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The Guardians of Everlyn
The Guardians of Everlyn
The Guardians of Everlyn
Ebook470 pages7 hours

The Guardians of Everlyn

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About this ebook

300 years without the guardian Angel Fields the town
of Everlyn has fallen into ruins at the hands of those who
betrayed her. Now the curse has been broken. And Fields
finds herself face to face with Ambrose Deity. Is he her
enemy or her savior? With the Guardians finally reunited its
now time to fight their biggest battle that they didnt even
know was coming. Will Fields, Firebird, Blueflame, Mayleaf,
and Fairytiea be able to defeat their greatest enemy of all
time? Or is it already too late? Join them as they fight against
the evil god.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 8, 2014
The Guardians of Everlyn

Shirley C. James

Shirley James lives in Charleston, WV with her husband and their furbabies. Babygirl and Sammy. She enjoys spending ti me with her husband, Chris, and her family. When she’s not spending quality ti me with her loved ones she’s either spending ti me with friends. Her friends and family inspire her characters. Her hobbies are reading, writi ng, cooking, collecti ng precious moments, books, and fun litt le kitchen gadgets.

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    Book preview

    The Guardians of Everlyn - Shirley C. James

    Chapter One

    I n another dimension in another fantasy existed a place beyond time and space far past our thoughts and comprehension. Creatures that fall from myths, legends, folklores, and the dark place of our minds exist here. Some have eyes that see all and some that feel all. Wars rage back and forth against good and evil. Some bloodthirsty and some as righteous as your bible. An equal balance must be kept on this simple planet. A balance that once it’s upset everything is shattered. It may not be tomorrow or the next day, but it shall happen soon. For nothing can sustain light or darkness without this balance. No life or death shall happen—only destruction. This would be called the ripple effect. A small thing happens and it grows larger and larger in size till it finally grows too massive to stay in one simple shape. And our story has a ripple effect. A simple misguided action leads to total chaos and destruction. Where there should have been love, there will be bloodshed. Heroes ripped down from the heavens and villains that reign supreme. Betrayal flows like the rivers when this balance is tipped to one side. The lady of justice will weep at the injustice of this crime.

    Before the ripple effect happened where our story takes place, the balance had already been tipped, forcing the gods themselves to fix this balance with a protector. Out of the darkness shall grow a single rose. This protector had been born from a lonesome demon. But as she grew, so did the kindness in her heart. The gods showed favor upon the young she-demon and bestowed upon her the gifts and powers of a goddess, turning her into the first protector. She took to the skies, clearing their world of evil and once again returning the natural balance to be equal. But years passed, and she grew lonely. She was worshipped by the samaritans but never befriended or loved. When she cried, so did the heavens; and one fateful day, she looked up to the heavens and cried out in her loneliness for more protectors, for friends, and for a companion. The gods answered her call by choosing four women with kindness and courage in their hearts to take their places and ranks next to her. But they would not grant her a companion. The samaritans wanted to celebrate their new protectors by building them a castle. And once the castle had been built, they presented the first protector with a companion, a husband. She sneered in dislike of her companion but took his hand in marriage to satisfy her people. She never grew to love him. And she knew she never would. For he was a worthless image of a man.

    The gods gave the women their names depending on their powers. The first guardian was named Angel Fields from her elemental powers and by hunting through the fields for daily fresh meat. The second guardian was named Angel Blueflame for her ability not only to heal flesh wounds but also to heal the broken hearts with her kindness. The third guardian was named Angel Mayleaf from her earth powers and power over anything plant life. The fourth guardian was named Angel Firebird from her fire powers. The fifth guardian was named Angel Fairytiea from her mystical powers of magic. And Angel Fields’s companion was named Hellion. For he represented hell on earth.

    Over the years of being overlooked by his wife, Hellion began to hate her. And despise her powers and her pride. And his sight landed upon Angel Fairytiea who returned his advances, for she too had begun to despise Angel Fields. Her jealousy for leadership clouded her mind as she took Hellion to her bed. Cloaked in their darkness, they joked of killing off their leader. But never making any kind of moves to do so. But as the time grew, she sneered upon both of them, knowing their dark dirty little secret, that they began to despise her even more. For who was she to look down upon them with such distaste? Day by day, they began to think of ways to eliminate Angel Fields, but each plan fell through, for you would have to be a god to kill a guardian. And they were not. Angel Fairytiea began to dabble with black magic. Learning of ways not to eliminate their leader but to simply send her into an eternal sleep until awoken. And all they had to do was find the perfect place to hide her body and make sure no one would ever be able to find her.

    Chapter Two

    A ngel Fields sat in the garden with her trusted friend, Angel Firebird, sharpening their swords, and with each even stroke of the rock against her sword, she thought. She knew of Hellion and Angel Fairytiea’s secret meetings—and of their love—but she did not care. She grabbed one of the pastries that young Ambrose made. She bit into it and savored the taste before she spoke. Let the two be together. If they are happy, then why should I stop them?

    Firebird looked at her; she had always admired how beautiful Fields was. She looked just like a goddess—tall, slender, perfect curves, sun-kissed skin, waist-length golden hair, and mystical green eyes. She grabbed the apple pastry and took a bite out of it and chewed slowly before she spoke. Their affair is against our laws. Ban them both, Fields. I fear we may regret it. She shoved the rest of it in her mouth quickly. Ambrose always makes the best pastries. We should keep him to ourselves.

    Fields smiled at Firebird. There is no reason for such cruelty. I do not love Hellion, I never did. And yes, we should. Now he would make a worthy husband. When older. She grabbed a strawberry pastry and shoved it whole in her mouth, giggling while she ate it.

    That is not the point! Fairytiea is not sane! What if she tries to kill you? She grabbed three more small pastries and ate them.

    Firebird, you know we cannot kill each other… Fields’s voice was calm when addressing her hot-tempered friend. She grabbed a plump strawberry off the plate and slowly ate it.

    Firebird hissed under her breath, Fairytiea has started learning black magic! She’s traveled off her own path.

    Fields glanced up at Firebird. What? Black magic? Are you certain?

    Their eyes met, green eyes to red eyes.

    Yes, I’m certain of it.

    Fields nibbled her bottom lip. Then we shall hold a meeting on our decision on what to do with them.

    Firebird ran her fingers through her hair, which was the color of her eyes and was chopped into a pixie cut. She usually kept her hair spiked.

    Fields sighed and got up from her seat, glancing at her dearest friend, admiring her elflike features. She was tall, slender, had a pixielike face, slightly pointed ears, short red hair, and fiery red eyes.

    Firebird rose as well. Where do you plan to go?

    To visit the people of the village.

    Would you like company?

    I would actually like you to gather the others for our meeting. And tell Ambrose to make more of those wonderful pastries and thank him for the plate of fresh fruit. Give him a kiss on the cheek for me. She picked up the small plate, eating the fruit.

    Okay, but please be careful.

    Fields nodded to Firebird before walking off toward the village.

    Spring was flourishing, flowers were in bloom, and the air smelled of sweet honeysuckle. Fields gracefully walked to the village, her sword strapped to her back, and her hair was pulled back into tight bun at the back of her head. She was wearing a form-fitting ivory gown and of course was going barefoot. The sun was shining down on her and all of Everlyn. It’s such a beautiful day out. Maybe I’ll take the young men out hunting. Today would make a good hunt, Fields was thinking to herself as she neared the village.

    She heard the sound of footsteps first, then the heavy breathing. Fields turned around just in time to come face to face with Fairytiea. Fields frowned. What are you doing here?

    Tears formed in Fairytiea’s eyes. We were attacked. I didn’t know who else to come too. Hellion is being held hostage, if he’s not already dead! Fairytiea broke into a sob.

    Fields let out a low growl in frustration, I will help you, but after this, you and Hellion are banished.

    Fairytiea gasped, her hand fluttering to cover her mouth. Why, Fields? You can’t do this to us!

    Fields’s eyes flashed yellow as her voice boomed out. Because you had no right to betray me and your friends! Time stood still for a few seconds, waiting for Fairytiea to defy Fields.

    Fairytiea was taken aback by Fields, trying not to shudder in fear, as Fields still bared her fangs at her. I understand…

    Fields followed Fairytiea as she ran in the direction from which she came. From the rapid running, Fields hair was pulled from its bun and her gown was messed from berries and tall grass. Fairytiea stopped at the edge of large lake, the waves of water lapping at the shore. Fields stood next to Fairytiea. Where are your attackers?

    Fairytiea gasped and ran a few feet in front of Fields, looking wildly. Hellion? Where are you?

    Fields frowned, sensing something amiss. What is the meaning of this?

    Fairytiea’s hair flowed back as power surged through her. She turned toward Fields. She raised her hands up as the ground around Fields’s feet rose and latched on to her feet, catching her in a trap.

    Fields shrieked, What is the meaning of this? She raised her hands to the heavens as the sky darkened.

    Hellion, hurry! I can’t keep her contained for much longer!

    Fields shot down lightning at Fairytiea.

    Fairytiea jumped out of the way screaming.

    Damn you, stand still!

    Fairytiea jumped out of the way again as another lightning bolt slammed into the ground. Hellion! she screamed as she jumped out of the way again.

    Fields pulled out a dagger from under her gown and threw it at Fairytiea, hitting her in the chest, right above her heart.

    Fairytiea screamed in pain as she ripped the dagger out of her chest, You bitch!

    Fields sent down another lightning bolt, this time aiming for the dagger.

    Fairytiea jumped out of the way, still holding the dagger; the lightning changed position and hit the dagger. Bolts of electricity pulsed through Fairytiea’s body as she screamed in agonizing pain.

    Fields yanked her feet free as she unsheathed her sword, ready to strike. An arrow flew from out of nowhere, slamming into her chest. She gasped as her sword fell from her hand. She stumbled back in shock; the pain was almost blinding.

    Hellion ran to Fairytiea, helping her stand, handing her a bow and arrow. Do it, Fairytiea! Quick!

    Fairytiea aimed the arrow at Fields, muttering out a dark spell. She whispered, Sleep until awoken, then shot the arrow into Fields’s chest next to the first one.

    Fields screamed as she was thrown into the lake. The spell had taken effect immediately; Fields was in a death sleep before she hit the water and sank to the bottom, disappearing from this world.

    We did it. I can’t believe we actually did it.

    Chapter Three

    T he villagers all wept as they mourned the disappearance of Angel Fields. Hellion had announced to the people that they were attacked, and Fields had been attacked by a magic-man and disappeared in battle, leaving only her sword.

    Hellion had ordered a statue be built in honor of Angel Fields in the middle of the village so all may remember her. The order was finished in less than a month.

    Firebird, Blueflame, and Mayleaf had searched far and wide for Fields, but nothing ever came up. And soon, they were beginning to lose hope.

    Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and months turned into years, and soon enough, almost one hundred years passed in the blink of an eye. And all hope for the return of Angel Fields had been lost.

    My people, it is time for me to wed another! Hellion announced to the townspeople as he held Fairytiea close to him. She was dressed in one of the best gowns of Fields.

    Hellion, you have soiled Angel Fields’s good name by cheating on her for years with this whore! Blueflame spoke what everyone was thinking.

    "Blueflame you forget yourself. Now that my angel is dead, I am the ruler of this land."

    Firebird gritted her teeth. Fields was never a ruler of this land just the guardian!

    No, again, Firebird, you are wrong. She was the ruler, for hundreds of years, and now I, Hellion, am ruler of Everlyn! And my first order is to banish you and the others!

    Everyone gasped and collectively said no. Everyone began to whisper among themselves.

    You cannot do this, Hellion! Blueflame shouted, trying to hold back Firebird.

    You are hereby banished from Everlyn! Hellion smirked as Fairytiea took his hand with a sinister smile on her face. This is my wedding gift to you, my love. He looked down at her and smiled wickedly.

    Blueflame, Firebird, and Mayleaf had been banished to the forbidden mountains, where the winters were cold and the summers were warm, never hot. There was fog everywhere, always consuming the ground and the small amount of foliage there was. But no matter where the sun was, it always seemed to find them first and leave them first.

    Firebird stood at the entrance of each living quarters and shot fireballs as hard as she could into them, deepening the cave. Tears rolled down her face. This can’t be happening… A rock flew out and hit Firebird in her forearm, cutting it in deep. She stopped her assault on the caves and held her arm as blood steadily dripped down.

    Blueflame walked over to Firebird, taking her arm; she gave her the best smile she could before letting her powers heal her. When she moved her hands away, the blue flames still licked at Firebird’s arm. I know… I can’t believe that this is happening to us. She tried choking back a sob as she wiped tears away from her eyes.

    Firebird started crying in her hands. We’ve lost our friend and now our home! What else can be taken from us? Blueflame started crying too as the two women hugged each other crying.

    Mayleaf came struggling up the side of the mountain, crying, holding her bleeding arm. Blue? Fire? Where are you? She sobbed, holding her arm. She fell to her knees, struggling to come up. Blue! Fire! she screamed.

    Blueflame and Firebird came running, trailing after Mayleaf’s voice. Blueflame saw Mayleaf struggling to stand up, while Firebird saw the arrow sticking out of her arm, near her shoulder. Her arm almost seemed lame, except for her fingers that wiggled. Blueflame kick-started her powers, and Firebird started forming a small fireball in her hand. Firebird got to Mayleaf first and pulled out the arrow quickly and used the fire to cauterize the wound. Mayleaf shuddered on the ground, crying out the pain. Blueflame caught Mayleaf in a hug, covering her in her healing blue flames.

    What happened? Blueflame asked as she sat down in front of Mayleaf. Firebird sat down, holding May’s hand.

    I… I, she sniffled, I went to the school to teach about herbs and plant life. And… , she sniffled again, trying to stop crying, and a castle guard shot me and said that neither me nor any of you can come back to the village. Ever.

    Mayleaf’s words hit the other two women like a rock hammer to their hearts. All three of the women started crying all over again.

    But who will be the village’s doctor? Blueflame whispered as she laid her head on Firebird’s lap, curling up in front of the fire.

    And who will teach the children about plant life and becoming a herbalist? Mayleaf whispered back as she curled up next to Firebird, sniffling back tears.

    And who will keep the fires going? And quickly heal wounds? Who will protect Everlyn from the darkest things that dwell here? Firebird ran her fingers through Blueflame’s hair.

    And who will teach the young boys how to hunt, kill, and skin animals? And how to grow to become young men? Or teach women to defend themselves? Or who will bring joy to our hearts when we’re down? Blueflame started crying again. I miss her so much.

    Firebird hugged both women. I know. It’s just not fair. I know Hellion did something to her…

    Mayleaf looked at Firebird. I sometimes wonder if he’s hidden her away where she can’t escape.

    Like a prison? Blueflame made a disgusted face. I can’t imagine Fields being trapped somewhere, conscious.

    Firebird nodded in agreement. She would try her best to get out. And kill anyone who got in her way. And by now, she would have escaped.

    And I don’t think that there is anything that can actually kill us… Blueflame frowned, trying to think.

    What do you mean, Blue? Mayleaf asked, frowning.

    Well, regular weapons cannot kill us, nor age or blood loss can kill us. Poison can hurt us but not kill us. But a mortal wound could destroy our bodies. It would take some time to repair ourselves. That was our gift from the gods. To stay the guardians of Everlyn for all eternity.

    A mortal wound? Like what do you mean? Mayleaf frowned. She couldn’t remember a time that any of them had a mortal wound.

    If our bodies were drained of blood or part of us hacked off.

    What about decapitation?

    Shit, I don’t know. That would probably kill us. It would kill anything. Or having our hearts removed.

    And what about black magic? Firebird asked as she stared at the fire.

    Black magic… Black magic cannot kill anyone. Well, it can, but it’s usually accidents that are caused by black magic. But black magic can do a lot of damage to us.

    What do you mean? Firebird tossed another fireball into the fire, bringing it more into life.

    Magic—well, there are two sides of magic. Black and white, dark and light—two sides of the same coin. Dark magic is pure evil and can cause nothing but pain and misery. And as they say, misery loves company. And those who cast dark magic usually end up getting it back twice fold.

    I told Fields the day she disappeared that Fairytiea had become strong in the ways of black magic… Do you think it was both Hellion and Fairytiea? Firebird started chewing on one of her fingernails.

    Fairytiea… She did black magic? Her powers can only go to simple magic.

    Yes, she told me once. And asked me to keep it a secret. She always invited me to join her, but I always refused.

    Fairytiea is a selfish person, but she wouldn’t attack Fields… Would she?

    I don’t know… I really don’t.

    Mayleaf sighed deeply. If it really was black magic that made Fields disappear, we’ll never find her. She could be wandering through a different dimension right now.

    Don’t say that, May. We may be able to find her one day… , Blueflame said, almost not even believing her own words.

    Pain crossed through Firebird’s heart. The day she disappeared, I had told her to banish both Hellion and Fairytiea because of the affair. And sometimes I had feared for Fields. I should have gone with her to the village. Maybe she would still be alive…

    She’s not dead, Fire… And it’s not your fault she’s gone. Blueflame looked up Firebird with a sad look. It’s not your fault.

    Chapter Four

    N early two hundred years passed, and the angels became almost nothing more than a memory for the village of Everlyn. Except for the statue that stood in the center of the town. The statue of Angel Fields. That Hellion had commissioned. And each year, on the anniversary of her disappearance, flowers were put on the statue, and prayers were sent out. Prayers for the return of Angel Fields, prayers for the destruction of Hellion and Fairytiea. And prayers for the end of poverty, hunger, and the nightly raids from the bloodthirsty monsters who would run off with small children and the weak.

    Stories were told from the elders of the village, about a time when there was peace, when Everlyn was a near image of heaven. A time when the angels ruled in peace and harmony. And now the only thing keeping the children believing the stories was the statue of Angel Fields and the cruelty of Hellion and Fairytiea.

    Children had lived in fear of the two monsters. When Hellion and Fairytiea walked through the village, everyone avoided them. Children, the weak, family pets, or livestock were killed by the bloodthirsty castle guards if they dared cross the path of Hellion and Fairytiea.

    Visitors from different lands stopped coming to the land of Everlyn in fear of the monstrous rulers. The last visitor had been whipped for speaking out against Hellion. The visitor had not been killed in fear of starting a war that Everlyn could not afford.

    It started out as a rumor first, about a man near the age of twenty-six summers traveling this way to the land of Everlyn on horseback. The man was rumored to be very handsome and very brave. He has been traveling through the midnight forest… Yes, the one with all the monsters within. And he has survived! He has not been skinned alive and eaten! Do you think he has come to overthrow Hellion and his queen? I heard that he is another immortal! I heard he is coming to Everlyn in search of the angels… I heard a woodsman saw him coming this way!

    King Hellion and Queen Fairytiea had heard of these rumors and thought nothing of them. For they were rumors, what harm could come of them?

    The rumors began to increase as the sightings of this mysterious man increased. His name is Vane RunningWulf from the land of the cursed! He stands six feet and five inches! With long midnight black hair and ice blue eyes! And he wears the skins of monsters! He is the most handsome man on the face of this planet! He has come in search of the angels! He plans to find Angel Fields! He knows powerful magic!

    King Hellion and Queen Fairytiea began to worry about these rumors, for what if such a man truly existed?

    What if these rumors are true? What if there is a man in search of Fields? Fairytiea paced back and forth in her bedchamber, wringing her hands. And what if he finds her? She’ll kill us!

    Fairytiea, calm yourself. No such man exists. These are just rumors and nothing more. My love, you must not worry yourself. Hellion sat down on the bed and patted the spot next to him. Come, sit with me.

    Fairytiea walked over and sat down next to him, keeping her eyes on the ground. But what if there is? I knew we could not get away with cursing her.

    Fairytiea, please, calm down. Let’s go to bed, and tomorrow, you’ll feel better. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. I know you have become depressed since you have failed to bear me a child.

    It’s not my fault, Hellion! she shrieked, jumping to her feet as tears flooded her eyes.

    And I am king, so it must not be my fault!

    Hellion, please, do not start this again! We can try again!

    Yes, you’re right. We do have the rest of eternity to try for a baby.

    Fairytiea looked to the ground. Are you mad at me?

    Now why would I be mad at you?

    Because I have yet to conceive.

    Hellion smiled wickedly as he rose to his feet and walked to his wife. We can try right now if you wish, my love. He tossed her on the bed and jumped on top of her, tearing her clothes. Tonight, I will be sure you conceive.

    Last night had been different from every other night that has passed for the last three hundred years. There had been no nightly raids, no deaths, and no loved ones to bury. Families had woken up together, family pets were greeted by their owners, and cheerful cries were heard all around. Someone had protected Everlyn last night.

    Whispers of the angels’ return swirled, and whispers of this mysterious man protecting them swirled as well.

    Stallone, a castle guard, rushed into the dining room. My lord! he shouted as he interrupted King Hellion and Queen Fairytiea’s breakfast.

    What? snapped Hellion. What do you want?

    My lord… He bowed. The daily death toll… , he panted, trying to catch his breath.

    What? The death poll? Is that what this is about? What do I care?

    My lord, there is no death toll. Not even a family pet has been killed!

    The color from Hellion’s and Fairytiea’s faces drained away as they looked at each other. W-what? Fairytiea breathed.

    The people say it was the mysterious man or Angel Fields herself!

    Hellion gritted his teeth. Angel Fields is dead!

    But, m’lord, someone has protected the village last night! Who else could it be?

    Hellion placed a gloved hand on his forehead. This cannot be happening. We need a death toll to keep them fearing me!

    M’lord, you need to make an appearance in the village!

    Hellion growled; he lashed out his arm and held out his hand to Stallone, conjuring up a fireball to consume and kill him. Do not tell me what to do. You forget yourself.

    Fairytiea jumped in front of Hellion. Stop! Stop killing the guards!

    Hellion growled, baring his teeth. He dismissed the fireball, putting his hand down, letting Fairytiea lower her guard. She smiled at him as he smiled back. He turned around. Don’t ever get in my way again, Fairytiea. He twisted back and backhanded Fairytiea, knocking her back against a wall. She cried out in pain as she sank to the floor. That was a warning.

    Fairytiea curled up into a ball and cried in her hands as Hellion stormed out of the room, leaving her.

    Stallone rushed to Fairytiea. M’lady, are you okay? He helped her to her feet, gently wiping tears from her face. He did not mean it.

    Fairytiea sniffled, looking at Stallone. You are truly my only friend, Stall. She wiped at her eyes. He is mad at me for not bearing him a child.

    How can he expect you to bear him a child if he keeps hitting you?

    Please, Stall, this is already hard enough… I must go get ready for our daily appearance in the village. Fairytiea kissed Stallone’s cheek. Please, just stay out of his way…

    I will, my queen.

    Fairytiea smiled then quickly left the room as her maids followed, clucking their disapproval of Hellion’s abuse.

    Fairytiea studied herself in the mirror as the maids waited for her approval. But she just stared at herself. The maids had put her dark brown hair up in a stylish knot. And put dark purple around her blue eyes to hide the bruise. They had painted her lips a natural color and colored her cheeks a light dusty pink. She wore a long flowing V-cut dress the same color of Hellion’s heart. Black. With silver shoes that were covered with a fairy’s glitter. Tears appeared in her eyes. I look beautiful. Thank you.

    The maids were taken aback by her approval, while the oldest maid recognized her pain and moved to comfort her. She held Fairytiea’s hand and patted it. Now, now, my dear, everything will be all right.

    Fairytiea sniffled and smiled at her, she couldn’t remember her name, but she was the sweetest little old woman she had ever met. Thank you.

    King Hellion and Queen Fairytiea sat in the carriage as they rode through the village. Fairytiea looked at the ground while Hellion watched everyone who stood out to watch him. Hellion reached over to Fairytiea and stroked her cheek, whispering an apology. She smiled halfheartedly at him but looked back down.

    The carriage came to a halt; Fairytiea would have fallen forward if it wasn’t for Hellion’s arm protecting her. What is the meaning of this? Hellion stood up and looked around until he saw him. He gasped, grasping Fairytiea’s hand as she stood up.

    The rumors were true.

    Vane RunningWulf sat tall on his black steed as he watched the carriage come to a halt. And the man they called king stood. He waved at him and at his queen. He stared at the man they feared; he was not much of a fearsome sight. He stood about six feet and had a deep narrow chest, dark chestnut hair and a full beard, and hard but handsome features. After the king waved at him to approach, he did. He rode his ever-steady steed over to him. M’lord, my name is Vane RunningWulf. I am but a mere traveler.

    Hellion smiled at Vane RunningWulf. You are welcomed in my kingdom, but may I ask your purpose?

    I am traveling through, m’lord. Vane smiled, lying through his teeth. I have heard of you and your queen and have come to meet you. Then I will be on my way.

    Hellion smiled, taking in his lie, feeling his ego boosted. You are welcomed here, Vane RunningWulf! Come, join us on our walk, and I will show you around town.

    Vane nodded in agreement. Thank you, m’lord. Vane accompanied them as they strode through town as Hellion told him about the town.

    Hellion lifted his hand to stop in front of the statue of Angel Fields.

    This, Vane, is my late wife, Angel Fields, guardian of Everlyn. She disappeared over three hundred years ago. Leaving nothing but her sword.

    Vane turned to look at the statue and was taken aback by her beauty. He had come in search of the statue to see her likeness then go in search of Angel Fields. But he had no idea she was so beautiful. She is very beautiful.

    Hellion smiled and laughed. You should have seen her in person. She was breathtaking.

    Vane joined in him in his laughter. He looked at the statue and smiled. She must have been blessed by the gods.

    Why, Vane, she was made by the gods themselves!

    What? Vane looked at Hellion stumped. If she was made by the gods, then how did she disappear? He began to fear his journey was for nothing. He kept eye contact with the king, waiting for his next thought to drift toward him.

    A magic-man defeated her in battle, Hellion said with a sad face. I killed her, Hellion thought triumphantly.

    What? he asked, shocked from his statement and shocked from his truth.

    Yes, we were attacked, and I couldn’t save her. Hellion sighed deeply.

    Vane frowned; he couldn’t believe it. How could a husband kill his own wife? I’m very sorry for your loss, m’lord.

    Thank you, Vane. Not a day goes by that I do not miss my beloved angel. Hellion smiled. But now I have my new wife, my angel, Fairytiea. She has become my new muse for living.

    Fairytiea smiled as he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

    M’lord, please tell me more about this Angel Fields.

    Hellion looked at him with an arched eyebrow. If you wish.

    Was she the only one?

    Hellion frowned. Yes, it was just her.

    Fairytiea looked away ashamed, for she was betraying her friends once more. And me, my husband.

    Hellion growled, Yes, and my wife. Angel Fields was the guardian of Everlyn for hundreds of years. She was made by the gods to keep Everlyn safe. Hellion squeezed Fairytiea’s hand hard to keep her silent.

    I see. She was a true blessing.

    Yes, she was. Hellion paused then looked at the night sky. Well, the time has seemed to slip right past us. You are welcomed to stay with us this night.

    Thank you, m’lord. I shall repay you for your kindness.

    Hellion smiled to Vane and waved at the guards to escort them back to the castle.

    Stallone escorted Vane to his living quarters. Here you are, m’lord. He bowed to the king’s honored guest. I hope you find this to your liking. His majesty will be visiting here before too long.

    Vane clasped Stallone on the shoulder. You are an honorable man, thank you. Oh, and call me Vane. Vane turned to look at the room.

    Thank you, Vane. But can I ask you why you traveled to Everlyn?

    In search of the legends.

    He lied to you about Angel Fields.

    What do you mean?

    He and Fairytiea murdered Angel Fields and banished the other angels.

    There were more angels?

    Yes, Angel Blueflame, Angel Firebird, and Angel Mayleaf. Fairytiea betrayed them all for Hellion.

    What? Vane couldn’t believe it. Why would he hide the angels?

    Because he is afraid that the village people will go in search of the other angels. But they were banished up in the forbidden mountains. They live up high in the peeks which are nearly impossible to get to.

    Then I will find them. And bring them back to overthrow Hellion.

    Vane, you cannot. He’s too strong. He’s immortal, and you are not.

    And you’re certain of my mortality?

    I just assumed that you are mortal.

    Vane smiled wickedly. I am an immortal. Those rumors everyone heard, I started myself. I have been scouting out Everlyn for nearly two months now.

    But you are just a man! Or are you one of those assassins?

    I am not human, nor am I mortal.

    I will ask no more questions then. Please do not tell his majesty that we talked. He will kill me if he finds out.

    Do not worry, Stallone, your secret is safe with me. And because you helped me out, I will protect you.

    Why are you being so nice?

    Because the man that Hellion had whipped was one of my best friends. He was mortal.


    He died of infection but not before he told me of the statue of Angel Fields, the legend, and the cruelty of Hellion.

    I am sorry for your loss, Vane. But please be careful.

    I shall. Now go before he suspects something.

    Stallone nodded then turned on his heel and walked off.

    Vane got himself rested and was lying on the bed when Hellion knocked on the door. Come in. Vane was standing up when Hellion came into the room. Vane was creasing out his clothes when he finally looked up at Hellion who looked more than upset. M’lord, is there a problem?

    Yes, Vane, there is. Hellion walked up to Vane and stared at him intensely.

    Then what is it, Hellion?

    It’s Fairytiea. She’s never going to get pregnant! Hellion sat down on the bed with a deep sigh.

    M’lord, is she having trouble conceiving? He tried not to show his worry. This man was insane, talking about his wife’s fertility with a complete stranger. I suppose, what if you are not producing?

    What do you mean? Are you calling me insufficient?

    M’lord, do not take it the wrong way. But did you ever have trouble trying to have a child with Angel Fields?

    She did not want children, and I did not try.

    Trouble in the bed?

    Hellion frowned. That is none of your business! he snapped. And yes. She would never let me touch her.

    I wonder why.

    Hellion glared at him. But do you have an idea for me and Fairytiea?

    Vane rolled his eyes. Probably cursed for being a cheating, lying bastard, he thought to himself. Have you tried a magic-man?

    Well, that is a good idea. We can give it a try. Maybe they can use a fertility tonic.

    Vane smiled. Well, I think that I should retire to bed. Good night, King Hellion. You lying, cheating bastard.

    Good night, Vane. Hellion stood to his feet and left.

    Vane locked the door behind Hellion and sighed. Oh how he hated that man! He couldn’t wait until he found Angel Fields and brought her back so she could destroy that cheating bastard and his whore of a wife. He had fallen straight into his plot—use a magic-man for pregnancy. He told everyone that a magic-man murdered his late wife! He would find Angel Fields then bring her to the other angels to overthrow Hellion and

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