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The Transformation of Orea
The Transformation of Orea
The Transformation of Orea
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The Transformation of Orea

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In part two of The Orea series,Addie wakes as a new nymph. She's been tasked with bringing the Goddess's people together. Before she can get started Quinn is taken prisoner by a band of rouge nymphs and satyrs. Addie races against the clock, determined to find Quinn, and the person responsible for her disappearance. She will face heartache and deceit. Can she sacrifice her old life and those she loved to save Quinn and ultimately her new world?
Release dateFeb 9, 2015
The Transformation of Orea

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    The Transformation of Orea - Kayla Thibodeau

    The Transformation of Orea

    The Transformation of Orea

    Chapter One

    Quinn fell to the ground, her knees digging into the Earth. Around her voices rose, full of hysterics. She tuned them out, lifting Addie’s limp head to rest in her arms. Everyone had been so focused on the Goddess that they had not noticed that Addie had lost consciousness. Quinn had been guilty herself. She had been mesmerized by the Goddess’s voice and aura. Then Keiron has stepped from the fountain, alive. Everything had happened so quickly. Things had taken a turn that Quinn could have never guessed.

    Quinn could feel the presence of three others around her. She quickly looked up to see Sarina, Rysdan, and Kieron with concerned looks on their faces. It seemed they were looking to her for answers, but she had none. She tried to rub the girls face with her thumb. She tried to wake her with her voice. It was all without avail. It was as if she held a corpse in her arms. She leaned over, placing her ear against Addie’s chest. She closed her eyes, hoping that she would hear the girl’s heartbeat. At first it was impossible, the noise of the excited crowd was too much to block out. She concentrated harder, silently praying.

    Goddess, please help me. Deafen those around me and let me only hear her heart. After all you have come to say and do, it cannot be possible that she has left us.

    Suddenly, everything went silent. She opened her brilliant blue eyes. It was as if the world was suspended in time. The group around her were like statues, held timeless in their positions. She looked past her comrades to where the King and Queen stood. They too were still as a mountain. What was happening? Leaves that had been drifting by because of the wind, were suspended in the air. The fountain was no longer moving, but instead frozen like ice. An eerie silence fell over her. It was something she had never experienced.

    The Goddess’s voice rose above, as if the moon was talking to her. Quinn looked up at the night sky, strewn with brilliant stars. She expected to see the Goddess again, but her face was nowhere to be seen.

    Quinn called out to the moon, Goddess, I do not understand. Why have you stopped time? What has happened with Addie?

    The Goddess chuckled softly and she could swear the stars swayed, My child. I promised you a gift. I did not stop the movement of time. It was you that postponed the tick of each second. I have given you the gift of magic, a magic so old it no longer exists. Those who used to possess it are no longer among your kind, for at that time they were perceived to be too powerful, God like. Whatever you wish, within reason, can be manifested with your mind. You wished for the world to quiet, and so it did. Now, as for Addie, place your ear against her heart again. Tell me, what do you hear?

    Quinn nodded and leaned down. She pressed her lobe to the soft fabric of Addie’s gown. She closed her eyes and waited. It seemed to take forever, but only a few seconds ticked by, until Quinn finally heard the slow steady rhythm of the girl’s heart. She breathed a sigh of relief.

    She looked back towards the sky, Thank you Goddess.

    She did not receive a reply. It seemed the Goddess had gone back to whatever realm she called home. Quinn took another look around. This wouldn’t do. She was grateful to hear Addie’s heart but now, how was she to unfreeze everyone?

    She closed her lids over her blue eyes and concentrated. She felt silly. How could she have done this? The Goddess, surely would not lie.

    Saying another silent prayer, she praised the Goddess for her gift and wished for those around her to wake.

    The world regained its noise around her. The leaves continued their journey through the air. The fountain began to rush once more.

    I heard her heart, Quinn reassured those around her, as they reanimated Now help me get her off of the ground. We need to take her to my home, where she can have a place to rest while she changes.

    Rysdan bent down and with a graceful movement he lifted Addie into his arms. He smiled, it was as if the girl weighed no more than a feather, I’ve got her. Quinn, lead the way.

    Quinn nodded. She looked around for the quickest way to escape the nightmare that was around them. Everyone was talking at once, mostly trying to make sense of what had happened. Quinn didn’t want to answer any questions, in fact she couldn’t answer any. This had never happened. The Goddess had never shown herself, she’d never changed two humans, nor had Quinn ever seen her rip open the Earth and send anyone to Hades.

    She swallowed hard looking to her left. There she saw Autumn, collapsed against the ground, herself lifeless. She went over to the human. At the same time, Deo’s second in command, Sareno joined her.

    His red eyes were wide with disbelief. He’d just lost his King and was now responsible for a human that would become his Queen. Quinn had a sudden twinge of pain for him. Would he miss Deo?

    Quinn gathered her strength and spoke to him, Sareno, you need to get Autumn back to your castle.

    He nodded, Yes. I have the horses we rode in on. I will have to carry her to where they are tied up.

    Yes, and the sooner the better, Quinn suggested, Before this crowd turns there attention on to your new Queen and my new nymph. I think privacy is the best thing for all of us until we get more answers.

    Sareno wiped the sweat from his pale forehead, You’re right.

    Quinn watched as Sareno bent and lifted Autumn over his shoulder. It wasn’t the most lady like way to be carried but Sareno was not a large nymph. Quinn knew it was the best way for him to be able to move quickly.

    They both nodded as an end to their conversation and began to move through the garden. As they walked, the voices began to sound farther and farther away. Quinn took in a deep breath of the cool spring air. Her head was spinning but she pushed all thoughts away. Right now she needed to focus on getting them all somewhere safe and away from the rest of the village.

    At the gate to the village, they parted ways. Sareno took Autumn towards the right, following the line of thick rock that made up the wall. Quinn watched as Autumn’s red hair danced around her lifeless head. She couldn’t imagine how Sareno was going to handle her when she woke. For right now, she couldn’t think of that. Instead she steered her group straight on, sticking closely to the path in the waning light.

    The world seemed to grow silent around them, but for the steps of their feet against the fallen tree limbs and earth. Quinn could hear the call of an owl in the distance. Most likely it was hunting, looking for small field mice to make a meal of.

    Firefly shown in the darkness, their lights going on and off to some rhythm that they only had. There in that moment the world seemed magical to Quinn. It was a feeling she hadn’t had since she was very young. Adrenaline had kicked in and she began to realize how wonderful it all had been. When she’d returned to join Addie, she had been sure she was going to face torture. She had accepted her fate, knowing that she could never let Addie do it alone. She never would have forgiven herself if Addie would have died and she never got a chance to say goodbye.

    However things had taken a different course that Quinn was still having trouble believing. They had been spared. Even more, Addie was to be a new type of nymph that was to save her people. The most amazing thing about everything that transpired, above the gifts of new abilities, above even her own life, was that Quinn wouldn’t have to say goodbye to Addie. She was bound to her side for life. It was more than she could have ever hoped for. Regardless if Addie had a change of heart and no longer wanted Quinn, they would still be friends. Of course she hoped that they could pick up where they left off, but she wasn’t sure. Looking back, their relationship had transpired very quickly. Without death looming over them both, would Addie feel the same? The Goddess had removed the rule the High King and Queen had placed on their people. You could now be with whomever you wanted, regardless of what type of nymph or satyr you were. Sarina and Rysdan wouldn’t have to hide. She could have a future, a companion, Addie.

    She shook off the thought. It wasn’t the time nor place to consider such things. Right now, Addie was unconscious. The most important thing was to get her somewhere warm and comfortable.

    She glanced to her left. Keiron was walking briskly next to her. She couldn’t believe he was here, alive. Her mind was scrambled. As much as she was grateful, as much as she knew Addie would need him, she couldn’t help but feel a little envious. Hadn’t she lost her parents as well?  She brushed of the thought. Addie would need her father, especially now. There was so much she would need to know.

    The path began to thin as they got further from the castle. Quinn chose to live on the outskirts. She enjoyed her privacy. After all spending months in the human world did not afford her much, nor did the looming eye of those around her that regarded her as some type of Goddess. At this moment she was beginning to regret it. Her legs were tired and her head hurt. She imagined Sarina and Rysdan felt similar.

    A smile crept over her face as her small home came into view. It was cloaked in shadow in the late hour. That didn’t matter. She could find it with her eyes closed. It was a small wooden cottage that sat pressed up against the edge of the forest. Having only one floor, it was quaint. Small glass windows sat in the front on the left and right. In the center was a small wooden door, a darker shade of wood than the rest. Small shrubbery sat on either side of the door. A cluster of ivy grew up one side and part of the roof. It wasn’t much, but it was hers, and she loved it. It had been the home she had shared with her parents. She pulled the key from her leather pocket and clicked it into the keyhole. Unlocking the wooden door she pushed it aside to allow Rysdan entrance. She pointed him toward the first bedroom door and pulled back the thin covers so that he could lay Addie down on the mattress. Quinn covered her the best she could, tucking the quilt against Addie’s rigid body. Quinn looked down at the girls’ soft features. She tucked Addie’s wild, brown curls behind her ears. She marveled at how angelic she looked, her pale skin, her rose lips, and the slight pink that ran across her cheek bones. She ran her thumb along the sleeping girls’ cheek, relieved to feel some warmth. She smiled to herself. When she had gone into the human world, she’d seen a movie once. It was called a cartoon. It was about a princess and an evil Queen who tried to kill her with an apple. Snow White had been its name. She wasn’t sure why she’d never made the connection before, but Addie looked like her. Her dark curls, skin the color of newly fallen snows, and lips like a rose bud. For a moment, she wondered if a kiss would wake her.

    Rysdan pulled her from her thoughts as he reached over to touch her arm, She will be okay, Quinn. I fear no matter how long you stare at her, she will not wake. You’ve had a long day. Let’s go build a fire and rest our bones. What do you say?

    Quinn gave him a grateful smile, You are right. I believe I have a bottle of wine we could open as well. I don’t know about you, but I could use a drink.

    Rysdan laughed, I second that.

    Quinn led Rysdan from the small room and back out into the open space. Her living area wasn’t very large and seemed even smaller with the four of them in it. She had a small couch that a carpenter had crafted for her in the village that sat parallel with the fireplace. To the couches left was a pair of rocking chairs that had belonged to her parents. They had once been outside but she had brought them in, afraid of what the elements may do to them.

    She cleared her throat and addressed the room, She will be fine in there. She’s comfortable, I assure you all. For now I’ll gather us some drinks. Rysdan, how about that fire?

    Rysdan nodded and busied himself at the hearth. Quinn excused herself and walked into the adjacent room where her small kitchen was set up. It too held a fireplace used for cooking and boiling water. A small hutch sat against one wall. It had four shelves, and three drawers, and a glass front. Inside were her dishes and utensils. Across from the hutch on the other wall was shelves. Each was lined with jars of various herbs and powders. At the far end was her collection of jugs and bottles. Some was local wine, crafted in the village. Others were filled with a much stronger liquor, made by the forest satyrs that lived near her. She pulled down a bottle of wine, its dark red color peering through the translucence of the bottle. With her empty hand she gathered four wine goblets, made a smooth cold metal. She used her shoulder to close the glass doors and made her way back to the others.

    Rysdan had got the fire going and its warmth began to fill the room. He had taken a seat next to Sarina on the couch. Keiron stood, leaning against the frame of the fireplace. Quinn handed out the goblets and they held them out for her to fill them. When she had finally filled her own she took a seat in one of the rocking chairs. She took a sip of the tart wine, relishing the way it slide down her parched throat. Awe, it was good to be home. Quinn glanced up at Sarina who was glaring at her. Sarina’s emerald eyes shown bright against her green skin. Her orange hair was wild around her face and shoulders.

    What’s wrong, Quinn asked, feeling like Sarina was going to bore a hole through her with her eyes.

    Sarina bit her lip, but in true fashion, she couldn’t keep her mouth shut, I can’t believe you left. You just took off, leaving Rysdan and I to do everything. Poor Addie, she was heartbroken. How could you do that?

    Quinn looked down. What could she say? It was true. She’d left, with Emeline, and was going to run away. Sure she’d come back but that didn’t erase the fact that she had left to begin with.

    Finally she replied, I’m sorry. I don’t know what else to say. Emeline showed up and Addie begged me to go. She said she wanted to die thinking that I was out their safe and living. I wasn’t gone for long when I realized what I had done. I was a coward, Sarina. I’m sorry. Never again will I leave you to clean up my mess. Forgive me.

    Rysdan put his hand on Sarina’s leg. It was large and covered most of her thigh. It was strange seeing him in his true form again. He was massive and muscular. His dark hair was messy and matted to his forehead with sweet. His black eyes were dark against his grey skin. Looking at Sarina he said, It’s over now, Sarina. There’s no point in holding onto it. In the end she came back and everything worked out.

    You’re both right. It worked out, she said, giving Quinn a nod. As angry as she was she was so grateful that it had all turned out okay. She couldn’t hold onto anger, not when she had so much to be happy for, All is forgiven. Now I think we need to talk about what happened tonight?

    Quinn nodded, Indeed, I think we all had very different ideas of how this evening would end. But, here we are. The universe continues to surprise me.

    And you, Rysdan said, pointing towards Keiron, Am I right to think you have returned from the dead?

    Keiron cleared his throat. The group looked over at him. He had cream skin with small light brown spots. His hair was dark and curly like Addie’s and his eyes, the same grey as hers. She looked so much like him, Yes, you are. But believe me when I say, I have no more answers than any of you. I was walking the gardens of the afterlife when the Goddess pulled me away. The only thing she said, was I was to return to the living realm, for my time was cut short. I had no idea what or who I was returning too, or how long I’d been gone. I could have never dreamed I would see all of you, and my daughter. I left Adianna when she was only two. I knew it was her, as soon as I looked at her. But in my heart I thought it was too good to be true. I fear I’ve missed so much. How did this all happen?

    That is somewhat of a long story, Quinn replied tucking a long piece of her black hair behind her ear, The short of it is that I went into the human world this time after discovering that Deo had gotten his hands on the Orea. He’d found the loophole that would allow him passage into the afterlife. I went in search for my human. I wasn’t even considering your daughter until I realized Deo wanted her. I couldn’t let him have her. Goddess knows what she would have had to go through being in his care. So I gave up my original human. Addie was stubborn and insisted on turning herself in, for fear they would hurt her mother and brother. She expected to die, but there is no changing her mind. So Sarina and Rysdan brought her to the King and Queen and asked for her to be considered. Then the Goddess came and cast Deo to Hades and said Addie would become a new breed of nymph, meant to save our race. Autumn, my original human that had gone to Deo when I told her I couldn’t bring her, will now take his place as the Ash Queen. There is much more to the story, but I am to weary to recount every detail. That is the main points.

    Frown lines formed on Kieron’s forehead, I have to admit, that is much to wrap my head around.

    So what did the Goddess mean, Sarina asked, How is Addie going to be a new race of nymph?

    Quinn shook her head, I have no idea. We will have to wait and see.

    I am grateful that we will be in charge of her safety, Rysdan stated, his face contorting into a frown, The Goddess said there will be those that wish to harm her for what she will become. As far as I’m concerned, I don’t trust anyone.

    Sarina nodded, Neither do I. There are more questions than answers to all of this. Everyone will be curious about her. But more importantly, they won’t understand how a human can have such an important connection to our Goddess. That is bound to bring forth jealousy and hatred.

    The Goddess said we will be granted new abilities, Rysdan said, draining his glass, Any ideas on yours?

    Quinn spoke up, I have already found out mine. When we were there, I couldn’t hear Addie’s heart because of the noise of everyone around us. I prayed to the Goddess to somehow let me hear it. Then everything froze. All of you just stopped and the world went quiet. The Goddess spoke to me from the sky. I was certain it was her that had done it, but she told me it was me. She has given me the gift of magic, ancient magic. She says anything I may wish, within reason, I can make happen if I wish it. She says no other has this magic and that it existed a long time ago and died out. I’m not sure as to what it all means or what my limitations are.

    You froze time, Sarina asked, looking skeptical.

    Quinn nodded, I know, it seems unreal. But I promise you, that is what happened. The air seemed to still even. But I was somehow still able to move and interact. You all stood like statues about the place, stopped in whatever pose you were in.

    That is amazing, Rysdan stated with a smile, I imagine a gift like that will come in handy. I believe I figured mine out as well.

    Sarina’s eyes grew wide as she looked at him, What is it?

    Rysdan shook his head, I’m not for certain, but I think I’ve been given strength. When I went to pick up Addie, it was as if she was made of air. She is not a large girl by any means, but I still would have struggled carrying her that far. But the whole time she remained light, like a leaf on a branch.

    That is a wonderful ability, Quinn said with a smile, I believe that too will come in handy.

    Rysdan shrugged, I suppose it could. Again, I’ve not really tested it so I’m not sure, but it’s the only thing I feel has changed.

    Sarina have you noticed anything different, Quinn asked, looking at the nymph to her right.

    Sarina shook her head, No, I haven’t. It could be anything.

    Rysdan put his arm around her, You will find out in time. I’m certain you will.

    She smiled gratefully, Yes, it will show itself to me when I need it.

    Quinn stifled a yawn.

    Taking notice Sarina spoke up, I will volunteer for the first shift. You all should get rest. It has been a long day. I believe one of us should stay alert however. Like I said, I don’t trust someone to not come around because curiosity got the best of them.

    I too will stay up, Keiron offered, Two eyes are better than one and I am not tired. After all, I just woke up in a sense. After a very long sleep.

    You can take the second bedroom, Quinn offered Rysdan, I have some extra linens in the armoire in there. I can make myself a comfortable place on the floor in there with Addie. I would feel more comfortable being there, just in case she were to wake.

    How long does the change normally take, Sarina asked, anxious for Addie to wake.

    Quinn frowned, It is different for some. Most of the time it only takes a week. There have been a few times it has taken longer or not as long. With her being different, I am not sure what to expect. The Goddess is capable of anything. I don’t want her to be alone, should she wake. This is an unfamiliar place to her.

    The group nodded their agreement.

    Quinn walked quickly into the bedroom, trying her hardest to remain quiet. She knew it was silly, but things were different this time and she wasn’t about to wake Addie before she was ready.

    Sarina and Keiron had made there way outside to check out the area around the house. When she was sure everyone was settled she went into the bedroom. She closed the door behind her. She went to the armoire and pulled out a stack of quilts and linens and busied herself with making a make shift mattress on the floor. When she was convinced it was the best she could do, she released her feet from her boots and sat next to Addie.

    She smiled at the sleeping girl. Before she knew it, she was speaking out loud to her, her voice coming out a soft whisper.

    Adianna, I hope that wherever your mind is right now, that you are at peace. I know that you cannot hear me, but on the off chance that you can, I want you to know that you shouldn’t be scared. We will all be here for you when you wake. You are safe. We survived and I couldn’t be happier. I know that you didn’t want to become one of us. But I hope that you can come to love this world. You were so brave for what you did. I don’t have all the answers for you, but I promise I will do everything in my power to get them. I cannot wait for you to wake and to hear your voice and see your eyes. Take your time. I won’t leave your side. I love you, more than I ever thought possible. I hope you feel the same. But even if you don’t, I am honored to just know you and protect you. You have my unyielding loyalty. Thank you for what you’ve done, for who you are, and who you will become. Please forgive me for leaving you. It was wrong, no matter what you wished me to do. We were meant to face this together. Now, I will leave you alone. I’m sure I will have to repeat all of that when you wake.

    Quinn pulled herself from Addie’s side and lay down on her floor bed. She closed her eyes, feeling the tension begin to release from her body and melt into the floor beneath her. What a day it had been.

    Before she drifted she sent up a silent prayer to the Goddess.

    Thank you, Goddess. You truly are our mother and protector. I am forever grateful for your love. May you keep Addie safe during her transformation? May you bless her walk through life as well as all the others? I am grateful for those you have brought into my life and I promise to protect them at any cost. Blessed be to you, Goddess.

    Chapter Two

    Summer closed the door behind the two police officers. Tears welled in her eyes. How could they not do anything? How could they assume her daughter had run away? She had pleaded with them for hours, explaining that her daughter was responsible. Addie wouldn’t run away. She knew that in her heart.

    Panic had overcome her when the hours ticked away without Addie returning from school. She’d called Cade, Addie’s best friend, but he reported that Addie hadn’t gone to school that day. He also had noticed that Autumn, Quinn, Rysdan, and Sarina had not been there either. Addie had spent the night with Quinn. When she told this to the police, they laughed her off.

    The tall male cop, with salt and pepper hair, and dark eyes had said, Well, there’s your explanation. Five teenagers all go missing in one day? They probably ditched school and went to burn off some steam. It’s their senior year, its normal. They will be back.

    Summer was furious. She had no idea where Quinn lived. She had to do something. There was a pit that grew larger in her stomach. Something wasn’t right.

    A knock fell on the door. Summer wiped her eyes and cleared her thick throat. She turned to open the door. Standing on her porch, his hair messy around his forehead and his long body covered in a white polo and jeans, was Cade. She moved aside and let him in, Shouldn’t you be in school?

    No, it’s senior skip day. Besides I told my parents what happened and they agreed I should try to help. Has she come home, he asked, looking up towards the stairs as if Addie would appear there, Did you try her phone?

    Summer held back the tears that bit at her eyes, No she hasn’t. I’ve tried her cell over and over but it keeps going to voicemail. It’s shut off or dead. Did you go by Autumn’s house?

    He wiped his face with the back of his hand, Yes. I spoke to her case worker. She told me that Autumn had plans to go away for a while. She’d asked to graduate early. But she hadn’t gotten an answer yet. Her caseworker thought it was weird but had just assumed she hadn’t waited for an answer and took off. Autumn hadn’t told her where she was planning on going, just that she wanted to get away for a while before she started college. Did you talk to the police?

    Summer led him into the kitchen where she busied herself making a tea, Yes. They aren’t going to do anything. They think they all went off on some senior year trip.

    Addie wouldn’t go without telling you, Cade rationalized, That’s just insane. She would have said something to me.

    I know, Summer agreed, taking a seat at the kitchen table with her hot mug, I don’t like this Cade. I don’t like this at all. Something is wrong. Sunday she had come home. She seemed sad, and she kept telling me she loved me. I thought it was because of everything she’s been dealing with. What if I was wrong? What if something was going on? I’ll never forgive myself.

    Cade looked at her sympathetically, It’s not your fault. Walk me through what happened. You said she went to spend the night with Quinn?

    Summer nodded, warming her hands with the cup between, Yes, she said that’s where she was going and that she would come home directly after school. She didn’t. I waited a while, waiting to see if maybe she had an after school project. A couple hours went by and I got angry, thinking she went somewhere without telling me. I called her phone but it just went to voicemail. I started to get worried around six. That’s when I called you. After you told me she never went to school, I called the police. They told me she was probably just stretching her legs, that she’d come home. They told me to give it to the morning and if she didn’t turn up call them back. I called them at eight thirty, after I dropped off Auggy at school. They sent two cops here. They didn’t take me seriously. I don’t know what to do.

    Have you checked her room, Cade asked, Did you notice if clothes were missing, like she planned on being away for long?

    Summer shook her head, No, all that’s gone is her school bag and another bag that she left with. It couldn’t have held much more than an outfit and pajamas.

    Cade put his head in his hands. His heart was pounding so fast it hurt. He had to do something. He stood up, I’m going to go drive around. I’m not sure where Quinn lives but I know what she drives. I’ll try to find her car. I know she lives around here.

    Summer stood up, I should come with you.

    Cade stopped her, placing his hand on her arm. The pain in her eyes killed him. She had dark circles and her blond curly hair was a mess. He wondered if she had slept last night, No. I will call you if I find anything, I promise. Plus, you need to be here in case she comes back.

    Summer nodded, her blue eyes wide with panic, What if she doesn’t come home? God, what if something happened to her?

    Cade took his friends mom in his arms, allowing her to cry against his chest, Now, let’s not talk like that yet. We can’t lose hope. We’ll find her, I promise.

    Summer nodded, taking a step back and wiping her eyes, I’m sorry. I’m falling apart. Thank you for your help, Cade. I know how much you care about her.

    You are welcome, he smiled, Now, I’ll get going and I’ll call you either way.

    She walked him to the door and gave him a small wave as he drove away. She turned back and went into the kitchen. She collapsed against the back of the kitchen chair and let her head fall into her hands. She began to sob from somewhere deep within herself. Her heart was hurting like it never had before. She wanted to hope for the best but something told her something was very wrong. What could have happened?

    She didn’t know Quinn very well, or her siblings. Could they have done something with her daughter? Would Addie really go willingly somewhere? Could she have

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