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Fate: How information determine our lives
Fate: How information determine our lives
Fate: How information determine our lives
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Fate: How information determine our lives

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This book shows that fate is by no means coincidence. The old saying: "There are no coincidences, but it falls to you" finds its confirmation here. Everything is energy, and thus characteristics and behaviors are triggered by information that is present in every human being to a different extent and that can even be inherited as information to determine our fate. If a person is little burdened, he will be much more self-determined and ultimately more successful with greater freedom than someone who carries burdening information. This information can be recognized and eliminated.
Release dateMar 2, 2021
Fate: How information determine our lives

Mathias Künlen

Dr. med. Mathias Künlen Studium der Humanmedizin an der LMU München Deutsches medizinisches Staatsexamen 1988 US-amerikanisches medizinisches Staatsexamen FMGEMS 1989 Facharzt für Neurologie seit 1994 Gründer und Vorstand der Softmark AG, Softwareentwicklung im Bereich des Cognitive Computing Gründer des IFA Institut für Aurachirurgie AG, Fürstentum Liechtenstein Shotokan Karate 3. DAN im DKV Deutscher Karateverband Kyusho Jitsu 2. DAN im DKV Deutscher Karateverband Arztpraxis in Grünwald südlich von München Fernanalysen unter Internationale Seminartätigkeit und Buchpublikationen Für eine Kontaktaufnahme schicken Sie bitte eine E-Mail an

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    Fate - Mathias Künlen



    That was fate", „Somebody has a hard fate" or „Fate is good to you, all these are statements that carry the character of the unchangeable. As if no one could rebel against what we generally call „fate. There are many such expressions in everyday language in which fate is fulfilled, for better or for worse, in which it catches up with someone or even strikes them. But what is it really, this supposedly fixed plan of life that is not of our own making? What do we mean by it and how do we deal with it? Most people would describe fate as a predetermined path in life. "Is it advantageous to believe in a guideline that we cannot change?", it is said, and unfortunately people often resign themselves to it. Of course, a life with an unchangeable guideline can serve as an explanation and also as an excuse for everything that happens to us over the years - whether for good or for bad. „I would have liked to start a family, but I wasn't destined to" or „I wanted to be a farmer, not a baker, but fate had other plans."

    In most cultures, fate was understood as the belief in infallibility, in helplessness in the face of the powers that be. This included personification in the sense of representational deities, such as the Parcenes in Roman mythology, the Moirs in Greek mythology, or the Norns among the Germans. Significantly, always female deities in the form of three goddesses of fate. These deities stood before the free will of man, negating it to the mere fulfillment of providence. In India, fate is also feminine: Vidley-Anuna, the goddess of fate, fixes the fate of each child on its forehead at birth. There is a saying for the invisible mark: „Haneli barediddu" means „what is written on the forehead".

    What about our self-determination, how much influence do we actually have on our lives? It is said that the power of circumstances is a great factor in life, but they are rarely uninfluenceable. Does this mean that there is a high degree of predetermination? Again and again we read that no one is destined to become a murderer or even a saint, and that the beginnings of these paths lie entirely with oneself in free self-determination. Is that so? How much free will is actually in us? And is there a coincidence?

    Do you know people with peculiar behavior? Or do you know characteristics about yourself that seem a little strange, but for which you can find no explanation? Preferences, dislikes, habits that seem to come from a deeper self that you cannot influence at will? A deathly fear of dogs, an irrational aversion to water, a profound refusal to wear ties because they trigger a downright sense of strangulation in you? Or do you have recurring accidents and mishaps where you wonder why such things only happen to you and no one else in your circle of friends? Why do you have a car accident every year, when others remain accident-free their whole lives? And this, although you are actually a good driver and never to blame for the accidents? Somehow, some people seem to magically attract accidents and mishaps. Or are there always inexplicable setbacks in private or professional projects? Does everything look good at first, only to fail somehow in the end? A downright self-sabotage? Is there something self-destructive in you for which you have no explanation? Do you smoke, although you actually suffer from bronchial asthma, and still cannot stop the addiction, although you are fully aware that this combination has a downright devastating effect on your health? Do you constantly experience self-doubt and emotional blocks? Do you dream of recurring horrific incidents, wondering why this particular issue keeps coming back even though you've never experienced it yourself? Do you constantly suffer from money worries or even money hardships, although you have a good education and also work diligently?

    Such inexplicable characteristics and behaviors are called fateful. Ultimately, they characterize a person and elude rational justification formation of free will, a weakness of the will or some other explanatory model, knowing very well that these are only formal attempts without grasping the core of the problem.

    This book shows that fate is by no means coincidence. The old saying: „There are no coincidences, but it falls to you" finds its confirmation here. Everything is energy, and thus characteristics and behaviors are triggered by information that is present in every human being to a different extent and that can even be inherited as information to determine our fate. If a person is little burdened, he will be much more self-determined and ultimately more successful with greater freedom than someone who carries burdening information. This information must be recognized and, if possible, eliminated.

    Organisms as energy and information beings

    Every biological organism, whether human, animal, plant, bacterium or virus, is not only a morphological but also an energetic being, and in this form an information receiver, information carrier, information processor and information transmitter. Every communicative exchange between individuals, every health disorder, every inherited characteristic - they all have an informative character. In this context, information can interact with each other and lead to unexpected effects. For example, infectious diseases are triggered by information from microorganisms that harm humans, and this information can continue to burden or even harm the organism even after microorganisms have been destroyed. The same applies to the informational effect of experiences, which can lead to see emotional disorders or psychical characteristics that may even manifest as psychosomatic complaints. Informational disturbances can be passed on epigenetically to subsequent generations and can in turn lead to symptoms there. If an information disorder affects an organ over a certain period of time, functional symptoms develop first, followed by morphological which finally manifest themselves as an organic disease. If an organic disease is diagnosed, it is often preceded by years or even decades of energetic-informational disturbance.

    In 1969 Konrad Zuse, the inventor of the computer, wrote: „The universe works like a big computer, with a code that makes everything possible" (Rechnender Raum, Schriften zur Datenverarbeitung, Vol. 1, Friedrich Vieweg & Sohn, Braunschweig, 1969). Seth Loyd (*1960), a U.S. computer scientist and physicist and professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge/USA, is also concerned with the information-theoretical aspects of quantum informationals and the physics of com plex systems. In his book „Programming the Universe" he describes how life processes follow mathematical binary principles and can be programmed accordingly (Seth Lloyd, Programming the Universe, First Vintage Books Edition, March 2007).

    The 21st century is called the information age, in which energetic-informational procedures and methods determine the medicine of the future. This book describes a paradigm shift in medicine, from the previous chemical-physical and thus analog discipline to an energetic-informational and thus digital discipline.

    Karmic patterns

    Fate (Latin fatum, Greek μοίρα moira), in Islam kismet (Arabic DMG qisma(t)) is the sequence of events in the life of man, which are perceived as predetermined (sent) by higher powers or caused by coincidences, and are thus removed from the freedom of choice. The term „karma" goes further here and describes a spiritual concept according to which every action - physical as well as spiritual - inevitably has a consequence. This consequence does not necessarily have to become effective in the present life, but it can possibly only become manifest in a future life. On the other hand, karmic patterns do not necessarily have to originate from past lives, but can also stem from the present existence. In Eastern religions, the doctrine of karma is closely linked to the belief in samsara, the cycle of rebirths, and thus in the validity of the cause-and-effect principle on a spiritual level even over several lifetimes. In Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, the term describes the consequence of every deed, the effects of actions and deeds every respect, especially the repercussions on the actor himself. Karma thus arises from a universal law and not from a judgment by a world judge or God in the sense of an ecclesiastical moral institution. From an energetic point of view, karmic patterns form the lowest layer of pathogenic processes in an organism, which ultimately underlies and continuously influences all other energetic function circuits. Accordingly, their dissolution is important for the lasting health of the organism.

    Karmic patterns often result from torture, execution and humiliation. The weight of information is particularly heavy when wrong doings and killings of innocent people are committed. Tortures, executions and humiliations have happened millions of times in the history of mankind. This is the only way to explain that this information persists until today, is inherited and also triggers severe energetic disturbances with the corresponding symptoms in man. Karmic patterns show themselves in the sense of the collective unconscious formulated by C.G. Jung, often with regional focal points in certain ethnic communities (see impalement among Eastern Europeans).

    In the Middle Ages, torture, executions and humiliations were used as targeted punishments according to a sophisticated concept. Thus the punishments were by no means arbitrary, as they might seem to an outsider, but each offense entailed a specific punishment, which was also known among the population. The talion, ius talionis or talion principle is a legal figure according to which a balance is sought between the damage inflicted on a victim and the damage to be inflicted on the offender. The term ius talionis is composed of the Latin „ius=„law and the Latin talio „retribution in the sense of a balance. The ancient Oriental expression „an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth describes how this balance is to be restored after bodily injury by inflicting similar damage („tit for tat). A distinction must be made between this and the „mirror penalty in Arabic law, which is linked to the means by which the crime was committed, e.g., the cutting off of the thief's hand or cutting the tongue because of lies.

    The Talion principle provided:

    Tearing apart the body (quadripartition, hanging, evisceration): the punishment for high treason and assaults on the Royal Family.

    Buried alive: The punishment for violations of the vow of chastity

    Cooking alive: the punishment for poisoners

    Pressing: punishment for the defendant for refusing to testify in court.

    Breaking on the wheel, wheeling: The punishment for murder, highway robbery, spousal and parricide.

    Roasting and burning (pyre): the punishment for blasphemy and other crimes against the deities.

    Amputate right hand in Arab region for theft

    Cut off ear for fraud or theft

    Cut off tongue for lies

    And so for every torture, execution and humiliation there exist corresponding karmic patterns, which manifest themselves in us humans as specific symptoms and can be proven by means of NLS-analyses as energetic disturbances on certain organ structures. The following is a list, without any claim to completeness.




    Slave Yoke




    Breaking on the wheel, wheeling





    Electric chair


    Factory farming

    Medical trials

    Mouth pear

    Pierce (iron maiden)



    Stretching bench

    Buried alive

    Cut off limbs


    Birth problems

    Dungeon with mice and rats


    Black magic

    Failed escape

    Fear of heights


    Skinning = Flaying




    Swedish drink

    Tongue splitting

    Spiked bunny



    Miasmatic patterns

    Miasma means as much as „bad vapor, contamination, stain, infection. The meaning of this term is not limited purely to the biological-medical effect of „disease transmission in the sense of an infection, but also refers to the spiritual-emotional level. Hippocrates of Kos (around 460 - 375 B.C.) is considered the founder of the doctrine of miasmas, the toxic exhalations of the soil, which are carried away with the air and thus contributed to the spread of diseases. Strictly speaking, there are four miasmas: syphilis, sycosis (gonorrhea), psora (scabies) and tuberculosis. According to the energetic understanding, these are information from pathogens that can burden the person and also make him seriously ill, although no pathogens are involved as a morphological correlate. Either this information is inherited epigenetically from ancestors and causes symptoms, or a person has undergone an infection and recovered from it, but the information from the pathogens, which can no longer be detected medically, persists and nevertheless continues to cause symptoms. The term miasma is no longer used today and is considered outdated. However, I consider it to be very catchy, which is why I prefer it to other terms such as „microbiological information„ and the like.

    Measurement of energetic-informational disturbances

    Energetic-informational disturbances on organ systems can be measured and visualized by computer programs. These are the programs of non-linear system analysis (NLS-analysis), originating from Russia, which do not provide morphological but exclusively energetic evidence. This book contains numerous illustrations from such NLS-analyses. The classification is done by colored markings corresponding to school grades: 1 is the best grade, 6 the worst.

    Fig. 1: Systematics of the NLS-analysis

    NLS-analyses are suitable

    to measure energetic-informational states of organ systems. Here, either energetic normal findings (the desired state of a person, which indicates that one is energetically unencumbered) or energetic disturbances can be seen, which can lead to corresponding stresses, symptoms, and disturbances of wellbeing in the person concerned. If such energetic disturbances are not recognized and adequately diverted, they will burden the organism for the rest of its life.

    to investigate what information lies behind an energetic disturbance. Here the therapist carries out so-called vegetotests and checks possible causalities. Here, the experience of the therapist is crucial in order to formulate appropriate hypotheses.

    to test previously planned therapeutic interventions for their usefulness and effectiveness, with the question of whether and to what extent these measures would actually lead to an improvement of the energetic reaction and thus of the clinical symptomatology. In this way, the therapist can check whether a certain medication would bring about an improvement or whether an operation would be more appropriate, and much more.

    to perform therapeutic progress observations on an energetic basis, whereby the clinical symptomatology correlates directly with the energetic findings of the NLS-analyses. In particular, the therapist can check whether the energetically best possible result has already been achieved within the framework of the previous therapy or whether further improvements of the clinical findings and the symptomatology could be achieved by continuing the detoxification therapy.

    NLS-analyses are for diagnostic, not for therapeutic purposes. After identification of appropriate causalities, therapy by Medicodes follows. The web portal offers here numerous options for the load of informational disturbances. These are so-called QR codes, which are programmed accordingly and are drunk over several weeks mediated by water or worn directly on the skin. The possibilities that arise from the use of NLS-analyses are fascinating and almost limitless. NLS-analyses always show the same or at least similar stress patterns on certain organ structures, if these stresses are caused by karmic (information from experiences and events) and/or miasmatic disturbances (miasma, information from microorganisms).

    Fig. 2: View of the pineal gland at the top and of the body surface at the bottom: The energetic findings are normal (grade 3 = orange triangles pointing upward and grade 2 = round yellow markings). Everything up to grade 3 can be described as energetically normal, grades 4 to 6 are energetically too weak.

    Control of energetic progressions

    A question that is asked again and again is: Do the energetic findings remain constant or are they subject to ongoing change? The answer is: as well as. If a person suffers a head trauma, for example, the information of the trauma can be seen on the brain for a few days, depending on the severity of the findings, until the organ recovers by itself after a few days and presents an inconspicuous energetic finding. However, there are also other constellations, especially in the case of stresses caused by karmic patterns, where the energetic disturbance can be consistently detected on an organ structure.

    The following case shows the findings of a craniocerebral trauma after a sports accident on 20.3.2019.Immediately after the trauma, there are isolated markings of grade 4 (downward red triangles) over the entire brain in the measurement, but there are also energetic normal markings (grade 3=upward orange triangles and grade 2=round yellow markings). One day later, the situation has calmed down again, and the follow-up measurement on March 21, 2019 shows normal results again.

    Fig. 3: Brain, spontaneous improvement of the energetic response by 20% in a comparative measurement one day after the trauma, the lower image shows like the one an energetic normal finding, all downward triangles have disappeared.

    Identification of informational causalities

    The vegetotest enables the diagnostic assignment of an energetic disturbance to a certain informational causality. The examiner makes a hypothesis regarding a disturbing information, e.g. trauma, a certain pathogen, a certain karmic event, drugs, etc., removes this assumed causality from consideration (inversion) and performs a second examination on the NLS analyzer (= vegetotest). In case of a right hypothesis, the second measurement will deliver a better energetic result than the original one. The higher the difference, the more valid the hypothesis. In this context, the experience of the examiner is decisive in order to know on which organs typically which informational disturbances are to be found, especially since, according to organotropy, pathogens do not affect every organ equally, but usually only very specific

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