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To Whom It May Concern: The Night Walker
To Whom It May Concern: The Night Walker
To Whom It May Concern: The Night Walker
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To Whom It May Concern: The Night Walker

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To Whom It May Concern: The Night Walker
A Novel
To Whom It May Concern: The Night Walker is a spin off story about FINN, the main character in the novel; F.I.N.N., which speaks about his traumatic early childhood sexual abuse (molestation) and consequent promiscuous experiences that resulted in psychological scars. The devastation of losing his parents in the opening of the story, triggered psychotic behaviours in him, causing his past trauma to be manifested in mental instability almost instantly. FINN sells his parents home and moves into an old house with an annex that is owned by his parents at a different neighbourhood somewhere east of the island of Trinidad. He opens a small haberdashery-type shop in the annex, which targets the new community of upscale residents and the old residents of the surrounding areas. His personality captivates everyone in a way that is remarkably caring. He befriends all of his patrons while interacting with them during the day but experiences memory loss when he falls asleep at night. He recognizes the need for psychological therapy and visits his doctor but holds fast to the fact that he has to get revenge for the death of his parents.
To Whom It May Concern: The Night Walker has bouts of revenge, suspicion, mystery, and psycho-sexual intrigue. A tall black man who walks the streets of a newly developed neighbourhood (Conservation Heights) during the late hours of the evening and night leaves poster-like flyers or notes with the heading To Whom It May Concern and directions of where he could be found in an abandoned park that is part of the new neighbourhood. He is observed by three married women (housewives) that are married to three young urban professionals (university buddies) struggling to keep their business successful and highly recognized by the government and a same-gender loving (SGL) man (massage therapist) who is struggling with keeping a steady relationship. The three women and SGL man are friends within this newly developed neighbourhood, each of them live in very modern design homes. They became suspicious of the tall black man, particularly his physical structure and attire, which got them curious to know more about who he was, where he lives, where he goes and why he walks through the neighbourhood. They eventually were lured into a trap that caused their lives to change forever.
The entire story is fictitious and is based in and around this newly developed neighbourhood and the suspicions that surround the tall black man and FINN who have similar attributes but completely different personalities. The story has been presented to mimic three steps towards achieving justice, according to FINNs psychotic thinking. These three steps combine is the structure of the novel in parts: Part 1 - Bills, is primarily setting the stage, planning to lure his victims into a trap that is pegged on sexual intrigue and mystery. Part 2 Acts, deal with the psycho-sexual interactions with his victims and altering the initial plan to ensure the end result is met, and Part 3 Laws, focuses on carrying out the detrimental and devious plan of action that will gain the revenge he needs for the lost of his parents without being caught. The story ends with the authorities being misleading, leaving them in total confusion and turmoil as to who committed the homicides.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 11, 2013
To Whom It May Concern: The Night Walker

D.F. Les Pierre-Luke

Author’s Book Cover Biography D. F. Les Pierre-Luke is a Caribbean based author who resides in Trinidad & Tobago, the most southerly state in the Caribbean Archipelago. A graduate of the University of Sheffield (UK) with a Master of Education Degree in Educational Studies. Les Pierre-Luke also known as ‘Sheppie’ lectures at two tertiary institutions and is considered an instructional strategist. He also holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Information Systems and an Associate of Science Degree in Business Administration from Andrews University (USA) and is a well established ICT Professional with the Government of Trinidad & Tobago. He is a licensed member of London Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Les Pierre-Luke is also a self taught fine artist, who paints using a multitude of media, draws, sketches, and dabbles in fashion illustrations. He is a trained and certified Draughtsman, a Calligrapher, a Management Strategist, an Entrepreneur and a Minister of the Gospel, who counsels and motivates others to focus on self improvement and development. He is also the author of three previous titles ‘Through the Bedroom Window’, ‘From Pillar to Post’ and ‘F.I.N.N.’.

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    Book preview

    To Whom It May Concern - D.F. Les Pierre-Luke



    Author’s Note


    Part 1: The Bills


    My dear parents


    Change of Space


    Tragic Reflections


    Cool Walking


    Night Walking: The Notes


    Failing Relationships


    Graphic Details


    Self Abuse


    Vivid Imagination


    The Apparition


    Working Overtime


    Tingling Feelings

    Part 2: The Acts


    The Gathering




    First Act


    Intrigue & Mental Imagery


    Unexpected Connections


    Mental Anguish


    Stories to Tell


    Yet Again






    The Trail


    Visual Horror

    Part 3: The Laws


    Scares and Uncertainty




    FINN’s Dialogue




    Coming Clean


    Anonymous ‘X’







    The Night Walker

    Quotations, Slang & References

    Also by

    D. F. Les Pierre-Luke

    Through the Bedroom Window

    From Pillar to Post


    In Loving Memory of:

    My mom, Sheila Les Pierre

    My dad, Stephen Luke

    My sister, Malvery Drakes

    Reverend Mother Melca Williams-Mc Lean

    Earl, Michael, Andre, Augustus & John


    This title is dedicated to all the people who have contributed in one way or the other to my life and those who have a tendency not to focus on their own life but instead allow others’ lives to be of significance to theirs.


    THIS PSYCHO-SEXUAL DRAMATIC work of fiction couldn’t be possible without the love and support from my friends, some I wish to single out: beautiful Karen, sweet Kacy, vivacious Virginia, knowledgeable Kendall, witty Stanley, talented Jonathan, stylish Earl, tenacious Tony, fashionable Tim, and intelligent Qwasi . I also want to acknowledge some of my family members, handsome Robert, sexy Beverly and lovable Yolandé who proof read this title. Of course, the acknowledgement of God through His Son Jesus Christ who keeps me focused, grounded and humbled, knowing that nothing can happen positively without Him must be included.

    Author’s Note

    MYSTERY HAS ALWAYS plagued human’s curiosity, especially when it is being displayed among our very own. Whenever a person among us displays characteristics that cannot be categorized or labelled, to a certain extent that individual subsequently becomes mysterious and weird. A willingness to determine more about those persons becomes the norm. Also, people that reside close to or among us display mysterious, revengeful and psychotic attributes; these are most times triggers worthy of investigation. Caution, however, should be exercised to alleviate the possibility of being caught in a web of deception. Though temptations may be high, avoid being too inquisitive. The need for answers to the many questions that may arise is expected. Consequently, with high expectations, such questions when answered, most times spiral into tragedy. Individual lives and families would be put at risk if we accede to the unknown and the misunderstood. Misguidance and various forms of miscommunication would prove to be detrimental and life threatening . The famous quote ‘Curiosity killed the cat’ must not be over emphasized. In other words, like ‘Trinbagonians’ would say, ‘mine yuh fucking, business’.

    To my readers, I hope you totally enjoy the story and not be thrown by its contents. My writing style, according to some who have read my previous work, is considered ‘very graphic’ but it is hoped, according to Roland Barthes (1915-1980) in Southwell’s book of philosophic meaning that ". . . writing should therefore move away from traditional ‘readerly’ texts, where the reader expects to find, and the author relies upon, a set of conventional and fixed meanings, and toward ‘writerly’ texts, which treat the reader not as a passive consumer, but an active producer and fellow collaborator in the generation of meaning." (2010, p. 291). Such a move resonates with my overall perspective for writing ‘true fiction’ in the most graphic ‘nature’ possible.

    Sadly, according to Benjamin Whorf (1897-1941) "We cut nature up, organize it into concepts and ascribe significances as we do, largely because we are parties to an agreement to organize it in this way – an agreement that hold throughout our speech community and is codified in the patterns of our language." (Southwell, p. 245) Consequently, I expect that you will share your honest thoughts about this title with me whenever we meet in person, if ever that becomes a reality. God bless the eyes that read and fully comprehend the implicit messages herein.

    Creativity is intelligence having fun.

    Albert Einstein

    D. F. (Sheppie) Les Pierre-Luke


    Meet the Friendly Neighbours

    THE TIME IS now. Drama unfolds in a new sub-urban community somewhere north-east of the island of Trinidad. Trinidad and Tobago is the most southerly islands of the Caribbean, just a few miles away from Venezuela, South America. The story of F.I.N.N., his traumatic early childhood sexual abuse (molestation) and consequent promiscuous experiences resulted in psychological scars; lie dormant for years until evoked by the devastation of losing his parents, triggered psychotic behaviours. Revenge, suspicion, mystery, and bouts of psycho-sexual intrigue is pegged to a tall, black man who walks the streets of a newly developed neighbourhood (Conservation Heights, see Fig A) during the late hours of the evening and night, bringing enough interest and curiosity to three married women and a same-gender loving (SGL) man that their lives were changed forever. Their suspicions escalated, much more than their neighbours’ suspiciousness, whenever the late-evening-into-night walker paroled the streets. They were lured into a web of confusion.

    Who is he? Where did he come from? Why are these four individuals intrigued? These four individuals felt they needed answers to these questions that are linked to the mystery night walker. Meeting FINN, who has since changed from his promiscuous life, which stemmed from being exposed to early childhood sexual abusive encounters at nine years old to what his life has become today, is necessary to unravel the mystery.


    He continues to be a nerdish looking guy who manages a shop in Conservation Heights; a sub-urban neighbourhood nestled in the northern hills of East Trinidad. He appears to be around 28 years old but is actually much older than he looks. He owns and operates the small shop that was passed on to him from his parents. Very much like a haberdashery, the shop is annexed to an old house that he recently made into his home. The structure is located under a tall Sycamore tree. His patrons found him to be kind, affectionate, cool mannered, friendly, conversational, and apparently family oriented even though they never saw him with a wife, children or any relatives. He is presumably Grenadian, looks like he is of African descent, 6' 7", weighs 230 lbs and walks very sheepishly and shy but with a strong robust built, muscular legs and bulky pectoral muscles. He wears very baggy long-sleeved shirts tucked neatly inside blue baggy denim jeans, with dark brown leather belt and boots that looks like his grandfather left them for him. His thick framed eye glasses, match his smooth black complexion. Suspicions and questions arise from his quirky but sweet outward persona and bouts of reclusive behaviour according to Jay.


    She is a typical housewife living in the sub-urban neighbourhood of Conservation Heights, nestled in the northern hills of East Trinidad. She seems to be around 32 yrs but very girlish in appearance; her birth date is unknown and she feels very offended when asked about her age. She is considered bossy, crude, aggressive and loves to be in control. Jay is fashion conscious, very stylish and talkative. She was born in the western community of Carenage, Trinidad and is generally Creole of African descent. She stands 5' 7", weighs 155 lbs and has a spice brown complexion. She loves to have parties and private gatherings to show off her long weaved hair, curvy body, smooth skin and protruding bust line, which is her best physical feature. Her outlandish outbursts can be viewed as raw, crude and crass utterances. However, she is loved by Roxi who seemingly is the only one who understands fully, her personality.


    She is originally from St. Ann’s, Trinidad but currently resides in Conservation Heights, the sub-urban neighbourhood nestled in the northern hills of East Trinidad. Like Jay, Roxi is a housewife, very stylish, sultry, cool, and calm and could be devious when provoked. Her birth date is unknown but looks around 30 years of age. She is Spanish mixed with African descent, stands 5' 5" tall and weights 145 lbs. Her light brown complexion is the ideal backdrop for her long luscious wavy hair. Roxi has a very voluminous body structure with lots of curves and blessed with very smooth skin. Her best feature is her high cheek bones. She is very unassuming with the occasional witty and sometimes callous comments meted out at Tes who appreciates her subtlety.


    A shortened version for Tessa, like Jay and Roxi, she is the typical housewife residing in the sub-urban town that is nestled in the northern hills of East Trinidad, Conservation Heights. Tes has a very cool and calm personality and a very low-tone when she speaks. Her birth date like Roxi and Jay is unknown and she looks around 29 years of age. She is originally from Chaguanas, Trinidad; the central Borough of the twin-island state where predominantly East Indian people reside. As such, she is of East Indian descent, mixed with Spanish Creole parentage. She stands 5' 10" tall and weighs approximately 165 lbs. Her Caramel complexion is highlighted with her long wavy hair and accentuated by her slim body structure, with smooth skin. Tes is a beautiful woman with a straight nose; her best physical feature. She is extremely introverted when backed against a wall and believes in ethical values and traditional ways of life, somehow resonates with Henry.


    Henry is a 34 year old openly same-gender-loving (SGL) man who knew he had an attraction for his own gender from the day he understood ‘a-b-c’ in pre-school. His birth date like Jay, Roxi and Tes, is unknown and he is originally from Woodbrook, Trinidad. However, he currently resides in Conservation Heights, a neighbourhood he chose to live in just two years ago just after severing a seven-year relationship with a man twice his age. Henry is a certified massage therapist who works for a relatively new company that is owned and managed by a male Bio-chemist who has his own line of skin care products. He is very flamboyant indoors but very masculine and butch in public. He is considered very loud and could be very aggressive when the need arises. He is of African descent and stands 6' 0" tall, weighs 185 lbs and brown in complexion. He trains regularly and is very muscular, slim and toned with great abs and legs, which is considered a best physical feature. The need to be loved and committed in an intimate relationship was shattered when deception ultimately drove him to distrust others who expressed their interest in him.


    ". . . true love went beyond mere sex or physical attraction and, at its highest, love partook of spiritual ecstasy."

    (Southwell, 2010)


    Figure A; Showing Sketch of Conservation Heights Site Plan

    Part 1

    The Bills

    . . . He turned the shower on then entered. The water gushed heavily on the stone-coloured floor and wall tiles and the warmth of the hot water gradually fogged the glass enclosure, showing only a silhouette of his nakedness just after five minutes. FINN rubbed vigorously his legs, calves, and chest with the liquid soap and the suds grew from light to heavy. His hand passed between his almond-shaped muscularly clad buttocks, beneath his loosely hanging testicles and flaccid penis, ensuring all crevices were cleaned and fresh. FINN moved under the shower, allowing the heavy gushes of water to cascade from his face unto his thick pectoral muscles and down the rest of his dark-chocolate coloured body. He was seemingly enjoying the water-blasts when suddenly he heard a loud scream…


    My dear parents

    "People will not look forward to posterity,

    who never look backward to their ancestors’

    Edmund Burke 1729-1797

    THE STATE OF the economy is just not going our way. Can you fucking imagine? In 2002, when things seem to be going just fine with school, we can’t get a fucking job. I prepared and sent out resumes and to date I haven’t heard from any of those fuckers! John articulated with much disgust to his two buddies. He holds his crutch, cupping his Jack fruits, similar in size and shape to the sweet-tasting rough-skinned Jamaican fruits that swing haphazardly in his sweat pants. He wears boxers, hates briefs, which he says holds his fruits too tightly. He walks up and down with his head hanging, swaying to and fro while his friends looked on in amazement…

    Three young recent graduates from the UUCF (University of the United Caribbean Federation), John, Ricki and Terrance, buddies since their teenage years are all very frustrated after completing their degrees and not being able to get jobs. John always speaks candidly about the economy. Terrance wallows in his own self pity and may have a deep dark secret that he hopes never is revealed and Ricki smiles and giggles but he is actually pissed off most times, especially now that he is not employed after a gruelling four years of business management study. These three guys are out almost every night partying to rid themselves of their frustrations. They drink to the point of not knowing themselves and teasing others, men and women alike and even poking at people as they walk pass them.

    As days turned into weeks, John, Ricki and Terrance decided that they will send more resumes out again to corporations they believed would hire them. John eventually got called to an interview and he is disappointed only after a week when an officer from one of the companies called to say he was not successful. He was devastated. Then one evening, the rain had set aside from its torrential down pouring, the three young frustrated men got together once again at one of their hangouts in Capital City, ‘The Pavement Bar’, an old rundown rum shop with large groups of people dressed as if they were characters of a theatrical play or being filmed live with a studio audience.

    At The Pavement

    Hear this, I went for an interview at that new corporation and the interview panel said that they were very impressed with me. So much so, I had to be interviewed by the top executive of the company. Ricki articulated, and then sucked on the bottle-opening of a cold Stag beer.

    Man you’re damned lucky! John said as he dragged one of the chair-like stools that seemed vacant in the corner of the dingy rum shop. This fucking economy is fucking driving me fucking crazy! He continued. John sat and wiped the bottle’s mouth and sucked on it, gobbling most of the cold, bitter, foaming liquid.

    Yeah man, I’m so proud of you I’m yet to even be called! Exclaimed Terrance as he gazed around with peering eyes, looking at all the loosely clad females that came in and out the rum shop, whores no doubt. Terrance had a thing for women who were more of the voluptuous body type and secretly he gazed at tall dark muscular men who seemed masculine and rugged in their mannerisms. He gets his rocks off by observing women’s buttocks that moves precariously under their clothes, the strings of the panties screaming for assistance that sometimes get lost between the two butt cheeks as they bounce up and down, slapping each other as they walk. On the odd occasion, he gets his rocks off by observing men’s muscularly clad chests tensing as they stride with the nipples protruding their tightly fitted tops. When his desires are not met over time, he would then get his rocks off men who would whip their dicks out to urinate at public toilets or even at the roadside. Disgusting as this seems to be, Terrance keeps it real and on the low.

    Wait, wait! Listen to this, I was interviewed by the top executive, a pretty-faced dude and he is telling me that he can’t hire me because I had no prior experience. Ricki mentioned with a twisted lip, holding the beer bottle, wiping the frost off from the top to the bottom.

    What? I thought you’re going to tell us that you’ve got the fucking job dude! John exclaimed with a very loud tone. Terrance then said,

    What the fuck! You’re serious dude? Man how fucked up is that?

    Guess what? I know this dude for a very long time. I really thought he would give me the job but when he said that shit to me I was so damn disappointed. He is supposed to be living in one of those high society houses down in the West Coast; close to where I went to college. Ricki said.

    Yuh know this is the thing. When you’re not certified they want you to go get your certification, even a fucking degree, now they want fucking experience. How the fuck you going to get experience and they don’t want to hire you? John said angrily.

    When this dude was talking this shit to me I zoned off. He was saying some shit and I just didn’t hear what he was saying. It was as if he was talking to a brick wall. All I was thinking was to just slap him upside his fucking pretty-boy head. Ricki continued.

    Where you say he is living? We should go and rob his pretty-face ass. Tease him a bit. John joked.

    Ha, ha, you’re crazy dude. What good, will that do? Ricki said.

    It just might bring some sense into his fucking head that’s what! John responded.

    Hey look at that sweetness over there! Terrance announced gazing at the women, one in particular in the dingy bar. He was totally oblivious to what Ricki and John was discussing. His attention was only on the sloppily dressed women that paraded the smelly rum shop. Ceiling fans turned with a creaking noise with mounds of dust stuck to its blades.

    Dude you’re tripping. What the fuck! You so damn sick with yourself. Ricki said and sucked on the beer bottle, taking at least three or four gulps of the beer as his head was leaned backward exposing the movement of his oesophagus.

    The men continued to express to each other their frustrations and even developed the thought of teasing the pretty-faced business man who interviewed Ricki and had turned him down. They laughed and talked and drank several beers until they were intoxicated with badly sounding music playing in the background and a couple of half-drunk men dancing out of time to Calypso, Reggae, Hip-Hop and Soca music. Ricki was the most affected, while Terrance continued to tease the women as they came in the rum shop, flaunting bodacious attitudes as if to say look at fucking me! Terrance got up from the small stained table and half-broken chair-like stool and approached one woman who had responded to his initiation. Ricki was out cold and rested his head on the ‘much-too-small’ table for three men. John, though intoxicated was the only one who held himself together and went outside to smoke, clearing his head it seemed. Terrance sat close to the woman he had made advances on with a broad smile on his face; the possibility of a quick hit to get his rocks off. Ricki’s mouth became open. He dribbled and on occasion made a grumbling sound; snoring, it seemed. In just a couple of hours, the three men, frustrated buddies from not being employed, were all on their own beat at a rum shop called ‘The Pavement Bar’ that were fit for only pigs.

    Terrance was later seen heading in the washroom with his trick. His eyes gazed at her huge breasts that hung like eggplants in front of her; one lower than the other. Then the rolls of her thick loose buttocks rubbed each other, dancing underneath her short skirt as if in sync with the music. He was about to get his rocks off. Ricki was still out cold on the table with a small puddle of saliva close to his mouth’s opening. John returned to his seat with his eyes closing down. In just about 30 minutes, Terrance came out smiling and giggling like a mischievous school boy or eager teenager who was about to get his first fuck. He obviously got his dick sucked or took a piece of the whore’s snatch that was on the prowl. Either way, he returned to the table in a much better mood. Then, it was as if Ricki took a whiff of the sex-scent, got up scratching his nose and wiping his mouth from the loose saliva that escaped his mouth. He uttered a few words that clearly indicated that he was incoherent.

    The three men were now back together again at the small stained table, sitting on chair-like designed but shaky stools, which blended into the overall aesthetic of the rum shop. The hours passed and these men refused to leave. Instead they began to talk about the possibility of getting back at the business man who interviewed Ricki. John thought long and hard about it when he went outside to smoke his cigarette it seemed. He was convinced that this dude should not be allowed to be like that with other folks. So many people were desperately in need of jobs.

    * * *

    FINN was on his last set of eight reps doing squats under the hack squat machine in the gym. His presumably Grenadian accent was very noticeable by his peers but they never found out for sure which island he was born. He never mentioned it and so they only guessed. He looked as if he was of African descent because of his body structure and skin tone; a dark matt-black complexion with some occasional shine when under clear electrical lighting. His 6' 7" stature complemented his 230 lbs body mass. FINN is a strong robustly built, slender legged man with bulky pectoral muscles. He visits the gym regularly and got very addicted to the fact that his body was becoming what he had dreamed of as a young man. He mentally blocked out a lot of his childhood abuse and began concentrating on his person. Even though there were still challenges in his sexual life like being promiscuous, he knew deep down inside that he had to move on mentally and spiritually but it was a hard uphill battle, much like rowing a boat upstream without a paddle. His first stint at bodybuilding was when he was a teenager. He dreamt about going professional as he slowly turned the pages of his stacks of Muscle and Fitness Magazines. Then as he got older, he changed his mind of going pro to focus on his studies even though his body responded to the exercises. Removing the idea of professional bodybuilding, he settled for just having a great body. FINN was marvelled by his body just like his sexual partners were it seemed. He would gaze in the mirror at his chest, his abs, his thighs, his calves, and his butt for hours when he was at home. During his two-hour long workouts, he would glimpse at his entire body as he walked past the mirrored walls of the gym. At times he would get very depressed as he reflected on his past, his sexual escapades, from both men and women alike. All alone he knew that some day soon he would change, but when? A question he hoped for an answer before it was too late.

    FINN lived with his parents who were very busy business entrepreneurs. They became wealthy after their business went public, turning it into a large corporation. He had become the co-owner of one of the largest corporations in the UCF (United Caribbean Federation), which was once a small family-business. His dad was known for being biased in his hiring techniques, favouring mainly young females rather than bright and very articulate men. He wanted his son, FINN, who for some reason he felt had an attraction to men, to take over his business but his quest for finding out whether or not FINN was leaning toward the other side of sexual satisfaction ended. Hiring only females into his business was his way of showing FINN that if he surrounded himself with women in the workplace he would not ever have the urge to go to bed with men. He detests the fact that men would ever think about getting into bed with another man. He spoke out against such heresy, using scriptural references for his exclamations.

    FINN’s dad was a very eccentric character. Whatever came to his mind he would say and more than likely do. His company was fraught with women at very senior positions leaving a handful of men to do the laborious type jobs that required only their strength. The rest of the corporation found out about his philosophy when he made a comment to one of his senior executives at a Christmas gathering. He was so drunk one time that he unconsciously mentioned only women should be hired in this company. He believed that his son needed to be in female company for fear of him turning to the other side, in terms of being sexually intimate with men. That caused a major problem when the press got wind of such utterances. He openly apologized and blamed his outburst on not being coherent and intoxicated by alcohol.

    FINN was so ashamed of the fiasco he became even more introverted. His personality went from being cool to very quiet. He had very little friends visiting the house and was rarely seen in public with anyone, especially when he recalls that he was sexually abused as a boy. The sexual encounters he had, male or female, were all done secretly or as is commonly known now as on the Down Low (DL). He refused a car that his dad had purchased for him to get around and chose to take public transportation. Very early in the morning or very late at night FINN would commute to the gym for fear of others seeing him. His time was spent mainly at the gym as his focus was developing his body, which he knew was getting better and more appealing. His gym buddies, both men and women, would compliment him regularly as his pectorals, gluteus maximus, and abdominal muscles got more defined. FINN was becoming more and more assertive. His confidence grew in tandem with the growth of every fibre of his body, or so it seemed.

    * * *

    Terrance, John and Ricki after several months, close to a year after their graduation, had become more and more frustrated and they decided that they should go after that business executive who interviewed Ricki but turned him down. They had a plan to visit and scare him. It was their way of getting revenge. They met at the usual dingy rum shop, the Pavement Bar that reeked high combinations of scents, perspiration, alcohol, nicotine, urine and the secretions of sexual intercourse. The badly sounding music played in the background as their plan came together. One by one, they articulated what the other should do and where they should be, not realizing that this business executive may have plans of his own. The date was set.

    At the businessman’s house

    The evening was cool, the moon was out, but not as bright as it normally should have been, considering that there were clear skies and the breeze had set aside. The three men, Ricki, Terrance and John went on their way towards the business executive’s house. They had followed him one evening to his house and so they knew exactly where it was located. At around 8:30 in the evening, they approached the closed but not locked gates that were nothing less than fifteen feet high with surrounding concrete walls and huge columns. There weren’t any surveillance cameras so their entrance was easy. Dressed in dark coloured clothing, the three men ran into the yard after releasing the latch of the tall wrought iron gates and walked towards the front door. Shocked by the ease at which their entrance to the business man’s home was they proceeded around the back to be sure that there was no one else in the yard, peeping into the heavily draped windows but could not see through. Ricki, though he wanted revenge, was reluctant but Terrance and John wanted to show this big-shot business man a thing or two. John was eager to proceed.

    They went through the unlocked doors, which seemed uncommon but they continued inside the beautifully decorated foyer that introduced a curved staircase to another level of the house. Their movements were swift. John led the pack. Ricki gazed around in amazement as if to say this fucker have all of this and won’t even hire me as a temp! Terrance walked behind.

    Hey guys this fucking house is huge! Ricki announced.

    Oh yes it is… that is why this pretty boy fucker need to share the loot. John stated with a giggle like only Ricki could and with a mischievous hushed tone of voice.

    I’m thinking guys, how is it that the front door and gate are both unlocked? Terrance quizzed as he moved precariously up the winding staircase to the next level of the house.

    These fuckers don’t ever think they will be robbed after all they have, all the wealth and I’m sure they would payoff the cops to patrol the area. Ricki mentioned.

    As they all got onto the first floor, they began to hear noises but were unable to determine what or where they came from. They proceeded down the six feet wide corridor with doors painted white on either side. As they moved cautiously toward the noises, they began to recognize what in fact were the noises. They were sexual exclamations from the passions of ecstasy. A glimmer of light from the half-opened door was seen as the three men moved cautiously forward.

    Pretty boy is getting his groove on with some bimbo I’m sure. Ricki articulated.

    How you know it’s a bimbo? It might very well be his wife! Terrance announced

    Guys lower your voices, they might hear us. John said as he led the threesome toward the noisemaking session. The business man and a woman were in the trolls of passion with the sight of his hardened dick thrusting in and out her hair-covered welcome. They all peeped through the opened space and watched as the couple were sexually engrossed. Terrance immediately got aroused and began to get agitated. He began to pull at his semi-erected penis. Ricki was amazed at how rough the pretty-boy businessman was fucking his woman, while John was not interested in any of it; he was there only to scare him and get out. They burst through the half-opened bedroom door and the couple, as though in a trance, were still going at it with the noises that accompanied the ecstatic endeavour. The pretty boy business man’s butt was quickly moving in and out of the woman’s welcome as one by one the men entered the bedroom.


    FINN, just from the gym, kicked off his shoes and took off his sweat shirt and was about to take a shower. He hated to shower in the gym because there were no doors. He believed in privacy so he waited until he was home to cleanse himself from the sweat and grime of the two-hour long workout. As he was about to enter the shower he thought he heard chatter that emanated from the corridor or possibly from his parents’ bedroom which was just down the hallway. The corridor was just outside his bedroom door, which led to his parents’ bedroom. He didn’t think much of it only that it might be his parents. He disrobed and got in front of a tall mirror that he recently installed. Naked, he posed, re-enacting similar poses seen in his Muscle and Fitness magazines. Pose after pose he formulated in front the mirror before entering the shower. FINN’s body was a sight to behold. He was able to develop his once skinny frame into a magnificent Adonis-type body. His semi-erected penis was tossed aside as his hands occasionally brushed it from side to side, as he moved from one pose into the other. FINN was proud of his now well developed body and continued on with his evening shower. He normally would head to the kitchen located downstairs to grab a bite, something light before getting into bed.

    He turned the shower on then entered. The water gushed heavily on the stone-coloured floor and wall tiles and the warmth of the hot water gradually fogged the glass enclosure, showing only a silhouette of his nakedness just after five minutes. FINN rubbed vigorously his legs, calves, and chest with the liquid soap and the suds grew from light to heavy. His hand passed between his almond-shaped muscularly clad buttocks, beneath his loosely hanging testicles and flaccid penis, ensuring all crevices were cleaned and fresh. FINN moved under the shower, allowing the heavy gushes of water to cascade from his face unto his thick pectoral muscles and down the rest of his dark-chocolate coloured body. He was seemingly enjoying the water-blasts when suddenly he heard a loud scream. Shocked, he scrambled for the faucet to lock it off to determine where the screaming came from. He grabbed his towel that hung outside on the towel rack that was fastened to the glass door of the enclosure.

    What the fuck was that? FINN exclaimed and then he heard strange voices that emanated from the corridor just outside his bedroom. He cautiously opened his bedroom door and peeped through the crack. What was seen could not have been happening. FINN’s heart began to race.

    Who are these men? He quizzed himself.

    We’re being robbed! He whispered and turned to get his cell phone, which he felt was still in his gym bag but couldn’t find it. He went back to peep through the crack of the door and then what he saw was devastating. He froze.

    Come out here! You want to fuck! John shouted at the business man.

    Come to fuck out! Terrance shouted and began to unbuckle his pants.

    Hey! Guys! What the fuck! This dude has a dick like a fucking donkey! Ricki exclaimed looking at the business man’s nakedness and the initial actions of Terrance undressing.

    Hey! What the fuck you doing? Terrie what you doing? Ricki shouted and John pushed the naked businessman to the floor.

    Leave us alone! The woman shouted and screamed so loudly that John had to slap her. She apparently was knocked unconscious because she wasn’t saying anything thereafter.

    What do you all want? I can give it to you. Please don’t hurt her! The businessman pleaded and John slapped him down as well, leaving his face in a bloody mess.

    You need to start hiring people… you playing you are all that and fucking with people women. Who the fuck is this? Ricki asked.

    That’s my wife! Said the businessman with his face down and the blood dripped to the floor. He pleaded again.

    Please don’t hurt her I have a son. Do whatever you want with me not her. I beg you! The businessman pleaded for his wife’s life.

    You have a son, where the fuck is he? There is no one else here pretty boy. Yuh trying to fool us? Terrance mentioned and grabbed the woman’s legs apart.

    No, no please don’t! Leave her alone!

    Leave her alone! I’ll finish what you started you fucking pretty boy! Terrance dropped his pants and inserted his hardened dick inside the woman’s lifeless body. She immediately was awakened with the first trust.

    No please don’t… The businessman pleaded but to no avail. Terrance brutally fucked his wife as she screamed in pain. He held her hair as he pounded deeper and deeper into her.

    Terrie, get her good… fuck her good. Ricki exclaimed as he too began to drop his pants. John watched his friends get their jollies off but kept a keen eye for anyone coming since the businessman spoke about having a son. John was very reluctant to get into the foray. As Terrance got up from the woman he went over to the businessman.

    What you doing man? The businessman asked and pleaded for him not to hurt him.

    You need to be taught a fucking lesson. You have well educated men out here trying to make a living and only hiring women. You ass is mine now you fuck.

    Please, please, please don’t! The businessman shouted and screamed as Terrance thrust his hardened penis inside his tightened virgin butt hole.

    What you doing man? John shouted.

    You’re fucking him too. Terrie you’re fucking sick you know that? John continued but Terrance continued fucking the businessman as if he was fucking a woman. He pushed his head into the floor as the blood gushed out from the slap he sustained from John.

    FINN, peeping through his bedroom door, looking on as these three men took advantage of his parents. He wanted to assist but chose not to for fear of him being killed by them, men who seemingly looked like they were out to hurt anyone in their path. He contemplated whether or not he should go to help his parents but he would be out numbered. FINN’s face was blank but a myriad of thoughts confused him. He became incoherent. His whispering words, fumbled to string a sentence together, as he got low down on the ground trying to see whether or not they had injured his mother. Uncertain as to whether or not she was dead, he grabbed one of his pillows from his bed with tears flowing from his eyes, he screamed into it. Peeping through the opening of the door, he saw his dad being beaten about his nakedness. FINN was also naked because the towel had fallen to the ground in his haste. As big and tall as he was he didn’t have the courage to help his parents who needed him. They desperately needed his help but he couldn’t move; not a single step out into the corridor was made, he froze.

    Terrance, Ricki and John were all naked as they took turns in raping the woman, the business man’s wife, FINN’s mother who was out cold. Then they buggered the pretty faced businessman, Finn’s father who had become numb after his first encounter with Terrance. FINN peeped through the crack of the opened doorway and watched these three men, brutally raping and buggering his parents. He lay there helpless in fear of being approached by the ravaging beastly actions of these three desperate men who took out their frustrations on a couple that they perceived were responsible for them not being employed.

    Hey that’s enough guys, let’s go! John exclaimed.

    What? I was just getting in a few more strokes. Let me at him a couple more seconds. Terrance was back on top of the businessman.

    Are you fucking crazy? Let’s go! John shouted and pushed him off the now lifeless body.

    The three men hurriedly got dressed, leaving the couple’s lifeless bodies on the ground battered and bruised. They scampered down the hallway not realizing that FINN’s door was slightly opened. FINN grabbed his sweat pants to cover his nakedness and went out into the hallway to assist his parents who were barely breathing. He began to scream for help but no one came to his assistance. He skipped down the staircase for one of the house phones to call the police.

    Hello! How may I help you? FINN heard the voice of a female officer, after dialling 990 and the ringing subsided.

    I need help right away ma’am my parents were beaten and raped by three men. FINN announced with tears flowing down his cheeks.

    Can you tell me where you’re calling from sir? The female officer asked.

    I’m at 457 Ridgewood Crescent West End Coast. Can you send the police now! My parents may be dead? They are not moving! FINN shouted and screamed into the receiver dropping it as he skipped back up the staircase to see if he could assist in any way to revive them. He began to walk up and down the hallway afraid to turn them over. Then he saw his dad move and he ran to his assistance.

    "Dad who were those men? Why did they do this to you and mom?

    FINN… I’m sorry son. I’m so very sorry. Check your mom… is she okay, is she breathing?

    Mom looks as though she’s dead! FINN shouted.

    Mom, mom, why, why oh gawd, why! FINN screamed as he rolled her over; her face covered with blood.

    FINN ran to the linen closet for sheets to cover his parents’ nakedness. He grabbed a couple of towels and ran to the face basin to wet them. Hot water was used to soak them as he ran across to wipe his mother’s and father’s faces. His mother was breathing but very little movement was shown from her. The business man could barely move as FINN tried to move him but could not because he feared that he would do more harm than good. Then moments after, sirens were heard. FINN left his parents lying on the floor of the hallway and ran down to meet his called-out assistance. There were cars of cops running toward the house and he directed them where his parents were on the floor. FINN refused to go back in the house. He screamed to the top of his voice and the neighbours were only peeping through their windows. Not one of them came forth to see what was happening. FINN was barefooted and bare backed. With no shoes on his feet, he walked down the road with tears flowing down his cheeks. He couldn’t believe that he witnessed such brutality meted against his parents. He was also shocked that none of his neighbours came out to assist. What had they done to deserve such an unfortunate beating? Who were those men? Their faces were etched in his mind as he walked down the street and unto the main road. He was totally oblivious to oncoming cars and vehicles; aimlessly he walked around the neighbourhood and the tears poured down his cheeks.

    He who love touches not walks in darkness


    Ten Years Later…

    . . . Tes, the more reserved one in the bunch, also gave an account of her sexual experience with her husband, Terrance, who would fuck her and leave her halfway into the act without any foreplay. She expressed her disgust by having to always be the recipient of such savage behaviour. Terrance would very rarely make love to her, most times entering her vaginal passage before she was even ready to receive his swollen manhood. She also mentioned that he would try entering her anal passage as well, with much pain she would sometimes give in to his sexual desires. She attributed his behaviour to rape from her perspective, since the agonizing pain had become too much to bare and was often times against her will…


    Change of Space

    ‘He who is unable to live in society,

    Or who had no need because he is sufficient for himself,

    Must be either a beast or a god’


    ALITTLE OVER a decade has passed in the 21 st Century and the world economy still is not what it was before the war between the USA and their allies against the Iraqi and Afghanistan people. There were media reports of some economic stabilization but it is yet to be considered a world economic boom. In the Caribbean, many islands reported their economic struggles, most facing challenges of varying kinds but in Trinidad and Tobago, though there was a decline, the economy wasn’t as poor in comparison with other countries of the world. Of course, everything is relative and so based on the statistics, the twin island state had done well, considering the alleged ruthless spending and poor money management articulated by some non-governmental politicians during that time.

    It is now 2012 and the people on the most southerly of the Caribbean islands had to face the realities of life. The job market was relatively good and so the real estate gurus took advantage of the supposed economic growth that was reported by the Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago. Three beautiful women, Jay, Roxi and Tes and an attractive dude, Henry, were successful in acquiring property at Conservation Heights, a new sub-urban neighbourhood somewhere north of the island of Trinidad. Jay is supposedly happily married to John, Roxi is married to Ricki, and Tes is married to Terrance. They all marvelled at when they first met each other. How they married men with names that began with the same letter as theirs. John, Ricki and Terrance were very close friends in university and they all struggled soon after to gain full-time or any type of employment back then. Henry on the other hand was experiencing some major challenges with his friend, his secret lover, Von, so he had to end the relationship. Von was twice his age, married and had children and that holy union complicated matters for Henry each time he needed to see or interact with him. Henry, though very masculine on first appearance, was extremely flamboyant in his mannerisms. Von couldn’t deal with his outrageousness in public and at some private gatherings he was invited to attend. Henry was originally from Woodbrook on the outskirts of Port of Spain, the capital city of Trinidad.

    Occasionally, the four new neighbours would get together for a drink to chat about the week they each had and what was going on in their respective lives. Jay, the most vociferous and bossy of the bunch held nothing back. She spoke very candidly about her sex life with John and the challenges she was having with him not being able to perform in bed as she expected. John was always very busy with work and came home very late at nights, leaving her most time unfulfilled whenever they had sex. Jay is the typical housewife. She watched almost all the daytime soap operas: ‘Young and the Restless’, ‘General Hospital’, ‘As the World Turns’, ‘Bold and the Beautiful’, ‘All My Children’, ‘Santa Barbara’ and ‘Days of Our Lives’ among the many that would show right after the other depending on the channel she viewed. Her sense of fashion was evident each time she would take a walk to the small shop around the corner instead of going to the busy mall that was too far in the tropical heat. Jay attributed her personality to where she was raised as a young girl into her teenage years, which was west of the island, somewhere close to the Carenage area. Her complexion was not to be tarnished by the blistering heat rays that emanated from the 92˚Farenhite sunshine. She would meticulously perform the CTM (Cleanse, Tone and Moisturize) regime and religiously take up her fortnightly visits at her aesthetician. Her family had a background of entertainment and she was sure to have regular gatherings with folk she felt close to in the neighbourhood. Visits to her hairstylist were also a major part of her overall appearance, where she would treat her long wavy hair. She often expressed her need for Henry to massage her curvy body to ensure that her smooth silky skin remained in tack, not forgetting her protruding bust line, which evidently was her best physical feature. She wore full-form bras from only the top designers from the UK. She would say, ‘you got to keep the girls in order and in comfort.’

    Roxi also would add fuel to the already heated conversation about her sexual experiences with Ricki. She shared similar sentiments with Jay as they agreed that their husbands lacked the sexual aggression that they once had when they first got married. Her childhood environment in the foothills of St. Ann’s, the outskirts of Port of Spain, contributed to her sultry, cool and calm but devious personality. Though she was viewed as having a similar personality as Jay, she stood out in terms of her overall mannerisms, which she attributed to her ethnic mixture of races. She was of Spanish and African origins, a combination that most ‘Trinbagonians’ knew all too well, as very spicy and sexually charged individuals. Her need for sexual interaction grew with every waking moment of the day. Her high cheek bones were very noticeable, which added more attention to her voluminous and voluptuous body structure. Like Jay, she too was a typical housewife, but clearly the stay-at-home women needed more in their lives after their first conversations and interactions with each other.

    Tes, the

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