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Crystals in the Wall
Crystals in the Wall
Crystals in the Wall
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Crystals in the Wall

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It was a bittersweet departure from Egypt for Stella. She had just spent an awakening sixteen days: fourteen of them as part of an alleged spiritual tour, but to Stella that tour was more like a tourist temple run. One only experienced a quick glimpse of the sacredness that was the very essence, the life force, of the land.

Stella returns to her family, her work at the hospital, and her routine, all the while missing what she left behind. Her memories from ancient times/parallel realities have been awakened in this continuation of life. But she is overjoyed when shes able to return to Egypt frequently, each visit allowing her spiritual consciousness to awaken more to the mysteries of this ancient land.

Her soul sings as she acknowledges the wisdom of alchemy within. She seems to be advancing along a divine pathway created for her. Stella finds shes often in the right place at the right time in her mortal job. Many opportunities appear for her to weave the worlds of spirit into her mainstream life. Surprisingly, she finds support amongst her colleagues, and even the skeptics begin to take note. As her awakening continues, many gifts from beyond the veil manifest into her physical reality.

A sequel to The Turtle Journey, this novel follows the continuation of Stellas meandering through her multidimensional reality, awakening her awareness of other lifetimes, as she returns to Egypt, absorbing more ancient sacred wisdom in each visit.

Release dateSep 21, 2016
Crystals in the Wall

Cynthya Popperwell

Cynthya Popperwell is a light worker, star seed, healer, intuitive, interdimensional teacher, guide, author, nurse, wife, mother and friend. She lives in Mount Jukes, Queensland, Australia. Visit her online at

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    Crystals in the Wall - Cynthya Popperwell

    Copyright © 2016 Cynthya Popperwell.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-0428-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-0429-0 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 09/16/2016


    Author Note To Reader



    The Usual Routine

    Homeward Bound

    Kindred Soul

    Farewell Visit


    Tragedy Strikes

    Personalised Pleiadian Jewellery

    The Second Return



    Karnak Temples

    Balloon Adventure

    More Serapis Synchronicity

    Cairo Again

    Gamal, Second Visit


    Twice In One Year

    Dreams From The Past

    Unbelievable Synchronicity

    The First Group Tour

    The Open Invitation



    In Memory of

    Nicolae Cruceru

    (The Count)

    What is done can never be undone!

    Deepest thanks and gratitude for always encouraging me to go beyond my mortal teachings,

    to use all of my skills in my day job.

    As Turtle Journey drew to a close, we left Stella in a state of etheric upheaval. She was beginning her departure from Egypt, where she had just spent an awakening sixteen days: fourteen of them as part of an alleged Spiritual tour, but to Stella that tour was more like a tourist temple run. One only experienced a quick glimpse of the sacredness that was the very essence, the life force, of this land. It was, however, long enough for her own DNA to be activated, or ‘awakened’ to long dormant memories from times past, in another reality perhaps from many other lifetimes.

    Therefore, it was a bitter sweet departure from Egypt for Stella. A large part of her desired to stay. She believed a part of her heart that was reawakened had indeed, remained. She knew without a doubt that she would be returning to this land one day.

    The ‘Awakening’ was far deeper than Stella could even begin to comprehend. Many neural pathways from ancient days, (or is that parallel timelines?) began their synapsing and Stella was feeling like she was the soloist in a symphony that was Divinely orchestrated from a consciousness much higher than her own perceptual awareness at this time. Echoes of many different threads of time seemed to be recalibrating within. Perhaps one day she would understand all this, but for the moment, her thoughts remained centred around the young man who had been their guide on the previous adventure.

    Yasser, who through synchronistic events had become the tour guide (he was not the one that her group leader Maria was familiar with). He had a very familiar feeling about him and had found place not only in her heart, but also in that of her Aunt and her friend Jane. Jane and Stella were very seriously considering taking their own tours through this land and theirs would be unique and definitely tailor made.

    Yasser had been inquisitive regarding energy and had himself come for an introduction into the higher vibrational energetic awareness as Stella knew it. She had introduced him to his own guides and they had been very open and communicative with Stella.

    Yasser had come to see Stella and her Aunt Margaret on their last evening to say farewell, but also he asked Stella if she knew of any way to help himself and his beloved wife, Tahani. They were deeply wanting a second child and Allah had not yet bestowed this gift upon them. Stella knew this to be a very sincere request and one that Yasser would have spent a considerable time contemplating before asking her. Two crystals flew into her mind, one being Moonstone and the other, Shiva Lingum. Stella knew that she had these crystals at home and promised to send them back to Egypt on her return home. She gave Yasser her email address and asked that he contact her and send his postal address to her.

    Aunty Margaret and Stella settled into the long journey back to Australia. There weren’t the delays at the airports that they had experienced on the way over to the Middle East, but there was a lot of sitting. At Brisbane International airport Stella and her aunt farewelled each other with deep heartfelt emotion. Her aunt deeply contented that she had completed a life long dream and Stella a little perplexed on ‘where to from here?’


    There is no such thing as chance in our incredible universe.

    The coincidences and synchronicities are carefully orchestrated by our guides and angels - so recognise them as the hand of the Divine.

    Rejoice when you notice them for they are the angels message to you that you are on the right path.

    Start to expect them and look for them.

    Be aware that there is a Divine reason behind them and consider what the message or lesson is.

    Synchronicity is a reminder to you that all things happen in perfect Divine timing whether you understand or not.


    This story continues the adventures of Stella, as told in Turtle Journey, Synchronicity & the Universe, sharing Stella’s continued evolution in her own spiritual awakening and her increasing cohabitation with the countless worlds that exist beyond the one in which we work and love and live and breathe.

    The worlds of spirit are woven throughout our lives, linking us to each other and helping us to understand each other, when we know how to listen. Many of the characters continue in the adventures contained in this novel and, of course, there are introductions of events from Stella’s life not contained in the previous book, as well as much more synchronicity. Enjoy.



    I feel this transcript from Kryon through Lee Carroll best sums up Stella through her meanderings in her world of multidimensionality.

    Then it Begins

    From Kryon channelling live in Boulder, CO January 2016.

    ‘Dear ones, not everything comes together right away. One of the things that you have to understand is that an awakening happens first. This creates a spiritual path for you that will mature with time. The maturity then creates a connection that allows you to see things that are happening and to see them in your future. It allows wisdom to move forward correctly. You assume things along the way, then realise that Spirit may have something better! One thing leads to another, and over time you graduate into something where things start falling into place. Then it begins, and you find yourself at the right place at the right time, crawling out of those habits that you had, or the abundance issues that you had.

    Some of you have said in retrospect, Well it took long enough! However, you are not realising that it was perfectly timed’

    Having meandered along my own path, I have often felt that things could have happened sooner, I understand now that the ways of Spirit are the ways of Spirit and no amount of Human logic is going to change that. There is no rationalisation, it just is.

    It is my intent, through sharing the stories of Stella, that your own unique connections to the world of Spirit may be enhanced and that you experience all the joys that we have for us to live with here on Planet Earth.


    Stella found herself quite lost and homesick for Egypt on her return home to her family. Something John and the children had realised would happen to her. There was much excitement at the airport and deep hugs as the family reunited. Once her bags were put into the boot, her family bundled Stella into the car. Gai was almost bursting with excitement. The familiar drive home through the now mostly harvested cane fields that surround the coastal Queensland city of Mackay smelt familiar. When the bright colours of the frangipani blossoms with their sweet fragrances reached her, they stirred something much deeper inside. Egypt also had the sugar cane, and the frangipani’s and also the bougainvillaea. How could two countries have so many similarities, yet be so vastly different? And why was this ache deep inside for the land she had just left? John and the children noticed this and they all shared a knowing glance that wasn’t lost on Stella, but she had no idea what it could possibly mean.

    Even driving through the culdera, that she always called her portal into the paradise where they lived, and down the range heading towards the coast looking at the Islands of the Great Barrier Reef didn’t lift her melancholy.

    Soon they were parking at home and the children were out of the car and rushing upstairs excitedly. Stella apologised to John for her distantness, which he dismissed instantly as jet lag and said,

    You will feel much better after a good sleep in your own bed!

    Upstairs Gai and William were waiting excitedly for her. They were holding a cardboard box and Stella could hear scratching inside. No sooner did she get inside the back door than the box was thrust upon her. To her complete and utter surprise out popped the most beautiful silvery blue Tonkinese kitten. Stella could not hold the tears back. She dearly loved cats, but both John and Gai had allergies to them. Once they moved to the acreage Stella had discussed getting a kitten, but John had rationalised that the wildlife would soon make short work of it and the matter was not talked about again.

    John simply said, I knew you would need something special when you returned, travelling has always been a passion of yours!

    What are you going to call her? he asked,

    What is the Egyptian word for silver? he continued, do you know?

    More synchronicity, for Stella knew exactly what that word was without a doubt as Yasser had told her his daughters name, Logy, meant silver! Stella was delighted with her homecoming gift and her family were equally delighted with her reaction. How intuitive of John. It was, of course, the perfect tonic for her.

    She unpacked from her adventures and shared her treasures and trinkets and anecdotes with her family, Stella explained about the familiarity Aunt Margaret, Jane and she shared with Yasser. And that Yasser had encouraged her and Jane to consider bringing their own group of people to Egypt as he could help us customise the perfect adventure. John smiled and asked Stella did she really think Jane’s husband would be happy with that idea?

    ‘Highly unlikely’ Stella thought.

    John said to her, Stella, when I met you, travel was in your heart and it never happened. I am thinking that the travel bug will have been reignited with this journey!

    Stella smiled and replied, I hadn’t really thought about that you know, but more than likely!

    Well, I won’t be surprised. He said.

    As she opened her oils from Gouda’s shop, familiarity swept back through her, the deep yearning and knowing of belonging. Stella had no words to express the reactions she experienced to these scents. They released ungraspable memories and emotions from deep within. She was acutely aware of the subtle changes in her energy field and a heightened sense of unity as she wore these exquisite perfumes.

    Stella was delighted when she received an email from Yasser soon after her arrival home, expressing his pleasure at having met them all, and that his offer of assistance should they wish to bring tours to Egypt was genuine. He also included his parents postal address, in case Stella was able to send the crystals she had mentioned to him.

    Stella replied immediately to his communication as it seemed Yasser was going to be a living anchor to Egypt for her. She asked permission to name her beautiful new pet after his daughter, explaining about the welcome home gift her family had for her, and John’s enquiry of the Egyptian word for silver and, of course, she would send the crystals in the next post. Her reply was brief, but the intensity of the happiness that she felt inside radiated outward and her yearning to be in Egypt again lessened somewhat and she began settling back into her daily living routine albeit forever changed!

    Turtle Journey, Synchronicity and the Universe, was a phrase that Stella had woken up with floating through her thoughts one morning many years ago. It became almost like a repetitive morning mantra to welcome in her day. She would wonder about what it was all about for a moment and then get up and her day would begin. It wouldn’t pass through her conscious awareness until the next morning.

    Stella could not tell you how long this went on but one morning, before she got up as she was pondering on what it all meant, Stella clearly heard You are going to write a book, this is the title!

    Stella immediately dismissed the message, what a crazy notion that was, she rationalised to herself. She had never even entertained the idea of becoming an author. How weird! she had thought, as one of her nursing colleagues had recently asked her if she was writing. Stella had got up and continued on her day not giving any more thought to the matter.

    She never heard that phrase again, until now.

    This time a jolt of awareness shot through her like a lightning bolt, Stella was centred and on high alert, every fibre of her body seemed to be alerted to a state of attention!

    ‘What on earth would I write about?" she wondered.

    The immediate response was acutely clear to her, The journey of your life of course, what else?

    Stella couldn’t be certain, but she ‘felt’ laughter and lightness around her. Her intuitive acuity had indeed been dialled up into a higher vibration and she was enjoying this bond of clearer communication, even if she had no idea how she was going to follow this guidance.

    How on Earth am I meant to write a book? she wondered.

    She found herself reflecting more and more on different stages and the many twists and turns her life had taken; the events, the synchronicities. This was mostly when she was alone in the car driving to and from her job at the hospital. Then she found herself compiling bits and pieces as she remembered them and before too much longer Stella found herself sitting at her computer gazing out the window, over her view of the Whitsunday Islands, opening a word document and idly tapping her bits and pieces into the computer while the children were at school. Logy would curl up onto her lap and soon the manuscript had started itself. Just like that! Stella actually also found herself tapping a papyrus print of ‘Thoth’ that she had brought home from Egypt as she walked to the computer, saying, Come on Thoth, apparently we have to scribe now!

    On these days, hours would pass beyond Stella’s awareness, and she would emerge a little disorientated at the amount of time that had passed. She was always pleasantly surprised at how much had been written and on more that one occasion, exclaimed to John that she did not recall writing any of the words.

    As her story unfolded, more memories returned. The brain, truly an amazing storehouse of data, that seemed to have an intention and direction all of its own.

    The writing of her novel was not a quick journey. She had no thoughts on the publishing process, or indeed if that would ever happen. For her it was a very cathartic, self healing adventure with many a tear released in the writing. Stella found a pattern to what was coming out in her trance like channellings and the depth of emotion they would invoke in her. The less aware she was in the writings; the deeper the healing and greater the emotion attached to the memory, the awareness flooding in to her on rereading the words that had been written.

    And, it seemed, the more she pulled out of the recesses of her memories, the greater her capacity for intuiting and synchronistically being at one with the universe!

    Laughing out loud at herself, she likened it to clearing unused data and files on her hard drive, making space for new entries.

    Yasser had given her his parents’ address and Stella had packed up the crystals and posted them off, wistfully dreaming that she was posting herself back to Egypt as well.


    Of course, everyone at Stella’s day job were keen to hear of her journey and the many adventures she had experienced. They all loved the pure oils she had brought for herself. Stella found she ceased wearing her French perfumes entirely, feeling the effects of these beautiful oils more subtly. It was only after Gai had mentioned this to Stella that she realised what had happened. Gai was rapt, as she inherited all the perfumes that Stella had.

    Stella found little opportunities occurring at work where she could introduce more of who she was with some of the patients. Like when her friend, coincidentally one of the local Buddhist Nuns, who came in for her hip operation, Stella drew a large pair of Buddha’s eyes on the white board at the end of the operating theatre. Stella slipped in before they started the anaesthetic to see Paldron and she was very grateful.

    What a blessing, Buddha greeted me when I entered and his eyes were glowing gold, infusing the room with the energy of the Divine. Thank you Stella, for this precious gift. Paldron had whispered to her.

    Stella shared that she had stood behind the surgeon and visualised that he was an extension of God’s hands and Paldron shared that she had been visualising all the instruments as the golden tools required for this work. They giggled quietly, as they had been talking in hushed tones. While most people here knew what Stella did with her extra curricular time, she didn’t openly talk about it at work. Of course everything went smoothly and the dear lady recovered quickly.

    Sadly for Stella, Paldron had decided that this marked time for her to retire and return to Sydney, where she could live at a Buddhist retreat in the mountains and perform light housekeeping duties when she was fully recovered.

    They continued to remain in contact via email, which wasn’t quite the same as chatting dharma over a cup of tea.

    Stella restarted her weekly meditation circle. It was a continual flow of people, sometimes many and sometimes only a few. New people came and some old regulars left. They started the evenings with psychometry, gleaning personal messages off items belonging to another, and then continued into meditation, followed by group discussion, concluding the evening with a group healing dedicated to mother earth and all who reside upon or within her. If group members were particularly worried about a loved one, they entered their name into the circle at the beginning.

    Stella had been guided to perform this exercise for the higher good of the planet and it went like this:

    The group joined hands and Stella would channel the words.

    ‘Closing our eyes now and focusing our attention within our heart centre. See here our own unique individual spark of the Divine that we are. With your breath now, gently kindle and nurture this spark, lovingly watching it grow in size, radiating outwards and infusing all the cells of your body, feel the love, peace, joy and harmony flowing through you. Give permission to activate your own original divine blueprint of life as set out when you were created. Build these vibrations, amplifying the intent until you feel you can no longer contain these sensations within your physical being.

    Now, pass the sensations you are experiencing to the person standing on your left and feel all our individual vibrations weaving and inter mingling with each other, creating a swirling loving healing vortex of light.

    With your intent extend this vortex out into the universe above and down through the golden core of mother earth and beyond to the surface on the other side, expanding it and making it larger until our beloved planet is completely encased with in this energy and it has become as one with the universe above. See a golden halo forming around our planet now, and also an individual halo forming around those individuals who were mentioned as we commenced.

    Now see a soft golden mist beginning to fall from the halo.

    Each and every drop of this mist contains the ability to activate true healing as we stand united in service.

    See the mist landing on every land mass and every waterway, every plant, every animal, every human, all winged creatures and every sea dweller, all living things are bathed and coated in this luminous golden mist as

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