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The Dark Matter: The Fall of Atlantis
The Dark Matter: The Fall of Atlantis
The Dark Matter: The Fall of Atlantis
Ebook192 pages2 hours

The Dark Matter: The Fall of Atlantis

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The Dark Matter: The Fall of Atlantis is an exciting tale that takes us from before the beginning of time to 1600 BCE. It tells of the struggles of those that came before us, and of the deadly conflicts that took place between the Amazons and the people of Atlantis. It tells of these peoples fate, a hate that would not die, and finally answers the question: are we alone in the universe?
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateFeb 25, 2016
The Dark Matter: The Fall of Atlantis

DM Flexer

DM Flexer lives in a beautiful, quaint village in upstate New York with her two dogs and six cats. She has been writing stories since she was twelve years old. DM Flexer is also the author of two other books, Halloween: The Night of All Nights (2013) and New Years: The Night of All Nights (2016). She currently attends Allegheny College, where she studies history and theatre.

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    The Dark Matter - DM Flexer

    Copyright © 2016 by DM Flexer.

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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    Rev. date: 02/05/2015







    Part 1

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12


    To my Mom, without you there would have been no book. It is as simple as that. You are so wise, caring, and loving. You are my light. You are my inspiration. You are my hope.

    To all my college friends, you supported this project from the instant you heard about it. Your support had more value and impact than you will ever know. You are all truly the most remarkable people I know.

    To Hannah Morris, you were gone far too soon. You were always kind and funny. You are missed by all of us here at college. You were and are still one of us, and you will be forever in our hearts.

    To Kay, you were my best friend growing up. I knew you for ten years yet I felt as though you were my twin sister. You inspired a character in The Dark Matter and it breaks my heart that I cannot hold you as I read it to you. Rest in peace my dear friend.

    To those fallen and still here, I dedicate this novel.




    Adventure, intrigue, mayhem, revenge, and romance abound in this epic tale. This is a story of great conflict between ten different worlds. The story will rattle your mind and shake your views of reality forever. If you think you know anything about the universe we live in, think again. Leave your perceptions of reality behind and, in this exclusive series of novels, read the truth about the story of the planet Earth and the history of the universe itself. Let’s start at the beginning… the very beginning.

    * * *

    Before the universe even began to form, there was only one being. The being was and is older than time and is all powerful. The being always was and continues to be present in everything and everyone. The being is a supreme god, human, animal, and spirit.

    This being was neither male nor female and could take any form it chose to. However, in the beginning, this being was simply a small light in a sea of darkness. There was no sense of time. It was only the being and the darkness. During that interlude, the being had nothing to do but think up wisdoms and contemplate the deepest thoughts. After the being had concluded the meaning of existence, it eventually became very bored with the nothingness that surrounded it. Being eternally stuck in a sea of never ending darkness was exceedingly boring and lonely. The being wanted some entertainment in its otherwise dull existence.

    This is when the one being created four more beings, or lesser gods, than the one that created them. The being created four lesser gods so that they would create entertainment for it. The Light told them to create something that would be amusing yet interesting. However, the Light also wanted there to be love, tolerance, and understanding. A light hearted comedy was always fun to watch.

    The lesser gods were to give life where none had existed before. To do this, the Light gave the lesser gods the power to speak. By speaking, these gods could create anything they wished to make. Together, the four lesser gods had the power to create a universe. However, to insure that these lesser gods would not be more powerful than the one, the one dictated that whenever the lesser gods spoke, it would take a much longer time for the command to actually take effect. Since the one could speak and the command would be acted upon instantly, this set the one apart from the lesser gods.

    The lesser gods called their creator the Light and called themselves the "Guardians,’ since it was their job to protect and oversee the creation of this new and exciting universe. Two lesser gods were male. The two others were female. The Light believed in the balance of this new universe and thought that creating an equal number of lesser gods would achieve this idea of perfection: love, tolerance, and understanding. This was, however, not to be. By the end, there was no pure balance as the Light had originally envisioned.

    All the Guardians were equally stubborn. Two sides and different ideologies formed and caused complications. One male teamed up with one female. They called themselves the Guardians of the Light. This team wanted the universe to be ruled by the Light and the idea of love, tolerance, and understanding as the Light had originally wanted.

    If we follow the Light, they said in unison, Knowledge and wisdom will come to all and the universe will be complete.

    The other team, comprised of the other male and female, called themselves the Guardians of the Darkness. Even though the darkness had no life of its own, the other team believed darkness to be stronger. This duo believed that the other team’s concept was a waste of time. This team created evil, indifference, and intolerance where it had not existed before. Nor would it have existed if it had not been created.

    It is impossible for the Light and its ideals to be dominant in this universe, they said in unison. Only dominance by the darkness can be truly magnificent! Look around us. There is only one Light in a sea of darkness, and you claim that the Light has all the right answers?! How can one Light compete with all the darkness..? It cannot, so why even try? The darkness is the answer!

    The Guardians argued amongst each other. This great argument caused the work that the Guardians had been laboring upon to condense and harden. The work that the Guardians had put into their project was ruined. Upon seeing the damage and hearing the endless bickering, the Light grew furious. The Light turned and faced the Guardians and their creation. The Light only uttered one word.


    The Light focused all its energy on the lifeless mass that was created by the Guardians. The Light emitted such powerful waves that the great mass exploded. This was to become known to today’s scientists as the Big Bang. With that, the creation that the Guardians had worked on was destroyed. In that moment, the concept of time began, and the Light ordered that the Guardians learn to compromise.

    The Light then thought to itself, Perhaps having an imperfect universe would be more interesting to watch?

    The Guardians were still angry at each other, but the Big Bang made them get back to work. When the Guardians of the Darkness realized that the Light was the only conscious force in the universe, not darkness, they agreed to still create entertainment for the Light. However, their form of entertainment was to be the complete opposite of the other Guardians. This was an act of defiance. The Guardians of the Light decided to provide entertainment where love and goodness triumphed; however, the Guardians of the Darkness swore that they would create hate and strife for entertainment. The Light was intrigued by both, thought it would be entertaining, and allowed both to exist. Thus the great power struggle between good and evil began. The universe was finally born.

    About 3.9 billion years ago, the planet Earth began to take form. The planet was actually much larger than today’s scientists could ever imagine. Let’s not bore you, dear reader, with complex scientific equations and math. So, to sum up, Earth was once larger than Jupiter.

    So what happened? Why isn’t Earth still this great size? Originally, Earth was to be the only planet with life in that particular part of the universe. But, a question had occurred to the lesser gods: why should we put everything we have into only one planet? To solve this conundrum, they made an asteroid hurtle towards Earth at an alarming rate. So, this massive force of strength and destruction slammed into Earth. The planet was split into ten different pieces, which would all become different planets with the exception of the ninth piece because that became Earth’s moon. To keep the other planets separate from the planet Earth, the gods sent them far away. You, dear reader, most likely live on the eighth piece, which is currently known as Earth, or Planet 67-O, to other worldly life forms.

    What happened to the other eight pieces from Earth’s original form? That will be discussed later, but it is important that you remember that the lesser gods split Earth into ten pieces some 3.9 billion years ago.

    The Light decided to have all the living creations, except the Guardians, die because it would have been extremely boring to watch the same creatures year after year. The answer to the problem was to have all creatures eventually die. To make the show of death more interesting for the Light, the Guardians of the Darkness created disease, illness, accident, and murder to sometimes hurry their creations to the deathbed. The Guardians of the Light were outraged but could do nothing to stop it. They could, however, create empathy and sympathy in the creations to sometimes counteract the evil. Several building blocks such as these continued to shape the universe.

    After the physical construction of the universe had been finished, the Light made several commands. Firstly, the Light told the Guardians that under no circumstance were they to personally interfere with the events or beings on Earth or any other planet without the permission of the Light. In this way, no one thing, being, or group would receive special treatment or favoritism. It would be a fair and equal existence for all the creatures.

    The Light also decreed that the natural course of evolution would decide what creatures were to form, to live, and to die. That is why the dinosaurs eventually died out. They simply had not survived evolution.

    However, when creatures started to die, their souls just lingered in air. They were not in conflict, but not at peace. They were motionless and aimless. Souls hanging there in air, to the Light, were not entertaining. However, bringing them back to life was not an option since body decay would make that difficult and painful. Since returning the souls to a status of living was impossible, the Light then created a realm of its own: the Spirit Realm. This realm was placed above and below the realm where the universe was, or the Physical Realm. In the Spirit Realm, the dead could continue to exist on another level that is mostly invisible to the Physical Realm. Every so often, images of the dead would shine through into the Physical Realm. They did and do take the form of ghosts and other supernatural elements. This is because the Spirit Realm was specifically created by the Light and, as a result, was and is more powerful than the Physical Realm created by the lesser gods. Because of the creation of the Spirit Realm, the dead were now another type of entertainment which consisted of peace. This method worked for animals, insects, and other creatures that did not possess a complex consciousness.

    The Light ruled the Spirit Realm and told the Guardians to rule over the Physical Realm. The Guardians did as they were told. They did not venture into the Spirit Realm. They all instead existed in between the Spirit Realm and the Physical Realm, looking down upon their creations from their invisible but ever watchful positions. For a long time, things were fascinating for the Light. There was wonderful entertainment. Would the herbivore escape the carnivore? There was always an interesting outcome. Not to mention the epic fight scenes! Those were always exciting, but the Light also enjoyed watching creatures sleeping next to each other to keep warm or playing and having fun. Things were, for the Light, finally interesting.

    Then, events took a rather unexpected turn. Over time, a new form of life and consciousness came about on Earth: humans. Humans were different from other creations because they possessed a consciousness and wonder that was not present in other animals. Humans began looking for answers about the world they lived and died in. Several groups formed different religions with various beliefs and gods.

    This is when the Guardians realized they had made a mistake, one that was barely foreseeable. The Light had the power to create through speaking. That is how the Light had created the Guardians. The Guardians also had the power to create through speaking. That is how they created the universe. This new form of being, the human, had emerged and also was eventually able to understand how to speak. It is true that other animals also have the ability to speak in their own way, but most other animals do not possess the higher level of consciousness that humans did. This higher level of thinking along with the ability to speak gave humans the power… to create. This power did not only extend to tools and other physical objects, but to the creation of religion and, subsequently, other gods. These gods, because humans spoke of them and truly believed in them, became just as real as the Light and the Guardians.

    To clarify, this does indeed mean that every single god or goddess, ever created and believed in by humans, is real. The Christian god, Hebrew god, Muslim god, Egyptian gods, Mesopotamian gods, Greek gods, Roman gods, Native American gods, Mayan gods, etc. are all real and exist in between the Spirit Realm and the Physical Realm with the Guardians. They were all made real by humans speaking about and truly believing in them.

    Soon, these new gods were running rampant, granting miracles and, in many cases, causing damage to the human race. The granting of miracles led to conflict where many humans came to hate each other. This hate led to great conflict and war. These new gods used the humans to fight their wars and battles. The newer gods soon came to believe what humans had told them: that they, the gods, were indestructible and answered to no one.

    This led to the only time in history when all four Guardians united against a common

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