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Consensual Mediocrity: Poetry and Pseudo Erotica for the Uncomfortable Soul
Consensual Mediocrity: Poetry and Pseudo Erotica for the Uncomfortable Soul
Consensual Mediocrity: Poetry and Pseudo Erotica for the Uncomfortable Soul
Ebook60 pages34 minutes

Consensual Mediocrity: Poetry and Pseudo Erotica for the Uncomfortable Soul

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About this ebook

This book is a declaration of self-efficacy. It highlights the author's best works of poetry and pseudo erotica. This book takes you on a sick and satisfying journey of self-discovery, self-hatred, and self-love all in one. This book is the lovechild of power and passion. The book filled with uncomfortable works, the author only asks that after you read each one, you close your eyes and think before you speak!
Release dateApr 18, 2015
Consensual Mediocrity: Poetry and Pseudo Erotica for the Uncomfortable Soul

Camille McGowan

Camille McGowan is an aspiring wordsmith—if not already. She is cultured, spunky, irascible, and vivacious. Filled with inspiring self-doubt, she epitomizes the fusion of vision and sedulity. Born in Kentucky, made in North Carolina, and built in Virginia, she has a contagious energy. After matriculating at Elizabeth City State University, where she obtained a BS in Psychology and a BA in English in a mere four and a half years, she thrives in the breastbone of education and continually adds more degrees to her repertoire. Camille is gifted in the areas of public speaking, analytical concepts, and creative writing. Camille does not consider herself a poet but a speaker with unlimited words, serving as ammunition to be a change agent in the lives of strangers, colleagues, family members, and friends alike. You're welcome!

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    Consensual Mediocrity - Camille McGowan



    Poetry and Pseudo Erotica for the Uncomfortable Soul




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    © 2015 Camille McGowan. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 04/15/2015

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-0650-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-0651-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015906102

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.


    I.   GOD MD

    II.   Dancing Palms

    III.   Devil’s Taste-buds

    IV.   Realism

    V.   Let me

    VI.   The Cesarean

    VII.   Still-birth Rapture

    VIII.   Sobriety

    IX.   Absence of Fear

    X.   Presence of Fear

    XI.   Defaced

    XII.   Suckling of an Angel

    XIII.   Public Stink

    XIV.   Defiled

    XV.   Vices of Mistresses

    XVI.   Reconciling the Westside

    XVII.   Swallow

    XVIII.   Black Emergencies

    XIX.   Sacrificial

    XX.   Metaphorical Rapists

    XXI.   Peace Be Still


    This book is dedicated to every academician, poverty-ridden adolescent, nerd, well-to-do Samaritan, and Child-of-God that wants to succeed as bad as they want to breathe. This book is for the open homosexuals, closeted heterosexuals, and suicidal thespians that could never express themselves with the correct choice of words. This book is dedicated to hopeless romantics, faceless journal keepers, and nameless card traders that just wanted to be themselves without crude commentary or judgmental stares. This book is for the dictionary readers such as myself, and the athletes who miss home cooked meals and mothers breast milk. This book is dedicated to the insomniac in you; read on!


    The celestial being whose existence I challenged for too many years that never made sense. Thank you for never leaving my side and continuously making sure I am not without anything I need. You are my father.


    Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.

    Edgar Allan Poe


    Creativity meets Sinicism. I was birthed a stunning contradiction, and have been living oxymoronically ever since. Morose visualizations meet vivid intrigue. The taste of literature and the forecast of sexual innuendoes stimulate my most privy thoughts. Living only makes sense if your only intent is to die. Life is not about making choices, it’s about creating them. My life has been an immeasurable correlation of sick jocundity. The more creativity I developed, the more writing that confused me. Now, you are welcome

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