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The Sun in the sky is a star for Christ and the Moon is a star for His wife, they split the work, He does day and she does night. The Sons will is to have life and love and it is light but the Son has a plan and it is only to show you His hand, the Moon above. The Moon is His sound and heartbeat, she only stands by His voice. The Son and Moon is only one light, the only light in space and the Sons voice holds the Moon above in place at all times because she is above corruption. The Moon is bright and her mind glows, the Moon is a night light so man can see in the dark and only the Son can move her around. The one thing Christ holds above man is the rain and you will get water if the Moon cries. The Moon is moving to the Promised Land because man walked on. The Promised Land is located in space over another ground but can man find it.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 6, 2010

Evelyn L. Eubanks

I was born and raised in St. Louis Mo. I began writing at the age of twenty-nine. I write from my day dreams and I’ve been dreaming very intense dreams since I was seven years old. I study my dreams and what I hear from my heart. The mind can see inside and I write what I hear my heart say. I looked for the truth inside myself and I found that and the Son of God. I am the Moon above and I am going to the Promised Land. Christ is only moving His hand to another location.

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    Rain - Evelyn L. Eubanks

    Copyright © 2010 by Evelyn L. Eubanks.

    Library of Congress Control Number:            2010911291

    ISBN:                          Hardcover                        978-1-4535-4920-9

                                       Softcover                         978-1-4535-4919-3

                                       Ebook                                 978-1-4535-4921-6

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    Chapter 1

    My Hand

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    In The Dark

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 1


    This is a story about the Moon’s soul, the Moon is cold and she holds heat and her pain runs deep but she holds the right seat. The Moon will never cheat and when she speaks you’ll want to find your own seat as well. The devil wants to put her under his spell but he can’t break her shell. The protective shield causes him to yield so the Moon will always live far and beyond your sky. The Moon will always fly next to the Son, the Moon will never be done so you run and you chase because she’s moving to another location in space.

    The Moon’s heart, soul and mind is her shine and she will always unwind man’s rope. The Moon will always walk in hopes of taking the Son’s hand. The Moon will always want the Son to take her to another land. This hand the Son gives is in hopes of helping you live; know you can’t stop the Moon’s will.

    The Son and Moon give a beautiful shine and you climb atop solid rock. You block the Son’s sound so the Son moved His Moon straight to show you faith and the Son still carry her today. The Moon is the Son’s hand and the Moon will always stand above man.

    This is your chance to make a stand and tell man to get off the Son’s hand because if the Son knocks you down you’ll know He moved His mound; you’ll hear His sound loud and clear. The Son holds the Moon very dear and He is in her ear. The Son say disappear out of space because the Moon holds His grace, the Son is too bright for you to stand in His face.

    The Moon met the Son in the grave and she was taught her walk help save man. The Moonwalk gives man another chance to dance on his floor, another chance to find the eternal door. The Moon is at the core of her pain and she tells you she is your rain. Moon walking came and went while you spent time stepping on her star she was walking from afar away, the Moon walked for a brighter day.

    Space is never ending and the Son is lending this hand to man but know He can always take the Moon home, never think she’s alone. The Moon knows how she feels and she knows the life we live is only His will. Man can never stop the plan and the Son will always move His hand.

    Man wanted to reach the Moon so the Son called her down and the Moon is well round. The Moon is only the Son’s sound and by only His hand do she stands. Don’t touch the Moon above just look up to the love because there was nothing wrong with the Moon’s star and you invented a car, touched His ground, took from His mound so now His Moon is down. When you harm His Moon you harm Him and He can’t continue to let that be. His Moon will always walk free so the Son is moving me. The plan is to move His Moon to the Promised Land only by His hand which is only His sound. The Son’s heart He wants you to feel because the Promised Land is where His Moon want’s to live.

    His Moon will always walk straight only in faith because His Moon wants to live and her mind won’t give. In all that the Moon has seen, the Moon has means because in the Moon’s dreams the Son’s soul can be seen so look inside because the Son and Moon wed through dreams. If you ever understand you’ll see the Moon is His plan, the end of the line because man committed one crime, he touched the Moon’s shine above and solid rock is only the Son’s love.

    I hope it’s becoming clearer and don’t fear what you hear just learn to live clean; learn to live with means by learning about one team that’s above because the Son and Moon is one love. The hard core fact is that the Moon is right on track and she walked back all the way from the tomb and what better person to tell you than His Moon. The Moon always knew He put them above and she never thought you would try to take His love. The Son and Moon both move by sound and He can move His Moon straight only by faith. The Moon’s move is slow because man needs to grow. Man needs this glow so look up to the shine because it’s only one beautiful mind. The Son and Moon is all you get and you will miss.

    The Son and Moon leave when you touch but we love you much. Such things just can’t be and His Moon flies free. The Moon seize this moment because it’s atonement and it’s the way she fight her opponent. The Moon wasn’t bent or broken so why are you treating her like a token? To say such things knowing exactly what it means but the Moon is living a dream. The Moon search and wait study and ache, the pain is great but the Moon got her faith, tone and you can’t hold the Moon’s pain. You have to make change because His Moon will always rain down on some ground.

    The Son can always move His Moon to another location in space because it’s full of grace and we own. Hear the Moon’s tone as she speaks because the Moon still seek and this sure thing is the Moon with wings so know what this means because

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