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In the World
In the World
In the World
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In the World

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The Constitution is a force in place governing all citizens and people in this nation regardless of their beliefs, and it includes requirements by those in the nation for a time uncertain. For the citizens, it is their guarantee of personal welfare, rights, and blessings of liberty. The elected and appointed leaders of this nation are bound by an oath to support and defend the Constitution. When an event or act occurs that violates any part of the constitutionally constructed laws, it must be understood that the Constitution is much the same as a will, and those forefathers involved in its drafting were mostly concerned with the heirs as citizens and the protection of domestic tranquility, general welfare, and posterity. Section 1 of Constitutional Amendment makes it ever so clear that: Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude except as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. If any group, religious or otherwise, attempts to force-feed their beliefs by word or deed on others within the United States, restricting their free will and causing unjust restriction of domestic tranquility, then involuntary servitude exists in the United States unlawfully.
Release dateFeb 3, 2016
In the World

Al Wiggins

Eighty-six years of living has provided the author with a productive life and many experiences that represent a foundation for cause to think on things that would be considered extensive by some.

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    In the World - Al Wiggins

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    As a 14 year old young man In the summer of 1943, going to bed each night was an unpleasant experience as I had the same dream night after night ‘if a person left the surface of the earth in a straight line at the speed of light or faster, would that person someday come to the end of the Universe, and if so, would the end of the Universe be the beginning of something else, and would that something else have an ending"? How long could this continue, or was everything in nothing?

    I discovered that light travels at a speed of 186,000 miles per second and I wondered, if I were in a rocket in space that was inactive a few miles from earth and I saw an explosion on earth, and the rocket I occupied was capable of reaching an instantaneous speed of 400,000 miles per second from go, if at my receipt of the explosion image from earth my rocket was simultaneously activated to travel at full speed on a straight line toward earth, would I reach earth before the explosion occurred?

    Science speaks of distance in space as light years away. I supposed light years to be a combination of time and distance, and if so in my mind, there was a possibility that going back in time was a function of speed? I knew there would be those who would say the speed of light cannot be exceeded, but my sense told me opinions are not always facts. I had my doubts that the accepted maximum speed of light could be a universal constant? Science tells us Light trapped in a black hole in space cannot get out of the black hole because of gravity, and If this is true it seemed to me that light travels at a speed of 186,000 miles per second in some circumstances. Black holes in space are a part of the Universe we live in and yet we know little about them, and it seems safe to say we know little for certain about the speed of light.

    Years passed and recently NBC News in an article titled ‘Smoking Gun’ revealed how the Inflationary Big Bang may have happened New findings show that the universe underwent a burst of inflation that was seemingly faster than the speed of light in the first instant of its existence. This seemed to me to be a case in point confirming the speed of light thought of as a certainty can be altered under different circumstances. We have yet to find life on other planets, and we have yet to determine the extent or existence of dark matter. If we found some form of life on another planet could human life have ever existed on that planet. Suppose the universe had no life as it now exists on earth and endowed with mankind’s abilities as a living being. We must ask ourselves which theory, evolution or creation, is the most plausible as a reason for human life. Given the immensity of the universe and the speed of position change from the first second of the beginning of the universe one would think evolution would take place at such a high rate of speed that measurable changes in life would occur in short periods of time, and yet we know that man in its present form is much the same as it was thousands of years ago. Was there an affect on time that occurred with the acceleration of the speed of light?

    As a teenager with questions I felt sure that if Creation was as some believe, a big bang from a central point, the speed of light would have been exceeded given that everything created would originate from the same point outside of this Universe to it’s present position in the Universe. If the creation of everything in the Universe took place in a short period of time such as 6 days, this would make points of confirmation for Creation, as first it was not, and then it was, and there was space between the solids which were a part of the universe, and in some instances the solids would be millions of light years apart. If everything in the universe was Moving in a straight line after the big bang, and the big bang occurred at a position that was outside of the universe to be (the universe was created by the big bang),and assuming the line of travel to be vertical for all solids, the line of travel would cause planets to grow farther apart horizontally for each solid in the universe including the Sun. If everything solid would be traveling at a speed at or beyond the speed of light what does this do to the theory of global warming?

    Webster’s dictionary describes Time as existence without beginning or end. It seemed to me that if it all began via evolution as some believe, there would be a starting point and there must exist a void to accommodate the beginning, and in that void there must exist substance? Would the substance be in the center of the void, or would it be on the edge of the void? What is the makeup of the void? If substance was on the edge of the void, what would be beyond the edge of the void, would it be another Universe, and was our universe created and split off from another universe? I doubted God was occupying a Universe He had yet to create! As for the theory of evolution, if everything in this universe having life exists from a seed, be it man, animal, creatures of the sea and all plant life, where did the first seed come from that gave a beginning to evolution? Was this condition exclusive to earth only for living beings?

    To believe in Creation is a necessity in order to be a Christian. The Bible makes statements that are hard to ignore concerning Creation. Evolutionists must be atheists as in their mind there was no Creator, and there is no God, therefore the inspired Word Of God would be meaningless. Evolution dictates that the beginning of every living thing on earth would be less or different in the beginning than the product after time had expired. This would lead one to ask what is the purpose of life. According to the evolutionists what lives today will differ from what lives in the future, and mankind today could never achieve what mankind of the future could. The problem is, experience and education all effect the brain and there would be no achievements by mankind in the future if there were no achievement by mankind of today. According to research many scientists believe in the Anthropic Principle a belief establishing as fact that the Universe was created with a purpose. A purpose anticipates change to achieve its goal of purpose and only requires time for fulfillment by Almighty God.

    As for ending this life on earth we all know that in the sands of time life is but a blip. Is it not healthier and more fulfilling to believe that portions of life goes on in a form invisible to mans eye, and that the spiritual energy of human life has an eternal purpose that extends life beyond the human life span on earth? Matter and anti-matter exist as a form of energy in the Universe but are not visible, and yet one without the other would result in a nothing. Life on earth without the possibility of life eternal presupposes the energy of this life to end at death from this life. Yet science tells us that energy never dissipates, it simply changes form.

    It really does matter what our theories are concerning the beginning of it all if we are confident that we are not in bondage to a theory that fails to show purpose. Hopefully our theories are products of free will thinking after we have exposed ourselves to the studied arguments for all theories. If truth is not the ultimate goal for each of us we have failed to progress in the time each of us has dwelt on this earth! Long before Jesus Christ came into being mankind worshipped something or someone. Mankind from the beginning of time has been hardwired to worship simply because that which gave them the key ingredient necessary for human life was in them and has existed from Creation. It was spirit, created in the image of God. If we are not dealing with facts and have opinions, they are theories, and Faith is the byproduct of theoretical beliefs. Faith is a belief in something or someone that cannot be proved.

    Science tells us energy never dissipates, it simply changes form. This being true, the energy necessary to activate creation must have existed in a place outside this Universe before the beginning of this Universe. Mankind does not totally understand energy, or its existence and purpose. Thoughts of this sort of was my introduction to cosmology of sorts and I suspected there existed much to know. It became apparent to me that the study of cosmology was a competitive effort between scientists, theologians and philosophers vying to convert their opinions & theories into public acceptance as fact. I was consumed with a burning desire to know the truth about life in all its forms, and to understand the purpose of things in this universe. If we are a product of creation, the fact our human bodies contain a brain that is the center of every activity originating in our body makes me believe thinking is the primary purpose for our lives on earth, energy is the catalyst, and Faith is a process having it’s birth from thinking. The Bible would have no meaning to each of us unless we think on the Inspired Word as we read it or hear it, as a word would have no meaning to any part of the body without the mind thinking about it. We must think about the purpose of God that Inspired the writing of His Word. God did not make you and forget you, and our thinking as we read His Word and understand His love for each of us provides us with an understanding as to the scope and purpose of the free will God granted each of us in our life on this earth. Why of all living things on earth, has Mankind been granted dominion by God over all The Creator’s earthly creations? According to the Bible God and The Creator are one and the same? We are now under God’s desire for all of mankind to actively pursue our share of dominion responsibility and we are capable of preserving God’s Creation of life, or destroying it!

    Imagine a life on earth without the presence of evil. Without the presence of evil, life on Earth would be Heavenly and there would be great knowledge and understanding without fear of the natural process of this life including our ultimate death. We would all understand that fear is a manufactured emotion created by the presence of evil in this life. We as citizens in America value families, and yet we must consider & remember every person living in the United States can trace their roots back in time to another country or places on this planet. Therefore there is a blood kinship existing between the people of other parts of the world and the people of the United States, and not one of us, unless we are first generation, had anything to do with our inherited citizenship. There would be no rights of citizenship if it were not for the founding Fathers of this nation who provided the citizens with legal assurance of their rights via two documents being interdependent on each other - The Declaration of Independence & the Constitution of The United States of America. Regardless of each citizens personal beliefs, no citizen has, or should have, any preference or priority in rights as a citizen over those with other religious beliefs, provided their beliefs and acts are not contrary to the Constitution and the Constitutional rights of other citizens.

    The Constitution is the caretaker of an American citizens rights. That which is inherited as personal rights by the citizens of the U. S. under the Constitutional laws of the United States cannot be diluted by the presence within the borders of the United States of America of those who illegally have presence in this nation. Any attempt to allow them to exist in permanent presence can only occur by establishing that their presence will not result in infringement of others right to the general welfare protection as stated in the First paragraph of the Constitution. We cannot ignore the American Citizens Constitutional Rights in a manner violating Section 1, Amendment XIII of the Constitution as it would constitute Involuntary Servitude of the citizens, if illegal immigrants are not self supporting in all ways. The economic wealth and welfare of the United States is needed in providing a portion of the where with all needed to support the international efforts in promoting Gods mandate for dominion responsibility. This responsibility is not about taking, not about giving, it is about a mutual effort to contribute to self or someone other than self, that which may be needed for a time, in the efforts of the receiver of the assistance to comply in dominion responsibility efforts.

    The earth and all that is on or in it is a minute portion of God’s creation. Mankind is making efforts to understand the whole as opposed to a portion. The results of mankind’s efforts in the study of cosmology to date are conflicting and sometimes produce misunderstanding as opposed to truth. In spite of all this one thing is certain, God’s priority is in the welfare of His Children and there are humans on this earth of every age that rise up everyday knowing that without a miracle they will have nothing to eat and will have contaminated water to drink. If the Word of God has meaning to each of us God’s mandate of dominion responsibility made it clear that life is precious and we all are our brothers keepers in accordance with God’s mandate as set forth in the Bible in Chapter 1:28 of the book of Genesis. Adults are responsible for the needs of children and when the needs of children continue to exist God has not failed them, mankind has. Faith is the bow, The arrow is effort, and the target is the welfare of all children.

    In Genesis 1:31 of the Bible it is said And God saw everything He had made, and behold, it was very good (KJV Bible). What God made was perfect and the problems of today not related to natural acts are man made. Without wars, and the money spent by man on wars, the people of the world could live in peace and prosperity. Prosperity is not an endless search for more and more, it is the expectation to have more than your needs. An employee cannot have employment without an employer, and the employers purpose is to direct production & sale of products in a mass barter system way that benefits all who are a part of the efforts. If the buying power of the poor and middle class were eliminated internationally there would be restricted wealth, for investments are greatly enhanced by product marketability. In the world of today, buy and sell creates unwarranted wealth that is a by product of eliminating the original intent of the barter system. The barter system was intended as a means of placing value on productivity while punishing those not producing their share of products. Those who are gifted with leadership ability have an obligation to the people to make the system work in all peoples behalf. In the Barter System every person has something to sell even if it is only their effort and time. For most of us our achievements, wealth, and fame will be forgotten when our generation ceases to exist and death slams the door on our past. Our life on earth is nothing more than an opportunity to receive a paid in full ticket for a one way trip to eternal life with our Creator. Our reservation was made by Jesus Christ and the ticket was paid in full by Jesus Christ with Him Crucified, for none cometh unto the Father except through Jesus Christ.

    While we are attempting to satisfy the problems of need on earth God has provided mankind with abilities to explore the mysteries of the Universe. Dr. George Roche a noted Historian, Economist. and College president stated it really does matter, and matter very much, how we think about the Cosmos. He pointed out our concept of the Universe shapes our world view, our philosophy of life, and thus our daily decisions and actions. For example: if the Universe was not created and is in some manner accidental, then it has no objective meaning and consequently, life, including human life, has no meaning, and a random change of events determines everything. Greed may dictate our needs which for masters may be temporarily useful to control the masses, but in the end is ultimately irrelevant.

    I sometimes think back to my time as a sophomore at Murphy High School in Mobile, Alabama. While there, I often allowed my mind to think on such things and I was filled with a desire to know more about this Universe and human life. I experienced some apprehension as I found that in those adults I knew who gave any thought to all of this there seemed to be two motivating theories concerning the beginning of life and the universe, and they were Creation and Evolution. It appeared to me that to some people who I liked very much, it would be considered irrational if I so much as mentioned the possibility of Creation as the cause apparent of the beginning of the Universe. The politically correct preference concerning human life seemed to be something on this order in the beginning something miniscule and living came into being and a process of time and change took over and lo and behold here we are.

    It seemed to me the common fear among those embracing Evolution was, if they somehow were forced to acknowledge Creation this would validate the existence of a Creator God, and this fails to suit their reasoning concerning life, particularly when the subjects of right, wrong, ethics or morality, come into play. The theories of Evolution and Creation are now being constantly subjected to scientific research and soon one theory will become fact and will be indisputable. For many, their theories revolve around their wants and desires and they are of the opinion I and mine are all that count, and how I achieve my life goals are o k as long as they are within the scope of the Nation’s laws, and I don’t have to admit to the existence of a God. Absent from this line of reasoning is the fact that no matter how we arrived on earth, in our present form we are a part of mankind and consideration for others must be a part of our thinking & purpose. If the Universe is Created, there may be reality beyond the confines of the Universe and the Creator is the ultimate reality and wields absolute authority over all, and as such the Creator is the source of life and establishes life’s meaning and purpose.

    As with most young people we knew life someday would end for all of us. It was easy to rationalize and foster a belief I had many years to live based on the actuarial information compiled by insurance company’s concerning the life expectancies of male and female. The problem born of reality, many people die at an early age and our thought process is terminated, and I did not allow myself to believe one of those might be me. Therefore, for me to concern myself about the end of earthly life and make this a priority in my thinking patterns as a teenager seemed to be a waste of the time available, as the actuary’s have implied that we have time left to reconsider. As a result of my attendance at Dauphin Way Baptist Church in Mobile, Alabama during the early 40s I was well aware of the Bible and it’s contents, the Gift By Grace of Salvation, and the threat of Eternal Damnation. I was aware that Jesus said to Nicodemus you must be born again in order to receive the gift by Grace of eternal life when we pass from this life. I was full of youthful desires that were not in keeping with God’s admonishments in HIS Word and I indulged in the conduct of one knowledgeable but unwilling to commit himself to a born again posture that would allow and provide for my spiritual rebirth, spiritual growth, and the commitment of myself to be a better person every day of my life by reducing the daily personal affronts to God’s Word. Most important, I knew as a sinner saved by The Grace of Jesus Christ I could receive forgiveness by my Creator, the God of The Universe.

    I knew I must repent and acknowledge the deity and sacrifice of Jesus and HIS suffering and death on the Cross at Calvary and His resurrection in order to receive the Gifts By Grace of forgiveness and eternal life in the Holy Kingdom. In today’s parlance that put the ball in my court. With the warped mind of a teenager I thought of salvation as a gamble as opposed to an ‘as as you sow so shall you reap’ law of life. I was well aware that through science we know everything in this Universe is governed in function and existence by laws established by the Creator, and these laws in the main were and are the unsolved mysteries of the universe. Laws regarding energy are ever present and are found to be true by observation and experiment. Gravity, electricity, sound, and Atoms are a few forms of energy that are unseen but ever present. As a matter of consistency our lives as humans required the adoption of laws similar in content to the Old Testament, and the civil laws adopted by mankind on a best interest for the masses basis require mankind’s acknowledgment and obedience. A violation of certain laws of the land in this life may result in a lifetime of punishment behind bars even though it may be your first conviction. God cuts each of us a lot of slack in that violating his laws are not a process whereby one conviction will be entered into the eternal records under your name. By His Grace as children of God we do not have to be the C E O of a corporation or a leader of anything in the publics eye, and we can be a resident of a prison as a convicted criminal and by the Grace of Jesus Christ we can receive total forgiveness for repented sins in our life.

    In spite of all this I desired to exercise my God Given right of free will as at 15 years of age I was committed to accomplish some personal goals. I wanted to enlist in this nations armed forces in 1944 during W. W. II and yet I was underage as I was born in 1929. I concocted a plan & went to the draft board in Mobile where I lied to the young lady registrar I was assigned to that I was 18 and wanted to register for the draft. She asked for my birth certificate and I told her I did not have one and that I was just responding to the law requiring that all male citizens register for the draft at 18. I let her know that if she had a problem with my registering for the draft without a birth certificate she was obligated to take my information as required for compliance with the draft laws regarding registration, and I assured her that when the draft board notified me that I was being drafted they could require me to present a birth certificate at that time, when it became a problem. I told her that if she did not register me that would be her problem, and I was not coming back again to register, so she decided to register me that day. I waited a few weeks knowing that the Draft Boards were so busy because of the war I would be forgotten. After a period of time I then applied for immediate induction and was never asked to present a birth certificate, and I was inducted into the Army. Ultimately I was sent to Camp Gordon, Georgia (now Fort Gordon) for 17 weeks of infantry basic training.

    When I completed that training, I volunteered for service as a paratrooper and was sent to jump school. Even though I was afraid of heights I was more concerned with getting the jumper’s increase in monthly pay, and that was the motivating factor for my volunteering. After much physical endurance training the time came to find out if my fear of heights was to maintain it’s hold on me. We were scheduled to make our first jump and I managed to secure a place first in line (stick) at the planes door figuring that if I had a problem going out the door the men behind me would run over me and push me out. When the jumpmaster said stand up and hook up and then Stand in the door" I knew why the paratroopers bloused their pants at the top part of their boots as I was standing in the door of a perfectly safe airplane getting ready to step out into what would be a test of a fear that was very vivid to me.

    This experience forever changed my life. When I went out the door and the prop blast popped my chute open and I found I was in the safety of a harness hanging below the chute I experienced euphoria such as I never felt before and the ride to the ground was the most peaceful and serene experience of my life up to that time. I thought to myself ‘this must be somewhat like death and the fear of dying’. Going through the door of the plane was fearful and required faith in the equipment to conquer my fear. This experience must be akin to the experience we Christians endure when we are to step out of this life, and we find that our fear of dying was invalidated by the euphoria we feel when we step into eternity.

    As a Member of the 11th Airborne I understood where the term like walking on a cloud came from. I loved being with the men of the 11th Airborne Division and there was no doubt in my mind that if history dictated we were to be a part of the invasion of Japan I would have gone all the way shoulder to shoulder with them. There were two key issues that dominated my thinking while in the military service and they were the welfare and life of myself, and the lives and welfare of my Brothers. Our military training made us understand that concentration and obedience to that which we had been taught would enhance our chance of living if we were surrounded by the enemy as we would be after a jump, and so we put a priority on brotherhood. In your family life back home your relationship with family members could sometime be less than acceptable and dependable but In the military you are banking your life on your training and your knowledge that your life may be in your fellow military brothers hands, and survival is always conditioned on dependence and you may be called upon to be your Brothers keeper. My relationship and experience with the men of the 11th made me understand that If a major disaster occurred on earth that left just one person as the only remaining living person on earth every material thing would be his or hers for the taking, but would it mean anything to them without others? If we must covet anything let it be the love and respect of others.

    George Washington Carver once said It is simply service that measures success. It is not just things that contribute to a joyful life, it is the confirmation of those around you that you have shown to them your willingness to extend your best effort to contribute to the general welfare of others. Like it or not, it is others needs and approval that motivate the efforts of each of us to pursue our talents & abilities to the utmost. The Bible states The meek shall inherit the earth. Jesus portrayed meekness and stayed the course to meet His purpose on the Cross at Calvary with Him Crucified". As God Incarnate, Jesus was all powerful and capable of all things he desired in His time on earth as a man. His life as a Man on Earth was evidence of His fulfilling God’s directive for living a dominion responsible life on earth as Jesus conquered sin and death for the benefit of all mankind.

    As a teenager I knew history in the main was a chronology of mankind’s successes and failures. I was somewhat of a rebel and I was not interested in the successes or failures of Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolph Hitler, or The Roman Empire. I was however interested in how each was able to convince their people to support a cause that was to bring pain and suffering to the people. In Germany the root cause of the pain and suffering of the people of Germany was their willingness to let the nations leader bring them out of the self induced pain of World War I by convincing them that two wrongs make a right. As a nation they were destined for failure as their acts were contrary to the Creator’s ordered actions in social improvement. They brought great suffering and death to the general population while they exercised their efforts to rule & reign by force. World War II resulted in the deaths of over 60 Million human beings as a direct result of the war initiated by Germany. Tragically it would be reasonable to assume the majority of those who died had no desire to surrender their lives to support or defeat the goals of the Allied or Axis Nations in World War II.

    I knew the God of the Bible intended that each of us has the right to make our own decisions in life, and what is right should overshadow wrong if our decisions & acts are to have a positive affect on ourselves and on others. The fact that I had freedom of choice convinced me that it was all too complex to have just happened, it had to be orchestrated. I did not buy into a philosophy of allowing someone on earth to make decisions that would direct the course of my life after I left the military service. I must be capable of making decisions for myself providing the decisions I make are within the laws of the land, and those laws do not violate God’s instructions for a life lived in a compassionate, sympathetic, empathetic, understanding and loving way in my relationship with fellow human beings. In this life, effort is needed in the area of self control as the sea of life sometimes contains rough water, and we must ride out the storm. In life we must prioritize our God given right of

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