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Embody Peace: A Guide to Awaken Women to a True Sense of Inner Peace, Joy and Blissful Living
Embody Peace: A Guide to Awaken Women to a True Sense of Inner Peace, Joy and Blissful Living
Embody Peace: A Guide to Awaken Women to a True Sense of Inner Peace, Joy and Blissful Living
Ebook224 pages3 hours

Embody Peace: A Guide to Awaken Women to a True Sense of Inner Peace, Joy and Blissful Living

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About this ebook

Embody Peace is a guide to self-empowerment that helps readers create an enduring foundation for inner stability and peace. If you are ready, it is a tool to help you awaken your own inner intelligence and change your life for the better.
The insights, teachings and practices will help you go through your day without getting overly disturbed by stress. You will come to find a deep sense of calmness in the face of all that life throws at you.
The practical wisdom and techniques will help you manage your mind, body, emotions, and the powerful life-force within to help you create your life the way you want for yourself.
You can transform your life. From the breakdown to the breakthrough, each and every woman can take back her power and live the life she truly deserves. Your life was meant to be sparkling! When you make the connection to your inner essence, your true self, you will begin to live your life with peace, joy and ease. Every woman deserves this connection.
This book is the blueprint for inner peace and true joy that you have been searching for.
Release dateJul 11, 2019
Embody Peace: A Guide to Awaken Women to a True Sense of Inner Peace, Joy and Blissful Living

Heather Douglas Glavocich

Heather is an inspirational teacher who has done the hard work of spiritual transformation. She had a tough life, survived domestic violence and lived to tell the story. With grit and determination, she transformed her life using the tools and techniques given in this book. Emerging into enlightened living she is determined to reach as many women as possible with this important message of peaceful living and the joy and fulfilment it brings.

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    Embody Peace - Heather Douglas Glavocich

    Copyright © 2019 Heather Douglas Glavocich.

    Cover image © John Price Derbyshire UK

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Balboa Press

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-1837-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-1838-9 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date:   07/09/2019



    Chapter 1   A New Life

    Chapter 2   Fulfilment

    Chapter 3   Inner Purpose

    Chapter 4   The Ego

    Chapter 5   Negative Emotions

    Chapter 6   Dissolving Negative Emotions

    Chapter 7   Negative Beings

    Chapter 8   Assumptions

    Chapter 9   You Are Your Own Opponent

    Chapter 10   Focus

    Chapter 11   Vibrations of Energy

    Chapter 12   How Vibrations Shape Our Self Image

    Chapter 13   Raising Your Vibration

    Chapter 14   Forgiveness

    Chapter 15   Compassion and Kindness

    Chapter 16   Beyond the Ego

    Chapter 17   Transformation

    Chapter 18   Resistance

    Chapter 19   Observation and Focusing Awareness

    Chapter 20   Awareness of Self

    Chapter 21   Breathing

    Chapter 22   Meditation

    Chapter 23   Meditation and Dissolving the Ego

    Chapter 24   Mindfulness

    Chapter 25   Unseen Energy

    Chapter 26   Energy Networks

    Chapter 27   Sacred Energy

    Chapter 28   The Challenge

    Chapter 29   Oneness

    Chapter 30   Connection

    Chapter 31   Conclusion: This Is Why Cinderella Cleans Her Castle!


    To my daughters, without whom I may not have made it through the darkest nights. My love for them kept me going when I did not think I could go on any longer. To my parents, whose love and support is never-ending. And to the men in my life who taught me how to be courageous and strong. To those who provided me with the mirror to see my own perfect imperfections, afforded me the opportunities to work through my karma, and helped me learn and heal through my relationships with them. And to the healers and enlightened ones who synchronously entered my life, helping me to embrace the feminine and balance the masculine aspects of my being. To those who helped me learn the beauty of surrender so that I could find the God light within me and bring this love and peace to the world.

    I am deeply indebted to two who I will not name, because the love of one led me to the other. The first was a soulmate I loved dearly but to whom I could not belong, and the second was a true soulmate I wanted to love but who wouldn’t allow it. He ignited my fire and set me back on the path of spiritual transformation. He planted the seeds for this book, and for that I am truly grateful. The cosmic union of his love and mine gave birth to this guide.


    Embody Peace is written for women, but the lessons are equally valuable for men; just change the terms as you read! I wrote this book for women who may have life experiences similar to the ones I experienced and who need some help learning how to turn their lives around.

    This book is a guide. These are the steps that I embraced, used, followed, forgot, and came back to again and again. These are the steps I referred to when I felt I was off my path or felt life was not delivering what I thought I wanted. These steps helped me to become more deeply self-aware and guided me to a state of peace, joy, and ease previously unimagined. Following this guide helped me to accept the things I could not change and helped me change the things I could no longer accept.

    What I desired most was to live life again, to feel joy and passion. Inwardly I was numb, tired, and wounded. I wanted to reclaim my birthright to be free, joyous, peaceful, and at ease.

    Everything in this guide works. I did not just arrive in this place of ease, joy and inner bliss overnight and go, Ta-da! I am free! I had to do the work. I had to acknowledge that everything that had happened to me were things that I chose to happen. Sometimes things happened to me that were out of my control, but how I reacted to them and how I responded to them was entirely my responsibility.

    Embody Peace is for the women who are trapped in their shitty or not so shitty lives. It is for those who are trapped in their negative mindsets, waiting for life to happen to them. This book is for the women who can’t afford to take a self-improvement course or pay for a healing session. This book is for the women who can’t go on a retreat. It is also for the women who can do a course or go on a retreat but find it difficult to maintain their new-found awareness when they return home. This book is for those who find that everything is too hard and they don’t have the time.

    Empower yourself. Pick up this book and use it. Learn from it. Improve yourself with it. Don’t leave things until it’s too late. Don’t keep suffering and being a helpless victim in your life.

    If reading this book can instil in you just one drop of understanding of what it is to develop inner peace, then I will be very happy for you. If you can transform your life, as I was able to transform mine, then my heart will overflow with love and gratitude for you, for you will have empowered yourself to live a life of ease, joy, and bliss that will flow on to those around you.

    Don’t dwell on a life of negativity where everything just happens to you any more. Take a momentous step. Be the wild woman who exists in your heart, the one longing for freedom, the one longing for a life of peace, joy, ease and blissful living.

    Embody peace.

    Chapter 1

    A New Life

    Sorrow prepares you for joy. It shakes the yellow leaves from the boughs of your heart, so that fresh green leaves can grow in their place. Whatever sorrow shakes from your heart, far better things will take their place.


    Every woman reading this book will have come from her own unique and different background. No two will have walked in the same pair of shoes. For most of us, our lives have not been easy. For some of you, people will look at you and think you have lived a privileged life, but no one knows the inner struggle you have dealt with. For others, you have survived hardships many people could not even comprehend. For all of us, we have shared moments of joy, moments of sorrow, moments of achievement, and moments of failure. And the one thing we all search for is love.

    Embody Peace emerged as a result of my search for love. My whole life I was seeking meaning in life through love. I searched for love through relationships with men. I searched for love through conceiving and giving birth to five children. Each time my babies were born, in that outpouring of love for the sacredness of new life, I thought I had found meaning and purpose in my life. It never lasted. I searched for meaning and purpose through my work. I loved my work, and yet it exhausted me. It wore me out and stressed me into anxiety and depression. My relationships did the same. Life was always hard. There was never enough money to go around. I was always struggling: to meet my deadlines, to pay my bills, to raise my kids, to do my job well, to please my husband, to keep the house clean and tidy. And always there was something missing. I wanted to feel the rapture of being alive.

    My whole life was a search for the love, meaning, and purpose that would make me feel that rapture. It seems I was searching in all the wrong places. In the end, what I was looking for, that which I had tried so hard to find outside myself, was at the centre of my being, in my own heart, as it had been from the very beginning.

    I think every woman wants to feel the rapture of being alive.

    In fact, I think every person who has ever lived is seeking a deeper inner meaning of what it is to be alive. Every one of us is seeking purpose and fulfilment. Every one of us is seeking the experience that will give deep inner joy, peace, and satisfaction. Yet so many of us merely skim the surface. We constantly seek experiences that only give temporary feelings of enjoyment. These never last.

    The first woman to pilot and later command a US space shuttle, astronaut Eileen Collins, reflected on looking back at Earth from the space shuttle Discovery:

    When you are out there, there is silence the depths of which you have never experienced before. The contrast between the earth, a massive bright blue and white ball suspended and held up in space by a magnetic force; an energy up against the vast black sky of the infinite universe, really comes through. The enormous size, the magnificence, the appearance, the beauty and the significance of it is awe inspiring. It is so unique, so delicate and so precious. It is such a precious little spot in the universe, and you realise that within that precious little spot and the depths of the vast universe there is something far greater than ourselves that exists out there that we are connected to.

    Imagine how it must feel to be filled with such awe, inspired by the beauty of the Earth from space. Imagine what it must feel like to experience the silent vastness of the Universe. How many of us realise how tiny we are in comparison? How many of us realise that each one of us is equally unique and significantly precious and beautiful? How many of us feel connected to something far greater than ourselves?

    It is possible. We can all develop this deeper sense of awareness and discover a new way of appreciating the value of our life and our place in the Universe. This awe is an embodiment of ease, joy, and love. Growing this awe and connection is what it is to embody peace. It is a blissful state of being. Embodiment is available to each one of us and brings with it deep inner peace. With the connection comes a new outlook on life. You will never look at your life the same way again.

    Each one of us is part of the magnificence of the Universe. Not only that, we are of the Universe—with a capital U. This signifies a reverence for the higher spiritual oneness of existence.

    While you are heading in your own unique direction in life, my intention is to inspire you and support you with the tools you need to step out on a journey to connect with and embody peace. My greatest hope is that you will learn to stand in your power, change and improve those aspects of your life that are not serving you or are harmful to you, and bring your focus to the actions that bring you peace, harmony, and health. Ultimately, I hope you will change your life for the better. Your life should not be mediocre; it should be sparkling!

    As you embody peace, the face you present to the world will become far more harmonious with your inner Self. You will have a much deeper connection to your inner essence and to the people around you. You will find yourself interacting far more positively with others, and you will come to appreciate the individual relationships that have shaped and defined you. Embodying peace will lead you to live a life of happiness and fulfilment that you may never before have imagined possible.

    You will feel vibrant and alive in your innermost being and, in the process, you will heal yourself mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. It will not always be an easy journey. And like with all difficult journeys, at times you may find yourself wanting to give up along the way. This is because a major part of your journey will be learning to let go. Let me reassure you that letting go does not have to be difficult. It is simply about letting go of attachment—attachment to old loves, attachment to old hurts, attachment to old resentments, attachment to all you imagine and believe about yourself that isn’t really true. Learning to let go of attachment is ultimately your ticket to freedom. The fantastic thing is, you are in charge of writing your own ticket!

    Doing the work that will enable you to connect with and embody peace will improve and enhance your life. When your inner Self has a vibration that is in sync with the Universe, you will be able to choose to live your life in the best service of your true Self. Your life will be vibrant, and you will find peace.

    With all my heart I want you to experience this journey! It will be a worthwhile journey that will improve your life forever.


    Important Note: The mental exercises, techniques, meditations, and information in this book should not be used to make decisions about medical care without the involvement of a knowledgeable practitioner.

    Chapter 2


    You are the one that possesses the keys to your being. You carry the passport to your own happiness.

    —Diane von Furstenberg

    Ask yourself, What do I want in my life? Write down your answers; jot them in a notebook or journal. Say them out loud. Do whatever you need to do to bring what you want in your life into your awareness in the present moment.

    Most of our desires, most of what we want in life, are created around having our physical, emotional, and spiritual needs fulfilled. Your answers probably look something like this: a beautiful home, a good income, no money worries, better physical health, vitality and well-being, healthy relationships, personal identity and belonging within your tribe, to be noticed, a loving romantic relationship, a safe neighbourhood or world to live in, no worries, more peace, and happiness.

    Whenever I ask women this question, the most common responses are just like yours. They shelter under the four umbrellas of wealth, health, happiness, and peace of mind. If this is what all women want, why is it so difficult for most of our sisters to fulfil these desires?

    Happiness and Inner Peace

    Happiness and inner peace are of an intangible essence. Their qualities are a form of energy that sparks within you. These things are of a spiritual nature, so you cannot hold them in your hands. Believe it or not, happiness and peace are already within you, waiting to arise from your innermost being. You do not have to have something or do something outside yourself to make you happy.

    You may disagree and find yourself thinking that having happiness and inner peace is dependent on something good that is going to happen. If you find yourself thinking, When I fall in love When I find my new home When I can afford to When I have a baby When my kids leave home If I could travel If only my kids would stop fighting If only my beloved would meet my needs When I get a better job …, then you are probably striving in many ways to fix these things that you want to happen, and make them right, just so that you can achieve happiness and inner peace. Right?

    "When you strive to achieve happiness and inner peace, you start focusing on

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