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“Stand Up America!”
“Stand Up America!”
“Stand Up America!”
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“Stand Up America!”

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This book exposes how our Representatives in Washington are ripping us off in filling their pockets and bank accounts with our money. It exposes how they have made themselves a Privilege class beyond the reach of our laws. This book will Piss you off!
Release dateJan 29, 2015
“Stand Up America!”

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    “Stand Up America!” - Walt English

    “Stand Up America!”

    Stand Up America!

    A call for a New American Revolution

    The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict. Martin Luther King

    Stand your ground. Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here. - Militia Captain John Parker at the Battle of Lexington

    Chapter 1: Our Representatives, the Greedy Devils

    This book is for all Americans, be they Libertarians, Democrats, Independents, Republican, who are fed up with Washington D.C.! Our voices are not being heard in Washington D. C. We must take back our Country and our Constitution. We must wake up and kick out all our Representatives in Washington that have stopped working for us.

    I am not someone who is against government, I like you am afraid, we are about to lose our country and our way of life. Everything is out of control. Our Representatives aren’t looking out for us! Like you, I use to be too busy getting up in the morning and driving back and forth to work trying to keep my job and raising a family and not giving any attention to my representatives in Washington, D.C. Then I retired. Now being old and retired I made it a habit to have breakfast or lunch once a week with other retired friends. The main talk at these breakfasts and lunches with my friends circled around several topics one of which was our representatives in Washington D.C.

    At these breakfasts and lunches the topic of our representatives got a lot of attention, especially about the fact that our representatives in Washington D.C. couldn’t get anything done, their behaviors were that of little children.  I like many felt they weren’t getting anything done for the people of this country.  The more we talked about their childish behavior the more infuriated we all got! Let’s face it, the last four or six congresses have failed miserably in representing all of us in Washington D.C. and our Senators are no better.  Remember we sent these people to get things done, to watch our pennies and do what is best for our country.  The President, Congress, the Senate and the different Departments of the government have failed us miserably. I don’t care what talking head on television is saying, these guys have all failed us big time.

    The intent of this book is to give you information and unfortunately, it’s going to upset you. I am trying to motivate you to want to take back your government and country. Let’s call it a new American Revolution.  Now it is not my objective to rant or go into diatribes, I am going to present facts and figures that should anger you, so you will want to act to make the necessary actions we need to take the power in Washington and give it back to us the people and making it work for us and not against us.

    United States Congressional Representatives

    Every year I hear, We need to fire all our Congressional Representatives and Senators. That sounds great doesn’t it but once we are in the voting booth we keep making the same mistakes by reelecting our Congressional Representatives and Senators.  This simply must stop! We must clean house in the next elections of any of our representatives and senators that have been there for more than six years as a Congressperson or Senators. Those that have been there longer than this only know how to tax and spend and are entrenched in doing business as usual. That’s what this call for a Revolution is about: saving our Nation and giving the power back to the people.

    Whatever the reason when our newly elected representatives get on Capitol Hill, no matter how inspiring or how hopeful they sounded before their arrival in Washington, something happens to these young idealistic men and women that we send to represent us. Why is that you may ask? Well let me explain. When they get to Capitol Hill they all take a nice group picture of what they call the incoming freshmen and eventually they are directed off to attend numerous meetings, ultimately followed by two different group meetings, one of which is for the newly elected representative of the Democratic Party and one is for the newly elected representative of the Republican Party. It is here the parties encourage these newly elected representatives to follow the party leadership, which is headed by their older controlling members of each party.  They tell these new Congressional Representatives and Senators in so many words that they not them are in charge, and again in so many words that they call the shots.  They are asked to support their Party.  Those that venture off with their own agendas, as they should, can expect no help from their respective parties.  In other words, the ones that don’t do as they are told and don’t March to the orders of those in charge, are blackballed by their own Party.

    Now you may ask what happens when members of either party fall out of step with their respective Parties. That’s simple, any attempts on their part to get anything done for their constituents back home is going to be ignored, lost or filed in the circular files for good. In other words, we the people will receive no consideration in the way of federal funds, or laws passed, and the voice of our representative will be stifled by the Political machines by those of seniority and longevity of both parties. Now this is a closely guarded secret that both Parties keep hushed. The leaders of both Parties want the freshmen congressperson and Senators to put party first, but these newbies want to put their principles first.  The leadership of both Parties don’t want you to know this, and the reasons are clear, they don’t want you to know that they are in charge, not you the people.  Your vote in so many words doesn’t really count in the big picture, other than sending your representatives to Congress or the Senate.

    Now if you like them or not, within the last six years a new splinter group from the Republican Party has a merged. They are call the Tea Party.  This small group of elected individuals were tired of seeing Americans taxed to death, they were tired of Congress and the Senate putting Party power ahead of the people. They are tired of the ghastly unchecked spending of the Government, now spending trillions of dollars a year and borrowing like there is no tomorrow. And they know that if this country continues to spend as it has, we will have no tomorrow. These young newly elected members of the Tea Party ran for each area they now represent because they were young and idealistic, they thought that they could make a difference in Washington Politics. They wanted to turn this country around and ensure that everyone had a job to provide for themselves and their families. They were idealistic with dreams and visions of exceeding in putting this country back on the right track. But as soon as they got to Washington and began to challenge the status quo there, they were all put in their place not just by Democrats which was predictable, but they were dismissed by their own party as troublemakers. And soon the new media started to carry stories about these new men in Washington, and painting them in a negative light and that they were a threat to all that the Democrat Party had or was trying to accomplish. But it was not just the Democratic Party and the news media that sought to belittle these newcomers to Washington, it was also by the very likes of John Boehner and the other senior cronies of the Republican Party. And why? Because what these new and younger idealistic men of the Tea Party were attempting to accomplish was what we the people wanted and needed, it was to turn this country around. Finally, here was a group of young men and women who thought that all they needed to do is stand up and present what needed to be done and then simply do it.

    But these brave young men quickly found themselves being disparage and ridiculed by the very ones who were in fact the ones who had managed to create this country’s problems, which we now are facing today at this critical point in our history and for which the critics of the Tea Party were trying to resolve. These men of the Tea Party have been portrayed as loose cannons and chauvinistic zealots with not an agenda to make America better but one in which they are hell bent in excluding the poor, the disenfranchised, the blue collared worker, and most of all those of color, be they black or brown. Yes, the democrats have played the race card against these idealistic young men as they always do in dealing with those that attempt to challenge them. But worst yet, is the fact that their very own party is hammering them too! Why? Why would their own Republican Party find fault with these young men trying to make a difference in Washington? It’s because these men of the Tea Party are bucking the system of the long established back room deals and cronyism and all in the name of the greed for power.  And just like Nero of ancient Rome watch Rome burn to the ground as he played his fiddle, so does our Washington Representative figuratively play their fiddles as this country burns. Are you getting the picture? Our Representatives have become crazed by their insatiable appetites and desires for power and money. As you read through this book you will learn this as you never have before. You will explode with anger and want to turn this country around too!

    All the problems of this country can be improved and eliminated tomorrow, and the Tea Party members know this! It is just that simple. But when young idealistic men and women come to Washington to make a difference, the realities of Washington quickly dash their hopes and dreams of making the necessary changes to put this country back on track. And because of these realities of Washington Politics, these once hopeful young idealistic men and women end their services at the end of their first terms, returning home saddened and defeated by the politically powerful of Washington, and all due to the rule of the Political elitist; those like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, John Boehner and Mitch McConnell. These are the ones who are of greatest fault for the condition and state this country now finds themselves in and why those who want to change things for the betterment of this country give up. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, John Boehner and Mitch McConnell and other old cronies hold all the power and these evil individuals wheel their power about Washington with reckless abandonment. They no longer represent the will and needs of the people, but they have become utterly consumed by their own greed for power and their insatiable appetites for money.

    The following will hopefully piss you off and add fuel to the fire why these Senators and Congressional Representatives that have served for more than six years need to go.

    First let’s examine what we are getting for our money when it comes to our Congressional Representatives and how much is it costing all of us?

    1. First, each representative gets a minimum base salary of $ 174,000.00 a year. That’s three and a half times more than the average American earns a year. I thought this was fair until I learned that the average Congressperson works only two days a week.

    2. Second, each representative gets an allowance of $ 922,350.00 a year to support a staff up to 18 permanent employees.  This seems fair; the average worker of a Congressman earns about $51, 242.00.

    3. Third, they get about $ 250,000.00 more for office expenses. This seems fair.

    4. Fourth, they get all their travel expenses paid for too.  This is an abused privilege which needs to be taken away permanently, I’ll explain later.

    5 Fifth, they get all their postage free. This seems fair.

    6. How about all the free Vacations they take, you didn’t know about this did you!? The average Congressional Representatives spent $944,671.00 on in 2010 on free vacations.  In 2012, the average cost for these free vacations per Congressional Representatives was $1,353,205.00. Really! Are you kidding me? I would say we are all being taken to the cleaners by our Congressional Representatives in their excessive spending for personal vacations that they say are Fact finding missions. No wonder we are going into debt when these scoundrels are stealing us blind! But as you read on, you will discover why.

    Now when you add up the total bill to you, the taxpayers, our Congressional Representatives have spent a combined total of $410,640,000.00 in 2010 for all their boondoggles and again in 2012 they spent another combined whopping total of $588,644,175.00 for their travel boondoggles.  These travel boondoggles increased from 2010 to 2012 for our Congressional Representative paid vacations to the amount of $178,004,175.00. This was a whopping increase of 43% in 2012 over 2010 for their travel boondoggles. No wonder we can’t balance the budget with individuals like our Congressional Representatives arbitrarily spending the United States Taxpayers money so carelessly for their own personal use. We’re never going to balance the budget with these guys in place. These figures prove that overall our Representatives are completely incapable and incompetent to balance the budget when they are spending our money at such alarming rates for so called Fact finding trips, let’s call it for what it really is, free vacations.

    On top of all the free traveling boondoggles previously mentioned above that our Congressional Representatives freeload off us, they also get the following self-appointed Congressional Perks too; I bet you would like to have these perks too and I bet you like I want to end them too!

    1. Insider Trading. Insider trading is illegal unless you’re a Congressional Representative that is. Now if you were to be involved in insider trading, you would be convicted with a fine of up to five million dollars and possible jail time. But your Congressional Representative can be involved in insider trading and get away with it. Also, any federal employee can commit insider trading and not be held accountable. These are our law makers and in our reality, they are breaking the laws of this Nation.  Now I hope this angers you because in 2006, Congressional Representative Louise Slaughter tried to eliminate this huge loophole by introducing the Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act. This was a bill that would make it illegal for Senators, Congressmen or any federal employees from participating in

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