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The Dead Air Cracks
The Dead Air Cracks
The Dead Air Cracks
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The Dead Air Cracks

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A journey of love, pain, and a need to belong explored over time. Lucy and Zeke will belong in your hearts for the rest of your lives. Debut novella from Joshua Friest and the Chaos Reigns series - Welcome to the War.

Release dateOct 9, 2020
The Dead Air Cracks

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    The Dead Air Cracks - Joshua Friest


    We only have a few more months until the veil is completely open, Mal. Adoel ran her hand down her betrotheds arm, the slits of her dress exposing her flesh. They looked out over the clouds, the small parting in their haven exposing Lucy, their little Lucy. It was the first time in several months that the sun aligned just right with the moon and allowed them to see her. Do you think she will make it in time? Everything depended on her. The gates of heaven and hell would be at her mercy.

    She will be just fine, my love. As long as Zeke stays at her side, she will make it.

    The boy is loyal, that is very certain, but he is not trained. Adoel had watched them as much as she could. It took them nearly a decade to track him down in their daughter’s prophecy. His breeding was exquisite, and he was none the wiser. She hoped that it was not in vain.

    Malzorath, former king of the river of souls, paced back and forth in front of the long glass window, his hand placed on his chin in contemplation. He has no choice. Either he learns or he dies. Which meant she died too. Both Mal’s demons and Adoel’s angels would be vying for the blood of the crossed.

    That is my biggest fear, I’m afraid. The demons and angels could smell her like a fresh pie. The demons would destroy towns and villages to get to her, while the angels would haunt the very minds of the people. Lucy had only a few weeks, if not days, of safety left.

    Come my darling, there are things to prepare. Malzorath held out his massive hand to Adoel.

    Just one more moment. She fought the urge to blink, to miss seeing Lucy for even a millisecond. Adoel wanted to memoize her growing daughter, to know everything she could. Afterall, she could only watch from a distance. With a quick flick of her wrist, she released the messenger while she still could. Adoel would make sure Lucy was going to follow the right path.

    The clouds closed her view slowly. Painfully.

    Adoel inhaled deeply and let Mal, her loving Mal, guide her to the dining hall. They had guests to entertain.

    Lucy had to win the seat of power, there was no other choice. Everything would crumble.

    Chapter 1.

    So what exactly are we doing again? Zeke hiked his bag further up onto his shoulder. Lucy had stormed into his room before the sun had even shown its angry face and projectiled a pillow at his face. He rubbed at his sandy hair absently, the spot tender.

    We are going to Mount Byurst. Lucy carried a map, the likes of which Zeke had never seen before. She was rushed, throwing things haphazardly into her bag, and, her Amber eyes were wild with wonder. The woman at the temple had told her that the water there was magic, that it would heal any wounds.

    Who knew, Lucy would be more concerned about the health of Zeke’s mother than even he was. The disease had consumed so much of his family over the years, she had told him. Zeke knew there was no cure. But, afterall, Brenna had brought Lucy in with open arms, caring for her as equally as she did her two daughters.

    You packed my bag already? Lucy did you sleep at all last night? There, by the front door, was Zeke’s backpack stuffed to the brim, his favorite hunting knife propped against it. From the looks of it, Lucy had waited until the last second to make up her mind. But knowing her, she had made the plan days ago but wouldn’t let Zeke catch on. She thought he liked surprises.

    The truth was, though, he only liked her surprises.

    But he wouldn’t tell her that, not ever.

    What day is it? She wouldn’t look at him. Zeke chuckled. He was right.

    Brenna- Zeke’s mother- walked out of her room in her blue nightgown, her blonde hair starting to grey at the roots, and her blue eyes dull. She looked worse than she had yesterday. Zeke felt his stomach churn and the air catch in his throat, the threat of tears tickling the back of his throat. Mother, you should stay in bed. He cleared the lump that softened his voice and looked away from her. Brenna hated pity. Father did the best at hiding it, but when she wasn’t looking, his hazel eyes were filled with dread.

    Calla and Sophie came out of their room when they heard their mother’s door open. The girls could hardly contain themselves. Calla- Zeke’s youngest sister- begged to be picked up, clenching her fists at her mother. Brenna tried her best to smile as she told her daughter no, that mommy wasn’t strong enough yet, but Zeke could see the heartbreak in her eyes.

    I need to get out of bed every now and then Zeke, otherwise I’ll get fat. She pulled a stick of celery out of storage and dipped it in peanut butter, while she pulled out the supplies to bake her favorite Apple-Strawberry pie. Zeke rolled his eyes, hiding the smile. The woman had always been small, no matter the pounds of food she ate.

    When will Ty be home? Lucy hugged her adopted mother. Lucy was the only one that Brenna tolerated that look from.

    I wish I knew. Hell, I wish he knew. Brenna had most of the ingredients for the crust in the bowl and gave it to Sophie to stir. Don’t make a mess please. Sophie smiled her snaggle-toothed smile and sat on the floor, being careful to be gentle.

    Tell him we love him, and will be home soon. Lucy’s wings twitched ever so slightly. Anyone else would have ignored it, but Zeke knew that there was something on her mind, something that she wanted to say but couldn’t.

    Zeke hugged his mother and sisters before they left the house. The girls were afraid of Lucy’s wings, so they wouldn’t go anywhere near them, instead choosing to wave enthusiastically. She was the weird girl to them. They didn’t trust the winged wonder.

    The sun was set halfway to noon, and was warmer than it had been in weeks. Lucy rolled the sleeves of her shirt up and smiled at the sky. In the sunlight, her amber eyes were like stained glass windows. Her hiking boots were starting to fall apart, and the stitching on her backpack was coming apart. Her satchel had been patched more times than a child’s doll, but it fit her so well. Brenna had sewn a pair of black wings on it, and Lucy often traced the shape when she was lost in thought. Zeke didn’t know what all she kept in it, but she was always ready for anything.

    My father doesn’t know about this little trip you planned, does he? Zeke blurted. Lucy had specifically picked a time that he wouldn’t be around to leave. It could have been happenstance, but Lucy was smarter than that. Lucy and Ty had a bond like none other. He knew her almost as well as Zeke did. She hardly kept anything from him.

    She hesitated. Zeke, he would have stopped us. Or at least tried to come along.

    What’s so bad about my Dad coming along? Do you have a crush on him or something? He joked, but jealousy poked his insides. He had a teeny tiny little crush on Lucy that he tried to deny every day of his life.

    Oh yes. She rolled her eyes. That, and I really just wanted to do this without the adults, ya know? She kicked a rock and waved at one of the neighbors. Rhys was a small town and most people knew each other. Half the people accepted Lucy and her wings, the other half kept a close eye on her and the house she occupied. There were rumors that she had killed Zeke’s whole family and replaced their spirits with demons. It was ludicrous, really. But it was fun listening to the stories that people told.

    How long will it take us to get to the mountain? Zeke gestured at the map she had tucked into the side pocket of her bag. They walked through the front gates quietly, the one guard on duty tipping his hat to them. Lucy stopped to open up the map.

    She pointed to the Northern part of Rhys. This is where we are, She dragged her finger across the map. Zeke felt his eyes go wild. He had to force himself to blink. This is where Byurst is.

    Now I see why you didn’t want to tell me about it first. Zeke tried to hold his fumes into his ears. He could turn around, either make her go by herself or make her go home. But there was no making Lucy do anything. Zeke sighed, picking up his pace. Better hike fast before I change my mind. The further he got from Rhys, the more he was inclined to follow Lucy’s crazy expedition up a mountain for some magic water that may or may not be there.

    The idea was crazy, but Zeke knew he needed to get out of his house. He couldn’t stand watching his mother deteriorate. If this was a hoax, at least he could say he tried.


    Three days.

    It took three days to reach the mountain. The first night was fine; there was a comfortable breeze to coax them into sleep. Lucy and Zeke pointed out constellations until they had fallen asleep, and woken up when the sun peaked its head over the horizon. They were too anxious to sleep any more than they had to.

    By the second night, there was too much heat. He and Lucy were raining their own sweat, soaked head to toe and their garb smelled awful. They washed in the creek and left their clothes out

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