebook56 pages10 minutes

Welcome to My World! Come Stay a While.

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My first book grabbed people out of curiosity. This book is going to make people want to find out what happens next. My book covers so many areas so it touches everybody at some level. I believe everybody struggles with that bad side of them that makes you want to say forget everything and just go for it! It captures the reader even if for only a short but makes them walk away feeling someone understands me. I want people from all walls of life to know that we all connect on some level. It doesn’t matter whether you’re rich or poor, pretty or struggle with your looks, whether you’re with the in crowd or on the outside of the in crowd, at the end of the day we all struggle with something. We are all human. It will always be someone more richer, more prettier, more smarter, but you have to know how to work with what you have and let your best shine through because there’s only one you! So let it shine! Let it shine like the Stars!
Release dateFeb 24, 2020
Welcome to My World! Come Stay a While.

Felicia Noble Williams

My name is Mrs. Felicia Noble-Williams. I kept my maiden name because I am very proud of it. I was born and raised in Harlem, NY and I have great love for “The City That Never Sleeps”. I love the fact that I can go to the store at 2am in the morning if I need milk for my oreos. I love the fact that I can find entertainment at anytime of the day no matter what shift I work. I have been writing poetry since elementary school. I use to write it for my peers that were going through things with their boyfriends or girlfriends. As I got older it became a way to express my feelings. I would write poetry for events at my job or for people special to me that helped me along my way. I joined to get my poems seen, but I always knew I would one day put something out about me. My favorite Poet growing up was Edgar Allan Poe, specifically his poem”The Raven”. My favorite Artist was Tupac Shakur, main song “Dear Mama” for I loved how his words touched so many lives and made you think.

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    Welcome to My World! Come Stay a While. - Felicia Noble Williams

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