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Through the Bedroom Window
Through the Bedroom Window
Through the Bedroom Window
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Through the Bedroom Window

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Through The Bedroom Window entertains and educates. It takes the reader into the minds and hearts of four closely-knit schoolmates Gerard, a management executive, Wendy (Gerards fiance), a model, both of them Christians, Barry, a bisexual bodybuilder, and Zo, a sexually confused entrepreneur. They communicate regularly, reflecting on their past experiences in great detail.
The story unfolds the characters pain and looks at the possibilities of an eventual ease by transforming and renewing their minds of the constant battle to overcome these challenges. Understanding Life as a mystery can solve any problem we face. As such, the Creator-God of mysteries makes all things possible.
We have experienced lust one way or the other, whether through our eyes (voyeurism), the use of our hands (masturbation), the bonding of our bodies (sex or love-making) or by the creative juices of our minds (fantasizing). Either of these, however, shouldnt be our final experience of the many opportunities to find true joy. Through the Bedroom Window, highlights these lusts and takes the reader through ever second of these four schoolmates sexual experiences. It touches the humanness of our very being, mixed with passion and physical love.
You must agree that there have been much talks, documentation and research about sex, its dos and donts but what have been sorely lacking is proper guidelines for the masses to follow. Im afraid the Christian fraternity has failed miserably in its attempts to effectively change the attitudes of many. Instead, we face the impatience and intolerable attitudes of the ones in authority with respect to parables that are written for them to explain and counsel. What is done instead is regurgitating the Holy Word; loud irregular bursts of irritating statements of rhetoric without any form or source of applicability. Through the Bedroom Window, attempts to include, as the story unfolds, a clear indication that God-fearing folks are simple, every-day people wanting to serve God but have basic human challenges and are susceptible to make mistakes. They are willing to discuss it, in an attempt to eradicate it from their innermost feelings, which continues to plague their very being.
Gerard, like every other average man ever lived, has a very sexually active past and wants to be in a stable relationship with Wendy but he has weaknesses that he must overcome. He and Wendy strive for the Christocentric lifestyle but are both struggling with understanding and dealing with each other. They both discuss their past encounters with their other close friends, Barry and Zo.
Wendy is the typical bourgeois, up-scale young lady who feels threatened by anyone perceived as wanting to invade her space. She is presumed to be hiding behind her chosen Christocentric lifestyle.
Barry is a typical overly sexed man, who is always sex-driven and sees no difference in having sex with a man or woman. He feels liberated enough to have best of both worlds and makes no bones about it. He is open to his friends about his sexual urges and he to expresses his past encounters in a very graphic nature. Barrys expressions are so graphic that Wendy is moved to being very irritated during his discourse. He is very health and body conscious, working out regularly in the gym, which at times are his past time on unadventurous days.
Zo, like Barry, is very health and body conscious but is also very Afrocentric. She feels that descendants from Africa should be very conscious of their roots, saying that all African-Americans, Afro-Caribbean people and any other black people from where ever should acknowledge and honor their motherland, that is, the entire continent of Africa. Zo, however, unlike Barry, is confused about her sexuality and prefers not to discuss too much of her inner feelings. She is an entrepreneur and her business is doing well with the aid of her siblings who she is very clo
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJul 22, 2008
Through the Bedroom Window

D.F. Les Pierre-Luke

Author’s Book Cover Biography D. F. Les Pierre-Luke is a Caribbean based author who resides in Trinidad & Tobago, the most southerly state in the Caribbean Archipelago. A graduate of the University of Sheffield (UK) with a Master of Education Degree in Educational Studies. Les Pierre-Luke also known as ‘Sheppie’ lectures at two tertiary institutions and is considered an instructional strategist. He also holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Information Systems and an Associate of Science Degree in Business Administration from Andrews University (USA) and is a well established ICT Professional with the Government of Trinidad & Tobago. He is a licensed member of London Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Les Pierre-Luke is also a self taught fine artist, who paints using a multitude of media, draws, sketches, and dabbles in fashion illustrations. He is a trained and certified Draughtsman, a Calligrapher, a Management Strategist, an Entrepreneur and a Minister of the Gospel, who counsels and motivates others to focus on self improvement and development. He is also the author of three previous titles ‘Through the Bedroom Window’, ‘From Pillar to Post’ and ‘F.I.N.N.’.

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    Through the Bedroom Window - D.F. Les Pierre-Luke

    Copyright © 2008 by D.F. Les Pierre-Luke.

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    BOOK 1




    BOOK 2






    BOOK 3


    CHAPTER 10

    CHAPTER 11

    CHAPTER 12




    Janice Burgess, powerful woman of substance. June Burgess, Janice’s sister, a humbled soul of a child and Cheryl Wyke, co-worker, friend, my female clone; another powerful woman. Ladies considered as investments of long-term success. Deceased Reverend Mother Melcah Mc Lean, spiritual advisor, guru, counsellor and confidant, was responsible for my big life change. Paul Richards, for his priceless literary skills and advice as well as a true man-friend. All my other friends and acquaintances, whose support was felt, thank you. My Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, for bestowing on me the many talents, enabling me to realize and use them all accordingly.


    T hrough the Bedroom Window attempts to entertain and educate. Understanding life as a mystery can solve any problem we face. As such, the creator, God of mysteries makes all things possible.

    The novel takes the reader into the minds and hearts of Gerard, a born again Christian and management executive. His fiancée Wendy also a born again Christian and a model. Barry, a bisexual and a budding body builder, and Zoë, who is a sexually confused entrepreneur and who is very Afro-centric. They are closely knit schoolmates that managed to stay in contact with each other, as they constantly look deep within their experiences, which are articulated in great detail.

    The story unfolds the pain that is felt from each character. The novel also looks at the possibility of easing the pain by transforming and renewing their minds and the battle to overcome these defects that are being fought by them all. They were eventually successful but the evil continues with one that was properly informed.

    Romans 12:2". . . be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind . . ."



    W e have experienced lust one way or the other, whether through our eyes, the use of our hands, the bonding of our bodies or by the creative juices of our minds. Either of these however, shouldn’t be our final experience of the many opportunities to find true joy.

    You must agree that there has been much talk, documentation and research about sex, its do’s and don’ts but what has been sorely lacking is proper guidelines for the masses to follow. I’m afraid the Christian fraternity has failed miserably in its attempts to effectively change the attitudes of many. Instead, we face the impatience and intolerable attitudes of the ones in authority with respect to parables that are written for them to explain and counsel.

    It is my belief that if we are to change the misguided and misinformed attitudes towards sex, we must meet the people at their level and point of need. That is, to speak their language and skilfully introduce the facts that relates to each situation.

    It is therefore sad that I have to mention that some of the scenarios depicted in this novel may be offensive to some readers. This is regrettable but it is hoped that they would accept the contents objectively and carefully, appreciating the value of all the messages within them. To those who are in fact offended, I give my humble apologies.

    We live in a fast paced world that is changing quicker than we can even think. As such, the use of analogies is excellent for learning but the parables should be at a minimum. If used, it should be explained so that the reader doesn’t go away with mixed feelings or without the proper understanding of the message.

    D. F. Les Pierre-Luke


    Gerard Williamson JR has been through many sexual encounters before and has decided that it’s time to do the right thing and settle down with the woman he loves. His decision was prompted when one night while on another one of his pick-ups, he saw a beautifully dressed prostitute at the corner of Duke and Abercromby Streets in the Big City of Port of Spain. He decided that he should stop and pick her up. Everything seemed normal; as he is accustomed to pick up street-women, paying them accordingly for whatever service he wanted and continued on his way.

    Shock and total disgust were evident signs on his face when on this particular night he wanted the Full Monty. The lady was hesitant and tried distracting him from what he really wanted. Determined to insert his pulsating, swollen penis in a welcoming place that night, Gerard proceeded to disrobe the beautifully dressed lady. She wore an over sized frilled blouse and floor length flare skirt that was layered so there was lots of fabric to get by. Nevertheless, he fumbled through the blouse but got very impatient holding and squeezing the lady with no sight of actual skin forthcoming so he proceeded for the underwear.

    Halfway through his attempts, his roaming hands felt an extension as if it was strapped across her waist so he asked her why she was carrying a weapon in her underwear. He got no response from her, only mischievous smiles and sexual groans with heavy undertones. Excited by her appearance, Gerard continued lifting her skirt in the almost impossible space of the old Ford Cortina car he had at that time. Finally in the dark, he managed to get through all the layers of fabric and ask if she could assist him by lifting her legs so he could remove her underwear.

    Gerard was now so excited; he had removed his trousers, one hand on his penis and the other to caress his beauty. He felt huge, firm, hairy legs that to him felt well until he aimed for what was supposed to be her welcoming passage. He was about to enter when he had reached that point but was turned away by a huge barricade. A barricade that was larger than his; he shouted out with disgust and then a ball of light was in his face the results of a police officer’s torchlight. It was a set up for men who pick up male and female prostitutes at night. The police officers had paid a well-known ex-male prostitute who was hoping for a change in his life style. Gerard was charged and released on bail.

    Wendy Thompson is no exception to being exposed to lust in her past experiences. She would visualise during the day having sex with the young men in her neighbourhood all at once, a typical orgy. One day she was almost raped by a group of guys who were friends of a girl friend lower down the street. Wendy climbed trees with these guys; flirted with them by wearing very short flare skirts that flew up with the strong Caribbean breeze that blew ever so often.

    In the mango field at one time, she had identified a very huge mango that she wanted, charting the course for one of the guys to have it picked. The guy was unsuccessful so she attempted to climb when he finally came down. Wendy was now the only one in the tree while the six guys were at the bottom looking up. The guys were amazed to see how quickly she climbed and even more so when there was very little underwear to cover her femininity.

    On her way down, she found that they were hardly speaking but paid no attention to it. One guy was sitting on the grass with his knees up, peeling a mango he had found lying on the ground. Wendy ran across to where he was sitting and sat on his knees, much to the delight of the young inexperienced teenager. His hands ended up her thighs, exploring her anatomy. That was the gateway to sexual harassment by all six guys who fondled her entire body aggressively that when the heat turned into fire, she screamed until they released her. Terrified by what they might do to her next, she ran straight home. That was the last time she wore that flare skirt.


    Gerard Williamson JR. is presently an Operations Manager at The Citizens Bank in Arima. He lives occasionally with his parents in Trin City but his official address is at an apartment in Sando City, the second city south of the island of Trinidad. He is committed to witnessing to as many people as possible about salvation.

    Wendy Thompson, Gerard’s fiancée is a professional model that wants to establish two major associations that would gave individuals and the senior citizens a forum to air their social concerns. She lives with her parents in Gulf City, close to Gerard’s Apartment complex in Sando City. She is also a Christian.

    Barry Love is the product of an abused child whether by his own parents, family, neighbours, friends or by society in general. He has become comfortable with his life and his views about certain aspects of life that society holds taboo. His acts of masturbation, fornication, adultery to name a few has little or no effect on him. He was guided to the wrong path as a child and hence his fixed attitude towards sex and his feelings about it. Barry’s only wish for people in general was that they shouldn’t prejudge someone they have no facts about. He stresses this to all his Afro-centric brothers, whether they’re straight or gay. Barry has become a professional bodybuilder and has his eyes on the World IFBB Championship. He lives in Woodbrook, a small residential area annexed to the Big City. He is sexually active and gets involved with Gerard’s ex-friends. His best female friend has always been Zoë.

    Zoë Matthews is a very lucky woman financially but is sometimes considered unlucky because she becomes frustrated for the need of a companion. She lives a celibate life, which has proven to be interfering with her inner feelings and maybe distorting her normal reactions to sex and sexuality. Zoë feels confident with all other aspects of her life and limes constantly with Barry. As they say, birds of a feather flock together.

    Zoë Matthews is co-heir with her brother Sean and her sister Sonia, to their parent’s wealth and is the chief decision maker of MBCO International Group Ltd., a relatively new company in Trinidad. Her focus is to market the products and services for this company to new markets internationally hoping to break into and acquire a niche there.

    These four friends have been through rough waters and are still experiencing the ride as they fight the deception of lust as a replica for love. They get involved with others who compound their situation even further. This has shown not to be the best way out. This will only initiate jealousy and envy, which leads to rape resulting in sexually transmitted diseases that are deadly and sometimes lead to suicide.

    The mystery of the word, God’s word, conquers this deception by finding true love and eternal happiness when sort after. This is their story…

    BOOK 1




    T ravelling to mom and dad’s house in Trin City never cease to amaze me. You have to ride a taxi to go here and another to go there and yet another to go inside; no one seems to walk anymore. When you total the miles or any part thereof from point A to point B, a quick walk would be very healthy.

    Today I didn’t want to use my car to the gym, which is just out on the main street, a fifteen minutes walk. After a hectic day at work I came home to my parent’s three-bedroom flat, parked my car, grabbed my gym clothes and rushed out for a taxi to take me there. After an hour and a half of good exercises, I went to the taxi stand, got into a taxi and came home. Well, as they say, If you can beat them, join them. I just didn’t have the energy to walk back home.

    In travelling, as if my body was lifeless and my mind took full control of the relaxation and comfort of the drive, I recalled the many experiences I’ve had, some of them good, many bad and a few sad memories while living here in Trin City. I’ve lived with my parents for as long as I could remember until I decided that I was man enough to live on my own. I am yet to window-in on why I chose an apartment all the way down in that badly organized second city called Sando City in the most industrious island of the Caribbean, Trinidad. Trinidad is the most southerly of all the islands in the Caribbean and the closest to Venezuela in South America. We boast of having the best looking folks in the Caribbean and to some extent, of this part of the hemisphere. I guess the real reason for me moving to Sando City is because I feel attach to my very close friend and partner now my fiancée, Wendy Thompson. She lives with her parents in Gulf City, a posh area in Sando City.

    Mr. Gerard Williamson Sr. and Mrs. Geraldine Williamson are my parents, both retired and whom I am very proud of. They have managed to raise me to be a God fearing person despite the hard times of the black-power days in the early seventies. I was told that this was a major turn in our society, a turn for equality and justice. I love them both dearly and will always have a special place in my heart for them. Daddy is the product of an African female slave who was raped by her Spanish Master and mom is the product of an African male slave who was seduced by his French Master’s wife. In Trinidad we call people like daddy Cocoa-Pioles and people like mom French-Creoles. I guess I’m just a high coloured Negro or Afro-Trinidadian.

    Hi Daddy, where is Mom? I yelled as I came dashing through the door. I contemplated dropping my bags on the chair but thought better of it. Mom would have been very upset. She forever warns me about my bad habits, which I can’t seem to break.

    Hi Son, she’s in her bedroom. Dinner will be ready in a short while so wash up, okay!

    Okay! I’ll go say hi to her; I’ll be back out in a little bit. I rest my gym bag on the floor of the living room and headed towards my mom’s bedroom. She had just finished having a bath when I was in time to she her stepping out the wash area of the bedroom, big melon like breasts hanging way down almost to her navel and the rest of her anatomy like an irrupt volcano. Mom had no inhibitions about her body, something I admired about her. It’s as if she’s saying to you look all you want but don’t you dare say anything or worst yet touch.

    Good evening Mom! I hugged her tightly squeezing her wet melons against my chest that was pumped and feeling very sore.

    Hi my son, how was your day? Mom was a typical mother. She’d ask you how you’re doing anytime she would greet you and meant for you to give a truthful answer.

    Girl it’s a long story! I just had to run out this evening. I couldn’t take another Friday evening at the office working late. Mom if I knew banking would be so demanding, I’d never think about getting a job there. Believe me when I say it’s dog’s work. You work your ass off and the remuneration just doesn’t compensate for the efforts that are put into the million and one things you do as a Manager of Operations. Yes, that’s what they call it!

    Well Son, you still have to say that God was merciful to you when everybody else in your time, who graduated with you didn’t get the break you got. Boy you better say thank God and say it now. Go on say it! She said looking straight in my eyes, waiting for the reply. Mom always gets dramatic when she’s talking about God.

    Thank God. I had to say it because she would have gotten into another phase of the conversation. I really didn’t want to go there right now.

    That’s good. Remember God is always good to those who seeks him and lives according to His Word.

    Okay Mom I hear you. So how was your day?

    Child, I rested for the entire day. It’s just that around two o’clock this afternoon, your father wanted to jump on me ole’ bones at that ungodly hour of the day. Can you imagine? With his ole’ self, look at him, Nah. Boy, ah say what crass is this? Man you have gone mad!

    But Mom, you ain’t no old woman neither is he an old man to say that you all can’t do a little crushing from time-to-time. Come on, the man must have felt a little heat coming on and decided that he will go with the flow.

    You could say anything, you name is man. All of all you are the same thing. Come leave me let me get my clothes on.

    Okay Darlin’, cover up all that excess flesh. I’ll meet you at the table. I said jokingly, running out of the bedroom.

    Yes go from here, you nastiness you. Mom shouted out, and then started laughing; exposing her perfectly shaped false teeth.

    Dad was by now setting the small dinning room table to have dinner. I managed going back outside for a refreshing glass of cold water and saw the menu. He cooked white rice; stew chicken, red beans, cold slaw, and ground provision with green salad. It was well laid out on the table in their respective dishes.

    Oh Dad, that table looks fine dude! Who taught you? I teased.

    Oh Baby, you know you father could cook. Why do you think your mother is still with me? Well, apart from my undeniably gorgeous body.

    Yeah right Dad! I believe you. You go boy. Thinking about what Mom had just mentioned to me. Dad was smiling all over his face as he trailed from the kitchen to the dinning room with the cutlery and other utensils. Gerard JR., you better know that women are all alike. They are emotionally driven. Once you can capture them that way you have them for life. The nice part about that is when men do that they too get hooked, not young men though, the older ones.

    Why is that? I asked

    The older dudes are more physically driven. They look for affection and satisfaction that way. Remember we have an extension to our bodies that don’t say when it’s tired. The older we get, some of us, is when the reality steps in, arousal is difficult, impotency is at our door so we look for companionship Like someone to do all the necessities for us like cooking, washing and so on.

    That’s interesting. I’ve never thought about it that way. Look it’s getting late; I’m going to take another bath before I sit with you all.

    Okay son we’ll wait for you. Don’t be too long now. You know you do take a long time to bath, so hurry up!

    I thought about what dad had said in the shower but didn’t quite understand some of it but I’ll leave it that way for now. I felt so tired and tight from that hectic workout. The instructor insisted that I go the extra to get maximum benefit from my workouts. He strongly suggested that whenever we come to workout we do just that.

    In minutes I returned to the dinner table and sat opposite dad who was sitting next to mom. I blessed the meal before we got down into the very tasty dishes he had prepared and we chatted about my job and the many responsibilities that are bestowed upon me. I explained my new routine at the gym for dad who was once an active body builder. He still does a little thing now and then to keep the blood pumping, as he would say. Then there was a silence that was almost deafening. I couldn’t understand what it was or why it happened but I began to feel very uncomfortable. Mom looked at me; dad looked at mom and then I looked at both of them.

    It turned out that it was a sign for me to leave the table. They obviously had something they had to discuss in my absence but didn’t want to say in front of me so I excused myself, extended my pleasantries and went straight to the bedroom.

    On entering, I pulled the drapery together blocking out the light from the street lights reflecting into the room. In the faint light, I flipped through my CD rack for a jazz number and came across Kenny G’s Alone selection. I slipped it into the carousel of my music system and got into bed. Just as I was about to close my eyes, I remembered that I didn’t give God thanks for a wonderful and fruitful day. I got on my knees and began to pray. The last thing I remembered when I got back into bed was the sweet music in my head and faint voices of my mom and dad having their discussion.

    Saturday morning…

    Yes, can I help you? The loud telephone ringing awakened me. I promised a year ago that I would change all these old time styled phones in the house. My apartment has the latest on the market.

    Good morning to you Gerard! Tony here, I’m really sorry if I awoke you. It’s just that I am up planning this party for tonight and I decided to call all my good folks to bless me with their presence.

    What you talkin’ about Tony? What time is it? I quizzed, I was totally out of it.

    Oh, it’s almost seven. I’m having a gathering tonight at my apartment. I’m inviting you to come. Can you? Tony said with the most inviting tone that he has ever articulated.

    Oh another one of your social do’s, yeah, why not? But let me call you to confirm okay? Tony it’s Saturday morning, a man can’t sleep late now? Oh God yuh wicked!

    Now you can sleep all you want my brother. I’m hoping to see you tonight. Bye. Tony G Milton is a fun loving man who just loves to socialise. He spends hundreds of dollars on these social gatherings that I wonder if his reason is to buy friendship, food for thought.


    I got up this morning feeling totally energised and rearing to go. I am planning a celebration party tonight for the beginning of one of my two major projects. It’s the start or the planning stage of the first one, The Golden Years Association, a non-profit organisation that would cater for the needs of the senior citizens on the island.

    I often find that the government don’t do much for the senior citizens with respect to their basic needs, for example: There is no forum whereby they can go to complain about the many problems they face on a daily basis. Neither is there a system for dealing with the under privileged in case of serious illnesses and the homeless ones. I therefore decided, together with some of my University grads, that I would form an organisation to deal with these issues.

    Saturdays are set aside to get my personal life organised. I would go to the hair stylist, the cosmetologist and to the nail technician. I don’t have the time to do these things today so I’ll skip them until next week. I need to call Gerard to invite him to the party later. I tried getting him yesterday but I was unable to. I hope he doesn’t say that late invitations are for dogs.

    Hi Babes, how was your sleep?

    Hi honey I had a great sleep but I was awakened earlier by Tony. Do you remember him? He’s a good friend of mine from Maraval.

    Oh him, the faggot. How did you sleep last night babe? I couldn’t understand how Gerard could keep a homosexual for a friend.

    I told you I had a great sleep. Didn’t you hear me? I thought that I was very clear. Gerard sensed my disgust towards his Tony friend.

    I’m sorry I heard your answer but I wasn’t listening. I had to soften up a bit. Gaud, I hate people like that. Father, have mercy on me.

    So what’s up with you? How is your association planning going? Gerard asked and I was happy that he did.

    That’s what I called to tell you. I’m inviting you over to have a small party together with some of my friends. I’m celebrating my first successful meeting with the other members. We discussed the business proposal for the organisation.

    That’s really good Babes. I’m so proud of you. You know what? I really feel that God wants us to do things like that; go out into the highways and byways and identify the underprivileged, to assist them in getting to a level of life style that is reasonable. We need to deal with the physical before we can even try to let them understand the spiritual.

    I hear you. Are you coming later?

    I want to come but I was invited to Tony’s party later as well. Okay hear what, I’ll call you later to confirm whether or not I will come down. I’ll be at home in Sando City some time this morning so you’ll hear from me okay babe.

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