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Angels on Earth: Floodwaters Rising
Angels on Earth: Floodwaters Rising
Angels on Earth: Floodwaters Rising
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Angels on Earth: Floodwaters Rising

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Before the flood that covered the earth darkness overwhelmed the earth. In Atlantis a machine is being made that can turn humanity into mindless slaves. War is coming to the earth, and the survival of humanity is called into question. As the nephilim, the offspring of angels and humans create odd hybrid creatures like werewolves, vampires, and mermaids, a small outcast group takes the treacherous journey to Atlantis in order to try and shut off the machine before humanity is lost. Dark are the times, and dark is the earth. Evil is everywhere, and hope is but a faint light lost in a storm. Who will win in the battle for the earth? The end is near, but flood waters are rising, and soon heaven will be forced to act. The flood is coming.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateDec 5, 2013
Angels on Earth: Floodwaters Rising

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    Angels on Earth - Lillian Lane


    Today is the day of all days, the night of all nights. This time is all time. For now is the time when all is changing. The angels have fallen down to earth. When Lucifer looked for a power equaling God, he received help from Azazel, who led others to follow Lucifer, and he taught man forbidden knowledge. He brought down war, greed, weaponry, magic, and the ability for widespread death and destruction. The fallen angels have taken human wives, breeding offspring that are bloodthirsty, greedy, and lust for control over everything and everyone. Heaven looks down on their fellow beings and are bewildered. The people of the earth slowly become trapped by the giants roaming the earth, the children of angels and humans, the nephilim, they devour the planet and their parents shudder in fear of what they’ve created. From these Nephilim come other children, children more powerful than any other before, and they learn the magic of the universe from the angels. Some contain more humanity than their nephilim counterparts, and become known as vampires. Others, the product of a nephilim mating with animals, are beastly, creating hybrids such as the Minotaur, mermaids, the werewolf, and other hideous beasts. As time moves on buildings rise under the careful watch of the fallen, sin grows rapidly as the humans learn the magic that was never meant for them, becoming more and more powerful. The fallen angels and the children of the nephilim created a world where anything was possible, even the total destruction of the world. With control of the earth being fought for, fallen angels made cities and countries worship them, desiring the power and fear they believed they deserved, and the children of the nephilim made their own worlds, each different, each deadly, and every one full with powers only they possessed.

    This was earth before God said enough. This was the time in which evil ran rampant, before the earth was cleansed, leaving only the selected few to remain. The human bloodline had become impure, controlled and tweaked by the angels, and soon the humans were outnumbered, it became almost hopeless to find a human unaffiliated with an angel or a creature of some sort, and war is coming. Slowly and stealthily it approaches the gates of heaven, waiting for the right moment to strike. This is the world before the flood.

    Eve stood in the Garden of Eden, running through the trees with astounding speed. The wind was warm on her face, the thrill exhilarating. She laughed with such astounding joy, running by the sweet perfume of the blooming flowers, their scent rushing by her in a rainbow of scents. A large cat came and ran beside her, she stopped and it rubbed up against her, nuzzling her, purring with a loud vibration.

    A slight breeze rushed through the trees, the leaves falling, raining down on Eve on her naked skin. She felt so alive, her blood pounding through her veins, her lungs inhaling the purest air, its sweet life coursing through her. A rabbit scurried through brush, the sun rays shining down on the garden, its light casting the woods to life, the movement of the dust in the air, the pollen floating down, and the leaves glimmering like jewels as they fell to the forest floor to join the other leaves below.

    A hiss made her turn sharply. The noise wasn’t very familiar to her; it had such an ominous tone to it. She walked through the forest, the mud squishing between her toes, and there in front of her was a snake.

    Snake, what are you doing here? she asked, bending down to see the creature crawling on the ground by a trunk. He hissed with his tongue, and crawled closer to the tree.

    Eve… . It hissed, looking up at her.

    Are you lost snake? she asked, stroking the top of its head.

    I want some of the fruit. It whispered, looking lovingly up at the fruit on the tree.

    I can’t reach it with these little legs, and it looks soooo good. It hissed, scratching at the trunk, his claws extended.

    Snake, this is the tree God said not to eat from. Eve scolded, picking him up in her arms, and cradling him to her.

    You must have mistaken it for another tree. Perhaps you want a banana? she asked, her innocence showing through her smile, believing whole heartedly that surely there was a mistake Picking a banana from a nearby tree and handing it to the snakeshe offered it to him, a bright smile written across her face, her green eyes sparking.

    No! I want that one! he hissed, pointing a claw to the forbidden fruit.

    No snake. Eve cooed, walking up to the tree.

    You see this is the tree God specifically said not to eat from. He said if we did, we would surely die. He gave us all this other fruit and vegetables, every kind of food you want. Surely there must be something else that you want? You wouldn’t want to disobey God’s word. She whispered to him.

    Did God really say you would die? he asked, dark brown eyes staring coldly at her, his long tail wrapping around her bare arm, entrapping her to him.=

    Yes. He said if we ate from the fruit we would surely die.

    I’ve heard that the reason you can’t eat from the tree is that the fruit will give you knowledge such as God’s, and he doesn’t want you to be equal to him, he wants to keep you unknowing and within his control. If you ate from the fruit, you would be able to do as God does, to make as God makes, and surely you wouldn’t die! God doesn’t die! the snake whispered, plucking one of the fruit from the tree and biting into it.

    Snake! Eveyelled in absolute terror, her eyes growing wide, throwing the fruit out of its clawed hands, but he had already taken a bite.

    Licking his thin lips, the snake smacked his mouth with delight. Eve stood in bewilderment as the snake didn’t die. He lay in her arms just as comfortable as he was before. She looked around, wondering if God was watching this. Nobody seemed to be around, not even the angels were walking through the garden. Adam was out picking berries for their dinner and Eve knew he wouldn’t be back for several more minutes at least. She looked again at the fruit growing on the tree, the way the sun’s bright light bounced off of it, giving it a shiny glow. She reached up and picked one for her, the snake’s eyes on her as she pulled one off of a branch and examined it. The fruit seemed like any other fruit, its red skin was crisp and hard, there wasn’t a soft spot to be found. The fruit was ready to be eaten; it was at its peak.

    Eat Eve. I haven’t died. Surely if what God said was true, I would have died by now, right? the snake asked, its eyes glowing with a fierce pleading, wanting Eve to take a bite, wanting her to believe what he said.

    I don’t know snake. Eve sighed, looking around for an angel, for someone to talk to, someone to tell her what she should do. Doubt and fear boiled up in her, as a flood of emotions Eve didn’t know she had came rushing to the surface. She wanted to run, she wanted to run until her legs gave out from under her, she wanted to cry, a thought she never had before. She frantically looked around, looking for someone, anything that would help her figure out what to do at this moment. She dropped the snake, turned to run, but stopped, the fruit still in her hand, and the snake had climbed the tree, leaning down in front of her now from a low hanging branch.

    Really now Eve, you want to see what I can do? he hissed, breaking off a large limb with just his teeth, with a loud snap and a groan, the branch crashed to the garden floor, with a loud thud and whining of leaves.

    Snake! she cried, shocked and bewildered, leaning down to the young tree, who was crying out in pain.

    That’s not all that I can do. Take a bite Eve and surely you will be able to do much more than I. he laughed, as Eve looked down at the fruit again, eyeing the way it seemed to speak to her, the way her body wanted it, but her heart kept telling her NO! Quickly she placed it in her mouth and bit, tasting the sweet flavor of the fruit. For a moment she froze, expecting some sudden change, and then all of a sudden knowledge flowed through her. She looked down in horror to see that she was naked, that every part of her was exposed. Scrambling she tried to cover herself with leaves and twigs, anything to hide her body.

    With a terrifying hiss, the snake transformed into Lucifer, his pale complexion stood out against the shade of the tree. Eve gasped, as he smiled at her, revealing teeth filled with worms, and a puff of smoke emerged from his mouth, like he was made of fire. The leader of the fallen angels came and stood beside him, laughing, his blue eyes hollows of madness, filled with hate and envy, power and lust. Eve screamed, looking at them, knowing she’d just broken the one law God had told them never to break.

    A little girl scrambled through the field, her feet digging into the cool, damp, mud. She laughed and giggled, running from her father, who was chasing her, smiling and laughing, letting her outrun him. Suddenly he sped up and picked her up in his arms, swinging her around and around, laughing as she frantically grabbed onto his neck, wrapping her little arms around them, and trying to keep herself up.

    Stop it Daddy, I’m dizzy! she laughed, as he stopped, holding her to him, a broad smile written clear as day across his face.

    My little darling! What would I ever do without you? he asked, the smile slowly fading from his face, thinking about losing his little girl The mighty roads and towers gleamed like knives from the middle of the ocean, rising like a momentous tower, proclaiming that they had conquered nature. The waves failed to tear down the mighty walls, and wind failed to even brush a grain of marble from its towers. This was where he had made his home. Humanity worked for them, the vampires, building their towers, supplying a resource for blood.

    Don’t worry Daddy. I’m safe with you. I’ll always be with you. She whispered, planting a kiss on his cheek. So much was changing, the little girl didn’t know if that was true, if she would be alright. Girls and women went missing daily, people were turning against each other, and although cities were starting to rise nearby, full of running water, food for everyone, and a comfortable life, the little girl and her father remained in the wilderness, living off the earth. They wouldn’t be for much longer; an old friend had offered her father a job as one of the cities elders. Her father believed that with guidance, the city might be saved. The city might not come under the same curse others had. Some had been burned, others turned to glass. Angels had fought over them, and man was taken out like a bug where they fought, left to die. Her father believed the key was not letting the angels take power.

    Suddenly she noticed in the sky what appeared to be a person looking down on her, white wings billowed out behind him, and he stared at her with such curiosity, and an unknown emotion was stamped on his face like a seal.

    Daddy! she cried, pointing to where the man was, but with the sound of her voice, the figure disappeared, and all that remained was the bright blue sky and the traces of clouds rolling by.

    What is it darling? he asked, looking to where her shaking finger pointed.

    There’s nothing there baby. You must have seen a cloud, or perhaps a bird. Her father said, tossing her over his shoulder and carrying her back to their small hut, where he laid her down on a piece of animal fur and grabbed his hunting gear to try and get dinner.

    I’ll be back before the sun goes down. Remember what I tell you, stay in the hut no matter what. Don’t go out by yourself alone. It’s dangerous out there, with the lions and the bears. Her father told her, acting like a lion and bear in an attempt to scare her.

    Stay warm, he told her, wrapping the animal fur around her I’ll try and get us a good dinner and maybe I’ll even have time to get some fruits and berries. He laughed, rubbing her soft brown hair and heading outside, he closed the small animal hide flap over the door, and the little girl walked into the corner, wrapping herself up in the fur and trying to stay warm against the cool afternoon that was quickly coming.

    She saw a figure outside the small hut, his shadow against the sun, his body was reflected on the wall of the hut, and behind him were the shape of wings. The little girl took a deep gasp, but the figure sat down by the door, a weird stick in his hand. Several times the girl tried to summon the courage and bravery to take a peek at the man, but every time she cowered back into her corner, drawing the fur ever tighter around her.

    Don’t be afraid of me. The man told her, his face turned to look at the hut. The girl hid under the fur, afraid of what might happen.

    I’m here to protect you. I’ll always protect you. The man whispered, and the little girl snuck a peek out from the blanket, eyeing the figure as he stood watch over the hut. As the girl grew up, the figure was always with her. Sometimes she would see him walking behind her and her father, other times she saw him flying through the sky. Never again did he speak though, he remained his silent watch over her until the day she turned thirteen. Then, everything changed.

    Remember my son, that love is the strongest weapon. Love can take down walls, it can make armies turn around, and most of all, and it makes us who we are. If you love much, you will be a great man, but if hate overrules your ability to love, then the man you will become will be dark indeed.

    The boy looked up at his grandfather, and he listened to the lesson on love. He loved his grandfather with all of his heart, he had raised him since he was born, his father wanted nothing to do with him, and his mother was afraid of him to the point she ran away when she saw him and refused to accept him as her son. His life was hard, but his grandfather showered him with love. His grandfather let him live with him, trained him how to defend himself, through all of the commotion, all of the hardships, his grandfather remained faithful to the God he worshipped, the God who made him, the one who gave him his wings. He taught his grandson how to love, how to trust in the Lord, for he would prevail, he told him. The little boy had seen so much hatred and fear. People ran from his once they saw him, even when he hid his fangs, they knew he was a monster. His grandfather told him he wasn’t, but deep down he felt it, the urge to let the monster out, despite his screaming for it to die, to let him love like he wanted to love, but no one would let him.

    He wanted nothing more than to love someone and have their love in return, and yet he feared no one could ever love him, despite his family. His sister, who had the same mother and father, born a few years after him, loved him unconditionally. His brother, a half-brother, born from his mother with a different father, completely human, liked him when it was to his benefit. If it helped him get his way, he would call on him, but he did little to spend quality time with either of them. Only his grandfather loved the two of them, gave them food, and cared about their well-being. Their own father wanted to kill them; he was so hungry with power, so violent. The little boy curled up by the small fireplace and tried to sleep. The deep thirst in his throat burned, but he swallowed it down. He never drank human blood, he told himself he would never stoop that low, would never hurt somebody unless they were hurting someone else. He wondered what it would be like, though, to sink his fangs into someone, to have warm blood flow into his mouth. He sat bolt upright, his body aching for blood, screaming at him to feed his thirst.

    He whispered spells to calm him, but they did little to help, he screamed, his fangs cutting his lip, and he jumped up, running into the woods, looking for something he could drink, some animal that would relieve the pain.

    Chapter One

    *     *     *

    Love Meets


    Azazel met with the other fallen. They gathered together, arguing, as always, since their fall. Their small spot on the clouds placed them high above the earth, the sun shone bright all around them, and the wind was icy cold on their bodies. They hung suspended in the sky, occasionally flapping their wings, but able to remain suspended in the clouds.

    We should teach man to love! If we teach them the greatest values and morals God has given them, perhaps we can see our home again! I want to see the beautiful plains, I want to feel the presence of the Lord around me! an angel cried, standing up, pleading with the other angels, but few listened. The fallen were torn between fighting for earth and being angels on earth. Some wanted to teach love, to earn a place in heaven again by doing good deeds. Others wanted to fight, to make humanity succumb to their every desire, make slaves of the world, and then wage war on heaven, with humanity as eager soldiers, willing to fight against their own eternity. Azazel himself thought that if they taught humanity, not love or morals, but to make weapons, to be doctors, they would cause their own demise. Humanity would tear itself apart, waging war against each other, becoming indebted to those who held a higher rank. By teaching social classes, the desire for monetary wealth, and prejudice, humanity would fall on their own, with little effort from the fallen.

    Why would you want to return? Everything you could possibly want I can offer you! Any woman you want, any power you desire. You are free to make your own decisions, to choose your own path. All I ask is that you align with me. Lucifer shouted, as the angels nodded. It had been years since their fall, but many of them still yearned for home. Many of them had taken human wives, mistresses, and creatures had supposedly been born.

    Azazel didn’t worry himself with the creatures. He’d heard stories, but refused to believe them, hadn’t seen any of the destructive powers they supposedly had, he hadn’t even seen one of these creatures himself! Surely if there were the monstrous hybrids running around, as they said there were, he’d have seen one. They claimed there were people living in the ocean, half human, half fish. Supposedly there were other hybrids as well, half-wolf, half-boar, all sorts of weird hybrids. The voices of the other fallen were rising, each picking a side, pitting their ideas against each other. It was clear if a decision wasn’t made there would be a fight. Azazel sighed, taking a deep breath.

    Cut it with the political nonsense! We don’t need all of you on one side! Pick a side and carry on! Azazel cried, as the others stared at him. Lucifer looked at him, a frown crossing his face. Azazel had helped Lucifer get the angels to fall, and all of this political nonsense was getting them nowhere. Azazel could tell Lucifer hadn’t taken his words well. They’d been arguing lately, different opinions on how to best control the humans. Azazel was an angel of knowledge, he had already begun teaching people so much, their buildings were beginning to form, not just huts where they lived and slept. He believed that with enough given to them, they would be like babies, so easily controlled, but Lucifer wanted war, and Azazel didn’t. Lucifer also wanted all of the fallen on his side. Azazel wasn’t sure they could all align themselves to one cause as they had before the fall.

    I know what I have done! he shouted, remembering how he stormed the very gates of heaven, watching in horror as God tossed them out, forbidding them from ever entering heaven again. They’d fallen to the earth, Azazel and Lucifer had thought then for sure the rest of the angels would follow them steadfast now. Azazel had hoped for the right to power, the right to make worlds of their own, that dream had been squashed due to all the arguing.

    Just then a little girl ran by his vision. She was far below, in a field, and he was instantly captivated. This little girl pulled his heart strings like a puppeteer would pull on a puppet.

    Forgive me, I have to go. Azazel whispered, totally captivated with the soft brown bouncing locks of hair, the girl’s joyful laugh The mighty roads and towers gleamed like knives from the middle of the ocean, rising like a momentous tower, proclaiming that they had conquered nature. The waves failed to tear down the mighty walls, and wind failed to even brush a grain of marble from its towers. This was where he had made his home. Humanity worked for them, the vampires, building their towers, supplying a resource for blood. The angry voices demanding he be a voice of reason were blurred into nothingness as he flew down and stood watch over the girl, who trembled as she saw him.


    Ruberion strode down the streets of Atlantis, his head held high, brushing past others of his kind with no regard. The mighty roads and towers gleamed like knives from the middle of the ocean, rising like a momentous tower, proclaiming that they had conquered nature. The waves failed to tear down the mighty walls, and wind failed to even brush a grain of marble from its towers. This was where he had made his home. Humanity worked for them, the vampires, building their towers, supplying a resource for blood.

    His black robes stood out against the silver road which gleamed with sunlight, and Rue, as he liked to be called, took off his black hood of his cloak, allowing the sun’s rays to soak into his skin. With a growl he slammed open the doors to the great hall. This is where they were meeting, the elders of his kind, where everything was going to change. They’d met without him. He was the oldest they knew of, of his kind. That fact alone should have placed him first in command, but he’d allowed his best friend to be first, and himself to be second. Thomas had better communicating skills. Rue, although ruthless, able to get his way, wasn’t one for talking to people if he didn’t have to. He preferred his time alone, reading, practicing with weaponry, or being with what was left of his family. Nobody had ever taken the time to get to know him, to understand him, besides Thomas, no one outside of his family had ever even started a conversation with him out of free will.

    You want me imprisoned? Ruberion shouted storming into the room, taking a bite of a girl chained to a wall. He drank greedily, pushing her aside when he was done, careful not to take much from her, merely enough to have his feel and leave her all right. He forced himself to stop, to not drain her. He had no desire to kill her, would never kill someone who had done nothing to him. However, he was dying of thirst, and she was there. There were no animals he could drink to replenish his strength before facing the other elders.

    His heart was hammering against his chest with fear, although his demeanor showed nothing but stone cold resolve. These were people he had trusted! They’d turned their backs on him now. With one smooth move he pulled out his sword, unarmed the two men next to him and was standing before the man who wanted him imprisoned, his best friend. He raised his sword to strike, tipping the point into the man’s chest, right above the heart, his face sweaty and his muscles rippling with the action, he wanted them all dead! He’d given everything to them! He’d helped them make a home for themselves, where they weren’t hunted and tormented by people. People believed them to be monsters, and they hunted them done, killing them with no remorse. Here they were safe; they’d built their city on the ocean, built the walls so that none could enter. He thought his friend would stand beside him, that they would maintain peace in troubled time. He was dead wrong. He was shaking with the need to control himself, to not rip out everyone’s throat without a moment’s hesitation.

    This was his curse, knowing people’s minds. He knew what they felt, and they wanted him out. They were afraid that he would topple their power, and that he was stronger than them, making them responsible for containing him before he destroyed them. Their plans were getting greedier. While Rue wanted power, he didn’t want to go that far. To kill someone who deserved to die was one thing. What they wanted was in an entirely different league. Innocent people didn’t have to die; they didn’t have to be slaves. Rue didn’t like it, he hated the idea. He hated that they had women chained in the great room, just for a food supply. They needed blood. Rue hated that it was human blood they craved, human blood they used. With a sigh he looked to the girl he’d bitten, shaking on the ground, afraid and cold.

    Under his breath he whispered a spell to heal her, regretting his decision to bite her. He hadn’t taken much, just what he needed to get through this battle, if it would come to that. He heard her whisper thanks, and smiled in her direction. Thomas, his best friend, was seated on a grand throne, its black color ominous against the white marble of the room.

    There was someone you brought with you. Thomas stated, his eyes flickering as Ruberion’s cold determination faded into a sickening grey. His pounding heart that had been ready to rip everyone here to pieces grew silent. He had been determined to end everything, he had been determined that this would go no farther. How had he forgotten about her?

    Evangeline! he gasped, taking a step back, frantically looking around the room. The others were gathered in a corner, but she wasn’t with them. Thomas laughed, offering Ruberion a glass of blood. Rue flinched, he was an expert at being steps ahead of people, he hadn’t even heard Thomas get up off the throne and approach him. Vulnerability stung like a bee, reminding him that while he was an expert fighter, he’d let Thomas in on his secrets, taught him everything he knew, and that made his friend his worst enemy at the moment.

    Sit old friend, and perhaps you can come to see my side. He laughed, sitting down on an ornate chair, the evil in his eyes glowing like a bright fire. Ruberion took the glass, thrusting himself onto a nearby chair, keeping a hand on his dagger, ready to fight if the time came, yet he feared this man had outsmarted him. They had been great friends since his grandfather died, so much for trust. He sat the glass down on the table, eyeing Thomas, keeping his senses keen on everything in the room. He would hear if a pin dropped on the floor. He was all focus now, he kept his nerves down, his heart steady, he couldn’t afford to mess up, and not when her life was at stake.

    Everyone knows your power. Up until now you have been my right hand man. There is no one who can match what you are capable of, your immense fighting skills, your powers of magic. Once I thought we could rule the world together, you and I, walking amongst the mortals and having our pick of women. Together the whole world bow before us, we would be as powerful as God. He laughed, peering analytically into the glass cup, analyzing the sparkling precious stones inset into it. Rue bit his tongue. Some evil thought had crept into his friend’s mind and consumed him. This was not the friend he had known. Greed had gotten a hold of him and torn him apart. He thought about his grandfather’s warnings about greed. He’d gone too far.

    Now however, you are having doubts. He stated, and Ruberion jumped to his feet. Doubt wasn’t what he would put it. He knew Thomas had gone too far, and he wanted to warn his friend. He had warned his friend, and it had landed on deaf ears. He’d been hoping a change would come over his heart. It had, but it was the wrong one. His friend wasn’t there anymore; his friend would never threaten him as this man was now.

    Don’t lie to me! the man shouted, throwing the cup down, letting it smash into irreparable pieces. Rue hadn’t even said a word.

    I know how you were raised, and I saw your look of horror when I brought in the missing piece. You don’t want me to do it! I saw the look in your eyes. Maybe you are still loyal now, but it won’t last. I’m sorry old friend, but if you want the girl to live, you’re going to have to leave. He snickered, as five guards came in, dragging a writhing bag.

    Don’t touch her! Ruberion yelled, his heart pounding against his chest, but the guards pointed their swords at the tied up body, ready to strike. There were too many of them, he was in a pickle. His mind raced, eyeing everything in the room. He could put them to sleep, but the swords were already at her, if they fell they’d pierce her. If he turned on Thomas, they’d strike her down. Magic couldn’t teleport her out of the reach of the swords. He would have to compromise.

    You know Ruberion, I never asked who she was, I allowed you to bring her here to the city, allowed you to keep her isolated as she was, thinking it must be your lover. Whatever the case may be, allow my guards to bind you, take you to Egypt, where you will remain chained and never to return. He stated, as fifteen guards came in, wrapping chains around Ruberion wrists, his feet, and his body.

    Thomas you don’t know what you’re doing! Ruberion shouted, pleading clear in his voice. If he had any chance, it was now. If his friend had any ability to listen to reason, to change his mind, it was now. If this moment passed, then Thomas’ mind and his path would be set in stone, and no force would be able to turn him from it unless it involved death.

    It goes against every moral imaginable; it will destroy the entire planet. You mustn’t! he yelled, but his cries fell on deaf ears once again.

    No dear friend, it will give me the power over the entire world. Thomas whispered, as the doors slammed shut,

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