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Mr. Nobrain and The Environment
Mr. Nobrain and The Environment
Mr. Nobrain and The Environment
Ebook279 pages4 hours

Mr. Nobrain and The Environment

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For years, humans have been fighting to find a way to help Earth's environment. They practically did almost everything possible. Still saving whatever they can, some even sacrifice their own hobbies just to be that good citizen who cares. They actively join groups and community and donate large sums to organization that are searching for a way to save our beloved planet. But all these years the most simple and most effective solution had never been mention. It had always been there, but no one seems to see it.


Mr. Nobrain and The Environment take up this topic. This book will show you, through Mr. Nobrain and his actions, what we're doing wrong and how to save Earth without sacrificing the comfort of life. All we need is to open our mind and see the great possibility that's just within our reach.

Release dateJul 14, 2021
Mr. Nobrain and The Environment

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    Mr. Nobrain and The Environment - Einar Charles Larsen

    Copyright © 2021 by Einar Charles Larsen

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.

    Einar Charles Larsen asserts the right to be identified as the author of this work, and has given all the copyright to Jessica Larsen.




    Second edition - First published in 2017

    © Cover art and illustrations Einar C. Larsen with the exception of motifs from O’Neill cylinders taken from the animation Rama by animator Eric Bruneton.

    Einar Charles Larsen has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party Internet Websites referred to in this publication and does not guarantee that any content on such Websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.


    Everything I’ve written in this book is all based from my collected knowledge over the years. Mr. Nobrain is my fictional character and symbolizes any person who deny his inner understanding and rejects the use of space as the ultimate environmental solution. Nevertheless, he is not based on any particular person. Any similarities, dead or alive, are purely coincidence. Any person who feels that they are a Nobrain, that is their own presumption and not at all my intention.

    ~Einar Charles Larsen

    Special Thanks


    Some selected people in this world deserve special thanks that this book is finally available to both Nobrainers, those who are potential Nobrainers, and those who have been fortunate enough to evade the unconscious epidemic. Most people who read this book are probably among the last category.

    If it was not primarily for my beloved life partner Jessica, the book would probably end up being just an idea. Her active need to write as a fiction author has inspired me to realize the dream of writing this book. Besides helping with the translation into English, she has also among other things been so gracious and written the summary on the back of the book. Nothing was more natural to me than to assign her all rights to Mr. Nobrain and the environment.

    In connection with the English edition, I have also got a good feedback and help from my friend Mark Gilbertson, who was the first to read the sketch of the book before editing. Mark also wrote the nice preface of the English edition. My friend Annie Johnson have also give me support and help during my work, and finally John Lane, my excellent editor that made the English version good readable for English readers all over the world. I owe all these wonderful people special thanks for their help and support.


    by Mark Gilbertson

    This book touches on many aspects on how we can expand our usable environment and save the one we have. The author has been to more than 40 different countries and lived abroad. He has seen the ways different cultures deal with these issues. The idea of expanding into space and colonizing is not new, but with our current overpopulation and strain on our environment, this expansion is imperative. The author also presents many ideas to consider on how habitable space can be expanded. I am happy to see somebody finally tying all these ideas together and writing a book. Pollution too is an obvious problem, but here are some creative ideas on how to curtail the pollution we presently have, I enjoyed the book, the author is also a talented cartoonist and illustrator and I got quite a few good chuckles out of his cartoons. So open your mind and enjoy as well as consider the intriguing ideas in this book.


    We must take care of the environment! Don’t use too much electricity, don’t stay too long in the shower, do not drive the car more than necessary, and don’t let the car idle. Remember to sort all waste, don’t travel with airplanes too often, think before you use the printer, and remember to turn the lights off after you. Lower the room temperature, and bring a bag when shopping.

    What we are hearing are the voices of life’s backseat drivers. All the hustle and bustle there from the backseat are probably well-intentioned, but completely out of balance with the reality, and the life that we all share in our existing environment. People everywhere in the world have run their own lives through many generations, but now, in what we often like to call our modern age, we are persecuted by these stressful voices wherever we find ourselves. Voices from a so-called environmental people who don’t only have difficulty in maneuvering toward being environmentally friendly in their own lives, but will also take control over the few who know how to drive safely. Our freedom is becoming even more limited, and more stress affects our lives. A free lifestyle that was completely natural for our grandparents is something we in our generation must go around and be ashamed of. The future people had envisioned in the mid-1900’s quickly shrunk, while we ended up with a narrower and far less flexible world. Our freedom is becoming more and more a nuisance, and a kind of sin against the world. We should be ashamed just by dreaming of luxury and comfort. Environmental activists are terrorizing the industry, government, and even the public social environment. We can meet them in the street where they yap against us for every little thing. The car designers are fighting hysterically to achieve the unattainable, what concerns the relationship between the environment and inner and outer dimensions, and weight of their innovations. Yes, cars are becoming lighter, so they won’t use so much energy, soon even a light breeze might blow them off the road. The wagons no longer have any personality, and we must know that they must not be used for too much amusement. Yes, the cars are almost screaming out a message of a world in crisis, where they slide around with literally compressed, spasmodic and an almost anxious exterior. They are also bullied by an increasing cranky, car hateful, moralist society. They are so dangerous you know, even if they are just standing there. The place people have their social gatherings, and especially if there are children present, then the cars should be unseen, if possible. Those poor trusting machines which have served us for many years, can now hardly roll on their soft wheels where there are parties and fun, because they’re after all so extremely hazardous for the environment. Even children who are still playing with their toy cars, they should somehow learn to hate them.

    Almost everything we do and everything we buy is harmful to nature, and if we are not following up the environmental people’s demand, and reduce our goods, we become the black sheep along with the technology and science in general.

    Is it really so bad that we left the Stone Age? Should we blame Henry Ford, Nicola Tesla, Arthur C. Clarke, Werner von Braun, and all the other smart guys, which we now can be thankful for having what we now call our modern world? In the Middle Ages a lot of very talented women were for certain accused as witches and burned alive. Should we have fried these guys on the fire as well, for their damned intelligence, under the accusation of being wizards? Another question: Is Mother Earth, and her overall surrounding environment so puny and weak, that she cannot entertain 7 billion people who just want to have some fun? Or could it be that the problem rooted from a lack of monitoring of what many scientists once upon a time strongly emphasized, technicians and scientists that now after a while have become very old, or who long ago passed away from this world without receiving the full respect? Maybe it was something they mentioned that people didn’t listen to, or chose to forget. They were able to say a lot, but were not burned at the stake. Their message, however, was cremated to a great extent. Was it because we’d otherwise end up as a balanced and happy community, rather than the current version, where we virtually impose some monks’ principles, which is to whip themselves? Whatever, it is, there has to be one reason for why these scientists should not get too much attention.

    Many things can be discussed, and we may have different opinions for whatever it is, but sometimes we must also swallow some facts which are unsuitable around a discussion table. Mother Earth is the host for our physical life, and one day humanity must continue to live without her, simply because she does not live forever. If we want to continue our existence after her demise, we must develop an advanced aerospace technology. We must have the ability to leave her, and not just with a small capsule in which there is room for only three astronauts, or a space shuttle that’s not even made to leave Earth’s parking orbit. Our sun will one day cause her death, but yeah, you are absolutely right, we have lots of time. It will probably not happen before after about 5.6 billion years. It’s just that even when the Sun’s health allows our world to function normally, there are also health fluctuations for Earth in its long and relatively stable life cycle, fluctuations that can have dramatic effects on all life on the planet.

    Mr. Nobrain and the environment, is not a book that primarily deals with the great disaster that will occur after billions of years, although it may also belong naturally with the theme, and will therefore get the attention. There are other dangers that can make the Earth really sick and even kill her, while we are still completely unprepared to emigrate and live without our beloved mother planet. It can happen today without any warning.

    People who choose to read this book, certainly represent many different communities and societies, and they at least have equal different reasons to be interested in how we can preserve the environment, but it’s likely to believe that they all take environmental threats seriously. Are you a member of an environmental organization, or perhaps you are supporting one or another? Well anyway, it’s about time you ask them why they never spread information about the huge resources we have outside our planet, and the great opportunities we have to heal our world permanently with a technological establishment in space. They should have long ago explained to you what good protection such technology can provide against the biggest natural disasters that can befall our world, as well as protection against any other global environmental crisis.

    You can mention any environmental problem, everything can be solved as long as we have a good establishment in space. As an extra bonus, we also don’t need to save energy or reduce our quality of life in any form, if only we can realize that our available property is not only our planet, but also the space around. Many need a proper update of their worldview.

    It’s sad to think that we had such a good start in 1957, when the Russians sent up Sputnik 1, and then the subsequent space program, from the Soviets as well as the USA. Things seemed to go on rails, but the rails proved to be an illusion, or should we say that it was a derailment? Everything fell into ruins after the last Apollo mission, and any further space program was against all expectations greatly unprioritized.

    People start talking about all expenses and what do we have to do out there. Some few scientists tried to shout in the jungle of uninformed and ignorant people that we need more resources for space technology to take care of the planet, but they were never heard, or at least not taken seriously.

    Mr. NoBrain and the environment, is a book that aims to inform most people regardless of educational background, about the challenges the space gives us in plenty of opportunities to ensure Earth’s future at all levels. This book does not intend to use difficult words or complicate the text with heavy mathematics and advanced scientific phrases. Such are not needed. It will probably occur on some words and phrases where you will seek further explanation, and it can also be numbers and dimensional comparisons that will make you take a second breather, but you don’t need to be a mathematician to understand it. In general, I will mention everything in a simple and readable outline which makes it easy to digest even for the most sensitive mental stomach.

    The solutions I will be referring to, are based largely on old and simple technology, based on knowledge of the best known and easily understood laws and principles of nature, nothing more is actually needed. Any new technology that can advance it all is welcome, but you will see that we already in the early 60’s had a solid plan for how we could free ourselves from all unwanted environmental problems we have today. To protect our planet against a harmful environment in the simplest way, involves nothing more than some simple rules you must follow to take care of your own home with the family, and this is where Mr. Nobrain comes into the scene. We will get back to him with a detailed presentation of him and his family already in the first chapter.

    I will attempt to present it all as simple as possible, followed up by a series of illustrations. The illustrations are intentionally made simple and easy to understand. Unnecessary details are left out so it won’t confuse or create misunderstandings.

    The purpose of this book is to inform anyone who is interested in knowing how a perfect protection of the Earth can be organized, and that there actually is no new idea, but an old idea with muzzle. Therefore, the technology of today will be irrelevant here, or at least of little significance. What we understood when Apollo 11 landed on the moon in 1969, and indeed even earlier, was basis enough for a secure future. Most of the environment solutions I write about here, are solutions we could implement for many decades ago. Solutions that could give us a future we never got, thanks to the world’s unwise choice of ideals, culture and lifestyle.

    As a desert wanderer who doesn’t notice a single grain of sand, or a sailor who does not know to find saltwater, people complain across the whole globe for lack of energy, space issues, bad air, and soiled drinking water. They trudge around in a super environment every single day, much larger than the planet itself, and without knowing about it. Without having the slightest idea that it’s bursting with unused energy, plenty of space, as well as solutions in buckets and pails on how we can get a cleaner planet and even completely enjoy life without saving, people live in a bottomless stressful environment based on a lot of lies.

    Are you among those who had left the crib when Alexey Leonov Arkhipovich in March 1965 crept out of Voskhod 2, much to the chagrin of the Americans, make the first-ever space-walk? Or maybe from your early years you remember better the American Ed White, who on June 3 the same year walked in the free space outside the spacecraft Gemini 4 Well then you might also feel the essentials that this book is based on.

    The book’s motive is to guide you to the right door, which leads to a room with infinite solutions. I’ll take you inside and let you digest things at a leisurely pace. The purpose is to give you the basics to understand the enormous challenges that space has for our environment, and that the space itself and everything in it, are part of our environment.

    After having plowed through all the chapters, you can apply even more detailed information about selected things. There is a lot of stuff about the topics, and I will give you some ideas at the end of the book.

    If you have a high expectation of a good future destination for humanity, do what you can to avoid unsuitable pilots to fly us there. Imagine that you are sitting in an airline heading to an exciting holiday resort. On the way you find out that the pilots in the cockpit don’t have any pilot education at all. They don’t know so much about airspace, aerodynamics, clouds or turbulence. Moreover, they know nothing about how to land the plane, or find the airport. They simply got lucky when they took off from the runway. The situation becomes even more daunting when you find out that most of the other passengers really trust them, and believe they are professional pilots.

    Can the situation get more chaotic? Yes, actually. What about if the vast majority of passengers have so little awareness that they don’t even know that they are flying, and therefore will laugh at you if you express the problem. What can you do in such a situation? Well first you have to try to find out if there is someone else among the passengers who is aware of what is happening. Then you should together try to wake up the remaining passengers from their sleep, at least as many as possible. After that you must search among the woken passengers to determine if one or another person can actually fly such a machine, or at least knows something about flying. Then what remains is to arrange a team with the most suitable persons who can enter the cockpit, and demand that the incompetent pseudo-pilots leave their seats, to the benefit of themselves and others on board. Good luck.

    Chapter 1

    Human in cage

    In a state of total environmental chaos, we shall now embark to the core of the problem. We’ll be entering into the holiest of opportunities, to see how beautiful it actually is in there, and how easy it is to get access if we just want to use the most advanced the human being is equip with. We will also get to know a gentleman who certainly will not use that device. I’ll introduce him to you and eventually his entire family, and show you how they care for the environment in their own home.

    You will get many answers on various environmental issues, and several of them are something you will probably find very surprising. Solutions to our environment problems you’ve never heard about before, and might think belong in a fairytale world. To give you a gentle beginning, perhaps it’s best to take a look at our daily lives, to compare how we all care for our own private environment in our home, and how we live.

    If your house is clean and filled with fresh air, the refrigerator and freezer is filled with all sorts of wonderful food, temperature and humidity are perfect, and there is plenty of hot water in the tank, then it feels good to be at home. All clothes are washed, the beds are clean and made up, and comfortable, ready for tired bodies. Carpets and curtains are cleaned, bathroom and kitchen are as spotless as the rest of the residence, and all trash is out of the house, ready to be picked up by the municipal waste disposal system.

    Everything is wonderful around you, and you are free to enjoy whatever you want in your perfect home. You have a life partner and two small children, but your house is spacious, so there’s plenty of space for the whole family. Everyone is in the best mood and no one has anything to complain about. Life and environment in your home is optimally good, and everyone is optimistic about life.

    Of course you know how to take care of everything, as well in the present, as in the coming years. You simply have no problems with your environment. But now let us see what will happen if you begin to think like all those who are trying to save us from global environmental problems, and what the results will be if you organize your home in the same way that they organize their work, in order to give us all what they think is a good global environment. I don’t want to give my readers unpleasant vibrations by attacking specific organizations, communities or individuals, so let’s create a neutral protagonist whom I will address as Mr. Nobrain. It’s now going to be about Nobrain and his family, so do not involve yourself with this character. Let Mr. Nobrain take over that role and take all the blame for the outcome.

    Considering the fact that everyone had adolescence, and thus learned the lessons about the

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