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The Four R’S: Unlocking Your Divine Potential
The Four R’S: Unlocking Your Divine Potential
The Four R’S: Unlocking Your Divine Potential
Ebook267 pages2 hours

The Four R’S: Unlocking Your Divine Potential

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The road to illumination, and our ability to lead a rich and fulfilling life, is a journey beset with challenge, much of which is birthed by the poorly programmed software of our mindsour conscious and not so conscious thoughts.

In The Four RsUnlocking Your Divine Potential, T. Guy Chittenden uses the backdrop of his own riveting story to illustrate The Four Rsa simple and effective solution to the aforementioned dilemma. It represents an extremely powerful process of self-transformationa process that engages the infinite power of Divine Consciousness to transform the limiting ideas, beliefs, and agreements that have been internalized over the course of a lifetime.

The Four Rs can be easily incorporated into ones spiritual practice, and when applied diligently, will:

transform the thought processes that limit you;
free your intrinsic ability to love unconditionally;
enable you to realize your ever-present connection to Source;
assist you to live a healthy, balanced, abundant, and fulfilling life;
empower you to embrace your Divine Potential.

It is my heartfelt hope that The Four Rs will assist you in your transformation and awakeningthat it will elicit a profound realization in you of the indelible state of perfection and love that permeates every cell of your being. T. Guy Chittenden

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateMay 10, 2017
The Four R’S: Unlocking Your Divine Potential

T. Guy Chittenden

T. Guy Chittenden is a modern mystic whose quest for truth began with a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology, but quickly turned more philosophical in nature. The search took him on a tumultuous journey during which he had to come to terms with his sexuality, heal deep-rooted feelings of abandonment, face the death of loved ones, and overcome financial destitution. It eventually led him to a point of profound catharsis and awakening. However, rather than seeing it as a port of arrival, Tim continues to view life as a miraculous, ongoing voyage of exploration and self-discovery. He now hosts retreats in Santa Fe, New Mexico, to assist others in their own process of actualizing their full Divine potential.

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    The Four R’S - T. Guy Chittenden

    Copyright © 2017 T. Guy Chittenden.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    All scripture taken from the World English Bible.

    2 Quotes from Word English Bible (WEB)

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-7945-8 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-7946-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017906113

    Balboa Press rev. date: 08/14/2017

    Thomas Romano (TMac)

    1984 - 2017

    On Friday May 26th, 2017, a few days after this book was published, my closest and dearest friend TMac passed back into spirit at the age of 33.

    In his all too brief life he burned like a bright star—shining with intensity, immeasurably touching those around him with the tenderness and warmth that emanated from his heart.

    He had playful humor that would bring about laughter, whether in times of joy or moments of great challenge.

    He was a catalyst for love—a catalyst that empowered us to be the best that we could be, even when we could not acknowledge it in ourselves.

    He honored the sacred space within each of us, eliciting the magnificence of it to surface, surprise, and delight.

    He truly was and is a beautiful soul, one who will be greatly missed. However, we are all the better for having known him.

    Mimi Seton

    Editor, dear friend, and muse.

    Without your constant encouragement and inspiration this book would not have happened.

    As my mentor and teacher in the written word, you made it possible for me to express myself with eloquence, clarity and humor.

    Thank you.

    "We’re not on our journey to save the world but to save ourselves In doing that, we save the world."

    — Joseph Campbell



    Part One: My Life

    The Primary Wound

    Chapter 1

    My Early Life

    My Mother

    My Father

    A Very British Childhood

    My Childhood Sweetheart


    My First Sexual Encounter

    Chapter 2

    A Wonderful Coming Out

    Chapter 3


    A Terrible Christmas


    What’s In The Cards?

    After Paul

    Chapter 4

    Life In The Capital

    Money Money Money Money

    The Life Of An Escort

    Chapter 5

    The Spiritual Seeker

    A Message From The Other Side

    Chapter 6



    Spiritual Exploration

    Sedona, Arizona

    Chapter 7

    Los Angeles



    A Short Trip Home

    A Sudden Change

    Time To Make A Choice

    Chapter 8

    Austin, Texas


    A Hard Choice

    Life In Austin

    The Phone Call

    Holy Hell

    Chapter 9


    A Life Without Meaning


    The Fall Of The Guru

    Chapter 10


    The Law Of Attraction

    Chapter 11


    Chapter 12

    Body Electronics

    Chapter 13

    Time To Clean House

    Discovering The Four R’s

    Life Changes


    Chapter 14

    The Power Of The Process

    An Invitation

    Part Two: The Four R’s

    Making Peace With The Mystery

    The Four R’s

    1. Recognition

    2. Responsibility

    3. Release

    4. Refocus

    Daily Spiritual Practice

    Daily Intention And Request For Assistance

    Part Three: Q & A



    World Issues




    Part Four: Final Words

    My Gift To You


    When I was twenty-one, the archconservative values of my British upbringing collided with a truth I had been denying about myself for years: I am a gay man. Though still young, I was emotionally exhausted from the daily effort of trying to twist myself into an acceptable shape for others. Exhausted from pretending to be someone other than who I am. Exhausted from lying.

    The social mold that had been shaping much of my life shattered and I began to question everything, becoming a passionate and devoted spiritual seeker.

    The hero’s journey always begins with the call. One way or another, a guide must come to say, ‘Look, you’re in Sleepy Land. Wake. Come on a trip. There is a whole aspect of your consciousness, your being, that’s not been touched. So you’re at home here? Well, there’s not enough of you there.’ And so it starts.

    — Joseph Campbell

    Something important happens when we begin to question the nature of who we are seriously. If our desire to understand and awaken ourselves is sincere, The Universe will answer us.

    However, as I was soon to discover, the path to self-realization is not for the faint of heart. Invariably, it will involve facing the limiting ideas and beliefs we have internalized about who we are and our relationship to the world.

    My search took me on a roller coaster ride that spanned three decades, a ride on which I experienced the emotional gamut of the human condition, from extreme joy to utter despair.

    In the words of C.G. Jung,

    There is no coming to consciousness without pain. People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own Soul. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious …

    I have to admit there were some moments when I attempted to jump from my seat on the roller coaster and run—others when I squeezed my eyes shut in a vain attempt to imagine figures of light. However, it was only in the moments I had the courage to turn and face my heaviest pain that I was rewarded with the transformation I was seeking.

    It was on one such occasion that I recognized the fundamental truth of my being. The blinders fell from my eyes and I was flooded with awareness. It did not come as an idea, or even as an emotion, but rather, as a full-on numinous experience.

    As with many others on a pilgrimage to know God, I realized (through the greatest epiphany of my life) that I AM God.

    I AM God who has been searching for God!

    Even more: I am God pretending not to be God, in order to be able to search for, and eventually find, God! Surely this must be one of the meanings of the phrase, The Divine Comedy. From this perspective, life really is a game that The Divine is playing with Itself through each one of us.

    With this realization that I AM what I was searching for, the spiritual seeker in me died.

    It was the quest of the seeker that kept enlightenment at a distance, in the future. I was forever hoping that the next moment would provide the union I yearned for. But I was continually disappointed because I was rarely able to be fully present in the here and now—the only time and place where union with The Divine can be experienced.

    Although this illumination marked the passing of the seeker, it did not mark an end to my spiritual journey. In fact, it marked a new beginning.

    For a brief moment, I had existed outside time and had been merged with the God of my understanding. I had borne witness to the indelible nature of how my thoughts (both conscious and unconscious) had been creating my reality, and that the same thoughts would (by default) continue to create the future that was yet to unfold.

    What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: Our life is the creation of our mind.

    — Buddha

    Over the course of a few months, it became increasingly clear to me that many of the thoughts running around in my head were not aligned with my choice to be consciously connected to spirit and to my heart’s intent.

    With this in mind, a simple but powerful process called The Four R’s began to coalesce and take form in my awareness—a process in which I could engage the entire power of The Universe to assist me in my transformation.

    There is force in the universe, which, if we permit it, will flow through us and produce miraculous results.

    — Gandhi

    I began to employ The Four R’s diligently and it soon became apparent that the process was (and continues to be) extremely effective at shifting the debilitating beliefs that had shaped much of my internal experience and in turn the relationship I had with the world around me.

    Many of my most negative beliefs just dropped away! This was followed by changes in my outer reality which began to reflect the qualities of my new inner life. My outer circumstances and relationships became far more loving, peaceful, harmonious, balanced, healthy, and abundant.

    It is now eight years later and my life has become a living testimony to the effectiveness of The Four R’s. Therefore, it is with great enthusiasm and delight that I choose to share it with the world.

    At first glance The Four R’s may appear to be similar to some of the tools already used in the field of self-transformation. Engaging the power of The Universe or God to go to task on one’s behalf is not an original concept, for example. However, as you begin to understand the subtle nuances of the process you will notice some substantive differences between this and other techniques available to you. It is these differences that lie at the heart of The Four R’s power.

    I have devoted the first part of this book to my life story, the spiritual journey that ultimately led to the creation of The Four R’s, and the dramatic effect this discovery had on my own life.

    In Part Two, I will take you step by step through the process and then follow this up in Part Three with numerous practical examples to ensure your success.

    It is my heart-felt hope that The Four R’s will assist you in your transformation and awakening—that it will elicit a profound realization in you of the indelible state of perfection and love that permeates every cell of your being.

    In the words of Ernest Holmes,

    "There is one Life, that Life is God, that Life is perfect, that Life is my life now. It is flowing through me, circulating in me. I am one with Its rhythm. My heart beats with the pulsation of the Universe, in serenity, in peace, and in joy "

    I now invite you to make some tea, sit on a comfy couch and embark upon the inner journey of The Four R’s.


    My Life

    The Primary Wound

    I was barely a day old when a nurse in a south London hospital took me from my mother’s warm embrace.

    I would never see her again.

    It was 1963, the year of the worst winter on record in English history. I was given up for adoption the year that the sea literally froze.

    Too young to have developed the faculty of rational understanding that could have helped me make sense of my painful feelings and sensations, I took the loss of my birth mother hard. But I didn’t become aware of exactly how hard until many years later, when I was mature enough to explore the available information on infant trauma and how to heal it.

    In that learning process, I came to realize that a terrible fear of abandonment had been emblazoned on my unconscious mind when my mother gave me up, a fear that would become the strongest driving force in my life, compelling me to recreate the experience of being abandoned over and over in my close relationships, albeit unconsciously. I was driven, like countless others, by what Sigmund Freud called a repetition compulsion. From my first day of life, I carried an agonizing sense of loss deep within me, secretly fearing and even expecting that I would be left again whenever I got close to someone.

    This underlying fear made me emotionally needy, which is one of the reasons people did, in fact, leave me. A relationship with me was a burden rather than a boon and had I not found a way to release this fundamental psychological pattern, I could easily have led an emotionally torturous and ultimately loveless life.


    My Early Life

    I was raised in the town of Hastings on the Sussex coast of England, the location of the famous Battle of Hastings in the year 1066.

    My school was in the town of Battle itself, further inland, where the Norman invaders had killed our King Harold.

    Living in this well-known region gave residents a kind of pride-of-place, and we were all able to recite the history if one of the tourists should happen to ask. (Indeed, several more eccentric residents were eager to do so even when not asked.)

    Within a few weeks of adopting me, my parents realized they had a baby with a spirit of adventure. This was exemplified when,

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