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Falling Forever
Falling Forever
Falling Forever
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Falling Forever

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About this ebook

Ashe and Emerson crashed into one another like two falling stars destined to collide . . .
Sexy as hell, Ashe Bennett doesn't tie himself to anything or anyone.
Emerson Parker is beautiful, strong, and determined to keep Ashe away from her heart.
When determination is strong, but flesh is weak, Emerson may be the one chain Ashe refuses to break.
. . . but will their fire explode and burn out? Or will they become one star burning brighter together than they ever did apart?
Release dateDec 8, 2016
Falling Forever

Victoria Monroe

Victoria Monroe was born and raised in Pennsylvania. She graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with a bachelor of arts degree in English literature. She and her husband relocated a few times within the state. She favors the Pittsburgh region, where she had her son and daughter. After a ten-year career in corporate retail, she resigned, allowing her the ability to raise her children and write. Victoria loves spending time with her family. She loves listening to music, reading, and being outdoors—from the mountains to the beach and everything in between. Watching the sunrise and sunset is one of her favorite things to do. She always looks for a reason to laugh.

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    Falling Forever - Victoria Monroe

    © 2016 Victoria Monroe. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 12/07/2016

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-5339-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-5338-5 (e)

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    Epilogue from Holding On Forever ~ASHE~

    Prologue ~EMERSON~

    Chapter One ~EMERSON~

    Chapter Two ~ASHE~

    Chapter Three ~EMERSON~

    Chapter Four ~ASHE~

    Chapter Five ~EMERSON~

    Chapter Six ~ASHE~

    Chapter Seven ~EMERSON~

    Chapter Eight ~EMERSON~

    Chapter Nine ~EMERSON~

    Chapter Ten ~ASHE~

    Chapter Eleven ~ASHE~

    Chapter Twelve ~ASHE~

    Chapter Thirteen ~ASHE~

    Chapter Fourteen ~ASHE~

    Chapter Fifteen ~ASHE~

    Chapter Sixteen ~ASHE~

    Chapter Seventeen ~EMERSON~

    Chapter Eighteen ~ASHE~

    Chapter Nineteen ~ASHE~

    Chapter Twenty ~ASHE~

    Chapter Twenty-One ~EMERSON~

    Chapter Twenty-Two ~ASHE~

    Chapter Twenty-Three ~EMERSON~

    Chapter Twenty-Four ~ASHE~

    Chapter Twenty-Five ~ASHE~

    Chapter Twenty-Six ~ASHE~

    Chapter Twenty-Seven ~EMERSON~

    Chapter Twenty-Eight ~EMERSON~

    Chapter Twenty-Nine ~EMERSON~

    Chapter Thirty ~ASHE~

    Chapter Thirty-One ~ASHE~

    Chapter Thirty-Two ~EMERSON~

    Chapter Thirty-Three ~EMERSON~

    Epilogue ~KILLIAN~

    I believe in the faithful and true. And I believe in silly things like everlasting love.


    for Leah…

    He said he’d love to accompany her and that was the last I saw of him. I was left standing there, feeling ridiculous.

    —Emerson ~ Holding on Forever

    Epilogue from Holding On Forever


    Brinley disappearing into the ladies’ room for so long isn’t a bad thing. She’s a nice girl, pretty, but I’m not feeling any real attraction to her. I’m glad I had the chance to spend some time with her and get to know her. As far as romance, as far as wanting her, it’s just not there. My wants right now are more singular than they have ever been. There’s only one woman I crave and I don’t know how much longer I can fight it, business partner or not.

    The agenda for tonight’s event has been so tight I haven’t had the opportunity to look for Emerson. I hope she decided against coming tonight. Come. Fuck. I fantasize about making her come. I fucking dream about it. I know she wanted to ask me to attend the gala with her tonight. I wanted her to ask me. I would’ve said yes. I would have agreed, knowing damn well, spending the evening with her would mean there would be no way in hell I could stop myself again. I’ve stopped myself with her twice. My restraint is running very low. Just the smell of her sweet skin is enough to make me lose my mind. She appears so innocent. But I’ve had a taste of her from behind closed doors. She’s far from innocent. Emerson has wants which run as deep as mine. I know without a doubt, together, we can satisfy every single one of our wants. When she came to my place in her short, sexy dress, with her hair down and makeup on her face, I couldn’t keep my hands—or my mouth—off her. Thank God she’s mostly in pants at the office. She keeps her long hair in a ponytail and wears minimal makeup. Even then, she’s sexy as hell. Experiencing her like she was the day she came to see me at my house… damn. I could burn in hell for the thoughts I have about her. I need to find her.

    The photographs taken upon arrival are up there for display, Gage says and nods. I turn my head in the same direction. Immediately, I lose all my senses and all I see is her.

    Fuck. Me.


    What the fuck?

    Here I sit, in a room full of people with a hard dick, looking at the most stunning woman I’ve ever laid eyes on, and she’s with another man.

    Do you have a pulse? Gage claps his hands in my face. All I can do is shake my head. The tension in my body has me practically immobile.


    She’s wearing orange, over what skin is actually covered. Her shoulders and back are bare except for one delicate strap which goes diagonally over one sexy shoulder and across her back to her tiny waist. Then there is just long, flowy material to the floor. Laken hugs her. She’s talking and laughing with my sister. Emerson pushes her hair over her shoulder to hang down her back. She changed it. It looks darker in some parts and lighter in others. It’s full of big twists. Curls maybe. Whatever they are, I want to put my fingers through them. Now Rainne’s up there, blocking my view. Damn. Oh, good. Yeah, baby, turn. Turn around so I can see your face, keep coming…

    Holy. Fuck.

    The slit in her dress goes the whole way up to her fucking waist. How high are those heels and why are there so many straps? They look like the kind of shoes chicks leave on in a porn, only sexier, more tantalizing, subtle…


    He’s got his fucking hand at the small of her back, on bare skin… and it’s obvious, there’s no way she’s wearing any lingerie…

    Excuse me? I hear Ryan say.

    Pardon me? Gage asks.

    What? I look back and forth between them. They start to look the same as I glare at them like this; it’s fucking weird. For a minute, I’m distracted while the three of us look like the fucking stooges, staring at each other with stupid expressions on our faces.

    Ryan asks, Didn’t you just say something?


    "I swear I heard you say something about wearing something."

    Hey, sorry I was gone so long. I ran into Vaughn and didn’t realize how much time had passed by. Forgive me. Brin sits in her chair next to mine and settles into me, linking her arm through mine and looking up at me. Her interruption is very welcomed and curbs the Scott brothers’ Q&A. I must have uttered my thoughts about Emerson aloud. Emerson. I look back to where she’s standing. Brin leans into my neck, talking into my ear, telling me she’s ready to leave. At the same time, a smiling, giggling Emerson turns her radiant face towards me. Our eyes lock. Her eyes dart to the left of me, to Brin and what appears to be her nuzzling, then back to mine. The smile and the light in her eyes melt away. Instantly.


    Laken and Rainne motion for Emerson and her date to follow them to our table. As they approach, Emerson smiles again, but it’s fake. I can see it and I can feel it.

    Emerson breaks the ice, putting her hand on Ryan’s shoulder. Hey, Ryan. Hello, Gage, it’s so good to see you back here. I heard you’re staying. I’m really glad. Her smile is genuine. Killian looks at Laken and winks, while Emerson’s talking. Why in the hell is he winking at Laken? Fucker.

    Thank you, Emerson. I’m very happy to be back permanently and start my life. Gage’s eyes drift to Laken and she comes around the table and sits right down next to him, smiling. I know Gage is my sister’s future, and it honestly can’t make me any happier. I think I always knew they would end up together. I see Killian look at Laken again, and smile. I think the son of a bitch is happy for her too. Sure, he’s happy, he’s with Emerson. Emerson—the woman who is wearing a sexy fucking dress, sky-high heels, and nothing else.

    Ashe. Brinley. You both look very nice this evening. It’s a lovely event for such a great cause, isn’t it? Emerson is pleasant in her conversation, despite the iciness in her eyes.

    Brin smiles and stands, giving Emerson an embrace. It really is, Emerson. I must tell you; you look amazing. Your dress and shoes are incredible. Your hair. Your makeup. I’m telling you the same thing I told Rainne and Laken this evening—you’re gorgeous!

    Thank you, Brin. That was kind of you to say. You look beautiful, too. Emerson blushes a lovely color.

    It’s a privilege to be her escort this evening. Hi, I’m Killian Peterson. And you are?

    Eat shit and die, fucker.

    Please excuse us, I’m sorry to interrupt, Gage, says. We’re going to make our way out, and head to the house for the engagement celebration. It was good seeing all of you. If we don’t see you later, enjoy the rest of your evening.

    We’re doing the same, Ryan says.

    We all exchange goodbyes and small talk. Ryan, Rainne, Gage and Laken depart and move through the guests making their way out.

    There was a little detour there… Hi, Killian, I’m Brinley Foster. You can call me Brin. She offers her hand, and a bright smile, to Killian.

    All right, Brin, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Killian has a smile on his face that goes a little beyond, hey, nice to meet you. The two of them continue with the getting-to-know-you-conversation they started. It leaves me a moment to talk to Em. I sweep my gaze over her exposed leg and up her body until I meet her eyes.

    You changed your hair. It’s so fucking sexy. I’m speechless.

    Yes, I did. I got a few caramel highlights and some soft black low lights. Something to break up the endless dark brown. She looks nervous.

    Oh. Sweetheart, there’s nothing wrong with your endless brown. But these extra colors make you look even sexier.

    You look handsome, Ashe. Are you enjoying yourself? she asks. Her voice is so soft.

    Oh yeah, I’m having a great time. Why am I such a dick? I get stupid around her.

    Emerson? Ready to go? Fucking Killian. Back off, dude. I’m trying to talk to her. I would be talking to her, if I wasn’t an asshole.

    Ashe, I’m ready to head out if you don’t mind. Now Brin… I just want to fucking scream for everyone to leave Em and me the fuck alone.

    Um, sure, Killian. I’m ready to go. I hope you both have a nice evening. Are you going to the engagement party? Emerson looks at both Brin and me as she asks the question. Brin has to go home but I’ll be going to the party. Maybe that’s where we can talk.

    Unfortunately, we’re not. We’re going back to my place. Brin chimes in. What the hell? Me and my damned nonstop thoughts. Brin’s answer sounds like we are going back to her place, as in—sex. As in—NO. Fuck.

    Oh! Well, enjoy yourselves. Emerson snaps quickly. Yes, Killian. I’m ready. She looks at him with a smile as she takes two steps away from the table. Away from me.

    Let’s go, he says, offering his arm to her. She snakes her arm through his and turns, exposing her entire leg from her ankle to her tantalizing length of thigh, to where the slit stops just below her waist. As they walk away, she drapes her long hair over her shoulder and I see the bare skin of her back. As they make their way to the door, Killian moves his hand just above her ass, where her skin meets the fabric at her waist. I know what her skin feels like in some areas, but I don’t know what it feels like there. I need to know. Every part of her I touched, felt like fucking silk.

    It should be my hand. Emerson, you look so beautiful. You look like a dream. I didn’t even tell her. What did I do instead? I told her, she changed her hair and never even said I like it. I don’t like it. I love it. These fucking interruptions. Brin couldn’t have been any more inexact, if she tried. She could not have insinuated sex any more unless she would have said, I’m going to fuck Ashe, tonight. Fuck.

    Ashe, are you okay? You look a little pale. Brin seems genuinely concerned.

    Brin, I better get you home. I have things to do tonight. I offer her my arm and escort her out.

    Emerson, wherever you are tonight, I’m going to find you.

    Sometimes, everything you thought you’d never want becomes everything you’ll ever need.



    "Can you try to relax a little bit; you seem to be getting more tense?"

    Maya’s voice is very calm and soft.

    This dim lighting. The soft trickling sound of water. The delicate sounds of string music. The relaxing smell of lavender and mint. These constant caresses. The bareness. It’s extremely hard for me to relax in a situation which has me feeling completely uncomfortable.

    I’m sorry. I’ve never had a massage before. My friends, Laken and Rainne, insisted on a spa day. Is it odd that I feel so anxious? Maya, an attractive olive-skinned woman, dressed in her black, snug-fitting uniform pants and short-sleeved blouse, smiles sweetly at my question. Her long dark hair is tucked artfully and professionally into a tight chignon.

    Not at all, Emerson, especially when it’s your first time. I want this experience to be as wonderful as it can be for you. Something that can help you relax is for you to talk. Perhaps, if you just tell me a little bit about yourself, you’ll get lost in your own thoughts. Maybe tell me about a memory you have, tell me about the kind of person you are, your likes, your interests, even where you’re from. Often clients become lost to those thoughts, making the massage much more effective at relaxing their tense bodies. I have clients who don’t speak a word. I have clients who talk to me about everything and anything. I have clients who fall asleep. And sometimes, I have clients who need help relaxing to become comfortable with the massage process. You need to do whatever it is to make you feel comfortable so that this is a pleasurable experience for you. I’m happy to listen and talk with you.

    "Okay, Maya. Let’s see…

    I’m twenty-five years old. I grew up in small-town Ohio. The biggest accolades my hometown boasts are a great community park with an awesome public pool and being relatively close to Lake Erie. Oh, yeah, we had one of our own become a contestant on American Idol a few years ago. She didn’t make it past Hollywood week, but she’s still a superstar in my small town. I’m an only child.

    Well, not really.

    "My parents, Jake and Melyn Parker, own a country decor and handcrafted furniture store, it’s called Crossroads Mercantile. It’s amazing the success they achieve selling the furniture my dad builds. Since my mom loves to decorate, it’s not too much like work for either of them. I grew up in the store, working there long before I legally should have. But, it wasn’t work; it was home. The fragrances of mulled cider, fresh lumber and apple dumplings perfumed my life. They soothe me.

    "After I graduated from college with a bachelor’s degree in business management, I went back home and worked at the store. The intention was to stay only until I found a career. Before I knew it, two years passed by and I was still at the store.

    "My interests are wide and varied. I love decorating and running the store with my mom. I have so many memories of antiquing and going on buys with her. I was lucky to get a part-time job working in my friend Laken’s boutique. It makes me feel at home even though it’s women’s fashion and not interior design. Time with my dad includes target shooting and watching football. I miss them and I’m so looking forward to going home tomorrow for our annual Father’s Day cookout. My dad, he’s the enemy to many of his friends during football season." I chuckle.

    Why is that? Maya asks with laughter in her voice too.

    "Because we don’t wear orange with any shade of brown or black at our house, like many other natives of Ohio. We’re Steelers fans."

    I can understand the tension among your dad’s circle of friends. Maya giggles.

    "My dad and I usually get to a few Pittsburgh Steelers football games each season. Dad purchases tickets from season-ticket holders who sell a game or two. We wear our black and gold and take our prized Terrible Towels. We follow our traditional routine, which involves listening to the song Renegade by the rock group Styx more times than I care to count.

    Last year, Dad got tickets in an amazing spot. They were the best seats we ever had. I sat next to a middle-aged gentleman, who despite being old enough to be my dad, was incredibly handsome… I’d call him sexy.

    I like where this story is going, Maya chimes in, and I smile as I remember the day so vividly.

    "I spilled my water when I reacted to a bad call, forgetting the cap was off the bottle. The water spilled on the handsome man beside me. He couldn’t have been more gracious. I liked him immediately. He recognized we weren’t Dr. Stone and his wife, the ticket holders for the seats we occupied. He asked where we were from before adding, ‘By the way, my name is Ray Scott. And you are?’

    "I placed my hand in the one Ray offered me. We kept up with small talk during halftime which resulted in Ray getting the entire Cliff’s Notes version of my life to that moment.

    ’Well, Emerson Parker, I really like you. I know a full-time office manager is different from a career in business management, but, I’d like to give you my card. I won’t make any promises, but the way things are looking, there will be some executive changes made at the company soon and some career paths could become available. I know I need a new office manager sooner rather than later. I think you could be a great fit, Emerson. Please, take my card. Think about it. If you’re interested, give me a call.’ That’s how I met Ray Scott. I’m still haunted by Ray’s death. A heart attack took Ray away from us far too soon. It happened last month. I miss him every day.

    I’m so sorry to hear. I recall reading the articles in the newspaper. He was a prominent business man who did many great things. Maya seems genuinely sorry for our loss, and the community’s loss. I agree with her.

    "That was also the day I first met Ashe Bennett. I didn’t notice when the man on the other

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