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How To Know Yourself
How To Know Yourself
How To Know Yourself
Ebook177 pages1 hour

How To Know Yourself

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About this ebook

The book has a structured, close and appropriate language for a self-help book. It also has a foreword by the renowned journalist Isabel de la Fuente.

The book of my life is a work of emotional self-help, which does not speak of the life of the author of the book, but of the life of the reader. A book that talks about the life of the reader? Yes, how is that? The book asks you questions and gives you the answers, because everything is within you and you know your life better than anyone. This book interacts with you

and becomes your life partner. It gives you self-help tools for you to understand and change your life. It invites you to reflect on the life you lead, improve it and recover your life giving it a deep meaning.

unique in his life with values, true will, clairvoyance, vocation ... A path to victory and fulfillment. This book will help you predict your future, it will teach you how to open paths, cleanse energy, elevate souls, heal your soul, there is a complete culture and community about this book and your way of life.

Release dateMar 5, 2021
How To Know Yourself

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    Book preview

    How To Know Yourself - Paulo Akasico Goncalves

    Live Method

    Paulo Akasico Goncalves


    Translated by Jose Canton 

    Live Method

    Written By Paulo Akasico Goncalves

    Copyright © 2020 Paulo Akasico Goncalves

    All rights reserved

    Distributed by Babelcube, Inc.

    Translated by Jose Canton

    Babelcube Books and Babelcube are trademarks of Babelcube Inc.

    LIVE METHOD: I love, I live, I feel





    CHAPTER 1: Discovering the method lives and introduction to the book

    CHAPTER 2: Foundations of the Live Method

    CHAPTER 3: The Realms

    CHAPTER 4: The Symbol of Live

    CHAPTER 5: Laws and Principles

    CHAPTER 6: Your Change


    CHAPTER 1: What is the live method?

    CHAPTER 2: The Questionnaire, know yourself

    CHAPTER 3: Working with energy

    CHAPTER 4: Your Legacy



    CHAPTER 1: Your Seed

    CHAPTER 2: Practical guides



    CHAPTER 1: The practices survive

    CHAPTER 2: Post-emotional emotional practices

    CHAPTER 3: Work guides

    CHAPTER 4: Live dreams

    CHAPTER 5: Techniques and tools


    CHAPTER 6: Live Social Project

    CHAPTER 7: Links and Download Material


    CHAPTER 1: Testimonies and Experiences


    I dedicate this book to my guides and teachers, to humanity, to my two families, physics,

    (especially to my mother and brothers) and the spiritual Lives (in particular to the team

    Live Advances). Also to people who have become emotionally involved

    with me (partner, ex-partners, friends, etc.), and my teachers and spiritual guides


    Thank you for buying The Book of my Life (Live Method).

    With the money from this purchase, you help the association and the social project. We seek a change

    of life and this change of life begins by improving yours. own. This project encourages

    back to values, family, nature, etc. See the end of the book for more

    information about the social project lives. I encourage you to get involved.

    Thanks to the people who help me in the events and conferences, to those who welcome me and

    especially to the Vive Avanza team for their involvement in the project. (people like Felicidad,

    Chari, Alfonso, Llanos, Chelo, Silvia, Merche, Amparo, José and Puri, etc.). Thanks to Natalia for

    your drawings. And to all those whom I have not been able to mention in this book. Thanks everybody

    the people who contribute and help to translate the book (Irasema, Dan, Elena E. Virginia I., etc.)

    But especially to the people who read and do the Live Method, what would this work be without


    Highlighting those people who have dared to go out and publish their experiences in videos and testimonials.







    The Book of my Life is as real as life itself with so many emotions, situations and personal life experiences, which will never end. Take the Book of my life and create your own version respecting the original, that is, your path respects the base; Personalize The Book of my Life and add your love, feeling and experience. Is Another concept of a book is a living, active, not passive book, where you become an author and critical.


    The book has not been made overnight. It's been a process of years of learning and consulting people. It is the result of a search and life path, of having faith in the Live project and a reaffirmation of my life path. WAY, TRUTH, LIFE What is your way, you truth and what do you dedicate your life to?

    Jesus said to him: "I am the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me.

    John 14: 6

    One step leads to the other, you can't start eating for the second tablespoon. Don't you Do not worry or be impatient, take your time, like the old wine that improves with weather. I wrote it, with support, love and understanding. During the time you read this book you will understand why and how I wrote it, sometimes I got up after dream, others I channeled, and others I learned by listening to my friends and people the ones he dealt with. This book started with a few questions, and a lot of listening to my being inside, in my hypnosis and naturopathy sessions. I realized then that the doctors, therapists and naturopaths also need to be treated and helped, and I started to make a guide with a series of questions or issues, after many hours with all class of people. Many of these people have given me their opinions, feelings and conclusions after opening your heart.

    What started with a few simple questions, followed by a book, and what started being an individual work, it ended up being a collective and collaborative project of thousands of people worldwide that, to this day, continues to grow from the same love and humility


    Where does the Vive method come from, its mantra and how the LIVE groups were created: LIVE name, came after a meditation on existential principles and reason of life, in which I came to the conclusion that I was a co-creator and that in me I was also change my destiny and contribute my grain of sand. It was looking beyond me yourself and recognize the great opportunity to help and serve others, since a tree does not eat its own fruits, nor does a cow drink its own milk, so I recognized that my fruits, my dedication, path, dedication, time, strength and my knowledge should be for the humanity. Back then - as now - I was very focused on ethics and projects like free software, ecology, solidarity and love. By having spiritual knowledge such as the laws of the universe, the law of reincarnation and the pretending to go beyond religions by understanding that they were all looking for the same thing, but each one in its language, its dogma and doctrine and that it was this misunderstanding that originated the separation, which created pain, confrontations and wars in humanity, I realized that I had already lived past lives in these cultures, countries and continents and that the best thing was to leave a better planet. Hence the principles of LIVE defend truth, life, justice and love.


    This work is a self-help and self-analysis book. In the question is the key since it functions as a deep introspection on all planes of being. Works like a spiritual psychoanalysis that is gradually unraveling without the reader be aware. Your inner being takes stock of your life and gives you the opportunity to improve it. The book is the key that opens your lock. I mean, we are closed and enslaved by our apparently limiting fears and circumstances and the book works by opening paths and undoing obstacles

    The book is written by you and that is why it is called the Book of my Life and you will ask yourself the why, well, for that reason, why he will talk about your life. And how is that? Well because the book is written by you. The purpose of the book is to change your life, taking conscience and being consistent. The LIVE book is just a start of change, not of end of change. If you write it, it is an active book, not a passive one (a passive book is the one that you read and that's it), this book has life, is active and interacts with yourself.

    Here you write all your life: present, past and future? Yes, also future, why you do it today conditions and creates your future. I mean, what can you know about yourself? Future and that of other people just by programming the book and asking. How is a living book and its evolution is constant updates are made constantly, but you can start with this one. Make your own modifications to your life book, including or removing questions.


    There are basically three ways to work with this book:

    1-  Reading it.

    2-  Carrying out the practices, their techniques and the questionnaire. (revealing your being)

    3-  By way of consultation. (Libromancy)

    4-  Writing it and modifying it. (self-therapeutic)

    If the book reaches you it is because you have that evolution. This book interacts with the reader. It is not a passive book that you only read, but the book asks you questions and gives you answers. It is a living book that you can adapt and complete with your family tree, your tree of light, your answers, your life diary, etc. Answer the questions of a sincerely and deeply go to the questionnaire section and answer the questions that about your life are made, this will help you remember things from your life, meditate and understand it better.

    CASE 1: Reading it. : From start to finish like a normal book.

    CASE 2: Questionnaire, exercise techniques and Post LIVE

    CASE 3: Use the book to consult (Libromancy) (ICHING OCCIDENTAL)

    As a reference book (WESTERN CHING) Using it as your query unconscious to get answers to specific situations in your life or the life of another person

    CASE 4- Use the book for your personal growth (Libromancy) to interact with the book. The book acts as a reader's mirror, where you stand is where there is work.


    The unconscious of the human being guides you towards the responses of your soul, and that's why when you open the book and with your eyes closed you choose at random an answer, that answer is the indicated for you. God does not play dice. This book shows you your past, present and future. Because by answering the questions, you indicate your present, and what you do today in you present, condition your future, in the same way as what you did in the past conditioned your present.

    What the book shows you when it is opened is the present, the previous paragraph or page is you past, and the back page is your future I advise you to sign and program the book. The book is programmed with your quantum energy personal, that is: it is activated.

    The book of my life is programmed so that it becomes your counselor; in such a way that you can consult everything you want. The way to do it is to ask him questions, which is a book of wisdom. Start by placing the book between the palms of your two hands you say with your eyes closed the Mantra or phrase: I love, I live, I feel lives (this will make you focus in you being superior. By having your eyes closed, you disconnect the mind and its control, trusting your life and destiny (destiny that you can forge and change), straight back and concentrated with the universe, with you higher self and your soul.

    For this, the left hand is placed under the book (holding it) and the right hand above, if you are left-handed or ambidextrous it is done in reverse (the left hand always take the energy from your heart and the right your mind and future) With the hand right you sign your destiny, your papers, etc. With as much intention as you can, you affirm what following:

    "I (say your name three times) program The Book of my Life with love for (here say your name and surname three times) Then you ask the question, request, if you have no questions or doubts, just ask for advice. And finally you say the Mantra of unity to raise your question or request making the connection with you higher self or your soul, for this you say, I love, I live, I

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