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La Petite Mort: The Little Death
La Petite Mort: The Little Death
La Petite Mort: The Little Death
Ebook132 pages1 hour

La Petite Mort: The Little Death

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Book 1. Story outline

An erotic story of a young woman; June, after finishing college, and starting her first job.

At work, she meets an older man; receiving her experience of the little death, (La Petite Mort.)

Her deputy manager, Tracy, is a worldly-wise woman, teaches June all about men.

June attended a small evangelical church all her life, challenged by her god driven sexual desires.
Release dateJan 16, 2020
La Petite Mort: The Little Death

J.M. Roberts

Worked in Public and private engineering companies and now writing erotic books.

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    La Petite Mort - J.M. Roberts

    2020 J. M. Roberts. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 01/08/2020

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-9750-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-9751-1 (e)

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.


    If you believe a detailed description of the sexual act, is pornography; do not read any further.

    If you want to improve your love making technique.

    Please read a detailed description, on the exact way, to make love, and satisfy sexually

    any woman.

    Try the quiz; find the level of your skill at pleasing sexually, any woman.

    Three Aims.

    One/ Entertain. Two/Inform. Three/Educate.


    Chapter 1: Sunday Evening

    Monday Morning. June’s First Day at Work.

    Management staff

    The office staff.

    Tracy introduces June to Bert.

    Monday evening.

    Chapter 2: The second week

    Chapter 3: Monday

    Monday Evening.

    Tuesday Morning.

    Junes First Kiss.

    Tuesday Afternoon.

    Wednesday Morning

    Chapter 4: Friday

    Chapter 5: June confess her sin

    Friday evening

    Chapter 6: Monday morning

    Chapter 7: Tracy’s history

    Chapter 8: Tracy discloses June’s secrets to Mr. Wilson

    Friday Evening



    Chapter 9: Monday

    June returns to the office.

    Chapter 10: Tracy works overtime

    Tuesday Lunch.

    Wednesday. Morning.

    Wednesday Evening.

    Thursday Morning.

    Chapter 11: Thursday Evening

    Chapter 12: Early Friday Morning

    Friday Morning at work

    Saturday Morning.

    The Saturday Dance.


    Chapter 13: Monday Morning

    Tuesday afternoon.

    Chapter 14: Date with Norman


    Love Quiz




    Sunday Evening

    June and Sarah walked home together after the Sunday evening service. The two girls chatted excitedly about the sermon the visiting preacher had given, on damnation and sexual sin. They both agreed and solemnly promised each other; they would go before the altar, as virgins.

    Monday Morning. June’s First Day at Work.

    On reaching the City Centre Bus Terminus, they followed the crowd to the exit. Mentally prepared for their first day at work, they give each other encouraging smiles. June said, What time should we meet, this evening?

    Our offices are about the same distance from this terminus, and we both finish work at five fifteen, I propose that we meet here at five thirty? Sarah suggested.

    Bravely, they set off in different directions to their places of work.

    The advertising department of a major insurance company hired Sarah to work as a shorthand typist.

    June had celebrated her eighteenth birthday a week before her interview. She looked forward to working for large clothing company, as a typist and filing clerk.

    June looked through the windows of Lewis Super Stores and admired the new fashion for shorter skirts. She shuddered as she continued past the enclosed remains of bombed building. It was just a couple of years ago, when bombs rained down close to her home.

    She continued to walk down the High street. Turned into the street she recognised, which would lead to City Centre Warehouse. Full of rebuilt shops waiting to open, and start trading, next week. One shop advertised it was opening as a Contemporary Ladies shop. The other rebuilt shop, announced it would soon open as a Modern Ladies Dress shop. Turning into another wide street, June then changed direction and walked into a narrow, gloomy, cobbled street. Tall, soot covered, Victorian building lined each side, stopping the sunlight, and creating a salacious atmosphere. The discarded litter scattered all over the pavement, shocked June. As she reached the last Victorian building, she crossed over the street. Looked at the large sign, stating, City Centre Warehouse.

    Walk up the stone steps. June grunted with disgusted. She noticed a discarded rubber contraceptive, on the top step.

    She took great care to avoid stepping on it. June hurriedly mounted the steps. Trepidation and shock rocked her confidence, as she passed through the heavy swing doors, and tried to force herself to relax, as she approached, in the centre of the foyer, the ornate reception desk.

    Sitting behind the desk, the attractive, and well-dressed, young woman, looked up, and gave June a friendly smiled.

    Good morning, June returned the smile, I am starting work here today. Could you direct me to the General Office?

    The receptionist carefully explained, with a knowing smile, the way to the General Office.

    June following the direction the receptionist had given her to the general office she began to worry.

    The letter arrived from the City Clothing Warehouse, in June’s home, the day after the interview. She expected a rejection.

    The anticipation of being among so many men, put a spring in her steps. Finally, she reached a door marked, General Office.

    Management staff

    June opened the door. She pulled her shoulders back, and instinctively thrusting out her firm bosom. She walked boldly into the General Office. Straight opposite her, on the far wall, was a wooden framed office, with a narrow window, and Mr. Wilson, obviously waiting for her, gesticulating to her to enter his office?

    Inside Mr. Wilson office, he invited June to sit down alongside him. Mr. Wilson shook her hand, and deliberately held her hand for a few seconds longer than necessary. Looking out of his window, he saw Tracy, his deputy, and waved at Tracy. Signaling for her to return to his office and meet June.

    As soon as Tracy

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