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Hovering Giants
Hovering Giants
Hovering Giants
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Hovering Giants

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Sentient corporeal beings in different worlds share the conviction they are not alone. They believe gods watch over and move amongst them during a phase of existence that prepares them for something else. Post-corporeal beings on the other hand know gods exist and are equally aware they are no longer participants in the mortal coil. This is a humorous story set against the background of the English city Doon-on-Theme that tells of interactions between corporeals, post-corporeals and benevolent gods.
Release dateDec 16, 2015
Hovering Giants

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    Hovering Giants - M. Sebastian Thelwell

    Hovering Giants

    Hovering Giants

    M. Sebastian Thelwell


    Events reported here are entirely true.

    Cyril and Robby reside on Top Tier and regularly meet up in the Snug Bar of the Spotlight Pub owned by their friend Gloria. From there they can watch happenings on neighbouring Concourse Level using a viewing portal installed by Gloria’s twin Neville.  Cyril used to be an actor best known for hamming it up on production sets during the heyday of the now defunct Trafalgar Film Corporation. His regular co-stars Babs now also lives on Top Tier and they often drift into wistful reminiscences of globetrotting fame. Their film ‘Carrying on With Footballers of Doon-on-Theme’ put a bleak city few from outside the county of Northupland knew anything about ‘on the map’. In recognition the local football stadium was renamed Cyril Park. Robby on the other hand once really was involved in professional football. Although he never played for Doon he did manage them for part of the trophy-less period that has already lasted more than 60 years.

    Gloria and Neville are actually joint proprietors of Top Tier and Concourse Level that they run in conjunction with other family established enterprises created by their father Zack, mother Helena, uncles and aunts. Mom, dad and the rest of the older generation have retired to Infinity, where she plays lots of tennis and bridge and he plays golf. The general public of Top Tier have no idea who the twins actually are and simply link her to the Spotlight Pub and him to the rowdier and racier Hell Raisers Club in the Entertainment District.  Nobody except family would ever recognize Gloria on Concourse Level, and those there who recognise Neville know him as the owner of the Hell Fire Club in the English capital city of Smoke. Cyril and Robby know much more than most but still far from everything about the twins and their relatives. 

    Colourful characters like Kurls, Magic Mo, El Tycoon, The Lord Mayor of Doon, Alpha Gear, Packet Fab, Dr. Cool Compute, the Beer Belly Dancers, and superpower presidents feature in stories that revolve around happenings on Concourse Level. This book sets the scene of life in both Top Tier and Concourse Level, and tells of momentous happenings in Doon-on-Theme. The sequel Distracted Politicos will tell of incidents threatening the very existence of all of Concourse Level, with mom, dad, Uncle Jahn and Aunt Angela coming out of retirement to help avert catastrophe. Other morsels are saved for future stories. 

    I am a simple scribe on Concourse Level who lives in Doon.  My reports on events are pieced together from personal observations, and confidences shared by Kurls after she has pulled the last pint of Doon Brew for patrons of her bar on Brewery Road. Gleanings she relays are gathered from extensive entwinements with people of all social levels in and beyond the city. Interesting tidbits include content of her weekly telepathic chats with Robby from Top Tier.

    Some might doubt absolute veracity of my reporting. However, the twins have not yet summoned me for an explanation, or asked me to make corrections. Until they do please read and enjoy with an open mind.

    Finally, I must point out, for the sake of her reputation and establishing my credibility as an objective reporter of fact, that Kurls and I are only pals. Her romantic attachment lies elsewhere. 


    Hovering Giants


    1.How It All Began

    2.Doon Mobilizes

    3.Turning Visions Into Reality

    4.Can Collection And Fabrication

    5.Floatation Day

    6.Planning A Triumph

    7.Laurels And Boys

    8.How It All Ended


    About the author

    © December 2015

    ISBN: 978-1-329-76646-4

    1.              How It All Began

    Cyril was breakfasting on cappuccino e brioche when Robby rushes excitedly into the Snug Bar. What’s up, has Doon United sacked their manager again?  No. And please don’t keep mentioning sackings because you know that their totally unjustified dismissal of me was the low point of my managerial career. Neville who along with Gloria was also breakfasting there raised an inquisitive eyebrow over the rim of his double cappuccino cup and interjected, Well come on old chap tell us what has got you in a state.

    There has been a momentous happening in Doon-on-Theme. I was expecting a telepathic call from Kurls because she always contacts me ahead of Thursday morning training sessions to ask if I have any tactical ideas to share with Temp Ing. She passes my tips on to Temp when he drops by her place for a dram of courage on the way to the Doon FC Academy. I’m not sure whether she tells him where the tips come from. Can you come to the point soon chided Neville mischievously. Sorry. Anyway, instead of the usual stuff today she told me something that blew my socks off. Thought she was having me on at first, but then I realize she wasn’t. Gloria joined the conversation, Remind me exactly who Temp is. And are you sure about momentous happenings because nothing much interesting has occurred in Doon since my dad was a lad in a short toga? Well he is the latest interim manager of Doon United, but just forget about him. Robby shrugged exasperatedly before pressing on, Of course I’m sure! Put the portal on rewind and let’s all look at exactly what happened.  What’s the locality in question? queried Neville. Her bar of course!

    They all had 15 or 20 minutes to spare and nothing else interesting was happening. Gloria picked up the remote controller and rewound the Concourse Level Viewing Portal and switched to the Kurls’ Bar channel. Here is the controller Cyril.  I probably will have to leave before the rest of you because there is a meeting today of the Top Tier Public Service Providers Associations and I’m chairperson.  Do remember to switch off.   None of them had intended to watch longer than was required to confirm that Kurls was correct

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