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Heaven's Drop
Heaven's Drop
Heaven's Drop
Ebook298 pages5 hours

Heaven's Drop

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The book begins as Jenny Walters is driving to work in a Chicago snow storm, as she is driving she is day dreaming of her childhood in Vermont and Heavens Drop which her and her brothers affectionally named. It was a hill that they sledded down. Heavens Drop takes the reader to Chicago, Vermont, Italy and France. This is a Murder/Mystery that Jenny Walters as the main character is trying to solve. Also trying to solve the mystery are local detectives, FBI, Interpol. There are many twists and turns in pursuit of the truth.
Release dateApr 27, 2021
Heaven's Drop

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    Book preview

    Heaven's Drop - David A. Ferrara




    "G ood Morning Chicago. Its 6:55 Monday morning. January 12. This is Tom Scarborough. WHOI weather! Well folks, if you had any doubts about it yesterday today will assure you that winter is here to stay. Twelve inches of snow yesterday, and you can expect up to at least another twelve to fourteen inches today.

    There are numerous road and school closings as well, and we will give you that information shortly. O’Hare and Midway airports are closed until further notice.

    Now. the reason for all this snow is a huge Nor’easter sweeping down from Canada. You can expect conditions to worsen as the day goes on. and if you don ‘t have to be on the roads today. stay home folks. Good day to curl up by a fireplace and read a book, watch a movie, or maybe you can finish that painting you started."

    Hearing about painting and snow, Jenny Walters could not help but let her mind drift back to when she was a child living in Chesterfield. Vermont. The memories came rushing back to her.

    Good Morning Jen. take a look outside.

    Oh. my, its beautiful mom! It must have snowed all night.

    Yes, sweetie it did Vivian. Jenny’s mother said as she was fixing breakfast in the warm kitchen.

    Mom I can’t wait to get outside and- but Jenny was interrupted by her mother.

    I know sweetie, but you have to eat breakfast and then you can take your sled out she said, Go wake up your brothers!

    Jenny rushed upstairs and found that her brothers Josh and Alex were already awake and frantically looking for their clothes.

    Come on boys! said Jenny. Mom has breakfast, and the hill is waiting.

    Alex said, I know Jen, but have you seen my thermal socks anywhere? Jenny smiled and said No, see you downstairs.

    Breakfast was seemingly inhaled by all three, and out of the door they went. As Jenny walked out the of door, she picked her sled up, which was propped up against the house. The vision she saw was of white fluffy, snow, clinging almost lovingly to the hundreds of spruce trees that surrounded the countryside. The air was still, crisp and cool, the silence and bliss of the morning was as peaceful a feeling you could have.

    All morning Jenny, Josh, and Alex climbed the hill they affectionately named, Heaven’s Drop, which was situated behind their house. Jenny remembered how they laughed and boasted about how fast they could go down the hill.

    It was now early afternoon and with all their energy spent, the three were hungry as they walked back to the house. they could see their mother Vivian sitting in front of the large picture window, with her painting set up on an easel as it was every afternoon. As they entered the house, they could smell fresh baked bread, and chicken and dumplings simmering on the stove. After what all three would describe as the greatest lunch ever, back they went to Heaven’s Drop. All day. until dusk. Jenny. Josh, and Alex played and had the time of their lives. Now back in their warm cozy home. Mom was sitting in a chair, sipping her brandy, staring into the fireplace her silhouette glowing from the light, and warmth of the fire.

    How did your painting go today mom? Jenny asked. A slight smile crossed Vivian’s face and she pointed to the studio. Jenny went into the room her mother always called the studio. She saw the partial painting of a landscape picture of a river, on an easel. The room was filled with paint, brush cleaning solutions, canvas and numerous paintings. As Jenny began walking out of the studio, out of the corner of her eye she noticed a painting in the corner she had never seen before; it was partially hidden behind a bookshelf and had a black drape over it. She looked around to see if anybody was coming into the studio. She knew she was snooping and did not want to get caught. She carefully slid the painting out and flipped over the black canvas. It was Heaven’s Drop, with the figures of two children standing at the base of the hill, looking down over a prone and seemingly bloody body of another child. There were dark black, ominous clouds above Heavens Drop. and the children had no features on their faces.

    Screeches, and the sound of metal hitting metal! Horns blowing! Jenny was shocked back to reality. She witnessed a four-car pileup just thirty feet to her left. She slowly maneuvered around the accident hoping that nobody was seriously injured.

    Turning the radio down, Jenny heard the announcer say.

    OK folks, because of the weather, all public schools will be closed today. I’m sure kids all over town will be sending thank you prayers to heaven...

    Jenny was trying to compose herself and focus. This was a big day at Walter/Morrisey’s. Today, a famous artist from Rome Italy, would be visiting her art studio. This was a big opportunity to put her studio on the map as far as within the art world. Jenny was an art curator. She started her studio, just over 2 years ago, with her partner Collie Morrisey. They had met at a bookstore where Jenny worked when she first moved to Chicago. Jenny was your all-American girl, 5’5, sandy blonde hair, with strikingly beautiful blue eyes. She moved to Chicago when she was 23 years old. In need of work, she took a job at a local bookstore that sold romance novels and self- help books. One day Collie came in and picked up some romance novels. She was 34 years old, extremely outgoing and self-confident. When she went to the counter to pay for them, Jenny helped her. With a friendly smile, Collie said, I don’t know why I get these books, but if I’m not getting any sex, it’s fun to read about somebody else getting it."

    Jenny laughed and said, I know what you mean.

    Collie extended her hand, Hello, my name is Collie Morrisey.

    They shook hands and both smiled Hi, I’m Jenny Walters, nice to meet you!

    There was almost an immediate bond between the two women.

    You’re new in Chicago, right? said Collie putting away her change.

    Kind of obvious, huh? Jenny smiled back.

    Yes, kind of... Hey, Jenny, you look like a nice person, if you don’t have any plans tonight, why don’t you come with me? I am going to an Art showing. It will be fun and it would be nice to have company. Do you like art exhibits?

    Jenny’s smile broadened. It’s been part of my life since I was a child...

    Great! We’ll go and then after that, if you want, we can get a bottle of wine and solve the problems of the world. What do you say?

    Jenny hesitated for a moment, but then smiled and nodded. Why not? It sounds like fun!

    As Collie opened the door to her apartment she said I’m sorry Jen. not a real good art showing, was it? I mean what was that one painting all about? it looked like a turtle holding a candle.

    Jenny laughed. I thought the candle was holding the turtle.

    As both new friends sat on the couch getting to know each other, they began to talk about everything as if they had been life-long friends.

    I didn’t get much of chance to talk to you at the show, but you seemed very knowledgeable about art said Collie.

    Well. I learned everything about art from my mother Jenny exclaimed.

    What’s your mother name?


    Wait a minute. Jenny, your mother is Vivian Walters!


    My god. the painter Vivian Walters?

    Yes. the same

    Oh. her work is beautiful! I tried to get one of your mothers painting at an auction in New York, but I was outbid. I love her work Jen. her paintings are so mysterious and deep. Wow! no wonder you’re so versed in the goings on in the art world. I haven’t seen much about new work from your mother recently, is she still painting?

    No.... answered Jenny as she looked down and slowly swirled the wine in her glass, Mom has been sick for the last few years.

    I’m sorry to hear that.

    Well Collie, it’s kind of a depressing story

    Jen, I really would like to know if you feel like talking about it.

    OK, said Jenny in a ‘why not’ kind of tone to her voice. Mom and Dad were married in the fall of 1967. My father’s name is Jackson Walters. His parents named him after the famous Civil War general Stonewall Jackson, and he was a captain in the Marines Special Forces Division and he already had served one term of duty in Vietnam. I was born in 1969. Two days after I was born, Dad was called back to Vietnam. That was the last time mom ever spoke to him.

    What happened Jen?

    We never found out. Mom went everywhere; she contacted Congressmen, Senators, everywhere she could to find out, but it was all hush, hush. All she ever found out was that he was on some type of top-secret mission somewhere near the Mekong Delta. Dad’s body was never found, and he was listed as MIA. So, with three young children, and a mortgage on the house they had just bought in Vermont, Mom went back to what she was trained to do, which was painting. And Collie, God, did she paint! She really immersed herself in her painting and sold many of them!

    Yeah Jen, I know. She never married again?

    No, she dated, but none of them lasted exceptionally long, and they just kind of disappeared. But we were all incredibly happy, and did everything any other kids did until, it, I mean, the accident.

    Oh Jen. what accident.? There was concern in Collie’s voice.

    Jenny continued. ‘"When I was 15. Alex 16. and Josh 17 we used to sled down a hill in our backyard. We called it Heaven’s Drop. It was January l0th. It was one of those beautiful winter days to just play and be outside. We were sledding up and down that hill for hours, and you know after a while you’re so involved in playing, that you forget what’s happening around you. At one point. Josh and I were at the top of the hill, and we both looked at each other and said, almost simultaneously Where’s Alex?

    Jenny’s voice broke for a moment, but she kept talking. "Josh then mentioned that Alex probably went back to the house. So down the hill Josh and I raced, I fell off shortly after we started, and my sled flew into a small group of bushes that were on the side of the hill, so it took me a while to retrieve it. I got back on. sledded down the hill, and when I got there, I didn’t see Josh. I remember calling Josh, Josh where are you? Then I heard the sound of a whimper, on the other side and as I walked over, I saw Josh standing over something. It was Alex. He lay still and motionless. and he had a huge gash on the side of his head. Josh and I stood there, for what seemed like an eternity, but it was only seconds".

    Jenny, its Alex! Jenny, I don t think he is breathing. My God Jenny... he’s dead! I knelt beside Alex, as I frantically peeled my coat off. I took the sweater I was wearing and wrapped his head in it. The blood. Collie... the blood! it was everywhere! As Jenny began sobbing. Collie put her arm around her, whispering, I’m so sorry Jen.

    Jenny, gathering herself began to speak again, as if it was almost therapeutic to get the whole story out. "Josh ran into the house and told Mom. I had my arms wrapped around Alex, partially sitting him up, holding him as close as I could. I then saw Mom running out to us: she stopped about ten yards from us, stood there for a moment, fell to her knees and crawled over to Alex. Mom and I held Alex, and soon heard the sounds of an ambulance in the distance that Josh had called for. All I remember were police cars, sirens, cars pulling in and out. It was like a blur. Medical people from the ambulance team came and pronounced Alex dead on the spot. Then police officers took, Mom, Josh and me back into the house.

    "Mom had stopped crying she was in an almost catatonic state, just starring into the walls. A police officer came over to me as I sat in a chair by the fireplace. He pulled a chair from the dining room and sat in front of me. Without saying why, he wasn’t asking Mom anything. He knew, just by looking at her, she couldn’t speak.

    My name is Officer Kendal, he said to me, "I know this is difficult, but I need to get some information from you.

    "He asked me my name, as well as Josh’s and Alex’s age. As he was speaking to me, Mom was now being attended to by 2 paramedics, and Josh was holding her.

    Officer Kendal told me that he wanted to speak with me and Josh, but to hold tight for a moment, because he had to speak with another officer that was there. As he walked away, I stood up and walked to the back door; it was dusk now, and the scene I was looking at was of several people milling around where Alex had layed. Flashes of light from the photographers, people were talking, and crime scene tape now surrounded the area. As I looked into the multicolored sky, I saw dark, ominous clouds and just as I looked up to those clouds, a strong very cold breeze hit my face. I remember the exact feeling Collie, like it happened yesterday Jenny paused for just a moment and then went on. "The painting! My God, the painting! I saw Alex, Josh and myself. The sky, the clouds. They were all in the painting I had seen in mom’s studio earlier that day. I immediately turned around and looked at my mother. Her eyes met mine as I turned. I didn’t say the words out loud, but in my mind all I could think was. she knew, she knew.!

    Jenny paused for a second time, then looked at Collie, You know that song Collie that says in a New York minute well that’s what happened to me. In a New York minute I lost one brother to death, and my other brother to devastation. I watched all strength and hope drain from my mother, and I went from being a 15-year-old teenager to an adult, within a minute.

    God, Jenny how terrible that must have been! said Collie. And what happened?

    The police officer came over and introduced detectives who had just come into the house. They sat with both Josh and me. Detective Phillips was younger and genuinely nice: Detective Bucco was older, somewhat overweight and balding slightly. Detective Bucco started the conversation by saying he was deeply sorry. I need to ask both of you some questions."

    Detective Phillips said to Josh. Why don’t we go in the other room and talk? Detective Phillips and Josh went into the kitchen. Detective Bucco started asking me questions.

    Jenny, did you see anybody other than your brothers outside?

    "I’m not sure what you mean sir.

    "Was there anybody you saw. Jenny?

    No sir

    It was just you and your brothers?


    "Jenny, did anyone want to hurt you or your brothers?

    "No. nobody I know of. Do you think somebody did this on purpose to Alex?

    He did not answer my question, but instead said. Jenny you must think, anything that looked different, a shadow, a sound... anything, Jenny."

    Detective, there was nothing, I mean, I don’t think... the last time I saw Alex he was sliding down the hill. He was doing this by himself. Josh and I were climbing up the side to get back to the top. That was the last time I saw Alex, until Josh found him.

    How long was it Jenny, from the time you saw Alex slide down the hill, until you found him? asked Detective Bucco.

    About, ten to fifteen minutes. Josh and I got back to the top, and came down, then we went back up again, that’s when it occurred to us that Alex was not around. When Josh got down to the bottom again he found Alex. We thought he might have gone back into the house.

    Why did you think he went into the house Jenny?

    Because we often did that: go to the bathroom, get something to drink, or just to get warm for a few minutes.

    Jenny, do you wear jewelry? he asked.

    I don’t, As I said that he reached his hand into his coat pocket, and slowly pulled out a chain with a heart shaped locket attached to it. Is this yours?

    No, I replied.

    Have you ever seen this before? I told him no...

    The chain was thick gold. When you opened the locket, it had the letter P inside, in black.

    Collie. I’m sure you don’t want to hear this... said Jenny.

    Collie came over to Jenny and put her arms around Jenny and said, If you don’t want to talk about it anymore Jen, it’s OK.

    Jenny hesitated for a moment and then continued to relive what had occurred.

    There was a stump about five feet from Alex, it had blood on it. Initially, it was determined that he fell on the stump, which caused the gash, and massive hemorrhaging. Detective Bucco did not believe that. He believed somebody was at the base of Heaven’s Drop, waiting for one of us, or Alex. They found footprints all over, in several different sizes. They made plaster casts of our shoes and boots trying to match the footprints that were found

    "Chesterfield’s population was only 6000 people; and the police talked to anybody and everybody. They checked hotel registrations and other business establishments to see if there had been strangers in the area at the time of Alex’s death. The case remains unsolved, but Detective Bucco, told me off the record that he would never close this case because he believes Alex was murdered.’

    Why Jen? Why was he so sure he was murdered? Was it the locket?

    That and several other reasons. Collie She paused for a moment and then said. Oh. Collie, I am so sorry to take such a pleasant evening and turn it into a depressing one, said Jenny, Do you mind if we change the subject? With a smile or her face she said. Let s talk about you.

    So, you want to hear about me. huh Jen? OK. but this requires more wine, and we have already finished this bottle As Collie went to the kitchen to get more wine, she began talking about her life. I’m 34 years old. 5’4. auburn hair, natural...OK somewhat natural, and can’t seem to find a decent guy anywhere. I mean, I seem to get hooked up with every looser there is Jenny smiled. Really Jen. I’m not kidding.

    Collie brought in the wine and sat down. Let’s see... there was Kyle, he had a hair fetish. Mine and his!

    Jenny started laughing. What do you mean hair fetish? she asked curiously.

    He would constantly look at his hair, said Collie. I mean, this guy would stare at his hair in the rear-view mirror of the car. At the grocery store as he walked by the glass doors of the frozen food department... You laugh, but I’m not kidding - this guy was obsessed with his hair. He carried two mirrors with him, just in case one broke, and he couldn’t look at his hair She took a sip of her wine and went on.

    Let’s see, Bill had physical problems-

    Collie, Jen interrupted, it’s not nice to make fun of that!

    No, Jen, you don’t understand. Everyday something happened to this man. In a one week’s time he got hurt six times. Lets’ see, Monday, he broke his toe. An iron fell on it; Tuesday he got pink eye; Wednesday he scratched the cornea of his eye; Thursday, he fell on a pair of scissors and punctured his leg - don’t ask how - I still don’t understand it; Friday, he closed the car door on his finger; Saturday... oh. I don’t remember just something about his ass. Again, don’t ask. And like God, he took Sunday off Jenny lay back on the couch laughing so hard her side hurt. Really Jen, I was afraid to be around him, things were falling off this man, and it was scary.

    So many men, Jen! Kyle wanted me to be his mommy! Paul had some short comings, if you know what I mean. Mark, Terry... Collie looked up in the air as if trying to think of who else. As she looked down, she said, I don’t know Jen, maybe I should try women.

    Well, Jen asked winking at Collie, are you making a pass at me?

    Oh, honey, you’ll know when I make a pass! They both laughed and started mellowing out a little. Jen then asked. Collie you told me about the men issues, but tell me about you.

    Collie shrugged as if not giving too much importance to herself, but said, I’m originally from Boston.

    Boston! Jen excitingly chirped. We were practically neighbors!

    At that moment Collie let out a huge yawn, and Jen could see that she was getting a little tired, realizing that she was also. Even though she really believed she has such a good friend already, but she was still a guest, and a guest doesn’t overstay her welcome.

    Collie, you look a little sleepy, and it’s getting late. I think I’m going to go home, but the next night out we have you have to tell me your whole story.

    Collie said with a small smile. It’s a deal. Hey Jen, look, I have a spare room, it’s freezing out. and you’ve been drinking like a fish.

    No, I haven’t...I can handle it...

    I know love. I’m teasing, but really, why don’t you stay? I don’t have to be at work until later.

    Jenny was relieved that she didn’t have to go outside in that nasty weather, so she agreed with a smile.

    After Collie got Jenny all set for the night, she said goodnight.

    Good night. Collie. I had a lot of fun. See you in the morning As Jenny lay in bed. head spinning a bit from the Chardonnay, she felt both happy, and excited. Her excitement was about finding a friend, and she believed Collie would bring much laughter and fun into her life.

    Morning arrived rather quickly. Collie was up first and came into Jenny’s room just as she was waking up. Well, I know somebody who can’t handle a little wine!" Jenny smiled but came to the quick realization she did indeed have a hangover.

    Collie had a cup of coffee already poured and handed it to Jenny. Oh, my God, thank you!? said Jenny.

    Cream and sugar, right? Collie asked.

    Right, how did you know?

    Just a hunch. Jen there are towels in the bathroom, and breakfast is made. Sausage, eggs, sound good doesn’t it? Jenny somewhat taken aback by Collie’s thoughtfulness, but pleased said, Yes, it sounds wonderful.

    As the new friends ate their breakfast, Jenny sensed that Collie had something weighing on her mind.

    Collie, Jenny said, Obviously I’m just getting to know you, but I can sense you are really thinking deeply about something. Am I right?

    Yes, Jenny I do. I was thinking about this morning. Let me ask you a question. Do you like working at the bookstore?

    The way Collie asked the question, Jenny knew she already knew the answer. God, no! It is just a way to pay bills. Why do you ask? she said curiously.

    Jenny, I have an idea. I am opening the art gallery, and I was thinking that you have so much background in painting and art, and you seem to have such a love for it... well I was thinking I could use a partner. I know we just met, and we really do not know each other, but I’ve all ways done things by my instincts, and I have a good feeling about this. Do you think this might be something that could interest you?

    Oh, Collie, I don’t know what to say... That would be incredible, but I... well I don’t have the money to invest in something like that- Collie interrupted her in mid-sentence. I’m not asking for money from you Jen. My father passed away about 4 years ago. He was fairly wealthy, and he left me with a considerable inheritance, so money isn’t an issue.

    Jenn, still with a look of amazement etched on her face, paused then spoke: Collie, I know you said you do things by your instinct, but you really just met me. How do you know I would be a good partner? I mean I would, I really would, but still... How do you know?

    Jen, I just know. First of all, I know you’re not going to take all the profits and drink them away, because I saw firsthand that, you really can’t hold your liquor very well

    Jenny laughed, That’s true!

    "Really Jen this will be a great partnership. Fifty Fifty. Everything will be split down the middle. We will bring in artists from all over the world and show their work. We will be purchasing great works of art from France, Spain, Italy, and there will be auctions. We will be the place to go in North America when

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