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A Hero in Silence
A Hero in Silence
A Hero in Silence
Ebook434 pages7 hours

A Hero in Silence

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About this ebook

This is a true story on early underground communist party, their process of struggle with nationalist party. The major roller is a Hakka people, whose really work and life in his communist career, retrospect along with the roller experience is his Hakka people cultural background research; first expose the top secret of communists real life and work in that certain period. It is a really mirror reflect the Hakka people live, and based the real history events.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateApr 5, 2016
A Hero in Silence


Main Author: Xiangxiaomi(???)She is a scholar in cultural circle. Her works have been adapted to movies and TV operas. She’s born in the north, but her ancestors were the Hakka people. She went to the mountainous and rural area in March 1969, got into the army in December 1970, entered a university in 1979, worked for PLA literature and art publishing house in 1986. She has ever been gotten literature prize many times, yet disciplinary within the party for outspoken in her edited work. This is a real story from her family background, and it reflect the typical Hakka people character; she has been known the truly and truth in history events of communists real life and their work. Translator Jiangdong(??)who was born in 26 December, 1962, has been a carpenter, a soldier, a worker in a small town tourism bureau, and chronicle office. He is Hakka people, and lives in the west Fujian province in south China.

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    Book preview

    A Hero in Silence - Xiangxiaomi

    Part One

    The Rhadamanthine Mountain


    Grandma came toward me in dark always in this time.

    Your home is strange. When grandma said about our family and house and events, she fewer said on our home or home of ours instead your home; it seems she was the person who not belongs in our family. Sometimes she did say our home it depends when she in the state of perspective and status. Paid no gives heed to adjusting a word on the Grandma mouth she could be changed and converted the relationship between people; she was a genius in language you will to see later.

    Your families are strange; there is always a headache person in a generation, in every generation. No more or least there is only one. Your grandpa, your little aunty, when the cephalagra symptom occurred they are headache in hopeless like they were to death. It is you in this generation. Grandma was sounded likes pity and some disaffected.

    How such condition in families? Could be any blood disease in families? If there was a disease really existed but why it was only heritages to a single person? Or it is an evil omen to something? Heaven––if there is––to pass through into only one in every generation, what should have been showing the mythical omen to our family, Beth Grande thinks it in silently?

    The remark of Grandma was identified by another person.

    Her headache is hereditary symptom from ancestors, no medicine could to cure. Her ancestors had killed too many people, the murderous atmosphere too strong in the house; there is a blue light from her backbone to head, likes a sharp sword spirit always wants to breakout to the zenith; but the zenith spirit couldn’t to ignore it so the sword spirit is suppressed. She is alright when the sword spirit was suppressed, if not, the light would be jump, dash in on that, from the conflict between the sword and zenith spirits result in headache symptom would be occurred. The stronger in this conflict the more seriously in the headache.

    The person who gave the remark was brought by her husband, according people saying that he has extra sensory perception and psychokinetic power.

    After turned off all the lights in room he observes her for five minutes, then back to her said to her husband the remark above. And came back room turn on light said to her: there is something no ended of your ancestors. And if no end then someone in your family could be suffered. Squeeze spare time and come back home town and to see there is some events should have to be done and no be done, completed it.

    Satana 2000 swings through on the mountainous road with the speed of 40 kilometers per an hour. Beth Grande closes her eyes feels the struggle between headache and medicine.

    It began in the airplane.

    Originally, everything was normal. The people read their newspapers around; Beth Grande quiet in mind, some stewardesses of airline added second water for the passengers; she noticed there was a lady who has some difference in her eyebrows, the right higher than the left it made she be looked created special trait. Maybe she has found this point, so she transacts her eyebrows in purposely. When Beth Grande thinks it in mind, suddenly, at that moment, there was a little sting hurt in her cephalic nerve ending, deep inside. Subtle no perceive likes a breeze drift through the end of grass, it only lets she aware, it could coming again.

    It comes likes usual time; it comes right after five o’clock.

    It comes so furiously always like before. It likes someone to pour several atmosphere pressures into her vessels. Blood vessels rumble increased, flow circuit in body, striking the vessels one and another clearly likes the clock pendulum. She could feel the blue veins peristaltic haunch up, two creeps both in temples like to crawling.

    The most unwell feeling was the eyeballs, swelling almost puff up from eye pits then down. She closes eyes, hold head with hands instinctively, but dares not with too much strength, seem the eyeballs was a balloon inflated air up would be broken, if add a little of bit more pressure.

    Oh! She wants to vomits out.

    From she got in the car the driver was keep eye on her, he stole a glance at her seems no seen such acute headache before. My God, she doesn’t die in my car, maybe he thinks such matter. She couldn’t look on her face, yet she knew it must drop the tears from gray-white face like in an ugly rag.

    Could you hold on? Be coming up––!


    Wait for no time she said the car she couldn’t hold vomit out, threw up a dirty chrysanthemums right on central window of right.

    Somidon, somidon, she repeating in mind this word likes a drug addicted person murmured to heroin.

    She was woken up by a violent bump from the state of murky lethargic sleep.

    Extremely thirsty, but has no strength to fetch water. If wants, it needs stretch up an arm to fetches for the water bottle beside the driver. It’s impossible for a person who just struggle with headache for several hours. And the driver has been focused driving on twisting mountain road, how could to disturb him? So just lays on her back with her eyes closed tight, licks the ruptured skin of lips with the already dried up tongue; tastes the easy and soft when the pain has gone, lazily, stomach. She knew it’s the combined function and side-effect of two tablets somidon and diazepam.

    No way, whether you want the decent function? Then you must ready to bear its side-effect simultaneously. It is likes life. She thought, feels herself deep inside comprehend likes a half of Socrates.

    When the limbs stop move, then the brain becomes sober, it’s her experience. However, all was in thick darkness. Out of the window, there was already getting dark.

    She reminds the king monkey in the novel Pilgrimage to the West. The king monkey no fears anything, from king in heaven to empire of underground, he even to changed the lifespan-book, how a great rebellious heroes leader? Yet just fears the Goddess who has given a Golden Hoop to him from southern sea, it’s an open secret that he fears the Incantation of the Golden Hoop. When she chants the incantation then the Golden Hoop could be tighten, the king monkey could be in severely headache; chants again, two eyes hunch up; third chants, then the king monkey his head would be tighten into the shape of gourd, king monkey rolling in ground couldn’t be life either couldn’t to death who likes the symptom in his headache. Actually, there was no Incantation of the Golden Hoop, the king monkey has a same symptom just likes her––vascular headache––it was a diagnosis which the doctor gave to her. More exactly to say, the author has a same symptom just likes her; the author had given his physical experience to the king monkey, king monkey was suffered too much for it in the novel. Art comes from live; it was might a best identified. She guessed when the author describes the king monkey to be a fear neither heaven nor earth hero leader, couldn’t writes it continuing. It could be thought up out a conclusion, if the king monkey on the way to the West where no anyone could to stop him, then the novel Pilgrimage to the West no worth to read? There were should have someone could to manipulate, control and stop him, and he could to change danger into safety once again, that could be worth to read; if describes the king monkey too far-reach and magic then who could stop him? It should have to thought up a way to control him, and what the way? With the same vanquish demons and monsters way? It’s a cliché. To thought it over the author reminds his symptom of headache, then the king monkey has a Golden Hoop in head.

    There was a drifting delicate fragrance into the widow. It was tungoiltree flower, the driver said. Tungoiltree flower? So nice name! It sounds so nice and natural could only in home town, she thought.

    My home town so far, she thought it over again.

    The unique fragrance of tungoiltree flower combines with the drizzle likes the aroma absorbed water, that to created sweet smell, coolness to stroking people’s faces, hairs and clothes.

    My home town so far, she thought it consecutively. Grandpa and Grandma were no easy came out from the mountainous area, it could be assured there were no cars in that period. They were had their own car, the baggage shelves were their shoulders and backs, above their shoulders and backs were their baggage and children.

    Never carry a needle. She couldn’t tell who said this, even if was her Grandma who was good at made the true saying, it absolutely an experienced theory. There were several teaching lessons in her experiences to climbing mountains that to given up the mineral water bottles in half way, but no water to drinking on the top. In a daze state, she has similarly seen her Grandpa and Grandma walking in the road of mountain, their poles shouldered chunky baggage. No, it is no the way when they were. They were young by that time, and young faces like the jade that she couldn’t imaged.

    She half waking and half in sleeping, many thoughts passed through her mind. Until the driver lightly calling:

    The Rhadamanthine mountain!

    She thought it must on another world.

    No other things, all the mountains. There was a most high and scary mountain. Above was a mountain cliff, under the precipice opposite there was another top of mountain. It was a Soviet area in sixty years ago, most people knew the Soviet area were in mountainous area. But so deep mountainous area she had no thought about before, she has been in same Soviet area likes Jinggangshan, but compares here Jinggangshan was more likes hills.

    However, they were not the Rhadamanthine mountain.

    After the car around another precipice, in a little plane mountain plateau––if could be said––towards east, there was a more large mountain.

    Even if ever in the mountainous world, it showed so unexpected, lofty from all the mountains likes a heaven door stand up in the east. It was different with other mountains around, it has no green bamboo and trees, it has no more tree, all organized with pink rocks difference in various shapes, forms; large like a mountain, a cliff; little like a millstone on the top of mountain. About the forms you could to imagine being anything. She never has interested in named before––then showed the scenic spots such as immortal present dewdrop, golden turtle looks at moon to you. For the nature should have to appreciate with natural emotion to feel, and the nature was refuse to indicated. She has ever been refused many guides and drivers whose kindness to appreciate them in front silently.

    These giant rock statues of monsters you couldn’t calling out their names, many just can find in natural museum where the monster ever existed in the Cretaceous and Jurassic periods in indistinctly. This was a pile of fossils of monsters. You would be a doubt there was a giant hand in the doomed journey in immense distances and spaces, to manipulate then stick these who from the time immemorial, ancient and modern monsters put on the oriental southern ancient country. At the moment, the sunset with its last struggle then submerged in the west mountains, likes a curtain suddenly descended down no sound changed the pink color Rhadamanthine mountain into gray-blue.

    The Rhadamanthine mountain would be change its color, driver hardly hold his silence said to her. Various in the morning, evening, rainy, fog; during the moon period or not would be changed its color. Sometimes could be changed several colors in a night. According the elderly said: before the great event happened it could be changed its color in earlier age, even liked the pig’s blood!

    She looks back a moment. It not changed its color but changed its form, it stands up likes a black bear, and it could jumps on the car and tears us up in pieces, if there was no something strained it in ground. The monsters around it could be awakening up start move in this moment.

    We are here. This is Wenfang. The young driver pulled up the car, Satana 2000 likes a mild horse stand on stably.

    Got out of the car she looks forward down the mountain, a small plateau between the mountains there were complex black houses glimpse blue light under the moon.

    There were three thousands households in there.

    This was the last words that the driver told her.

    Even though there were only three households in Chu, yet it must the Chu to throw down the Qin. She was baffled in remind this idiom: How am I today? Why likes to puts something together with no connection at all? After listen to the driver’s words she wondered it for herself. But her brain break out this idiom in clearly, it seems not she thought out rather than someone insert into her brain then shout out for her.

    She was following her uncle climbing up a mountain.

    After two days she found the letters then she came to the mountainous area, her home town.

    It was a letters which from her home town, she could remember casually put down aside after read it, and the time passed several months, she looked for it since there was a hint by a person of extraordinary talents. This letters just likes most letters from rural area, no good calligraphy and nor grammatical rhetoric, yet filled up tree pages; she couldn’t remember too much about it just vaguely on an event to repairing tomb for someone, and the someone who was a person had connected with Grandpa. She thinks now; attribute to put down aside this letters because there was no something was important, just propose to repair tomb. It was like an absolute nonsense to talked on repair tomb event for the three generations of a family of communists already in 1970’s, it could not talk to parents––superstitious event was one of they fight against event in their lives, she laughed at herself it could be a joke for us. Repair tomb, what for? Why don’t to do some better others, why not?

    And now she was in the mountain.

    She was departure in the afternoon yesterday from capital, came by plane to seaboard city, from where then rode the Satana 2000 on the mountainous road bumpy for whole six hours, vomited out likes a patient from death to life; when the moon rose on the zenith she has to reached the mountainous area that was her home town; only for one event: repair tomb.

    Uncle walked in light steps on the mountain road. He only younger than her father several years, and should be more than seventy years old, yet likes take walk in his courtyard, he walks in moderate speed, two thin arms swings confidently; since the clothes too large for him, his sleeves looked like hollowed, it not he swing his arms but the hollowed sleeves. She has been ever seen her uncle once twenty years ago, they accompanied uncle to climbed fragrant mountain in capital. She didn’t know by that time how her uncle to looks at the famous so could called mountain, she could guessed out he must to keeping himself to teasing the so called fragrant mountain, it could be called mountain? That the mountain could be so easy to calling? In that time, uncle walks on the mountain as if on wings, father rather than walks slowly and stably, heavy in steps; to sees his brother prudent manner, he wants to support on, but his tentative behavior only sustained in half of the way then likes be stopped by something in the air. Once again and again, he was hesitate stopped his hands reach out by something seems in the air. Between the two brothers there was a gap too wide, not like sibling but just like a peasant and his county magistrate.

    It was a different feeling to appreciate the mountain from down of the mountain and inside the mountain. It was terrible no road in the mountain. When appreciate the mountain from the down of the mountain, you could feel it totally and let a sign out for dangerously steep and wonderful. When you got into the mountain the feeling totally changed into part and particular, there were rocks, stones, bamboo roots, thorns and trees.

    There were someone shout to them, who was the nephew’s wife in ancestor’s house. They couldn’t hear what she shouts for, yet she could guess nothing but let they should have to take care of the road, if couldn’t to walk more just to stop. They can hear the voice but couldn’t see each other.

    Beth Grande should have to admire red army their excellent eyesight in those years. Squeeze into such mountains, don’t to say only one Jiangjieshi of the leader of nationalist party, even there were ten Jiangjieshi couldn’t to caught them. She knew only 100 kilometers distance from the red capital Ruijin Jiangxi province to here at that time.

    100 kilometers, only short distance for a car. So short distance, actually here and Ruijin just a same red district. But people just know Ruijin, no one knows here. People just know Ruijin, no body knows Changting, Longyan and Liancheng; people just know Jiangxi, no man knows Minxi; people just know the red army sacrificed 50 thousands in long march; don’t know sacrificed 200 thousands men in the little area in that same period.

    No one knows, Beth Grande either in before.

    The heat hold together in the forest of mountain, sweat likes worm crawling on face. There were some step rice fields, they should have to walk on the so called ridge road between the step rice fields and passed through. The ridge road has been soften by the water, her feet dug into the mud now and then. There was seem a bug stings in her face, she swung a hand to expel it but one of her foot slide from mud into rice field, the leeches swimming over immediately; this was the ugliest creatures being attracted by human body which full of entrapped blood, it likes the magnet attract the iron scurf, they excitedly bow and stretch their bodies rush swimming toward her. She screamed jump and crawl on the ridge road, it was too late, there were couple of the leeches crawl on one of her leg at least; and the leeches continuing swimming sensitive for the subtle sweat flavor together. After a little of while, there was formed black circle in the place where she has fallen down.

    The leech was more than any other place among the world in our home town, Grandma had said it ever. And she said she never feared went to rice field but just scared the leeches too. Beth Grande thinks it in mind feel: so do I.

    The cicadas shout their hoarse sound out, full the entire mountain.

    She couldn’t to walk any more. When she opened her mouth wants to tell her uncle, her uncle stopped and said: we are here.

    Here! This place where she should have to looking for, tolerated her headache, came by air then rode in car, thousand kilometers from the north to the south, works hard to look for a place where in the deep mountainous area of west Fujian province.

    Although uncle described this place many times, yet she still stupefied on the present picture of here.

    Tremulous hut stand up on the place where could be said planed parcel, four bamboos thick as a bowl act as pillars on the four corners; the roof covered with grass from local grown, there were some places had broken through to sky. Too shabby hut, it seemly could be broken down after a mountain storm. There were two large jars in the hut, but very large, almost half height of a person; too long they stayed here, many fractures in the jars, from the fractures light through she could seen the white bones inside when the jar covers been moved off their tops.

    Company from company ants stride over the bones and jars. They never fear these guests visiting. They crawling following group and group, generation following generation, take it calm and unhurried.

    Likes a thunder exploded in mind and heart simultaneously, she shiver all her body likes an electric current passed through, the tears held in her eyes almost rolling down.

    She couldn’t see her uncle and everything around, only two jars of white bones. Actually, she refuses to see them in a sense of instinct. Even if closes her eyes, yet she could to seen the two jars white bones. Just only one glimpse was enough. In her glimpse she has seen clearly there was a long bone in a jar, which was the thighbone; ‘it is my Grandpa his father’s thighbone, he used it to climb the mountain which I have climbed just now,’ she thought. Now it was in jar, originally grown up full strong muscles where now crawling up full of the ants.

    A cool mountain wind unexpectedly passed through, all leaves rusting sound along with among the trees.

    After 70 years of course, these white bones like this in a tremulous hut, in west Fujian province; under the rain, stand up with the wind, nibbled by ants, wait for people remember them, then burry them. No tablets, no graveyards.

    Fortunately, they won’t move; otherwise, this bone which longer than others could stand up and there was a finger to point them shouts:

    You are Un-filial piety descendants.

    Right. When the sound of explode in her mind, the sounds just likes this. It came from the zenith above her head.

    On the road back home, no one talks. Only those cicadas shout their hoarse last sound out, full the entire mountain still. Under feet the ridge road softens too. Haunted in front of her eyes were still the two jars white bones.

    Don’t know no guilty. In the chaotic state the people who don’t know what this event could be no responsibility, then these who know or have known this event in so long period, those people how they couldn’t escape their responsibility?

    70 years of course already, why no one to buried them? Her voice exposed obvious anger.

    Her uncle sheepishly: your Grandpa––Grandpa––.

    He said Grandpa had come back once, yet no did this event. Why not? Uncle no said.

    Uncle was hard-spoken man. His face expression told her it not far because of the hard-spoken problem.

    Before you born, your Grandpa had come back once. The elderly people said to her uncle face toward her. That time made the village all the messed up. He held a gun in hand on that time.

    She could notice her uncle showed more astonishment than her, when heard what the elderly people said it.

    There were so many people known Grandpa here, and before this, she and her Grandpa even though they were living together, they walk round in this cocoon of silence. She knew her Grandpa fewer than the old man who sold newspapers right in opposite against her door. She knew this old man who has a wife ten years younger than him, and his wife has always worn a red woolen vest outside during in winter season; his wife sent him lunch, the box was made of aluminum, has aged. She knew her Grandpa no more than this. Grandma and mother didn’t talkative about her Grandpa like the people here. Grandpa passed away many years, blank out in her brain. Suddenly came to the place where the people knowing her Grandpa well, let she gave birth desired want to understand her Grandpa unexpectedly.

    Since Grandpa has been ever come back, the two jars white bones could be collected by him. But what time he came back? And what he did when he came back? Since he could back and collected these bones in jar, and why he no buried them in according the native custom formally?

    She gave same doubted questions in county chronicle and communist history offices. Someone who works in the office told her there were some materials could be helpful for her; she said anything about her Grandpa was useful for her. It lets they feel very happy about, maybe fewer people like her has interested in their materials, undoubtedly it was to assured their little unit’s value which no one paid attention before. They gave away all their materials: such as letterpress printing, mimeograph, and even copied by hand to her.

    With whole five days she went to nowhere, sat by a pile likes mountain read page from page. She found the materials so large and simple and valuable here for she needed, more over than any libraries in large cities; she started to worry about this unit no apparent reason: when in streamline government organs, they were swaying in the midst of raging storm and tread as if in ice situation. Whatever other point view, she thinks these couple people here have existed worth, and more than the institute where several hundred people leisure chat, bullshit all together all day.

    Their materials level of detail even could reached such extent: her Grandpa with half of month arduous hiking from Guangzhou capital of Guangdong province to Liancheng county. Just these seem like appear trite and insignificant words and expressions, let her Grandpa from totally unknown and dust seal starts shake his dust and soil comes to her clearly day after day. Dimly in beginning, slender in stature but face feature in fog, she couldn’t know he worn clothes whether were native made or army uniform or Sun yatsen’s uniform. Gradually, his approached old-aged face showed up, gray hair, hunch back, eyesight was restrained and cunning, when he awe inspiring laugh to her, she could seen his mouth lost four teeth just likes a door couldn’t shut after opened. There was no person in the materials room, only the mould smell from the too long storage papers. Her back come out of the scuffling noise ever then and now made she felt horror, even if she knew they were either rats or worms, but she should have to turns back her head to see nothing happened abruptly.

    She dote down what she need, about the too long articles she asked someone help her to copy in shop, only several days she collected materials could put in a full suitcase. She startled these materials more than she could have imaged about her Grandpa, compares with these materials she could be said know nothing about her Grandpa before.

    On the fifth day, when the golden sunshine in noon covers her notebook, suddenly she understood her mission motivate to came over here maybe a cause from at the behest of supernatural powers; and just like before she came over to forebode, everything were happened around her Grandpa in her home.


    It could be said nobody can to describe her Grandpa clearly. Don’t mention her sisters and brothers; even his son, her father; his wife, her Grandma; can not to describe his father and her husband clearly.

    In 1942, her father had to participated the movement of audit cadres, the organization leader asked about Grandpa’s case, no matter how he puts it, father no said clearly about his father either. Fortunately, this leader was a reasonable and fair person, the leader lets out sign to said: such matter too much on father couldn’t describe clearly about son, and son couldn’t describe clearly about father; couldn’t describe clearly indeed, then say it is a unclearly.

    In the end, this unclearly became a conclusion in the line of family background during in the movement of audit cadres. From that time, this unclearly no became clearly to the liberation. Father never knows well about his blood father.

    Compare to Grandma, in her eyes, Grandpa became more suspicious character.

    Before went to sleep, her favorite event was listen to her Grandma told stories about far apart from each other in childhood. It was Grandma liked event, of course. Grandma likes talk any subjects, especially in home town, when she screaming about create a great sensation bizarre story, her Grandma were enjoyable about it. Only in she asked a person that was Grandpa, Grandma would be face darkened: that dead man!

    And no words any more.

    In her mouth Grandpa always been called that dead man in he was alive, after passed away then been called that dead ghost, from the two addresses could made out enough that Grandpa his position in Grandma her heart. This position was: no position.

    As matter of fact she dislikes her Grandpa, even could be said she hates him. And the hatred totally because of her Grandma, she love her Grandma so much.

    Beth Grande was not has know nothing about the feeling of gratitude and resentment between Grandma and Grandpa; even though no body told her what for. It could be told, only in a home, what could be hidden? What could be hold for a child who has strong curiosity? From Grandma a few isolated words and phrases, from the adults having no clear intention conversation and strange manner, she guessed out everything. When she thinks Grandpa could abandoned Grandma have affairs with other woman, and not only one woman; he consecutively to waste and roughshod over Grandma’ feeling unscrupulously, ignored Grandma her shame and life; even more face to Grandma with another woman––sleep, she was annoyed couldn’t to breath.

    Along with her grown up she couldn’t stand up with what her Grandma had ever been suffered. She not a girl of ignorant and stubborn, many be condemned male and female their love stories could let she moving, she has ever been given tears rolling down many times sympathize with the rebellious Anna and Wolensky foolishly, it could showed she has enough sympathy and the talent to understand them. Then as no way as to treat her Grandma, she couldn’t be completely indifferent for Grandma loves her more than anything since in childhood, that was because of her Grandma who what had suffered. It was an event regard of unalterable principle, it likes sunrise and sunset from the east to the west naturally.

    It was a normal phenomenon, be loved by her grandchildren who was a kind, soft belly female told fairy maiden and ghosts stories to her grandchildren with heavy pretty voice every night, yet it was a different relation between Grandma and her. For justice to say, Grandma has good attitude to treat her grandchildren, it was naturally as a matter of fact, all borne by her sons and daughter-in-laws, how there were have some differences? In fact there was a difference. Grandma loves her has opened partial characteristic. It not a secret in her family, it not a normal question for has partial love to a girl. An old-style woman from rural area to city––it should have to known the people for have a male descendant struggle life and death with their local government in her home town, with all their labor and wealth––it could be said; from any perspective Grandma should have to partial loves the oldest grandson or a boy at least; yet she no, this old granny rather no; old granny with the unique way rebel feudalism brave spirit to chosen a ugliest, weakest, temper, and all aspects no good girl from five energetic grandchildren to given her a partial love; yet this girl reflect likes ordinary people, that was sensitive for extra love from any aspects.

    If it were exchanged into other person, who just happened have such Grandma and Grandpa, what about it? Beth Grande contemplated on it.


    Consecutive such sultry weather for two days.

    Every one to complaint the weather were abnormal, and sensational spread rumor that could be happened earthquake, there are 365 day in a year and on everyday could be said that was weather abnormal by people. When the temperature were descended in November then came about warm up ascended 18 degrees temperature people would to said weather abnormal; Warm up in April and abrupt turned into zero degree temperature people would to said weather abnormal too. Meets a furious storm people would to said the weather abnormal, yet during the wind and rain come in their time too long, people would to said the weather abnormal also; actually, from remote ancient age the climate always likes this, just only the human beings had hopeless ignorance and forgetful habit. Only paid a little of bit attention could to found such phenomenon existed when they were in childhood, yet their memories just have existed passed through a year at the most. They have no research El Nino and L Nina phenomena, the earth surface uneven heating produced pressure gradient force, and atmospheric circulation then result in climate change. If above too much for ordinary people then the human beings at least have some logical analysis talent. Beth Grande thinks: if the climate abnormal in every year, then it actually was a normal phenomenon, wasn’t?

    From that taller building watch toward the whole county town, there were lamps and candles of myriad families’ night outside window. Beth Grande sat a desk in frond of window for a whole afternoon, racks her brain and interested in a poem, the day getting dark in unknown.

    Outside the window, twinkle stars inserted in above deep blue sky, the special moon circled by abnormal lunar halo indistinctly; it likes dim eye in sleeping, showed some mystery.

    This poem has a beginning sentence in such:

    Dark the day and dark the moon, the autumn rain fell day after day, suddenly getting bright, the [–] gather circle around the moon.

    From the point of view in syllable, this poem similarly likes the Book of Songs, but more reserved; besides use a lot of four syllables there were have five and six even seven syllables in the Book of Songs; this poem with same four letters a sentence from beginning to the end, two sentences a rhyme scheme; even though reserved yet such let it read easy, remember easy too; it might be a children’s folk rhymes if from the meaning to analyze. From the contents to analyze it more childish: the [–] gather circle around the moon and finger point towards southern sky showed up twice in the poem, it hardly to judge this repeating in the poem whether the author childish made or because the long lost result in this part of [–] be filled at will? All in all, such as this repeating no showed up very fewer as in the later of anthology of five letters ancient poetry and the collected folk songs and ballads in Han Dynasty. It as often was used as during in the period of the Book of Songs, but it was a typical Hakka people poem, so it was produced never earlier than Qin and Han Dynasty.

    "The [–]

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