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God Doesn’T Exist
God Doesn’T Exist
God Doesn’T Exist
Ebook189 pages2 hours

God Doesn’T Exist

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The developed theme is based on the initiatory knowledge, taught by the great masters that have existed through humanity (primary gnosticism), pure Christianity, this book encloses itself art-science-philosophy and religion, with simple basic explanations that any interested person can practice, besides that for the science of the spirit can be complete it must meet the requirements described above. The author speaks and clarifies that it is not his knowledge but the extract of part of the teachings given by his teachers, since it is a universal knowledge, given to the few, only for those truly serious in investigating their own origins and their previous lives.

It is simply a compilation of part of the teachings described and that can be extended to other deeper ones in future publications, it is only the beginning of all that we still need to know about ourselves, that is why we were taught in the initiatory temples homo , nosce te ipsum , man, know yourself, and you will know the universe and the gods.

Words of the author.
Release dateApr 7, 2018
God Doesn’T Exist

Harold Ortiz

Bagnavanny, es el seudónimo, usado por el autor de este pequeño fragmento de enseñanza, la cual es solo una diezmilésima parte del gran conocimiento universal. Nació en Colombia hacia el año de 1953, y desde niño tuvo la inclinación a las investigaciones de índole espiritual, ligado por tal motivo a diferentes iglesias y comunidades religiosas. A la edad de 15 años conoció lo relacionado al hombre y su desarrollo cosmogónico, practicando inicialmente y esporádicamente en los ritos gnósticos, asistiendo a muchos eventos de este tipo, época en la cual tuvo acceso directo a los maestros Samael Aun Weor; Garga Kuichines; Rabolu y Litelantes, con ellos tuvo relación personal aprendiéndoles toda esta enseñanza. Estudió contables, profesión que practicó por muchos años, fue la era en la cual conoció a su esposa Beatriz, quien hoy, aun le acompaña, con la que tiene 2 hijas, Manuela y Valentina. Viajo por muchas partes del mundo aprendiendo e investigando todo lo relacionado a la enseñanza. Luego estudio derecho en su ciudad natal, profesión que aunque le brindo muchos parabienes, no le lleno completamente debido a la problemática por la cual pasaba su país influenciado por entidades nefastas que hacían que esta profesión no fuera tan honesta, cambiando a la agronomía, carrera que estudio en los Estados Unidos graduándose con honores en the Pennsylvannia State University, dónde también estudió arte e interpretación del arte, pasión que desarrolló, participando en exposiciones en diferentes partes de Europa. A la vez la Agronomía que desarrolló como profesión en sus propiedades rurales, combinando la agronomía con la pintura, estableciendo a la vez un icono en el desarrollo rural de su jurisdicción. Hoy continua haciendo obra y escribiendo a la vez, participando en obras de ayuda social en compañía de su esposa Beatriz, la cual ha sido la aliada incondicional. Reside en la ciudad de Montreal, la que le ha acogido con beneplácito, brindándole la tranquilidad y estabilidad en todo sentido.

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    Book preview

    God Doesn’T Exist - Harold Ortiz

    Copyright © 2018 by Harold Ortiz.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2018904126

    ISBN:   Softcover   978-1-5065-2485-6

                 Ebook         978-1-5065-2486-3

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Rev date: 05/04/2018


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    Through this work the advances CHRISTIAN STUDENTS will know the path of liberation, which leads us to perfection and to the union of our superlative or spiritual values with the highest degree of energy concentration, whatever we want to call it, GOD TAO, BRAHAMA, JEHOVA, (IOD-HE VAU-HE), ALHA

    This teaching leads us to the knowledge of the physical body, the mortal soul and the immortal spirit. Knowing our body we know in which vehicle we walk and who commands and governs in it; we understand that we can improve it and improve its owner, we realize that whoever manages the body is the soul and that this is the result or consequence of the pilgrimage of the spirit in matter, we call it a sentient soul because up to that point, it is the product of senses and conscious because it is lived knowledge and hence the name of consciousness. We are taught to convert the mortal soul into an immortal soul.

    Our conscience or our soul is absorbed by the ego, and the only way to bottling or releasing it is through the factors of the revolution of the consciousness DYING-BORN-SACRIFICE.

    The soul is asleep locked in thousands of vices, manias, and defects that we carry as undesirable ballast. We must liberate the soul and GOD PROMETHEUS, the one that shows the Greek mythology, tied to a rock and a vulture devouring its entrails, likewise we have our heavenly Father, tied to the living rock of matter, incapable to manifest.

    When we destroy our faults: DIE, we improve our body, because we clean our physical senses, our informants, they purify themselves, they see reality with clarity. The bright is pure when it has no stain, it also happens with our body, when we remove the defects.

    To BORN, we use men and women, our seed or seed, every birth depends on the creative energy, when we take advantage of it in our favor, other bodies are born in us {VITAL-ASTRAL-MENTAL-AND THE WILL), these vehicles increase our Consciousness capacity and enable us for superior, transcendental study.

    SACRIFICE - only the man of superior type is capable of sacrificing himself for his fellowmen, only thus is understood the first commandment of the Divine law: LOVE GOD ABOUT ALL THINGS AND NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF. "Understanding the above we find ourselves in the conditions of understanding that it is the INITIATION, the beginning of a path, following with the RESURRECTION the second birth, that is the manifestation of the DIVINE part in us, the incarnation of the holy spirit, we become children of the resurrection, the bodies of sin disappear and thus the man becomes a son of himself, and finally the ASCENTION, which leads us to the absolute, totally liberated.

    Each of these steps has its own sacrifice, therefore the wisdom of transformation or transmutation is multiple, through which we understand and unravel the most intricate mysteries

    Our individual spiritual mother KUNDALINI, is the HOLY SPIRIT in us, at the beginning we will not understand much what is meant in this book, but if it perseveres, the soul of each reader will understand the depth of this teaching, no matter how asleep are the senses ¨ {for the moment}, time is the best friend.

    Kundalini is the flame of Love, sacred erotic fire, fire divided, our igneous serpent.

    We will understand that the PHILOSOPHICAL STONE, of which the Hermetic writers speak is the SEX, which when we know it thoroughly, transforms us radically. The Semen {our seed}, is a living entity at our service, learning to use it wisely and dissolving the ego, that is the PSYCHOLOGICAL SELF, we avoid that the different parts of ourselves: INTELLECT-MOVEMENT-EMOTIONS-INSTINCT, steal the Hydrogen SI 12 of SEX; the defects live in our living temple (our physical body), we must expel those defects as the SON OF MAN taught us, defects who trade with us, when we avoid this robbery in an integral way, the KING OF CREATION is born, the authentic man .

    WILL, is the instrument that turns all rude metals into gold, the bad into good, that is, the defects in powers {the opposite side of a defect is its power}, we must convert: laziness into diligence, cowardice into courage, turn the lie into truth, the fornication into chastity, lust in temperance, the hate in love.

    The Genesis of Enoch, the tremendous sexual energies that invade in the spring our planet earth, which encourage couples to reproduce. The true Christians avoid them by the annual practice of the forty days of abstinence and continence, stopping eating any kind of meat suspending the practice of sexual union, this fact happens from the forty days counted from Holy Friday onwards, forty days before Holy Friday, is a wrong practice because they do not correspond with the sexual forces that our planet receives. The laws of nature are understood only by those who have their internal senses awake and cannot be described or written because their real meaning is distorted when translated into words.

    In the Essenes Gospels of JOHN, the Gentiles (the external ones) asked him: Master, what are the laws of life? And Jesus answered: truly I tell you that no one can be happy, except those who follow the Law, and others answered All follow the laws of Moses our legislator, as they are written in the Holy Scriptures, because the law is divine while the scriptures are death. Truly I tell you that Moses did not receive the laws of GOD written but in word live.

    The law is the word of the LIVING GOD (the intimate one), our real being, for living men, in everything that has life the law is written, but seek it mainly in yourselves, because in truth I tell you, all living things are closer to GOD than the scriptures that lack life.

    This teaching leads us to our blessed RAMIO "The Virgin Mother, daughter of your son", as we read it, and it has been said by the DANTE in a poetic way, she appears in the drama of our life and helps us to remove our defects, those who hide stealthily in our different states of consciousness, gold is tested with fire and virtue with temptation, hence because we must exterminate our defects and our Blessed Mother plays an important role in this work.

    This teaching, of the Fifth Gospel, is written for the sixth and seventh race of our planet earth and for all those who now want to live and enjoy the wisdom of tomorrow so that they know how to defend themselves from the combats of this terrible storm in which the species human succumbs.

    While we go into reading, we will see a specific terminology that for the vulgar becomes difficult to interpret, pronounce and understand, but this has its logical explanation, if we study Engineering, we have to have the appropriate terms to what we develop to through this career, or if we study medicine, it is illogical to use terms from other careers, we give the example, a doctor would use the term plumb, or level, or cement or brick to do their operations, being terms used in the engineering, I don’t think so, that’s why we are very emphatic in requesting that you, dear reader, curious and eager for knowledge put your mind for what is written and at the same time we urge you to investigate, do not accept anything without investigating, in order to be trained his own criteria and knowledge of things, in this way we create in ourselves the OWN KNOWLEDGE, which is acquired at the step that, we develop and understand in us here and now the Secrets of Nature, which tend to look outside, but we really have it inside ourselves, and as the first Hermetic postulate, *DO NOT LOOK FORWARD, WHAT WE HAVE INSIDE*

    While we understand and assimilate the teaching, we understand many things and we are opened to a new vision of everything that surrounds us, opening our eyes to new knowledge and understanding our relationship with everything and everyone, and also the relationship of all and that everything to us, we understand the secrets of life and death, the links we have with our relatives, family, wife, children, parents, grandparents etc., as well as the role they play in relation to us and our loved ones. Friends, who absolutely all play a role in our lives, and the same they would say to us if they came to half awakening, specifically understanding that WE REALIZING is the beginning of AWAKENING.

    The different masters who have taken physical form or have incarnated physically, have shown that it is necessary to AWAKEN and the gospels tell us about AWAKENING, but they do not tell us how, they also tell us about dying, but in a symbolic sense and misinterpreted by our part, hence many people take the meaning of the teachings to the dead letter therefore to repeat and repeat all that they say the sacred texts, call KORAN, BIBLE, POPOLVU, BAGAVAD GUITA, etc., etc., but is not the intention of the author of this book to judge or condemn those people for not having access to this knowledge, we can call these beings as WRONG SINCERE, since they do not find the slightest trace of evil or bad intention, only that they do not know what is beyond and what is implicit in everything they have learned, especially in the spiritual, but that they should not be placed on the pyre of the inquisition as it happened in the time of the inquisitor of TORQUEMADA.



    MARCH 21 TO APRIL 19


    Imagine for a moment, dear reader, a house with four floors. The poor human mistakenly called man lives normally on the two floors below, but never in life does he use the two upper floors.

    The man divides his painful and miserable life between the common dream and the misnamed state of Vigil, which is unfortunately another form of the dream.

    While the physical body sleeps in bed, the EGO wrapped in its LUNAR BODIES walks with the consciousness asleep like a sleepwalker moving freely through the molecular region.

    THE EGO in the molecular region projects dreams

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