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A Leaf That Floats Upstream
A Leaf That Floats Upstream
A Leaf That Floats Upstream
Ebook264 pages3 hours

A Leaf That Floats Upstream

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“A Leaf That Floats Upstream”
The theme throughout this writing is all about you and me, and it is about choice. Our planet, our environment and our society are reaching the point of no-return, if Earth and humanity are to have a future, a change in thinking and direction is urgent. Yesterday
It would first appear as if the author has assumed a position of superiority, has mounted a lofty dais solely, with the objective of raining condemnation and criticism down upon his fellow man. Nothing could be further from the truth. The motivation for producing this work is love and caring for humanity and for our planet. The writing is, from a position of humility and is directed as much towards the author, as it is toward all mankind. Responsibility is shared equally, as are the solutions.
This book, examines in detail the looming crisis we face as humanity and the devastation being caused to the planet by civilization.
Although the work is written with a philosophical approach, it is in plain language, readable by all who have concerns for their existence and is applicable to every living creature on Earth. Albert Einstein once said. “Everything should be made simple, but not simplistic.” The intention throughout this work has been to adhere to that principle.
Undoubtedly, the message is contentious and controversial, intentionally so, since the objective is rouse the average person out of their complacency and accept responsibility for their actions. It is also motivational; the theme is to encourage people to make a united stand against the destruction of the environment, immorality, the increasing burden of debt being borne by individuals and society as a whole.
The following is an excerpt from “A Leaf That Floats Upstream.”
Civilization has created a colossal machine in its own image. It is a gargantuan, greedy, gobbling machine, designed to satisfy all the desires of mankind. It is fueled by avarice, lust, power, and acquisition, in fact, everything man considers necessary, even essential to compliment his extravagant way of life. It gobbles up all the natural, finite resources it can find; it consumes intelligence, morality, money, human production and the dream of eternal life, for every creature that inhabits this planet. It is insatiable, relentless and it is out of control. But, hold on a minute, since it is created in the image of man, it will adopt all the functions of man. Whatever nutrition, the Cordon Bleu cuisine you put in your mouth today is tomorrow’s shit. This machine is formed in our image, whatever it crams into it’s cavernous maw today is tomorrow, excreted as debt, pollution, toxic waste and the mountains of rubbish, that are currently strangling our existence potential. Who would create such a destructive device, how could anyone be so selfish and uncaring, to allow such a monstrosity to even exist? The answer to that is so simple, no doubt you already have the answer and yes, it’s you. Of course, if this machine is created in all the ways we have been conditioned to accept, it will have built-in obsolescence. Yep! It will self-destruct; cease to operate, when and only when mankind is extinct. Life will have been trampled into the morass by the excesses of mankind’s way of life.

Release dateApr 25, 2013
A Leaf That Floats Upstream

Alastair Batchelor

Born 1941 in Dunedin, New Zealand. Moved to Thailand in 2004 where he worked as a teacher and manager at an English Language school. Alastair and his Thai wife live in a rural area about 150 km from Bangkok and enjoy being part of the local community. Although the years are catching up. he still enjoys getting out on a Kawasaki sports bike and feeling the wind in his hair, stopping frequently to observe, photograph and video the nature around us. A student of human nature, Alastair feels, living in a grass roots community, offers a far greater opportunity to get to know his neighbors as real people

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    A Leaf That Floats Upstream - Alastair Batchelor

    Mankind is teetering, perched precariously on the edge of a precipice; he is destroying his own destiny and as even greater numbers swells the throng behind, yet more must plunge to their inevitable extinction. Can we draw a parallel with the mass suicide of the Lemmings? No! Lemmings only destroy themselves; man is taking every living creature on the planet with him. We are poisoning the environment on which we depend, the atmosphere we need to breathe and polluting the waterways and oceans on which nature depends to renew the cycle of life. We are tearing apart the fabric of our civilization.

    Why? The title of this chapter says it all. This book is about a search for the causes and consequences of humanity's predilection with the destruction of both the source of our existence, the ecosystem and environment on which we and all life forms are totally dependant for our survival. There is no single cause, for the disaster we are facing is a diverse, multifaceted onslaught, one which when observed only as single factors, can easily be overlooked and ignored, but when combined, presents an aspect which is truly terrifying.

    Before we can even begin to find solutions, we must first acknowledge and accept there is a problem, then break it down into manageable chunks. I don't believe anyone can claim to be ignorant of the fact there are enormous problems. We must also accept that the problems are directly attributable to the development of mankind and therefore, we have a responsibility to undo the damage we have done and are presently doing to our environment and to society. As indicated by the Table of Contents, this writing is about considering many of these problems, evaluating their individual impact on our lives and suggesting possible strategies which we may employ to improve our way of life and allow the opportunity for our planet to heal.

    It is all about choice, and whilst you may say, I don't own the mining corporations which are scouring the surface of Earth, I don't have shares in the oil fields, or the smelters and refineries which are pouring the pollutants and contamination into our environment, what can I do? You and I are the reason for their existence. Our extravagance, our insatiable wants in this throw-away society, provides the demand, without which, the supply would be unnecessary. The threat to our continued existence is an intricate, interwoven web of both tangible, observable factors and the less apparent influence of our psychological attitudes. One supplies the need for the other and they are so entwined it is almost impossible to see where they start and end. Greed and apathy overwhelm choice, but only because we allow them to do so.

    This book is for you, again why? Because it is this generation who must make the choice and that choice is whether or not our world has a future. Will your children and their children, inherit a world which is still capable of supporting life? If we don't halt the downward spiral, if we continue to live as if there are no consequences, the damage will be irreversible, there won't be a future.

    The branch which we are cutting off with our chainsaw is the one we are sitting on and, it is a branch on the tree of life.

    Is mankind really that stupid?

    Planet Earth formed approximately four and a half billion years ago, 4.75 million years ago saw the beginning of plant life and it is about 2.75 million years since Homo sapiens began his evolution. The beginning of the end for all life on our planet could be said to have begun in the 19th century with the industrial revolution. It is incredible to think what was born 4.5 billion years ago, formed from an accumulation of debris from the formation of our sun, has progressed though all the stages of acquiring an atmosphere and forming living organisms from primeval slime to the living creatures of the present, is being destroyed in just a few years by mankind, The balance of nature overturned by the daily destruction of the ecosystem, upon which, all life depends.

    What was my motivation to even start to write this………………. I am not even sure what to call it? A journal, no, treatise, not really, a book, that doesn’t fit. So what? It is maybe a little of all of these, a collection of thoughts and observations. Why don’t I let you call it whatever you like?

    I think initially the incentive to write down my ideas, came from disillusionment, even a profound sadness. I am in my seventy first year, so have lived pretty much through the greatest development of the human race in the history of man. Technology has and is advancing at such a rate I do not believe anyone can keep up with it. The tremendous achievements in medicine, technology in computers and communication, then transport and the media have all meant our world is now, a much smaller place. Is it? There is now more interaction between peoples of the world than ever before, which in itself should be establishing a greater understanding. An unfortunate byproduct is however, that underprivileged societies are now, better enabled to make comparisons, which in turn must breed dissatisfaction. The widening gap between the haves and the have-nots has now become much more apparent.

    Obviously with all this progress, this must be a much better world to live in. If only that were true, I certainly don’t believe it is, hence the motivation for penning the following prose. The disappointment and disgust in what the human race has become has been the primary incentive, because, for every step forward which has been made in those areas mentioned above, the human race has taken three backwards. It is no longer a world I believe is worth living in, or even bringing children into. Once I believed in all the propaganda, that what we have is worth fighting and dying for, In no way am I belittling the sacrifice made by our soldiers for principles they believed in, for sacrificing their lives to stand against oppression, for I am sure, were they still alive, they would feel very much as I do now.

    You will not have to read very far to realize I am being extremely critical, almost of everything this world has become- and why? Because, I am convinced, the path the human race is taking is wrong. Although I don’t for one moment think I can supply all the solutions, or that I have all the answers, but hope in all sincerity, that by bringing these factors to your notice, may in some small way, plant a seed. Initiate a notion which will inspire others, far more learned than I am, to at least begin to find the answers. Before it’s too late, perhaps it already is.

    Negativity in itself is not an ideal foundation on which to base this writing and that I accept; however, before we start building, we have to first clear the land. Dispense with all the garbage, hypocrisy and barriers which I am convinced are obstructions to the progress and development of humanity. Only once the negatives are acknowledged and neutralized can we begin to move forward, instead of passively accepting the frightening alternative.

    It could appear to some, I am setting myself on a pedestal and in a judgmental and conceited manner, criticizing all that surrounds me. Implying I am perfect and everyone else is wrong. This could not be further from the truth, in fact most of the criticisms made, are equally applicable to myself, what I am now and what I have been. It’s a level playing field.

    The rot and decay which is pervading and destroying our society is insidious. On a day to day comparison, it is almost unnoticeable, but when observed over a longer period of time, it becomes far more apparent and takes on a much greater significance. For me it is the relaxation of principles, the decline in morality and the acceptance of diminishing standards, for man’s predilection for the rape and pillage of the planet’s resources which pose the greatest threat to humanity. Because the decline is so widespread, accepted by so many, it manifests itself as a pack mentality.

    Crowd behavior is more primitive and impulsive than that of any one individual, since crowds tend to pay less attention to time. It is as if whatever is happening, will go on, unchallenged, forever.

    Can this deterioration be halted, changed, diverted by one individual? I believe it can. It is the power of one.

    A final thought before I really get going. How is it, that I believe I have the right to launch this attack on the bastions, the citadels of this civilization? I most certainly do not think I am better qualified than anyone else, or am possessed of some elevated intelligence or insight of that which is not already obvious to anyone, who would take the time to see. In fact I am fairly ordinary, average intelligence, nothing special. But I am sensitive and perceptive, that being, I see things as they really are, not as they are usually portrayed. Possibly as a trained observer I see things which don’t fit into the pattern, the fabric which is our lives. So why? It’s so simple, I care. For as long as this world is dominated and oppressed by injustice and inequality, for as long as individuals believe they have the right to plunder our planet’s resources for their own gain and then have the right to treat our world as a rubbish dump, I believe we all have, not only the right to speak, but also an obligation to do so.

    We can no longer claim ignorance to what is going on around us. The news media ensures that. We are assaulted by bad news continuously and from every possible angle. Even though we know bad news and sensationalism are the life blood of journalists, if we take the time and the effort to look beyond the journalese and examine the origin of the content, there is substance. We are continuously being battered by visions of violence and human suffering; to an extent possibly we tend to become oblivious and immune, or just block it out. We are so isolated by our own lethargy, that we can detach from what is real. In fact, often what we are seeing, but not seeing, are real people, real suffering and man’s injustice towards man.

    I see the planet and society suffering from increasing afflictions of suppurating sores. An analogy for this book could be that of a physician, cutting away the proud flesh of an infection to expose the cause so it may be treated or excised. The foundations and pillars on which our civilization has been established and has prospered, are crumbling all around us, signaling the beginning of the end, for life on Earth.

    I hope in reading this, you may be better able to see the reality that surrounds you, the destruction of the planet on which we are temporary tenants and to see your fellow man as an equal, regardless of color, creed or what region of the Earth he or she comes from. That you may accept responsibility, not only as an individual, but also as contributing member of the human race, we need you and our planet needs you.

    A Leaf that Floats Upstream

    Chapter 2

    An Ivory Tower is a House of Straw

    The citizens of this world really don’t have much control over their lives; they tend to leave that to those whom they consider better equipped to make the right decisions on their behalf. Possibly this is a decision made either from apathy or the belief, others can do it better. So who are these people who have the privilege to control our destiny? Are they politicians and governments with their panels and think tanks, are they the academics who are the advisors and make up the think tanks, or are they the financiers who control the flow of money or those of the military hierarchy. Regardless of who they may be they all adopt a similar mind set. They detach themselves from the average person and life's realities to establish their little kingdoms, their virtual Ivory Towers. In the interests of self-protectionism, their decision making becomes more biased toward their own interests rather than ours. The barriers they erect are not made of stone or concrete, they are formed of terminology, in-phrases and frequently their conversation is comprised almost entirely of acronyms. Listen to a politician, it's not what they say, rather it's what they don't say. Their hidden agendas, the need to know policy and the them and us policy is in fact designed to deny the general population knowledge of what is being done behind closed doors apparently, purported to be in our best interests.

    There have been so many volumes, papers and articles written on the subject material that follows, probably over the past two or three thousand years, it is surprising there is anything further to add. However, in spite of that, how many of these analytical and inspirational volumes ever come to a logical conclusion. How many are written in such a form, the material discussed is incomprehensible to the lay person, those not versed in philosophical and scientific terminology and jargon. The writings are convoluted, written in technical language most people would not understand, intentionally, for it was only ever intended for academia or some other select body.

    ‘The Ivory Tower Syndrome, A state of mind which promotes academics and select groups using language, phraseology and terminology which is impossible for the average person to understand and by doing so, elevates the individual to a level considered to be above that of lesser mortals. In one sense it could be described as discrimination, or in another, a portentous form of self-protection. This article examines the same subject material, uses a similar analytical process and is all in plain language. After all, the subject is for the majority. It looks at life as we see it today and seeks answers which are applicable and beneficial for the majority. When I discuss people," I include all people, irrespective of intellectual achievement, race, color or creed. And our needs can only be addressed by us, the average person, not academics and not governments.

    To better understand the underlying motivation which is indubitably causing our civilization to annihilate both itself and our environment; it is necessary to examine the factors which dominate our thought processes.

    Initially we tend to look at individual issues on the basis of those which have a direct impact on us or our families; even then we seldom consider their influence over the lives of others. All of the factors covered in this book which, when combined and left unchecked, will ensure the annihilation of our civilization in a very short time. Everyone is so concerned with self; it is time to look at the big picture. We need to look outside ourselves, for all that which has an effect on our individual existence is of concern to us all.

    This book is about many, seemingly unrelated issues that are known to be currently threatening our existence. We all know about the pollution and contamination in its multitudinous forms, many of these we are familiar with, but the real pollution we can't see, smell, or touch is the thread which binds this intricate, tangled web into the irresistible force which is currently, and will eventually destroy us. That thread is the human psyche, our greed, our attitudes toward our fellow man, our desires and demands all contribute to the increasing, observable effects of the environmental and moral pollution which we know is forming around us. This thread, the demands of civilization is the cohesive force tying each of the following chapters together; it is an inner pollution, because as that contamination permeates and decays our social structure, the will to find solutions, purpose and a new direction will no longer be available to us.

    A Brief Foray into the World of Philosophy

    This is included, only as a basis for the writing which follows.

    Who are we, what are we? Do we even know? Philosophy states, I think, therefore I am. Cogito ergo sum. Even simpler, in answer to the question, what am I? I am the sum of my experiences? Most of the time there appears to be more than reasonable doubt about what we are and how we perceive ourselves. Especially when the development and path we are taking as the human race, is examined by even the most pragmatic of observers, there appear to be more questions than answers.

    In so many ways, we believe ourselves to be the superior and dominant race frequenting the face of this planet, possibly even so deluded as to believe we are in control of our destiny. Well if this thinking is based on the obvious facts, then we have done and are doing more damage to the balance of nature and are thereby threatening our own continued existence, than any other creature since the beginning of time. Obviously our beliefs are misplaced.

    Our population is increasing to the extent it is threatening our very existence and sadly, human morality has descended to a level below that of almost any other life form with which we co-exist. Sadly, it appears as if minorities are dictating what is permissible and acceptable

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