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Eternal Moon
Eternal Moon
Eternal Moon
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Eternal Moon

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Darmetheus has been alive for a very long time. A Werewolf Eternal, he's seen it all. Or so he thinks. But when he takes what he thinks is going to be a vacation from the daily hassle of fighting EVIL, he winds up in the fight of his life.*Lilith is a sassy, beautiful brunette with a secret talent. A talent that makes her a walking target. S

Release dateMar 6, 2020
Eternal Moon

Shiloh Darke

What to say about myself? Gee... I'm not sure. I'm a wife, a mother, and even a GRANDMOTHER... But call me MiMi! I LOVE to tell stories! It is just about my favorite thing to do. Ever since I was a little girl, I've LOVED a good romance. But not just ANY romance. No way! I have to have adventure, excitement, danger, thrills and chills as well. What's the point in just a regular old, PREDICTABLE romance? If I can tell halfway through the book what is going to happen, where's the fun in that? As if you can't already tell, I love to read about as much as I love to write! I read romance, mystery, horror, fan fiction (Mostly Harry Potter or True Blood) and anything else that catches my eye. I also write stories for younger readers age 14 and up; YA novels under the pen name of Rowan Shannigan. I'm working on my second novel in the first series I've started under that alias. Check it out at if you are interested. Same CRAZY kind of stories, just a little less intense. If you don't try it, you don't know what you're missing!

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    Book preview

    Eternal Moon - Shiloh Darke


    Copyright Page




    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-One


    Excerpt from The Form of Eternity

    About the Author

    Eternal Moon

    By: Shiloh Darke

    All rights reserved

    Copyright © August 2009, Shiloh Darke

    Cover Art Copyright © 2009, Shiloh Darke And Charlotte Holley

    Gypsy Shadow Publishing

    Manchaca, TX

    Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher.

    No part of this e-book may be reproduced or shared by any electronic or mechanical means, including but not limited to printing, file sharing, and email, without prior written permission from Gypsy Shadow Publishing.

    ISBN: 978-1-61950-412-7

    Published in the United States of America

    First eBook Edition: October 10, 2009

    Praise for Eternal Moon

    Eternal Moon was an excellent book! I was actually sad it had to end. The plot was very original, the Eternals reminded me of Highlander in a way and Lillith was a perfect heroine/damsel in distress. I highly recommend this book and will look for more by Shiloh Darke as soon as I close this review.

    Reviewed by Valkyrie’s Lady at Manic Readers

    Eternal Moon is a devastating story that explores just how much special powers can lead to loss and pain. Everyone assumes blessed people are problem-free, but Shiloh Darke demonstrates how with every blessing, there are sacrifices to be made. Darmetheus is a wonderful hero because he is willing to pay the price for his power with unending strength of character. I loved how the sister’s ghost interferes as much as possible to help the hero and heroine prevail and to save the evil brother from a fate worse than death.


    Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance & More

    ETERNAL MOON is a thrilling story of good versus evil. Shiloh Darke has taken all the things that go bump in the night and split them into two very distinct and separate groups—good or evil. We have Eternals—the good guys—who range from werewolves to wizards and vampires to the bad guys—Evil—mostly demon spawn. We have Lilith, a very modern woman who has never been able to have a relationship with a man due to her special talents, finding herself falling for Dar.

    All in all, an enjoyable read and one I would recommend to all lovers of supernatural creatures.

    Reviewed by Chere Gruver

    of Paranormal Romance


    My daughter insisted that I mention her snake in the dedication of this novel because she liked the character Darmetheus so much, she named the ball python after him. While I smile at that, I think the dedication should go more to her.

    Kayli Belle, you are one of the best things that ever happened to me and I thank God every day that I was blessed with both you and your brother.

    * Prologue *

    This is your fault! The younger man screamed angrily in the center of the camp. He pointed accusingly at a somewhat older version of himself, who knelt on the ground beside the funeral pyre. She would still be alive if you hadn’t bit her!

    An older version of both of the young men stepped up to them in front of the gathering audience. Fallon, please. What happened to your sister was simply an accident. He looked away from the accusation in his youngest son’s eyes. "Tessah would not want you to do this. Please, for her sake… Let this go."

    Fallon shook his head, aghast at his father’s words. She was our sister. Maman trusted us to take care of her. His voice was deadly soft, yet trembled with the excess rage it was obvious he felt.

    Swinging back to face his brother, who hadn’t moved from the ground beside the ashes of his sister, he ignored the sorrow evident on his brother’s face. "She loved you, Darmetheus! How could you do this to her? Anger laced his words. I shall never forgive you for this! You are the one who should be dead! Not Tessah!"

    Turning back, he leveled a hateful stare at his father. You are no better than he is. He said, waving in Darmetheus’ direction. "Her death is on his head! You call him blessed for this wonderful fortune he has been gifted with to become one with the Eternals."

    What could almost be described as resentment seeped through each word Fallon spoke. "But I believe he is cursed. And I shall make sure he pays for his sins!"

    The elder man shook his head even as his son covered the ground between them and spat at his feet. And so will you! With those words hanging between them, Fallon turned and fled the village, leaving the onlookers staring after him in stunned silence.

    With Fallon gone, the Gypsy King moved to kneel beside his elder son and placed a steady hand on his shoulder. You must not take Fallon’s words to heart, my son. He is hurting, just as are you. He sighed shakily, his heart burdened with not being able to properly mourn the loss of his daughter because of his middle child’s temper. It will pass.

    Darmetheus swiped at the tears coursing down his cheeks. He’s right, he whispered brokenly. "It is my fault Tessah is dead. I should have done something. Anything. Why did I snap at her during the change? He turned to meet his father’s stare. I would do anything to be able to take it back."

    Steeling himself, the King spoke firmly to his eldest son. You were in your first transition. The change is painful in itself, and we were warned that until it was complete, none should approach you. Tessah knew this as well as anyone else! She chose to ignore it.

    Darmetheus shook his head. Then why couldn’t she handle the transition herself? She’s my sister. She had the same blood as I. Why was she unable to survive the transformation as I was?

    The King felt his feet give out from under him as he sank down to stare into the bleak expression of his eldest. "My boy, you were chosen. Your entire life, we knew you had been chosen for this honor. It was your fate. Not Tessah’s. She had her own path and it did not involve becoming an Eternal."

    Darmetheus groaned and turned from the stare of his father. I wish it were not my fate. Fallon spoke the truth, father. I should be the one lying in the pyre. Not Tessah.

    His father grabbed his shoulder, turning him to face him again. Do not ever let me hear those words pass your lips again. You were chosen for your fate and for all we know, Tessah has served hers. Do not do your sister the dishonor of wishing it changed. His voice was stern and gave no room for argument.

    Turning his head, Darmetheus looked away from the pain in his father’s expression. He knew the elder man suffered as deeply, if not more so than either he or his brother. To argue would be to simply cause him more pain.

    * * * *

    Fallon ran until he could no longer see the lights from the encampment. His tears fell freely. He felt bereft and miserable. He had lost not one, but two siblings this day. His brother had accepted a fate that would take him away from the clan. His sister had suffered and died because of his brother’s destiny.

    Maman had died giving birth to Tessah. Tessah had died when her body couldn’t survive the same transition Darmetheus had made just a day before. Darmetheus was a stranger to him now. His life was on a course that would take him away forever.

    A wistful resentment filled him. His brother had been chosen to be part of something. He wasn’t. He was nothing. His sister was dead. He couldn’t even be her protector anymore. He was truly alone. He couldn’t go back home now. He felt bereft and alone.

    From the depths of the darkness around him he heard the voices for the first time. Sing-song voices with a melancholy tone. Poor boy! All alone. All alone. Nothing for him waiting at home.

    The words surrounded him, as he turned in circles searching for the owners of the voices. Who’s there? He searched the darkness, looking for some sign of the strangers who had to be hiding somewhere in the woods around him.

    Never find us, never see! For that, one of us you must be!

    The voices seemed not to come from any specific location. He panicked as he searched the trees for some sign of them, yet saw nothing. Where are you? Why can’t I see you?

    A cackling giggle answered him. Oh, he wants to know! one chanted softly.

    But he has to agree to become one. He can’t see us until he agrees, another answered in a similar pouting tone.

    Confused, frightened, and intrigued, Fallon questioned, Become one of what? What are you?

    Suddenly, he was paralyzed as a cold, invisible arm seemed to surround him. A whisper echoed in his ear. We can give you what you want. You’re jealous because your brother is special? What felt like bony fingers stroked his face in a caress. You want revenge against your brother for taking your beloved sister from you? We can give you that.

    All you have to do is join us. The other voice chimed in harmoniously. Join us! We can give you everything you desire.

    Swallowing against his fear, he asked, W-what m-must I do?

    The second he questioned them, the voices began to surround him. More and more voices joined in. Some of them sounded malevolent. Some, excited. All of them chanted in his ear. Join us! Join us! Become one of us! They chanted. All you have to do is say yes. Say yes! Let us be your brothers! Let us give you your revenge!

    Afraid of them, but wanting to belong to something bigger than himself, he agreed. "Yes! I want my revenge. I don’t care the price. Take it! Give me my revenge!"

    A deep, evil laugh filled the air. This voice was different. It isn’t quite that easy, the voice answered. First, you must pay the price. If you are truly ready. I will take your payment now.

    Almost desperate for what the voices had promised, he hurried to answer. I don’t care the price! I’ll gladly pay it! What must I give?

    That same chuckle. Not much really. Suddenly, a being unlike any he had ever seen stepped into the clearing before him. As he drew closer, Fallon instinctively tried to step back. The invisible arms that held him seemed to tighten, preventing his attempt to flee.

    The creature was not a man, but a gross malformation from what looked like a mixture of a man, a bull, and a bird. He had a human face, blood red skin, grotesque black horns sprouting from his forehead, and a forked tongue from his mouth. In place of hands, he had what looked like talons, and the lower half of his body was covered with sleek black feathers.

    Terrified, Fallon tried to jerk free. What do you want from me? he cried in his fear.

    The man/beast closed the remaining distance between them, Only what you have already promised me. A little thing really. Withered up as it already is, it shouldn’t be worth much to you.

    Reaching out, the stranger placed a talon to Fallon’s chest and he could smell the burning flesh as he realized for the first time he really hadn’t meant to give up anything. Before he could even scream, he felt his world going black. Through his fading consciousness he heard the demons closing words. You’ll get your revenge, Fallon. And all just for the price of your soul!

    * One *

    The bike vibrated beneath him as he drove. The wheels turned on the pavement, taking him farther and farther from the place he had called home for nigh a century. He had not planned on leaving―but after so much had happened… his friends, Shameer, Colin and their chosen mates had just battled for their very lives against something that he personally still had trouble believing could even be real.

    At two hundred, ten pounds; six foot, five inches, Darmetheus was not prone to fear. He’d been a Werewolf the better part of his life; had seen things during that time the history books still couldn’t remember correctly and had battled his fair share of evil-doers along the way.

    But what he had witnessed that night made his blood run cold.

    * * * *

    Colin’s mate Chelsea had spoken first, saying, We call on the spirit of the intruder to come from this body. Take form before us, as you truly are, she demanded.

    When Shameer’s mate Jessica had added a forceful command of her own, saying, Take substance and be real―whole as you are, separate from the body you possess, Darmetheus had clenched his fists to keep from letting the worry he felt show.

    Jasmine had fallen to her knees, red in the face with the strain of resisting the orders she found herself forced to obey. Darmetheus had watched in shock as the demon in control of Jasmine’s body pinpointed Jessica with a stare meant to frighten. You will regret this, she promised. You are nothing but a weak little fool!

    His worry turned to relief as he saw that Jessica and Chelsea seemed unworried by the demon’s threats. Instead, they began their chant. What was once done, we now undo; give possession of the body back to the soul it belongs to. They watched as Jasmine wriggled harder than ever, still trying to fight the command.

    Again in unison they continued, The spirits of nature demand you to be, solid in your form, true to be seen!

    She let out an agonized howl and Jasmine’s body appeared to break in two as the parasite which had controlled her so long was forced to move from inside Jasmine and to stand separate from the human it had controlled.

    Tenaryn raised his hand and chanted softly, and in that instant Jasmine’s limp form flashed from the circle of imprisonment into the circle of protection. Immediately, Darmetheus moved to them as Tenaryn bent and helped Jasmine into a sitting position.

    Darmetheus felt sick at the sight of the demon who had nested inside Jasmine for so long. It bore a resemblance to nothing he had ever seen.

    He watched as Jessica glanced from the creature to Jasmine, smiled, and then nodded to Chelsea when they knew Jasmine was alive and safe.

    Kneeling beside Jasmine, he put a protective arm around her shoulder as Chelsea stood at the edge of the protective circle and raised her voice, saying, In the name of the one true Lord, I banish thee from the human realm! You have no more power here! Your victim is freed! Be gone, devil that thee may be! Angels, heed my plea! Take this lost soul far away from humanity!

    He felt anew the fingers of dread close around his heart as the demon had spoken, You think you have won, and for now that may be true, but only because I am weakened and have not the energy truly to fight you in this battle. Take care, for when you least expect it, we shall meet again, and my brethren shall accompany me.

    Darmetheus watched as the demon vanished. He and Tenaryn had sat on either side of Jasmine as she spoke her thanks to the women who had helped to free her. He listened as the gypsy witch spoke to Colin of their son, who had died at the hands of the demon.

    When they fell into a kind of awkward silence, Darmetheus had stepped forward then, clearing his throat. Okay, enough of the sympathies, he scowled. What she needs is rest. Coming closer to her, he wrapped an arm around her waist, seeing she was still off-balance and weak. Come, let me show you where you can rest.

    * * * *

    He’d heard about lower-level demons and their possessing humans. But he had never thought of the actual sway a demon could hold over anyone.

    He’d said his good-byes to his friends, watched them drive away in a rental and suddenly felt no desire to remain in the home he had known for so long. It felt somehow dirty to him. Hell, an exorcism had been performed in his lair! Who would want to stay in a place after that?

    He had seen Jasmine safely away, with a smile on her face at the excitement of actually being able to have a life to look forward to, free of the demon that had possessed her. He’d offered to stick around and help her get used to the way life was now. But she had sworn that she remembered plenty from what she had been able to see when she had been possessed by the demon.

    Tenaryn, the wizard had told her she was now one of them, an Eternal. So she would want for nothing. He had taken her to open an account at the bank, with the understanding that every fifty or so years, she would need to transfer the money into another account, under another name.

    Darmetheus rolled his eyes at the idea of a female Eternal. One who existed without a mate. That was a first, one of many he had seen lately.

    When his house was completely empty of guests, he’d decided he needed a break. With a sense of resolve, he’d packed a few necessary items in a duffel bag, braided his waist-length blond/brown hair, got on his 1949 Indian Chief Road Master, and driven.

    Being a Werewolf, he was not in danger of bursting into flames the way Shameer had been with the onset of the sun. With his black suede jacket and his rather worn blue jeans, he made a rather rough looking character driving down the highway toward a destination as yet unknown to him.

    When he left New Mexico, he didn’t even spare it a backward glance. The feel of the bike beneath him, he lost himself to the senses of traveling down the highway. He hadn’t planned on a specific destination; he wanted only to get away from the harsh reality of his and the other Eternals’ existence.

    The reality was that even though his friends had found their soul mates, and were happy, trouble would inevitably come along. It always did. One way or another, there was no hope in running. It served no purpose but to delay what would always come.

    Yet, here he was, running. Darmetheus grimaced, I’m not running away, he thought smugly. I’m just taking a vacation! Yeah, that was it. A break from the ridiculous situations he continually found himself in. It was the meaning of his existence, wasn’t it? Always to be there to fight the things that went bump in the night? It was fitting, he supposed, since he himself was one of the things that bumped.

    As he drove, he let his mind wander over all the experiences he’d had in his long, unusual life… His memories of his mortal life were few. But to him, they were very precious. He had been the eldest son of the gypsy king’s camp. His younger brother Fallon had been his best friend.

    But neither of them had ever cared for any as much as they did their baby sister, Tessah. She had always been special to the two of them. Their mother had a difficult labor with her, and had survived only long enough to see her.

    Knowing her time was near, she had made her sons swear to keep Tessah safe and happy. Both boys had loved their mother dearly and had taken the promise they made to her seriously. From that moment on, they guarded their new sister protectively. So dedicated were they, she had sometimes even resented the affectionate protection they gave her.

    Among the Gypsy people existed an old legend which said every six centuries, a son was chosen. That son would become more than a mere mortal. There had been talk among them all of Darmetheus’ life that he would be the next chosen.

    The reason for the talk was Darmetheus’ unique ability which made him highly valued among his gypsy kin. He was an animal trainer. He worked with the lions and tigers which had adopted his family as their own. The thing which made him special was not what he did, but how he did it. He could talk to them. He heard their thoughts and they in turn could hear and respond to his.

    Tessah, as well, had a talent. She had the power to heal the sick and wounded with her hands. Some argued that it was she who would be gifted with the change, not Darmetheus. Sometimes, he wished she had been the one to receive it. She would still

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