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Dark Mass Stygian
Dark Mass Stygian
Dark Mass Stygian
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Dark Mass Stygian

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Dark Mass Stygian Starts with Helen James making observations thru the local university telescope. In that observation, she and her family members committed to unmasking the Dark Mass significance.

Release dateJun 1, 2021
Dark Mass Stygian

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    Dark Mass Stygian - Randy Taylor

    Chapter 1

    Helen looking through her telescope from the observatory, noticed darkness spreading throughout the universe; it was immense. Helen became nervous. She began to breathe rapidly. Sweat edging on her forehead as she saw the size of the phenomenon. What was it? What is generating this development? Is it a black hole that might ingest the galaxy or even the earth, or is this a unique phenomenon? She shook while seeing. Helen prided herself on controlling her emotions, but this anomaly appeared everywhere. She raced outside, informing her father, Dr. Jefferson James while staring up. Helen, he was calling out, Do you see this? Helen cried, What is this Stygian darkness? I don’t know. I don’t know, exclaimed Dr. Jefferson James. Dr. Helen James was much like her father, never showing fear, but she had to concede it was horrifying. Her father agreed.

    Helen reflected on her start at the observatory and the excitement it brought to her. It dismayed her, the prospect of not recognizing the event. The situation would prove to be the preeminent test. Helen noticed people on the street looked restless more than usual on her way home. She was at a traffic light when she overheard two people conversing about the news. Helen had lifted her eyes off the roadway. She veered, missing some children in the cross. They were not paying attention and never heard the brakes screech. The light turned green as Helen pulled over to the curb. Helen was so terrified at what almost happened she pulled the car over to collect herself. At that moment, she glanced up and recognized the sky was completely dark. 

    The Mass engulfed the entire metropolis. Helen knew that people were peering into their phones and suddenly gazed up at the appearance in the sky. She realized she had to get home to her mother to see if she heard anything on the news. She appreciated her mother Jennifer, who was an ardent cable news network watcher, radio, or any alternative information market if it was news. Helen called her dad at the institution to see if he learned what was going on. She knew her father would leave any minute from the observatory. Eager to get to her mother. If anyone understood what is going on, her mother would.

    Guided by her dread and the sense she gets when matters are not all right, she drove faster to get home. She pulled in the driveway, slammed the car door, and rushed into the house to discover her mother glued to the television. Helen excitedly asked Jennifer if she knew of any updates. Her mother shushed her, tapped the sofa next to her, and pointed. Helen knew her mother as a person of few words and what that meant, so she sat and watched along. While listening to the news broadcast of the situation, they looked at each other and gave a modest head nod to show they agreed, understood the revealing circumstances. Helen thought at that moment how her mother and father all nod when they concur in agreement. 

    As they watched and listened to the reporter describe the incident, she expressed the Mass seem to open in its center. Turning aside from the television screen, they nodded, continuing to watch. The reporter, reporting the development, shouted, breaking news! The newsroom was now presenting the action that was taking place. Suddenly, the phone rang. Jennifer answered her cell phone. It was her husband Jefferson wanting to know if Helen was all right because he received her phone message. Jennifer asked Jefferson if he recognized what was happening. He said he had just left the observatory and stated no.  

    Helen’s mother informed him that Helen was Ok but for him to be vigilant while traveling home. He considered that to be unusual. While turning out of the parking lot and watching people in their phone discussions, Jefferson observed people peering up at the sky. Jefferson considered most people walk and chatted on the phone was not surprising but walking and talking while peering up was. He pulled the car over and looked up, astounded at what was taking place. People seemed to stop talking on their phones and absorbed watching the Mass growing.

    The whole became further significant, and it was pitch black in the center. No light was shining from it, just darkness. The Mass became so large Jefferson felt it could devour the entire planet. Jefferson called Jenifer to ask if she and Helen saw the new development. Jennifer responded, be careful getting home; we will talk then. I would not want you to have an accident. 

    Helen and Jennifer were watching television as Jefferson walked in. Jefferson looked over at his wife Jennifer to express something, and she pointed with her index finger; he recognized what that meant. The reporter said, we have further breaking news. The Airforce has launched two jets to investigate the situation. The Jets promptly turned around and flew back to base. They reported that the Dark Mass is not a phenomenon of this planet. It was so immense it gave the appearance that it could be in the Earth’s atmosphere.

    Suddenly there appeared another flash from the news, Hi, I am Cristen Jordan, broadcasting to you live from outside our news station in observance of the Dark Mass, as cited by the aviators in their investigation of the situation. Air Force leadership, along with Thomas James’s world-renowned physicist, will brief on this phenomenon later today. 

    Jennifer bewildered by the last news report; she wanted answers now! Knowing Thomas’s involvement meant it was a crisis. Jefferson could not contain himself because of his twin brother’s involvement. Thomas James. Thomas wrote a recommendation for Helen to get into Thomas and Jefferson’s alma mater. All he could say was, Wow, small world. Jennifer looked at her husband and said, You remember he was valedictorian of our graduating class, remember. Helen jumped in, yea, Uncle Thomas was amazing in his coursework. Helen always looked up to her uncle secretly. Helen never wanted her dad to know that bit of information. 

    As a child, Helen laughed when hearing her grandmother call out to her father and uncle. Thomas, Jefferson, what are you two doing! Helen was laughing at her grandmother’s stern voice when calling them. She would laugh, which made Uncle Thomas to tickle her to make her laugh even louder; he loved the way Helen laughed. Helen looked at her father and. I could see his worry. Helen glanced over, and Jefferson showed a slight grimace of anguish. The phenomenon was causing him great concern. Jefferson had some solace in knowing Thomas was helping investigate.

    Cristen Jordan, Coming to you live from our newsroom with a special report with Dr. Thomas James physicist, and Major General Grant. Dr. James is an Astrophysics Theorist and author of a book on the less known Frontiers Phenomenon’s and their Manifestations. This field of study is where most scientists are still trying to resolve the most baffling paradoxes. He lets us into the spiritual realm while developing mathematics’ universal language. He also sees codes embedded, such as this Dark Mass. Along with Major General Grant, the Commanding Officer of Malcolm Airbase and Head of Intelligence of Scientific Phenomenon.

    Cristen Jordan: Major General Grant, do you have any idea as to what is going on with this Drack Mass? Well, Cristen, let me say, We need more information; we are looking to the space station to give us a better picture of what is going on out there. I have asked Dr. James to help investigate this situation to get a better picture of exactly what is going on. 

    Cristen Jordan: Dr. James, have you ever heard of or seen anything like this? No! Dr. James is it correct you specialize in the phenomenon and its manifestations. Yes. Dr. James, can you elaborate? 

    At that moment, Helen along with Jennifer and Jefferson laughed. They knew Thomas was a person of extraordinarily brief words unless he debated a subject or Jefferson. 

    Cristen Jordan: Well, Dr. James, what can you tell us? We know from the report from the space station that the Dark Mass is massive; it could hold over five thousand suns. When we look up at the object, we get vertigo, and we found nothing seems to get sucked in or out of the Mass. The Mass has no gravitational pull from any direction. It is like a doorway. That is the extent of my elaboration, which is the most significant phenomenon I have ever seen. I am under a microscope; this is different. 

    Cristen Jordan: General Grant, Do you think this could turn into a military operation. I hope not, but if it does, we are ready. Thank you, gentleman. Cristen Jordan, reporting to you live from our studio; good night." 

    Jenifer seemed worried when the event started, and now she was calm. Helen could tell Jennifer was at ease. Helen said she was merely curious. I would like to know what all of this means. And as usual, Jenifer gave her a look that calmed her. Helen decided it was time for her to head home, and she hugged both her parents and left. 

    Jefferson asked Jennifer if she was worried, and she gave him that same smug look she gave Helen. Jefferson knew what that meant. He said, headed upstairs to take a shower; let me know if anything changes. He left while thinking, and he needed to call Thomas to let him know his interest in the project. Jennifer understood the moment Jefferson finished his shower, and he would contact Thomas. Jennifer thought, how competitive they are! That is why they constantly try to play the upmanship with one another. Jennifer’s intuition would not let her relax about the Dark Mass surrounding them. She figured she would call Helen later. 

    Helen was driving home, thinking about the events of the day. Being so much like her father, Helen contemplated how she help Uncle Thomas in this situation or even become a member of the investigation? Helen knew her dad was probably on the phone with Uncle Thomas. She finally decided she would call him when she got home her drive was only forty-five minutes. That was plenty of time to contact uncle Thomas.

    While driving, Helen noticed the enormity of the Mass and its appearance. It changed from a dark black to a grayish color as the sunset. At that moment, Helen received a text from her father asking her if she saw the color change in the Mass. Helen replied, Dad, you know I am driving; we have had this conversation before. Jefferson said, yea, I thought you might be home. Anyway, can you see the Mass? She replied, "sure can; I did not get the feeling this means much. The sun’s rays as darkness set on our side of the Earth. Thomas loved the answer and thought how smart his daughter was. Being an astrophysicist is in their blood, he thought with a smile. 

    When Helen walked in the door, her phone rang, she answered it was her mother, Jennifer; I figured I would call before you called your Uncle Thomas. Your dad probably called him. I knew I had to get to you before you called him. What do you make of all of this? Helen told her that she just got in the door and would like to take a shower, and she would call her back. Jennifer knew she was being put off and called upstairs to Jefferson just to see if he was off the phone with Thomas, and he was. Jennifer knew Helen would be talking to Thomas well into the night, and she resided in her mind that she would call Helen the next day.

    Jennifer went to the kitchen and decided to order a meal instead of cooking. Jefferson came down the steps and straight to the kitchen and asked Jennifer what was for dinner, and she pointed to a paper on the refrigerator; Jefferson knew they were ordering in. He was happy! Jefferson went ahead back to the living room sofa to check the news, wanting to see if they were reporting the color change event or what appeared to be a color change. He wondered what Thomas thought of that situation. 

    Thomas was attending a meeting at the White House briefing President Jarrett Daniels and his cabinet members and the Joint Chiefs and a few from the scientific community. Thomas knew what they wanted to know if this apposed a threat to the country, world, and by what measure they would take to ensure the public they would be safe. Thomas explained that he did not know much more than they did and suggested that the President have the Space Lab look and report their findings in conjunction with SETI to investigate. Thomas knew how the military would react once SETI is activated. The thought of Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence always set them in motion to make everything secret. Thomas figured he would use SETI anyway because there was no way you could cover up the entire sky. He drew pleasure from that fact. 

    While watching the group, President Daniels looked bewildered to see how the new space command takes on its first real mission. Thomas had a grin on his face that said it all because he was never big on the military. The decision to investigate was a Presidential decision. 

    Before the meeting adjourned, Thomas asked the President if he could add two more people to the investigation. The President said that Thomas would have proper clearances for Jefferson and Helen and welcome them aboard whatever he needed. Thomas thought to himself, wait until Jefferson and Hellen find out about this. He knew his brother would not be able to top that!

    Thomas leaving the briefing, his phone started buzzing, it was his favorite niece, and she was so excited. She wanted to know everything. He explained that it was top secret and not privy to outsiders. He knew that was going to stoke that fire in Helen. There was a pause in the conversation, and Thomas told her that she would need a top-secret clearance if she wanted to be involved. Helen began to scream. She immediately knew what that meant; she would be a team member. 

    Thomas asked her not to tell Jefferson because he wanted to surprise him. Hellen said, You guys never stop, but okay. Thomas had his brother just where he wanted him when he surprises him with the news. Jefferson would not be able to best him again. 

    The doorbell rang. Jennifer answered the door while Jefferson was watching the news. Dear, dinner! Do you want this on a plate and napkin? When Jefferson did not reply, she said, okay, the usual on a paper plate and napkins. She brought the dish. Jefferson smiled. Jennifer sat next to Jefferson and inquired if there had been any change or update to the news. Jefferson said that a new team had formed to investigate the phenomenon, and Thomas led the investigation. Before Jennifer could get out a word, Jefferson’s received a text message from Thomas. The Message read, Are you interest in joining me in Washington, DC, to help in the investigation? Jefferson had such a glow on his face. He was pleased that Thomas had invited him to join the task force. He immediately told Jennifer of the text. Jennifer said, Hmm, my family will be working in Washington, DC?" Thomas will hold this over you forever. Jefferson knew it too but was quite pleased anyway. 

    Jefferson was excited he would never get one up on Thomas again but was happy for Thomas’s invitation. Jefferson figured in the back of his mind he will have ample time to best his brother later. Another text from Helen, Ha, ha, I guess you know where we will be in the next day or two! Jennifer knew it had to bean and said, the Three Amigos." Helen thought how quiet it would be around the house, attending to her business while her family would be off to make sure the world was safe. 

    Jennifer left Jefferson in the living room. She heard him run up the steps in excitement, eager and energetic to pack and plan with Helen for their trip to Washington. She went into the kitchen, and suddenly when she felt a warming sensation come over her, a sudden flash. Jennifer had a feeling but was not sure what it was. Was it time! How was this going to work out for her and her family? All those questions she had but was glad to be alone to gather herself. She knew Helen or Jefferson would understand her secret. 

    Thomas planned for Jefferson and Hellen to stay at the underground level 5 at the White House. Most people did not know that the White House had underground stations that went seven stories down. Thomas called Helen and Jefferson and told them the White House Secretary had made them an itinerary for travel and followed to keep in step with the security process. Helen called an uber for her father. She would pick him up en route to the airport. 

    Helen had the uber go to her parents and beep for her dad to come out. He came out with Jennifer. Helen jumped out of the car, hugged her mother while Jefferson kissed Jennifer, and she watched them leave. She felt the excitement between the two of the most cherished ones she loved in this world. Helen went back inside and sat in front of the tv. She could not believe it was time but was glad they would be together for what would happen. 

    Upon arriving at the airport, Jefferson opened the directions and told the Driver to head to gate 57. The Driver introduced himself as Kevin, who worked for the Secret Service, and he would be with them for a trip to D.C. Jefferson looked at Helen and said, Wow! Helen nudged and said, dad, act as you belong. They pulled up to runway 57 to leave on a private jet to D.C., where more agents met them and stowed their luggage on the plane. Once aboard, Kevin informed them they prepared a special briefing from Dr.Thomas James.

    As they took their seats, they could hear the Pilot getting instruction from the tower, preparing them for takeoff. Helen could see and hear into the cockpit as the Pilot received instructions. She was so excited as she listened while fastening her seat belt. Cleared to cross runway two-seven, fly heading two, three zero. Runway two seven left, cleared for takeoff. She could feel the plane lift off the ground, and off they went. Jefferson approached Kevin and asked if they were ready to receive their brief from the boss? Jefferson and Helen just shook their heads in excitement, both wondering what they might find out that no one else knows. 

    They became even more eager when the plane lights went dark and the television monitor came on. The screen was black, and they heard the theme song from Mission Impossible playing. They looked at each other! Thomas appeared and said, got you both this time! Kevin and the rest of the Secret Service guys were in tears. They wanted to know if Thomas was always that funny. Kevin said he did not understand Thomas was that funny when he met him. Jefferson and Hellen agreed. Helen told Kevin that her dad and her uncle had been going at it for years. 

    Helen is seeing Kevin thought that Kevin is the most beautiful person she had envisioned ever. She then asked Keven about the arrival time. Kevin said, about four hours. She had a slight smile on her face. Jefferson knew what that meant; he remembers that smile when he met Jennifer. He cut his eyes at his daughter, only for her to elbow him. Thomas just wanted to let them know that they would brief when they arrived at the White house. 

    Kevin sat with Helen and Jefferson, letting them know that their security was to be with them for the duration. He handled their protection as directed by the President. Helen could not take her eyes off Kevin. Jefferson thought to himself how much trouble Kevin was about to undergo. Helen had already checked to see if Kevin had a ring on his left hand or any light color as people have when they take them off. Jefferson just decided nothing he could do but watch as his daughter swarm around Kevin like a shark in the water. Jefferson smiled and thought, like Jennifer, like Helen. Jefferson thought this would be amusing.

    Helen loved learning the physical segments of celestial bodies. A true natural-born astrophysicist. Professor of Astrophysics in the amalgamation of physics and astrophysics. Her knowledge of physics and calculations was extraordinary. It stimulated her to interrogate the evolution of worlds, stars, and galaxies. It offered her a sense of purpose that sustained her. Helen craved to be like her dad and uncle from an early age. Helen enjoyed the backyard stargazing with her father and uncle in her youth. It presented a sense of purpose. It obliged her imaginations to run wild. While peering at the stars, she would contemplate the existence of other worlds. Those nights would serve her well for the adventure that remained ahead. 

    Helen attended post-graduate school at her father’s alma- mater, just to please her father; she wanted to follow him. Astrophysics seemed to be the family profession. She desperately wanted to unravel the riddles of the black vacuum in space. She assumed that is what her father also wanted for her. Helen never asked. Her father would ask her how her day progressed, and she would nod with a massive grin. 

    It had been some time since she relaxed and chatted with her father. She figured she would have some quality time with her dad aboard the flight and talk like they used to when she was a child. She thought this was like a dream come true written in a fairy tale. Her family was solving the mysteries of the world. 

    Jennifer went about her business refusing to let anxiety ruin her day starred reminiscing when she was younger and her bible study classes. The enjoyment she had heard all the stories from the Old Testament. Jennifer would read the same two first lines in Genesis; God created Heaven and the Earth. She pondered the significance of that statement. Jennifer wondered if he did it simultaneously or Heaven first and then the Earth just because of how the writing in that order. Nevertheless, she was having such strange emotions but was glad in her solitude. 

    Chapter 2

    Helen mentioned to her father; they are going to land. The Pilot announced they were about fifteen minutes out. After the announcement, everyone on board fastened their seat belts. Helen and Jefferson were so excited, both ready for the adventure ahead of them. Helen looked over at Kevin with a smile, wanting to flirt; she contained herself. Kevin told them about their would-be cars at the airport to take them to Camp David. Kevin thought about how pretty Helen was flirting. Kevin decided he would acknowledge; after all, he thought she was gorgeous. Kevin winked at her, but she was unsure if Kevin had something in his eye. Deep down, she was hoping he only had her in his eye. 

    Jefferson did not miss any of the flirting. Jefferson wanted to let Helen know he was watching. Waiting to make fun of her later but decided not. Instead, he asked Helen if she had noticed anything about the Mass. Helen looked with a smirk on her face letting him know she was aware and had been watching. Finally, the plane thumped while the aircraft’s cabin shook as it landed. Kevin thought this would be something to remember, not that it was not already.

    As the plane came to a stop, Kevin gave Helen and Jefferson instructions.

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