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Think Folks Are “Not Too …?” Think Again!: Is Tan “Not Too Tan?”
Think Folks Are “Not Too …?” Think Again!: Is Tan “Not Too Tan?”
Think Folks Are “Not Too …?” Think Again!: Is Tan “Not Too Tan?”
Ebook32 pages9 minutes

Think Folks Are “Not Too …?” Think Again!: Is Tan “Not Too Tan?”

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Are you struggling with the skin-color issue in one way or another, perhaps deep down in your heart?

Struggle no more! The Color-Blind Series, inspired by the Holy Spirit, has arrived to set you free and to save future generations from having to endure such a painful struggle.

The series includes the following titles: TOO BLACK?, TOO DARK?, TOO LIGHT?, and NOT TOO ?

The Color-Blind Series does not address racism, per se. It focuses primarily on color and how color deeply affects humans but not animals. It aims to balance this scale for a better world.

Books include workbook and reflection sections to use in small groups for ages eight and above. These books are also great tools for color sensitivity training in your home, church, center, school, organization, or community.

Read, reflect, and be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (Rom. 12:2 NIV)

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateNov 24, 2015
Think Folks Are “Not Too …?” Think Again!: Is Tan “Not Too Tan?”

Lupita Samuels

Lupita Samuels was born in Costa Rica but has lived in the United States for almost fifty years. She has been a dedicated, passionate, and effective educator who has taught in the New City York Public School System for over twenty years. She has also taught Bible based courses at the Spirit Life School at the Fordham Manor Church in the Bronx for many years. Ms. Samuels has earned a Bachelor’s Degree from New York University and a Master’s Degree from Bank Street College Of Education. But most of all, she covets that degree of unction from the Holy Spirit necessary to impact her writing—to impact not only the God-fearing community—but the world at large.

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    Think Folks Are “Not Too …?” Think Again! - Lupita Samuels

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