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Cross Evolution
Cross Evolution
Cross Evolution
Ebook427 pages5 hours

Cross Evolution

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About this ebook

Touchdown to familiar land after months in space should have been a cake walk. Instead, the Aries crew landed in a world none recognized. First, nobody answered their calls. Second, nobody met them at the space center. Third, nobody seemed to even be around.


The three-man crew learned very quickly that the Earth they left was not the Earth to which they returned. Man turned beast and beast turns to something not quite man. Their happy return became a quick and devastating disaster.


Humans are adaptable creatures and the survivors of the Aries adapted quickly, albeit not in the same way. They learned through errors and through experience, but they also learned through the kindness and information of strangers.


It didn't take long for them to discover that even in the new world, not everything was as it seemed. They would have to take a good, long, hard look at what they believed and what they wanted from their new lives in a new Earth.

Release dateFeb 6, 2021
Cross Evolution

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    Book preview

    Cross Evolution - Antonio Ferrara


    I cut my teeth on science fiction. Ray Bradbury was my go-to author when I was a child of only ten years. Since then, Sci-Fi has been something I truly looked for. From Star Trek with Captain Kirk to Star Wars, there’s nothing science fiction I haven’t enjoyed. My name is William McCorbin, and I am the primary editor for Estrella Editing, a manuscript book editing company based in Texas.

    With a love for the Sci-Fi genre, I cannot say how honored I feel for the opportunity to meet Antonio Ferarra and further, the blessings of reading his Sci-Fi masterpiece. I don’t have the time to read for pleasure as much, now. As a college professor, budding entrepreneur and a book editor, there’s not much time left for entertainment. I can say, though, reading Antonio’s book, even for work, was an absolute pleasure and completely entertaining.

    Let me tell you about Antonio Ferrara, a man I’ve known for several years. We met purely by accident on Facebook, of all places! I don’t know who friended whom, but we have made a casual, yet strong connection I’m thankful for. We have both been patient with each other’s timing and presence online. After all, he’s Canadian and I’m a Texan; diverse personality types.

    What do I know about Antonio? I know he’s a family man; he is quite proud of his son and his family in general. His highest priority is ensuring the world his son inherits is one worth living. My most recent realization of Antonio? He is a talented storyteller.

    A year or so ago, he sent me some pages to read. He was authoring a book; a book like no other book I’ve ever read. I enjoyed the few pages he wrote. As an avid reader, I was immediately on-board with giving his work a perusal. I can honestly say I was not disappointed.

    Cross Evolution is a work of fiction, but it is also an amazing tale with endearing characters and emotions that kept me wanting to read the next page and the one after, and so on… Antonio is an amazing storyteller. I can say that with the utmost confidence. He kept me intrigued. The story has very mild religious undertones in a ‘what-if’ format that has me still wondering if something like the event could occur.

    I had the honor and pleasure of editing his entire manuscript. I enjoyed the process immensely. Though the editing process had me reading the book three (plus) times, I couldn’t stop myself from further enjoying his tale. Who would have thought a dystopian future book about altering life forms would be so compelling! I didn’t, but I sure do now, and cannot wait to read the next part of his series.

    William McCorbin

    Chapter 1

    The Aries spacecraft entered Earth’s atmosphere on course for the Macdonald Space Center to touch down.

    After their seven-month return journey from the red planet, Captain Travis Greene looked outward into the vast emptiness of space towards Earth, displeased they returned but anxious to learn what they would find.

    Try them again, Lance, ordered the captain.

    Skipper, they’ve left us hanging for the last seven months. You really think someone’s going to answer now?

    If they were going to, Captain, mission control would’ve said something by now, added Mariko.

    Once the vessel landed, Travis looked onto the empty tarmac; none came to greet them.

    Let’s get off this ship and see who we can find, Travis instructed his crew. He didn’t want to remain onboard any longer than he had to.

    Once the three filed off the ship, it didn’t take long, they all knew right away nobody occupied the space center. Travis, with his pilot Lance Bishop, and chief scientist Mariko Nakajima, stood, looking around the empty space center.

    Mariko, get on the phone. Call someone…anyone, Travis ordered; the hot August sun beat mercilessly on his head.

    I have reception, sir, but no one is answering, she answered, pulling the phone from her ear.

    Can you find any news about what might be going on? asked Lance.

    Mariko looked at her phone and frowned before she looked back at Lance, shaking her head.

    So, where’d everyone go? Travis asked.

    Lance looked around once more before he replied, Nothing looks out of the ordinary.

    And when you last talked to mission control, everything seemed normal? Travis glanced toward Mariko.

    "Yes. Something happened. People don’t just up and disappear, skipper."

    Well, we’re not getting answers standing here. We need to go into the city and see what we can learn.

    "I agree, skip. The sooner we get out of here the better I’ll feel, Lance said. He looked around the ghost-like space centre. This place always gave me the creeps, especially at night,"

    We’ll need a vehicle. Travis glanced toward a black Hummer parked next to the hanger. You think you can get that started without a key, Lance?

    Lance stood tall, pulling his shoulders back. Why? Because I’m black?

    Travis looked at Lance then Mariko.

    Lance broke into a light-hearted chuckle. I’m just fucking with you, skipper. I’ll get her started.

    You know, we could kill him. No one would ever know, suggested Mariko.


    Though everything seemed unaffected at the space center, the ride to Union City and through the surrounding area was anything but. Scores of abandoned vehicles and homes littered the landscape; garbage and debris scattered across lawns and along the road. Yet, one thing remained consistent; none of Travis’s crew saw a single living soul.

    Apparent the moment they entered Union City; a hollow shell of a city remained where once a great metropolis stood. The observers’ first impression; a hurricane swept through, destroying everything in its path.

    While surveying the carnage, a sense of urgency filled them, compelling the crew to a desperate need to learn what happened.

    Did we get off on the wrong rock, skipper? Lance asked, pulling onto another road, and driving slowly before he abruptly stopped.

    Why’re you stopping? Travis looked at Lance, who sat statuesque, staring out the window at a coffee shop on the opposite side of the street.

    Oh my god. Please let there be coffee inside, Lance begged, opening the door and darting across the street.

    Lance! I don’t think that’s a good idea, Travis shouted through the open window.

    Aw come on, skipper. You can’t tell me a good cup of coffee doesn’t go with the end of the world? Mariko asked, stepping from the Hummer.

    Travis groaned, then, against his better judgement, followed the others. He noticed the large, broken, front window before he pushed open the battered door and stepped inside.

    Lance covered his mouth the moment he stepped inside; a foul odor assaulted his nose. When Mariko and Travis entered the building, they quickly discovered the cause of Lance’s reaction.

    Holy fuck! What’s that smell? groaned Lance. He walked towards the counter and slid over it.

    Travis wrinkled his nose in disgust. Something has definitely gone sour in here.

    I found what’s causing the stench! Lance yelled from the kitchen.

    Travis and Mariko joined Lance in the kitchen. They looked at what Lance referred to. They all stared at the remains of what they believed were three employees: their decomposing bodies prone around the prep station.

    Look at them, skipper. Each one of these poor fucks look like they were mauled to death. Lance shook his head and covered his mouth. If that body didn’t have a set of tits on it, I wouldn’t be able to tell that it was a woman,

    Guys, come here, Mariko called from around the corner.

    Travis and Lance turned the corner to the scene of two more mauled bodies sprawled across the floor.

    We’ve stumbled into the fucking coffee shop of horrors, Lance said, looking away from the bodies.

    We should check out the office, Mariko suggested. She walked in the office’s direction, Lance and Travis close behind.

    Mariko opened the office door and flipped the switch. Inside, nothing appeared out of the ordinary, to their flank, a desk with a computer, a filing cabinet with video monitor on top with security feed from the dining room. On a small table next to the filing cabinet, someone neatly stacked video tapes beside a VCR. Travis looked at the tapes then the VCR before pushing the eject button. The VCR whirred and ejected a video tape. Black marker labelled the tape with January 14. Travis looked at the dates on the other tapes; this was the last tape recorded.

    What are you doing, skipper? asked Mariko.

    The date on this tape is January 14. Two days after my last comm with mission control.

    Oh shit. You think that tape may show us something? asked Lance.

    Only one way to find out, Travis answered by returning the tape to the VCR and pushing rewind.

    Once the tape rewound, it began to play. The timestamp read 8:05 a.m. when patrons began filtering into the coffee house. None suspected anything as they lined up for their morning java.

    The tape continued to play, nothing out of the ordinary. After five minutes of watching people getting coffee, Lance grabbed the remote from the desk next to him and hit fast forward, groaning the whole time. Nothing appeared odd. Lance hit play and dropped the remote clattering to the desk. He looked at the monitor in time to watch the shop’s front window explode. That event followed by a group of naked figures who, at first glance, looked human rush into the shop, attacking anyone they could get their hands on.

    They looked closer, surprised at what the video showed. Before long, they realized the attackers were not as human as they appeared.

    Anyone lucky enough to claw their way from the shop found themselves dragged inside and killed. The destruction went on for what seemed an eternity; the carnage finally ended, leaving a sea of bodies littered across the floor. The attacking intruders scanned the room one last time then turned and rushed out the way they entered; through the large opening where the window had been. Before the last member of the group exited, it turned and looked at the camera on the wall. Lance paused the tape and turned to Mariko and Travis, both stared at him.

    We’re all seeing the same thing, right? Lance asked looking back at the others. These things that just slaughtered all those people; they’re not human? He looked at Mariko. You’re the scientist here. How the fuck do you explain what we just saw?

    I don’t know. They resemble humans, but I’ve never seen anything like this before. She gestured at the paused image.

    But humans don’t have tails, Lance said looking back at the paused image. Look at him! He looks like a freaking human, dog-man, Lance yelled disbelieving his own words.

    Humanoids, Travis said.

    What? asked Lance.

    Mariko answered, A manlike creature.

    Lance clearly on the brink of panicking, hissed, You telling me these things are part human, part animal?

    Travis stepped toward Lance. Lance, relax.

    Relax? Did you not watch the same program?

    Getting bent out of shape isn’t going to help us. Mariko looked at Lance.

    Relax? What if these fucking things come back, princess?

    Fuck you, Lance, Mariko snapped. She stepped towards Lance; Travis rushed to keep them separated.

    Okay! Enough, you two, Travis commanded; Mariko raised her hands in submission and backed away a few steps.

    Travis turned his attention to the monitor and looked at the image. He thought for a moment, processing everything he had witnessed then made a startling realization. He turned to look at Mariko who saw the concern on his face, then turned towards Lance whose back was to him.

    What is it, skipper? What’s wrong? Mariko asked.

    Lance turned to look at the clearly rattled Travis. Lance had known Travis for a few years, and knew it took a lot to rattle him.

    What is it, skipper? Tell us? pleaded Lance.

    What if this, he gestured at the screen, has happened on a bigger scale?

    You don’t mean…

    Yes, Mariko. What if this has happened all over the world?


    Travis sat on the office floor; Lance sat in the only chair. Mariko stood by the open office door. For ten minutes, no one spoke.

    So, what do we do now, folks? Lance stood. Do we continue to sit here all quiet and pretend like everything we saw didn’t happen?

    You’re right, Lance. Sitting here won’t help us, Travis answered, getting to his feet.

    But what can we do? We have no weapons to defend ourselves, Mariko pointed out.

    Then we’ll have to find us some, Lance said, glancing at the distressing image on the video monitor.

    We’re not going to do anything now, Lance. The sun is about to set. We’ll hole up in here for the night then head out into the city in the morning, ordered Travis. He stepped towards Mariko and looked past her into the kitchen.

    We ain’t going to be safe here, skipper. Did you forget about that broken window out there? Lance pointed aggressively past the others as he approached them.

    We’ll see if there are any provisions in the kitchen. Then we’ll barricade the door good and tight with whatever we can find, answered Travis leaving the office.

    You really think that’ll help us? asked Mariko following Travis.

    It’s going to have to be Mariko. It’s the only thing we can do for tonight.

    This place looks ransacked pretty good, skip. I doubt we’ll find anything left. Lance walked towards a closed door he hoped was a storage closet.

    There is one bright side to our situation, skipper.

    What’s that, Mariko?

    We still have power.

    That is curious, that the power is still on, Mariko,

    Why do you say that?

    Well in a situation like this, you’d think the power would be the first thing to go. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing. But who’s keeping the power on? Travis asked.

    Mariko stood behind the counter and watched Travis slide into the dining room then step towards the chairs scattered about. Travis picked up two chairs and walked towards the broken window. He looked outside, watching the sun drop below the horizon.

    Looks like we’re fasting tonight, skipper. The storage rooms are stripped clean, Lance said from behind the counter.

    Travis let out a long, deep breath then turned and looked at Lance. Well, then. We will just have to...

    Before Travis could finish his sentence, he stumbled forward dropping the chairs when something sharp impaled him from behind. He looked at Lance and Mariko, trying in vain to reach behind him to pull the weapon out with no success. He stumbled forward, flashed one last look at his crewmates and fell to the floor with a sickening thud.

    "Travis!" screamed Lance and Mariko. They stared in shock at the long, wooden spear stuck in their captain’s back.

    Mariko attempted to jump over the counter to Travis, but Lance grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. He saw naked men and women carrying sharp wooden spears filter into the dining room. Lance reached Mariko before anyone noticed them and rushed towards the office. Once there, he locked the door and hurried towards the filing cabinet. He removed the monitor from the top and dragged the cabinet to the door, pressing it against it.

    He’s dead Lance. Travis is dead, sobbed Mariko.

    Lance did not reply. He pressed his ear against the door and listened for footsteps on the other side.

    Are we going to die, too? Mariko asked in tears.

    No, we’re not, answered Lance. He looked at the monitor before stepping towards it.

    What are you doing?

    I need to see what the hell is going on out there. Lance switched the channel to video-one. Once the channel came into view, Lance looked at the group of naked men and women gathered around Travis’s body. As he leaned in closer, he saw something different about them.

    What the fuck? asked Lance, getting Mariko’s attention. She walked towards him and looked at the monitor. These are not regular people, Mariko. Look at their faces.

    Mariko looked at the faces and studied their features before she turned to Lance.

    By the shape of their foreheads and other features, they look like Neanderthals, Mariko concluded.

    English, please.


    "Wait. Are you trying to say these assholes that killed Travis are fucking cavemen?"

    In a manner of speaking, yes, Mariko answered, sobbing quietly. She watched one of the men standing over Travis grab the spear in his back and yank it out, much to her horror. While he stood, spear in hand, grunting loudly, the others surrounding him followed suit before he stepped from Travis. He grunted towards the others and watched as two dragged Travis from the shop. The man who pulled the spear from Travis continued to grunt while he looked at two others who remained with him. He motioned towards the direction they came and left; the others followed closely.

    They took Travis. Lance, they took him! Mariko’s voice high-pitched, hysterical.

    What the fuck type of backwards society have we come home to, Mariko?

    I don’t know, Lance. I don’t know. Mariko sobbed, burying her face in her hands.

    Crying isn’t going to help us, Mariko, snapped Lance.

    Neither is being an asshole, barked Mariko.

    Fine! I’m an asshole. But I ain’t gonna sit here and cry with you all night Mariko. Travis is gone okay. It’s shitty, but there’s nothing we can do about it. Lance walked towards the door and flopped onto the floor. He leaned against the filing cabinet.

    So, what is your big plan then, Lance? Live in this office?

    I don’t have a plan, yet your highness. But when I do, I will make sure to pass it on to your committee for approval.


    That night, after Captain Travis Green’s death, turned out uneventful. Mariko managed to sleep for the most part. Lance watched the monitor throughout the night, falling in and out of sleep. When morning’s first light hit the dining room Lance felt exhaustion try to take control.

    He stood and released a big yawn before stretching. Mariko stirred for a moment while Lance gave her a quick look. He soon returned to the floor and reclined against the filing cabinet. The moment he closed his eyes, he saw Travis’s dead body lying on the floor, a spear protruding from his back. Lance quickly opened his eyes and shot upright. He looked at Mariko, still asleep. His exhausted body wanted him to lay back and sleep, but Lance knew sleep would not come as long as he had Travis on his mind.

    Lance returned his attention to the monitor; the empty dining room lit from the sun outside. Coffee would be so good right now, Lance thought. But if he wanted to get to the kitchen, he would have to wake Mariko. After the events of the previous evening, it was a battle he did not want to revisit, at least not yet.

    While he thought about what to do next, a loud bang from the other side of the office door woke Mariko with a start. Lance, she said struggling to her feet.

    Lance looked at the door. The pounding continued. He turned his attention to Mariko who rushed towards him. She grabbed his arm.

    Open up in there, a man called from the other side.

    That voice, Lance thought. It’s human.

    Come on, open up. I’m not going to hurt you, pleaded the man.

    Lance looked at Mariko who stared at the door. He knew he had to make a decision.

    Come on! I know someone’s in there. I’m not going to hurt you, they promised again.

    Lance let out a long breath and pulled away from Mariko. He grabbed the filing cabinet.

    Lance what are you doing?

    Taking our chances with the natives, he answered, dragging the cabinet away and unlocking the door.

    The door opened and a man with short, brown, curly hair, wearing black boots and black cargo pants and black t-shirt entered the office. He carried a brown side-bag. Lance looked the man over and immediately recognized him.

    I remember you! You interviewed us at the space center the day before the launch,

    You reported for the Union City Beacon. Mariko added. What was your name again?"

    Colin Rutherford, he answered looking past them into the office. I see you two, he pointed at them, But where is your captain?

    Colin recognized an all too familiar look on their faces when they didn’t answer.

    Oh my god. When? asked Colin.

    Last night. A group of cavemen killed him and took him away, answered Lance.

    Primals, Colin said, shaking his head.

    Primals? What the shit are Primals? Lance asked.

    Colin sighed, looking around the office then back at Lance and Mariko. That’s right; you guys weren’t here when the event happened.

    The event? asked Mariko.

    On January 12th, a white flash appeared in the sky all over the world. At first, everyone wrote it off as some global phenomenon and forgot about. But on the morning of the 14th, everything began to go sideways.

    Sideways? Sideways how? asked Lance.

    "That was the day of the uprising."

    The uprising? What do you mean? asked Mariko.

    The effects of that white flash somehow caused animals to evolve into humanoids, Colin answered. The morning of the uprising, humanoids began to appear everywhere on a global scale.

    Were they killing everything human? Lance asked.

    No, not all of them.

    That’s comforting.

    So, the effects of this event made these animals evolve. But made humans devolve? asked Mariko.

    For some reason, the effects of that white flash turned a percentage of the human population into these Primals. All reason and conscience gone. They literally became cavemen again, shedding their clothes and humanity and killing anything that was not like them.

    Why did they take our captain away? asked Lance.

    Because they had to eat.

    These things are cannibals? asked Mariko with a gasp.


    Great, along with the humanoids we watched slaughter an entire dining room full of people, we also have to worry about man-eating cavemen, Lance said, shaking his head.

    These humanoids you saw. Did you recognize what species of animal they were? asked Colin.

    Why does it matter? Weren’t all the animals affected? Lance asked.

    The only species that we know of so far are cats, dogs, foxes, tigers and apes, along with some species of reptiles and amphibious creatures, answered Colin.

    The species we saw were dogs, answered Mariko.

    More like man-killing dogs, added Lance.

    Don’t be too quick to judge all humanoids because of what you saw. I can assure you they aren’t all like that.

    How can you tell me not to judge these things after what I saw on that video? asked Lance.

    Colin, everything’s clear outside, called a voice from the main dining area.

    Who is that? asked Lance as he and Mariko turned their attention towards the open door.

    Suddenly, to their surprise, a humanoid dog dressed similar to Colin walked into the office and stopped when he saw Lance and Mariko. Colin saw the look of fear cross their faces and watched Lance step towards the humanoid. He quickly rushed between them.

    Don’t hurt him.

    Why the hell not? asked Lance.

    Because he’s with me.

    Chapter 2

    Colin stood between Lance and the humanoid while Mariko looked on in shock, trying to make sense of everything.

    These humanoid dogs are killers, Colin, snapped Lance.

    "And I told you they are not all like that. So, back off," ordered Colin.

    Or what?

    Or this, Colin answered, drawing a gun from his side-bag.

    Lance looked at the weapon in Colin’s hand then at the humanoid and slowly backed away.

    "This beast you want to hurt is Ranger."

    You named it? Lance asked.

    Yes, I named him. I named him the day I brought him home from the breeders.

    Wait, so this dog; he was your pet? Mariko asked, looking at Ranger.

    More like a friend. Ranger’s been with me for four years; long before the event.

    "So, what happened? You came home that day and bam there he was standing upright and asking how your day was?" Lance asked, keeping his eyes on Ranger.

    More like he saved me in the hall of my condo from being torn to shreds by other humanoids, Colin answered looking fondly at Ranger.

    I would never hurt Colin. But anyone who tries to? Well, that’s a different story, Ranger warned.

    Intrigued, Mariko spoke to Ranger, How did it feel when you began to change?

    My entire body burned from the inside. I tried to move, but the pain was so great I ended up passing out. I don’t know how long I was out for. But when I awoke, I was like this. He gestured at his body.

    So, what then? Not all humanoids hate humans? asked Lance.

    Not all of them, no, answered Colin.

    But more than enough of them do? Lance asked.

    Would you blame them for that? Ranger asked. Look at how bad mankind has treated animals on this planet over the centuries. Are you really surprised that, when the day came and they evolved, they would not harbor some kind of resentment?

    Lance bit his lip as he looked at Ranger then Colin.

    You want my opinion on why this happened? Colin asked.

    Please. Enlighten us, answered Lance leaning against the wall.

    Since man has been able to pick up a rock, he has not hesitated in killing his fellow man and brothers. Then mankind evolved and began building more powerful weapons until they graduated to building weapons of mass destruction. And while we were doing this, we were also polluting the earth and committing acts of cruelty not only towards each other but as well to the creatures we were meant to share the planet with, Colin explained, looking at Lance. Man has the ability to do what is right. But instead, we continue to do what is wrong. We keep asking why this happened, how it happened. The answer is, we let it happen.

    And you’re okay with all this? Lance asked, stepping towards Colin while Ranger watched closely.

    I am. The sooner you do, the better off you will be.

    I just came back to this backwards planet less than twenty-four fucking hours ago. The first thing I see? A pack of fucking wild dogs tears a room of innocents to shreds. Then I have to watch helplessly as my friend gets killed by a naked band of fucking cannibalistic cavemen. So, sorry if I’m not ready to accept the fucking planet I came back to, snapped Lance bumping Colin’s shoulder and then glaring at Ranger before he left the office.


    Lance stood in the kitchen’s prep area, sifting through drawers looking for coffee. Please! I don’t want to hear any more about humanoids and Primals right now, Lance said, opening another drawer as Colin looked on.

    No, I was just wondering if I could interest you in a cup of coffee?

    This place is dry. I’ve gone over this kitchen and storage room and found nothing.

    Colin smiled then put his side-bag on top of the counter and revealed two tins of coffee.

    Dark roast? Or regular roast?

    Not too long after, Colin, Lance, Mariko, and Ranger gathered in the kitchen drinking freshly brewed coffee.

    So, what are you guys even doing here? Mariko asked.

    Looking for more coffee, answered Ranger.

    And it’s drying up in the city. I was lucky to have found these two bad boys three blocks from here, Colin said sipping more coffee.

    How did you know we were in the office and not those Primals or other humanoids? Lance asked.

    Ranger picked up your scent.

    Lance looked at Ranger who smiled back at him.

    Do you have a place close by? Mariko asked pouring herself more coffee.

    Not too far. When you finish your coffee, I’ll take you guys there, answered Colin.


    The morning air was crisp, the city still eerily quiet as the quartet stepped from the coffee house and onto Main Street. Once they walked away, Lance noticed the space center’s Hummer no longer sat where he left it.

    Stay close together and keep your ears and eyes open, ordered Colin.

    What is it we should be listening for? Mariko asked, walking beside Ranger.

    Hostiles, Ranger answered.

    So, anything that’s not human then, Lance said looking behind him.

    Or human, Colin added.

    As fucked up as the world has gotten, human nature has stayed the same? Lance asked looking at Ranger who stopped walking and turned around.

    What’s your problem? asked Lance, returning Ranger’s stare.

    "Hit the ground, now!" Ranger barked, grabbing Lance and Mariko by their arms, and pulling them to the pavement as Colin quickly followed suit and looked over his shoulder into the sky. A terrible, loud screech sounded above; a large shadow flew overhead.

    Lance looked into the sky to see a large bird circling above before it changed direction and flew towards them.

    "Roll, now!" Ranger shouted. They rolled away just in time to avoid the bird’s attack. It flew into the sky and spun around, preparing to try a second attack.

    Quick, into the alley, Ranger ordered, pulling Lance and Mariko to their feet, and running towards the alley just before the bird swooped downward again.

    Okay, we’re safe here for now. It can’t attack us here, Colin said while the bird screeched overhead.

    But now that it knows that we are here, it will wait us out, added Ranger.

    That is reassuring. Thank you, Lance said looking at Ranger.

    "So, what do we do,

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