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Zarketh: Episode 1
Zarketh: Episode 1
Zarketh: Episode 1
Ebook499 pages7 hours

Zarketh: Episode 1

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It has been three years since the fall of Sion Terogol, Demi-God of Insanity and Lord of the Converted. The great legend known as Dmitri Sion has finally found something that he had been yearning for his whole life, true peace. After all the decades that he and his allies had been fighting, it seemed that evil was finally defeated. He had been g

Release dateApr 14, 2020
Zarketh: Episode 1

Matthew Boyle

Matthew David Boyle was born on February 15, 1991 and is the youngest brother of four boys. He was diagnosed with Autism (PDD/NOS) when he was three years old and did not speak until after he turned four. He struggled through all of the social aspects of society, as well as the school system, leaving in grade 10. Matthew had no interest in his English courses, including reading and writing, until he met a home instruction teacher while he was in Grade 9. She took the time to nurture his self-esteem as well as his incredible imagination, resulting in his creative writing skills. Matthew started writing books at the age of 15 and published his first novel, Zarketh, at the age of 19. He is an avid computer gamer, to which he attributes some of his ideas. He is currently working on several book projects.

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    Zarketh - Matthew Boyle

    Their Beginning


    The One-World… it could only be described as a utopia, the center of the known universe. It was the home to all the races that were once scattered across different galaxies. This world had been through endless events since it was created. It harboured peace, love and war. Its life was constantly threatened by those who wished to destroy it. However, there were few who rose to defend their homes and families from evil. These few would go on to become heroes, but they stood against an ever-growing tide of darkness. Sadly, each one fell within time.

    Many believed that this world’s creation was by a god or a blast of entities, but they were wrong. Its creation was from a single man. He had defied his one true duty and it was this act that completely altered the reality of his dimension. The past was rewritten and the future became truly unknown. Those who once lived in the split universe had no memories of their previous lives but instead believed that the One-World existed during the early stages of time. The only one who retained their memories was that one man, the man whom everyone underestimated. This man had many titles, but only one progressed throughout history. His name was Dmitri Sergei Sion, the Patriarch of War.

    The first known trial of the One-World was the day it went into slumber, the day when the planetary meteor, Apocalypse, fell down from the heavens. This entity, summoned by the Dark Lord of the Demons, Zarketh, was known as the World Ender. Dmitri fought against it along with his many allies, but their power was not enough to deter the end. Knowing its fate, the One-World sent the spirits that gave it life to destroy the meteor. Though successful, these spirits were corrupted and left the planet, putting it into a deep slumber and causing nature itself to come to a halt.

    Though it was believed that the end of Apocalypse would herald a new age of peace, it only caused more wars. Humans, Demons and Elves scorched the lands they fought upon. They all battled long and hard to preserve their idea of peace, but it was the Humans who truly did the most damage. Their invention, known as the nuclear bomb, had caused immense destruction to large parts of the world and had made it nearly impossible to repair because of the radiation that each detonation left behind.

    When all seemed lost, Dmitri rose again along with many others to stop the nuclear fallout. He succeeded in halting the launching of these bombs but was unable to fix the damage they had already done. Instead, he formed a peace keeping group, known as the Three. This group stood defiantly against the Demons and fought against incredible odds. One by one, they killed every demon that stood against them. Victory seemed inevitable for these men and the factions that they led, until that one fateful day.

    The Demons had constructed a mobile plague machine that was known as Zarkarn, named after their fallen lord. This machine had spread untold death and decay across the land, until it was met by the United Legions of the Brotherhood and the Classus Alliance, all led by the Three. Sadly, their power alone couldn’t stop the machine. In an act of selflessness though, Dmitri sacrificed himself to destroy Zarkarn and end the reign of the Demons once and for all. That day was said to be the end of his legend, but it seemed that it was just another chapter in his life.

    Years later, when peace ruled and the planet started to repair the massive damage that was done to it, Dmitri returned, foretelling a prophecy that could herald the end of all creation. Unwilling to believe him, the United Legions had split up and became enemies to each other. Friends were fighting against friends, brothers against sisters and wives against husbands. It was a chaotic war that devastated their continent. Even after Dmitri killed his older brother and the last member of his family, he persevered forward, knowing that as long as this war continued, his prophecy of the end would come true.

    Taking the ultimate charge, Dmitri had done what no man would or could do. He unleashed a nuclear bomb, codenamed Doomsday. This bomb’s power was so intense that it completely destroyed the continent of the United Legions, ending over hundreds of billions of lives. He and his best friend then escaped the destruction, knowing the damage they had done, not only to the planet, but to everyone they knew and loved. It was then for the first time that Dmitri questioned himself if this prophecy was actually self-fulfilled… by his own hand.

    As the years passed, the inhabitants of the world attempted to recover from the horrific loss of Doomsday. Sadly, a new threat would emerge, leading Dmitri to believe that his prophecy had come true. This was known as the Rise of the Demi-God, Sion Terogol. Sion had the power to covert any soul to his will, thus he was able to easily spread his influence over a weakened world. He ruled over a faction known as the Converted and led his armies against the remnants of the Humans, Elves and the other races that banded together. During this war, Dmitri was considered to be the number one threat to the planet because of his previous act. The people that he once cared for turned against and hated him. The only one who stood by his side was his best friend, but they couldn’t fight a war without an army behind them.

    During these dark years, the war had destroyed almost every hope of restoring nature to the One-World, leaving its lands barren and its life extinct. This had angered Dmitri, forcing him to act and rise against Sion, despite being an enemy to all nations. He knew that fighting Sion would be his toughest challenge, because Sion was created as his opposite, being capable of summoning the most powerful of magic. His ambitions as well only rivalled that of his insanity. The exiled legend had to fight though, to save his world even if the world’s creatures didn’t want him anymore.

    In time, Sion had met his defeat by the hands of Dmitri. Rejoicing at their victory, Dmitri and his friend were stripped of their charges against the United Legions. Dmitri seemed to have also found peace and love, falling for an Elven woman that cared for him deeply. He had spent a year with her after Sion’s fall, but sadly during that time, he believed that Sion wasn’t truly gone. Dmitri left his love, vowing to return to her once his conquest was truly over. He had spent his time searching for any remains of the fallen Demi-God, making sure that his end was final.

    Four years later, after much searching within the deep confines of the Converted ruins, Dmitri was unable to find any links to the return of Sion. Knowing to never give up hope though, he continued looking. He became committed and obsessed with his goal, desiring only to finish it so that he could truly spend his life with the woman he loved in peace, never to be in fear of another war ever again. His paranoia had consumed him, but little did he realize that an even greater threat was on its way to the planet. It was a threat that could consume all life and send it into an age of darkness.

    This is his story.

    Peaceful War


    The One-World, my home, my beloved planet. The day I acted beyond my own duty was the day that it was created. From the remains of the shattered Universe of Dreams came this utopia. Because of my actions that created this world, it became my personal responsibility to protect it from anything that dared to threaten its existence. However, as ages passed, I’ve grown old and have become less capable of continuing that task. It was that day when chaos was fo rmed.

    My name is Dmitri Sergei Sion, the once so-called hero of this planet. I have survived many horrific ordeals and put an end to many empires, both good and evil. I was once known as many different things, but today, I am a wanderer. I seek only to finish my conquest and bury my past for good. This would be my final adventure.

    I stand six feet, four inches tall with white skin, withered with age. My shoulder length dark grey hair, goatee and eyebrows, along with my dark brown eyes make me look even older than I actually am. I wear a black trench coat with a dark worn shirt, pants and boots. Around my waist is a black cloth belt. The straps of the belt fall a bit further than my knees. I wear a cloth strap over my right shoulder that goes to the left of my waist. I use this strap as a harness for my main weapon which I carry on my back.

    I have four very unique weapons. The first that I mainly use is the legendary sword known as Freedom. Freedom is a giant scythe-edged blade that is incredibly long in length and is about the width of my forearm. The weapon is longer than my body so when it’s on my back, I keep it slanted. What makes Freedom easy to draw out though is the loose harness I keep it strapped in. I can also duck down easily when I need to, which gives me a much greater advantage in battle. The dark brown bandaged hilt of the sword is long, about two or three normal hand sizes. The front of the blade is dark grey but starts getting lighter towards the back. It is often my first weapon of choice since it is considered to be indestructible.

    Another weapon I have in my possession is a black rifle that I called Sirueh. This gun was formally known as the Brother’s Blood. It was remade by Ryhn, my best friend, and I fifty years ago after Brother’s Blood was destroyed. What separates Sirueh from its counterpart is the fact that this rifle does not need ammunition to fire. Instead, it uses energy to fuel its single-shots. Its power and accuracy remain similar to the old weapon. Though it was nearly as big as Freedom and clunky to use, this rifle had served me well within the many years prior.

    I also have another weapon, well two other weapons. I called them my Whips of Light. They are whips that I use to swing from place to place or to grab onto something and pull myself towards it. I keep these weapons latched on the back of my waist so none could see them when they’re sheathed. The whips, other than the brown hilt, are encased in a golden light.

    My final, and probably most interesting, weapon is an elemental short sword that I call Crystal. It holds the powers of the six pure elements but is unable to maintain a physical form. With just a thought and a bit of my own life energy, I‘m able to create a bladed construct of an element that I choose and use it to perform miracles that others could not. It was my most effective weapon, but also the most dangerous. The golden hilt stays on the left of my waist, sheathed but showing its illuminating light.

    Chaos, the one thing I feared most. The day where I could no longer help the world was the day it fell into chaos. I stood by; waiting patiently, saving lives and defying death itself. In the end… doing that is what caused all of this. I could never forget my one big mistake and I have no excuse for it either. I had an emotion, something my teacher told me never to have, and it cost me everything.

    The Calm


    R unway and weather are clear for another five hours and twenty-three minutes. You’re free to land in that timeframe. A voice said in a blandish tone.

    I found myself sitting upon a dark brown leather chair, staring out into the world ahead through a glass shield. Before me were many buttons and switches, each with a different function. My mind though was empty as I watched the skies pass by.


    The voice spoke again, but I almost didn’t wish to answer. I was quite exhausted from the journey and immensely disappointed in myself. However, if history taught me anything, it was to not keep this woman waiting. With that now in my thoughts, I was able to lift my hand then flick a switch upon the main console.

    I’m here. I spoke in my thick Russian accent.

    I’ll be arriving within the next two hours. Inform me if anything changes.

    Understood. I’ll see you then. The voice responded.

    I flicked the switch back then lowered my arm to its rest. As all slowly became silent, I started thinking about my mission. Only the soft humming sounds of the engine kept ringing in my ears. I imagined I wouldn’t hear a word from that voice again; I was glad too. The last thing I needed was for that thing to tell me something else.

    I had been gone from my home for almost four months, searching for an entity that may or may not exist. During this time, I kept in contact with little to no people. I had examined many facilities and other sites, always believing that I would find something. Sadly, my quest heralded no results. Even with nothing though, I wasn’t ready to give up.

    You’re still out there… You still have your grand plan…

    I continued thinking, waiting patiently for my vessel to take me home. It was set on auto-pilot so there was nothing that I had to pay attention to. Looking upon the many gauges and meters though kept my mind from going empty.

    The vessel I was in acted as my mobile home for almost four years. It was a large cargo ship that I used for travelling to every destination. Though it used propellers and was slower than most aviation crafts, it served me and my allies quite well. Sadly, its constant use had weakened many of its systems. That was why I was returning home, to get it repaired, restocked and refuelled. Hopefully it wouldn’t take too long.

    As time began passing by, I started thinking about my mission. It was a simple one, yet complex at every turn. I was searching for the plans of the Demi-God, Sion Terogal. Though my greatest rival had passed long ago, his legacy continued echoing across my home, the One-World. I never truly believed that he was dead; the man, though insane, was too smart not to have a plan. My allies had helped me for the first year, but I was soon left alone. They believed that there was nothing left, that I was just being paranoid. Unfortunately, they didn’t know how the Demi-God’s mind worked.

    Where are you?

    I kept asking myself that every day. Every facility and stronghold that I visited had nothing linked to his plan. I imagined that I missed something at one of them, but each was checked thoroughly. Still, I remained convinced that his plans were in motion. I had to find them so that I could end this and… be with the one I loved.


    My heart sank as I started thinking about the one I was doing this for. Her name was Kaylen Yuralenya, a young Elven woman with such great potential for this world. She was nothing like her people; in fact, her body had been altered to a being unknown to all. This had made her an outcast to her own kind, but I never lost my love for her. Even before she became the woman she was now, I still had great feelings for her.

    I will find him, for you. I will end this and come back to you.

    I couldn’t help but think about her young beautiful face and her blue-tinted eyes. Her long blond hair waved along the edges of my mind. It was so silky and smooth; I could easily drag my hand through them without any resistance. Her pointed straight ears rose higher than any other Elf; it was a sign of nobility. It was if she shared the image of the Goddess her kind worships.

    It was amazing that a woman like Kaylen would want to be with me. In many ways, I considered myself to be not good enough for her, However, even when given an opportunity to be with others, she chose to stay with me. I thought at first it was because of my status, but even through times when I was denounced and considered a threat to all of humanity, she stood by me. I couldn’t ever thank her enough for that. In many ways, it was because of her that I was able to gain the confidence I needed to defeat Sion.

    I slowly broke into a smile, thinking about the past. Kaylen and I had spent a whole year together after Sion’s death, living peacefully within the Human capital of Shen. During that time, I put down my sword and never raised my hand in combat. In fact, I actively chose to stay out of any conflict. I was there to be with her and not think about my duties.

    It was the happiest year of my life.

    Seeing her smile got me out of bed with bliss in my otherwise cold heart. We would walk the streets of Shen, visiting stores, restaurants and monuments weekly. She would always wrap her arms around mine, making sure that we could never be separated. Her soft touch eased my tensed muscles every time.

    I thought about Kaylen for quite a while, wanting to return to her badly. Eventually, my mind got to the moment at the end of the year when I told her that I was going on my final mission to search and end the Trail of Sion, his grand plan, once and for all. She wanted to come with me, but I couldn’t put her through that. She had friends and family inside Shen whom had finally grown to love her despite what she had become. I couldn’t take her away from them, not when she was finally feeling like she belonged.

    Dmitri, come in.

    The voice snapped me out of my trance as I looked up, noticing many ruined structures up ahead. Knowing that I was close to home, I moved my hand forward then flipped the same switch as before.

    I’m here. I responded.

    I got you on radar and can take control of the plane from here. Would you like me to do so?

    I paused for a moment.

    Go ahead.

    Understood. Please don’t touch any of the instruments. I will remotely guide the ship to the landing site.

    I flicked the switch off, not wanting to speak any further. The thing on the other side, though she meant well, I had trouble dealing with her. Her emotionless voice made me question her every move. I wasn’t sure how my best friend was able to do it, but I couldn’t trust her.

    I watched as the plane was slowly being guided across the ruined city that was once known as Classus. Thousands of buildings were destroyed while some of the skyscrapers were barely left standing. Entire pieces of them would be missing, yet they remained defiant. Some structures would eventually fall thanks to time itself.

    It’s good to be home.

    Each time I returned here, I remembered the choices that were made hundreds of years ago. This was once a thriving capital filled with millions of souls. Each sadly was extinguished in one single strike. I could imagine them crying for a split second before being disintegrated. It was a choice that remained in my mind for all the years to come after that day. Even now, despite defeating the Demi-God who was the center of my accursed prophecy, I still wonder if I had made the right choice.

    So many lost because of my action. I’ll always live with that burden until the day I die.

    I waited in quiet contemplation, remembering the innocent souls who had to perish for my failure. The ship was slowly descending, heading towards one particular structure that I couldn’t see just yet. Each of the engines was powering down as the propellers were slowly losing speed. It would only be a short time longer before the plane landed on the strip.

    After a few minutes, I spotted the tower that I was heading towards. It was a large skyscraper, built like a bright pillar with many ridges and layers. Many lights shined along its edges, causing it to stand out amongst the other more ruined buildings. At its top and a bit to the side was a long strip that the plane used for landing and taking off. Quite a few beams supported this structure from below, though I always remained concerned that it would one day collapse.

    As the plane slowly descended towards the strip, I found another particular object of interest. A massive telescope was poking out of the pillar. This nearly ancient technology was designed by me a long time ago. Its purpose was to view what was beyond the world and the stars, but due to an anomaly that I couldn’t figure out, I was only able to see what was on this world. I had long given up on trying to correct this error since this other method worked out perfectly. With it, I was able to locate many areas that I would never have found on my own.

    My home…

    This place was known as the Observatory. It was one of my many homes, but it was my most cherished of them all. It was equipped with many features, such as its own synthetic farm and a training room. It also housed all of my laboratories, my creations and my prizes. However, I was not the only one who lived there. In fact, I had to give many credits to the spire’s defenses to my best friend and ally.

    With ease, the plane landed on the strip, causing a bump. Afterwards, it immediately began slowing down while the propellers had come to a stop. During this time, I stood up then began walking towards the back of the ship despite the pressure pushing against me. Along the way, I looked to my sides, eying the many small items that I collected in my journeys. Most of them were damaged, but I took them with me in beliefs that I could find something in my workshop.

    Right when I arrived at the back, the plane had come to a stop and I pressed a button off to the side, causing the hatch before me to open up, revealing the world. A gust of wind blew inside but quickly subsided as the door opened up more. I waited until the ramp had touched down on the ground then proceeded forward, leaving the airship.

    Once I placed my feet on the strip, I stopped then took in a deep breath. As I examined my surroundings, I felt a sense of relief pass through me. The world hadn’t changed one bit, though it still remained in turmoil. Dark ashes cover the sky, leaving the lands in a never-ending darkened light. Regardless though, I was glad to be home, but I didn’t plan on staying for long.

    Welcome home, Highlord Dmitri. Someone said in a bland tone.

    I exhaled my long-winded breath through my nose then turned my head, already feeling a bit irritated.

    The creature that had approached me was named Calcutta. She was a biological super-computer that my best friend built during the Rise of Sion. However, as the war progressed, he decided to create a body for her that could withstand the troubles of our missions. Although she is completely oblivious as to what’s going on most of the time, she is slowly learning and has already helped out in many ways that I couldn’t imagine. However, I remained against creating artificial life and she was no exception. Just looking at her always put me a bit off edge.

    Calcutta appeared smaller than me by quite a bit, though thanks to her powers, she could change that within a second’s time. She has a thin body, like a supermodel, as per my best friend’s designs for her. She has blonde groomed hair that fell only to the middle of her neck, covering her ears. Her light blue eyes had an artificial perfection that illuminated in the moonlight. The outfit she wore didn’t appear like clothes at all; it was as if another layer of skin was placed over her. The black suit that covered every piece of her body, except for her head, was designed specifically for her. There were vertical white lines along its sides, front and back. Each one acted as some sort of conduit, having bits of blue energy running through them. It made her appear all the more futuristic which I couldn’t and didn’t really want to understand.

    I told you not to call me that. I said.

    My apologies. It’s just that you’ve been gone for four months, fo-

    That doesn’t change anything. I replied, interrupting her.

    She stopped then stared at me with her bland expression. I was bit irritated by her, but I soon regained my composure then thought of a different matter.

    Is he in?



    I began walking towards the door, passing by Calcutta. She turned around to me but kept still.

    I’ll be back for my items. Prepare the re-fuelling tanks.

    Understood, High-

    She stopped herself, knowing what she was about to say. I was a bit irritated again, but I ignored her and instead approached the iron door leading into the Observatory.

    After moving in front of the door, I turned to the keypad beside it then began inputting the codes that would open it up. Once they were accepted, the door opened, revealing to me a large room. I stepped inside then pressed the button nearby to close the frame. After it was shut, I stopped for a moment, examining my surroundings.

    Not much has changed.

    This was my viewing chamber; it was the most important area within the Observatory. Along the left wall nearby was my telescope. It sat on an elevated point within its sub-chamber. Beside it were numerous machines that I used for calculating its angle and magnification. At the end of the room were a large set of display screens with a long board just under them, filled with many buttons. A man sat in the chair just in front of it, looking upon many different images and texts.

    There he is! He said in a delighted tone.

    The man spun the chair around with just a push of his leg, revealing himself to me. I instantly saw his smile and general content expression. Seeing him like this meant that he was in a good mood.

    This man was Ryhn Prueh, my best friend. He has done many great things, things I could not do myself. His intelligence and strategic approaches to countless problems helped me a lot during the times against Sion. I honoured this man for standing by my side even when situations were at their worst. Without him, I probably would be dead by now. I may have made the final blow against the Demi-God, but it was Ryhn who got me that far.

    Ryhn is slightly shorter than I am. His long, black straight hair falls down to the middle of his neck, covering his ears slightly. He has a clean shaven oval face, black eyes and black eyebrows. Over his body was a black trench coat which was torn up a bit near the bottom because of all the battles he’s been in. The sleeves on his trench coat were also ripped off, revealing his muscles. Like me though, he also wears black pants and boots. He wears black gloves and a black karate Gi with a belt, smaller than mine, across his waist. Ryhn looks very young for his age, but that’s because this Ryhn was a clone of the original.

    Ryhn holds a very unique weapon; one even I think to this day is still weird. It didn’t have a name but it did command a presence nonetheless. This weapon is a dual-blade but instead of the wide blades being attached to the hilt, there are rods of pure energy that connect the two together. With the push of a button though, both blades can be retracted to the edges of the hilt, making it appear like a normal weapon. It also had a few other minor abilities, all achieved through technology and science rather than magic. That’s what made it truly stand out from the rest.

    Ryhn also carried many different gadgets that help him in battle. Portable shields, grenades, smoke bombs, Ryhn had everything he needed to kill the enemy, if not survive a conflict. Though he had a limited quantity, he always had the right device for the right time. What he did with technology though, others could succeed through magic. He however had forbidden himself to use the power of the elements; it was something that I admired in him even to this date.

    Good to be back, but I won’t be staying for long. I said as I began walking towards the door on the right.

    Is that so? You finally got a lead? Ryhn asked while watching me.

    No. I started as I approached the door.

    But there are more places to-

    Ryhn pressed a button on a device that he was holding, causing a buzzing sound right as I tried opening the iron door. It wouldn’t budge, leaving me to believe that he locked me out.

    Call her. He commanded.

    I paused, knowing who he was talking about.

    She doesn’t need to know.

    Yes she does. Call her.

    I paused again, taking in a deep breath through my nose then shooting it out later. After a few seconds, I chuckled lightly.

    You’re an ass.

    Ryhn’s smile grew as he raised his arms in an over-exaggerated fashion.

    If that’s what it takes for you to speak to her, then I gladly accept my new role.

    I turned to him then sighed, giving in.

    Very well. Once I rest up, I’ll contact her.

    Good. Ryhn started then pressed the same button on the device, creating a buzzing sound again.

    I’ll hold you to that.

    Ryhn spun his chair back around, facing the many displays again. I placed my hand on the door then pushed it open, revealing the next room ahead of me. Right when I was about to enter though, a few images on the display screens caught my eye. I stopped about halfway in then turned to him.

    What are you working on?

    Shock retractors. He responded.

    I paused, confused.

    A new invention?

    Ryhn laughed.

    An old concept. Need to brush up on my history before diving in.

    I fell silent again, still confused. After a few seconds though, I decided to leave it alone.

    I’ll leave you to it.

    I stepped inside then closed the door behind me. After I shut it tightly, I let go of its rusted handle then looked upon the hallway ahead. It was made out of metal and appeared a bit tight to move through. My weapons were barely scraping the sides. It was a short path with a few doors along the walls. Each one led to a different living chamber.

    I approached the first door to my right then grabbed its handle. After pushing it open, I stepped inside, entering a small boxed room. In the middle was a hanging cord that I pulled, causing a bulb to activate. As light shined upon every inch of this squared space, I stopped then took a look around, feeling a bit content. This was my room. Though it wasn’t much to look at, it was all that I needed.

    After closing the door behind me, I pulled out Sirueh then leaned it against the wall to the right. I waited before taking Freedom out though and thought about the weapon. It alone was all that I needed, just case an assassin dared to attack me. Many called me paranoid for always carrying this weapon, but there had been more times than I could count where it saved my life from would-be murderers. Even in the security of the Observatory, I was never truly safe.

    There was only one time. Maybe it’ll come again.

    Concerned, I pulled out Freedom then placed it in front of me. As I gazed upon the clear grey side of the giant sword, I began thinking about the one year I spent with Kaylen again. I never once needed my weapons, though there was one time when the two of us were attacked. Kaylen handled the situation quite well, though I wasn’t defenseless. Even without the sword, I would’ve been able to deal with the assassin, but I very much enjoyed watching Kaylen do it for me.

    Thinking about her made me smile again. I pondered about Ryhn’s words of calling her, and now that I was able to think about it, I believed that it was the right thing to do. I hadn’t seen Kaylen in over two years. The last time we spoke, she had come all the way to the Observatory and waited for my return. We remained together for many days and spoke about different subjects, such as my mission. However, one question she had always bothered me, not because of what it was, but because of my answer.

    Can I come with you?

    Minutes passed as I remained still, trying to think of something else. Within a bit more time, I was able to draw my mind away from Kaylen and instead focus on Freedom again. This weapon and I had been through a lot since its creation. It was forged from an entity known as the Worldbreaker Crystal. This material held the strongest and most unstable element in the One-World. Shaping it was even harder since the crystal was denser beyond imagining. Through the world’s core and the mighty Hammer of Sharatana, I was able to forge this weapon within many months. Though its magic was removed, it retained its invulnerable capability. It had many titles just like I, but to me, it was a symbol of my own freedom.

    Wielding this blade had been the toughest aspect of my life, but it was all-

    I was suddenly interrupted by my door opening behind me. My eyes shifted, though the smell immediately gave off who it was.

    My apologies, Dmitri, I wanted to check to see if you were settling back in well. Calcutta said.

    I paused for a moment then raised Freedom, placing it against the wall afterwards.

    I’m fine.

    Calcutta fell silent while I quickly grew confused. I turned my head slightly to her.

    What is it?

    Calcutta stuttered slightly, as if she shook at my question.

    I want to inform you that I took the liberty and moved your items on board to your workshop. It is my understanding that it’ll be better kept there.

    I didn’t respond but rather turned around, facing her. She and I locked eyes for a moment until I nodded slightly.


    Both of us stared each other in silence. I noticed that her blue eyes were shifting a bit, as if the machines inside her were trying to calculate proper words for her to say. It would be likely since she couldn’t get nervous. She was a machine after all.

    You may go. I said then started turning around.

    Highlord. She called.

    I stopped halfway then turned back to her. She was quick to notice her mistake and bowed her head lightly.

    I’m sorry. She continued then raised her head.

    I wanted to see if the three of us could speak together once again. It had been nine months, forty-seven days and twenty-nine hours since our last group conversation. I would like to update my parameters on social interactions.

    I kept still, thinking about her request. Though she said it in such a bland tone, I wondered if there was a deeper meaning behind her words. Calcutta, despite not acting like one, wanted to be more human. She tried to keep learning, but sadly she hadn’t gotten the hang of it yet. Her facial expressions and tones were always bare or extremely awkward. Maybe that was her personality and it was my issue to deal with. Either way, it would a fool’s choice not to accept her offer… at least to help her out.

    Breakfast, tomorrow. Think you’re up for it? I asked and smiled lightly.

    Calcutta nodded.

    I will host the event. Thank you for taking my offer.

    I hummed lightly while she raised her head then turned around. Right as she passed through the opened door, she stopped then placed her hand on the side of the wall, keeping one of her eyes fixated upon me.

    It is… good to see you again, Dmitri.

    Likewise, Calcutta. Now I must rest.

    Understood. I will see you in the next rotation.

    Calcutta left after that, closing the door behind her. I kept still for a moment, wondering what our conversation would be like. After a short time though, I decided that I should relax and hopefully get some sleep in. Today had been tiring, especially the long flight to home. I didn’t mind the journey too much but it did wear me down.

    I began taking off my coat and shirt then hung them on the hilt of Freedom. Once my chest was laid bare, I turned to the corner of the room, finding an old dusty mattress sitting on the metal floor. I stepped onto the cushion then lied down on my front. A sense of comfort immediately passed through my mind as I closed my eyes at first.

    It’s been too long since I had a good sleep.

    My room wasn’t as desirable compared to Ryhn and Calcutta, but it served my purpose quite well. All it had was my bed and the bulb in the middle. It didn’t have any of the fancy devices or desks that they had. Their lifestyle was more of luxury. Mine… I was just happy if I could sleep on a soft surface.

    I rested for a moment then raised my hand. After grabbing the cord that was barely touching the floor, I pulled down, causing the light to shut off. My room immediately went pitch black and I closed my eyes again. All I could hear was the soft noises from just beyond the square space. They didn’t bother me; I was quite used to them by now.

    After relaxing my body, I slowly fell into slumber. The cold air within the area was exactly what I desired. I wasn’t a man of the heat though I had trained my body to withstand both extremes. Still, when it came down to it, I much preferred the intense cold. Something about the snow storm passing by me eased my tensions rather than accelerate it like most others. It was strangely peaceful.

    To the abyss with me…

    Before the Storm


    Y ou have sealed your own fate. Someone said in a devious, high v oice.

    I opened my eyes, finding myself in what appeared to be a large room. Everything however, seemed distorted and blurry, as if I was just recently blinded. After

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