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Royal Comeback: My Journey from Childhood Insecurity to Eternal Identity
Royal Comeback: My Journey from Childhood Insecurity to Eternal Identity
Royal Comeback: My Journey from Childhood Insecurity to Eternal Identity
Ebook364 pages4 hours

Royal Comeback: My Journey from Childhood Insecurity to Eternal Identity

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In her authentic, fearless, and relatable memoir, Chantell Davis invites readers into her world, recounting the traumatic and terrifying as well as the remarkable and supernatural events that shaped her life on her journey from childhood insecurity to eternal identity.


"Real is rare - and this is what I read. This is what makes Royal Comeback so anointed. A life story that speaks about authenticity! It is a story of hope and love. No matter your past, Jesus stands with arms wide open to take us into our true identity. This Comeback is waiting for all of us. Chantell's story brings Kingdom down to earth for everyone that opens their heart." – Retah McPhersonNew York Times Bestselling Author of A Message from God and International Speaker


"Interwoven through Chantell's transparent and riveting story of her Royal Comeback are the tools for your very own comeback. By the end, you haven't just been inspired by her journey; you've been equipped for yours. This remarkable story of brokenness to overcomer is told in such a way that will leave you knowing that, no matter what life has dished out, you too can overcome." – Rhonda Spencer - Author, International Speaker, and Pastor of His Tabernacle Family Church


"Chantell Davis is a true Christian. Kind in her dealings with everyone. What she has to impart from her life is very much worth receiving." Jonathan Shuttlesworth – Evangelist and Founder of Revival Today


No one can read this book without experiencing a profound transformation. Witty yet wise, reminiscing yet revelatory, Royal Comeback is a revolutionary tool that reintroduces God's "ancient principles" that has the ability not only to transform the lives of individuals, but families, communities, and entire nations. Among other things, it openly deals with the following topics:


The ace up the enemy's sleeve is rejection. Discover the truth, as this lie is exposed, and the steps to an unshakable foundation are revealed.


Wellness Goals
The yo-yo cycle stops here! Get ready for "total transformation" of body, soul, and spirit. Discover the keys to loving who you see in the mirror.


Identity & Purpose
There's a reason why you never feel worthy and appreciated. Discover your true and unshakeable identity - never desiring man's approval ever again.


Are you struggling with the demands placed upon you as a mother? Learn how to become an abiding mom who finds her purpose and reward in the Lord.


Blessing Generations
The principle of blessing has been overlooked and misunderstood. Rediscover the keys to generational success and prosperity.


Marriage & Family
Marriage is sacred, unbreakable, and beautiful. Discover the keys to a fulfilling and lasting marriage that leads to a blessed and thriving family.


Break the cycle of more month at the end of your money. Discover divine principles to financial overflow that allow you to be blessed to be a blessing.

Release dateNov 9, 2020

Chantell Davis

Chantell Davis is an Author, Pastor, and Counsellor. Her passion and life mission is to see individuals set free from the bondage of shame, rejection, and fear that has entangled generations. She passionately helps others unearth their passion and purpose and then assist them in walking into their destiny. Chantell obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Christian Counselling in 2016 while in the United States of America. Together with her husband, Kevin Davis, they are the Lead Pastors of River Ministries in East London, South Africa. Kevin and Chantell are blessed with four vibrant boys. This family is authentic and has a passion for taking the gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth.

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    Royal Comeback - Chantell Davis



    This book is my love gift to the Lord. It is my reasonable service to thank Him for sending Jesus to give His life in exchange for mine. I thank the Lord for bestowing His unmerited favor upon me. It is for these reasons that I cannot remain silent about who Jesus is. I am in absolute awe of the transformation that can occur in anyone’s life when they yield to the Son’s love, the Father’s acceptance, and the Holy Spirit’s power.


    My dearest husband and best friend. Thank you for fulfilling your role as King, Priest, and Prophet in our household. You have supported me to overcome every obstacle that I faced. You are my most generous supporter. I never thought it possible to love another person so deeply. It is an honor to be your co-laborer as we live to make Jesus famous. This book, would never have become a reality without you. I am forever grateful for your support, prayers, and countless hours of dedication in editing, giving sound advice and adding constructive input. You consistently motivated me when the task at hand seemed too great. Thank you for believing in me.


    EVEN THOUGH I HAVE heard Chantell share the experiences recorded in this book on several occasions; and although I have witnessed many of these events first-hand as her husband, still her captivating real-life story moved me greatly. There were times that I had no choice but to take a break as I fought back the tears. I admire her courage and strength to be real, raw, and honest, which is nothing short of commendable. In this day and age, where filters and effects have become the norm, it is encouraging to find someone who has the boldness to be an authentic voice among her generation.

    As her content editor, I realized right from the start that this was not going to be yet another book. I felt the Lord's tangible presence and encountered Him in such profound ways as I worked on this project. Royal Comeback will, without a doubt, not only inspire but transform the lives of individuals, families, and even entire nations.

    Dr. Kevin Davis


    THERE IS NOTHING MORE remarkable than seeing the unconditional love of God relentlessly pursue and rescue a soul lost in the hopeless imprisonment of sin. From the very first chapter, Chantell paints a vivid picture of how our enemy takes advantage of traumatic circumstances to craftily deceive our minds. His lies filter into our thoughts distorting the truth and entrapping us in a web of inner torment and self-hatred. Chantell’s story shows how instead of repelling it, even the most despondent of hearts attracts the fiercely persistent love of God. Her story is told with such honesty and transparency, allowing us all to relate to our desperate need for a loving Savior.1 John 4:10 says, This is love: He loved us long before we loved Him. It was His love, not ours. He proved it by sending His Son to be the pleasing sacrificial offering to take away our sins. (TPT).

    Royal Comeback is Chantell’s personal story of redemption. It tells how the hopelessness and brokenness of a distorted, poor self-image can be supernaturally transformed through a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the beginning of our journey of redemption, where the unconditional love of God, poured into our hearts by His Holy Spirit, heals and restores us. Chantell shows how this process of restoration causes us to bit, by bit, see ourselves through the eyes of our loving Heavenly Father - pure, precious and valued. No longer discarded and defeated, but fully restored and seated in a place of honor and authority, with Jesus in heavenly places. One of the things that makes this book, so captivating is Chantell’s ability to take us through her journey of transformation. Each step of her testimony is backed by rich, biblical truth, carefully woven through it. Making this not only an enjoyable read - but powerfully relatable too.

    With beautiful, practical clarity, Chantell shows the deception of what the enemy calls freedom, as he consistently lures us away from the security of God’s ancient, never changing, eternal Word. Chantell explains through the riveting events of her life, how she has found God to be true to His Word. My wife and I have had the privilege of seeing how she has learnt to become rooted in God’s truth and witnessed how it has kept her in a place of supernatural peace in the midst of extreme, life-threatening danger. There is no mistaking the power of God’s transforming work in her life. Her book allows us to witness her journey of being set free from the chains that rejection and emotional hurt and turmoil bring. It unfolds how to find our true identity in Christ Jesus, and confidence in His spoken blessing over our lives - to live on purpose for Him. Chantell is an example of how we can rise far above the ashes of defeat and hopelessness - to where we are completely restored and fulfilled. She has become a living proof of how the tender mercy and unfailing love of God rescues, redeems and empowers us to extend this very same mercy and love to others.

    Royal Comeback demonstrates how embracing the finished work of the cross not only secures our identity in Him, but makes us more conscious of our position of righteousness and authority, than any personal shortcomings or failure.

    We couldn’t be more proud of Chantell and strongly believe this book will leave its mark on the heart of every reader, as it has on ours. We pray it will reinforce the truth of who you truly are in Christ Jesus and the freedom you have to walk away from past bondages and truly live and reign with Him in this life. We believe this book will lead you to your own royal comeback.

    Drs. André & Jenny Roebert

    Founders of Faith Broadcasting Network


    There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. – Maya Angelou

    HAVE YOU EVER TRULY pondered on life’s most fundamental questions? These questions are, Who am I? Why was I born? Why am I here? and What happens when I die? Maybe you have faced these tough questions multiple times throughout your life, but instead of getting the answers you desire, you end up having even more questions.

    In contrast, some might find a sense of identity in their nationality, cultural heritage, or even their gender. Many individuals feel that their occupation states who they are or the fact that they are parents brings a sense of significance. Still, some feel a sense of pride in acquiring material wealth or achieving academic excellence. These individuals have reached what many would call the pinnacle of success, yet deep within their hearts, they still feel unfulfilled.

    At some point in life, we all have alone time when we stare into the mirror and cannot escape truly looking ourselves in the eye. This is when you might notice the toll that time is slowly but surely taking on your body. Signs of aging becomes evident, as spots, wrinkles, or even some grey hairs are apparent. In these moments, you realize that the person staring back at you demands of you to hastily find the answers to all these questions.

    Even if you grew up with several people pointing out all your shortcomings, there seems to be a glimmer of hope within your soul. Something that says, You were born for greatness, don’t give up on your dreams. This excitement can be short-lived if you also listen to the other prominent voice, which reminds you of the hurtful words frequently spoken over you when you were younger. Phrases like, You will never amount to anything or You are worthless. These cause tears to form in your gorgeous eyes, wondering if you might indeed have nothing of worth to show for the life you’ve lived up until now?

    I urge you to hold on just a little longer, as there is always hope. Do not give up, as I am confident that you are about to find what you have always been looking for. You owe it to yourself to discover the answers to life’s most fundamental questions; it is essential to living a life of purpose. As you find out the answers to these questions, I can guarantee you – as someone who went through the same journey of discovery – that you will very soon look into that mirror again. With joy and fulfillment, you will be able to declare: Look what the Lord has done!


    I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN fascinated by people who make a significant and measurable impact on the world. Inside of my heart, an unspoken desire burnt to influence my generation for the better. I would admire icons like the late Princess Diana, Elvis Presley, President John F. Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, Steve Jobs, Evangelist Billy Graham, and President Nelson Mandela. Although these individuals represent an array of professions and strengths, they all, in some way, were disrupting the standard way in which things were usually done. They developed a niche in which they have imparted at the highest level. Their legacy lives on, and now, people strive to have specific attributes that these icons brought to the forefront.

    As a young girl growing up in a small town in South Africa, I always wondered how stars were born – were they perhaps predestined to become great, or were they born with superior genes? Was it due to socializing with the right crowd or merely luck? How did they develop their skill set in such a manner that the world would take note of them; to have their names written in lights?

    I had no clue what it took. I could not imagine the process that each of these influencers had to commit to becoming who we would now refer to as some of the greatest icons in history. Movers and shakers are not necessarily born privileged; instead, most come from dire backgrounds, who have had to overcome hardships and learn the skill to break free from the traditional mold. I later realized that the media would play an enormous part in these individuals’ lives. Both their successes and failures would be on public display and broadcast around the world. Their lives were open to general applause and scrutiny. Some would be celebrated one moment and criticized the next – even torn apart by the snarly words of critics.

    I genuinely wondered how these icons kept their heads above water to pioneer into unchartered territory without being totally side-tracked by the hate-speech of narcissistic onlookers.

    In recent years, I was determined to discover the key differences between the above-mentioned icons’ lifestyles. I sought clarification about the deciding factor between a life of real significance and short-lived fame, accompanied by tragedy and heartache. A thought-provoking discovery regarding fame, in general, is that those who are living for the praises of people are easily destroyed when criticism comes against them.

    The people who indeed were able to stand the test of time – with honorable reputations and who genuinely left a heart-warming memory in people’s minds – were those who drew strength from a significant Source. Each had an inner conviction that their identity was exclusively found in the Lord Jesus Christ, not themselves or their own unique abilities and strengths.

    Even just pondering on the few individuals I have mentioned, history reveals that some endured lots of trauma during their final years. Some of their lives came to a very abrupt and tragic end, leaving us to wonder whether they reached their full potential by the time of their untimely death. When looking at the others who died at a ripe old age, they had something substantial to show for their years of plowing and planting.

    All of them faced a wide variety of challenges that they had to overcome – none of them were exempt. Still, those whose good deeds live on are the ones who lived their lives with a passion for fulfilling their God-given purpose. I realized that desiring and pursuing fame is not worth it when popularity is based on human beings’ opinions and applause.

    For they loved the glory that men could give them rather than the glory that came from God! (John 12:43, TPT)

    There is One we read about in the Bible who exceeds everyone’s fame throughout all the ages past and whose reputation is not scarred. He was a person who lived selflessly to ensure that everyone could reap endless benefits from His sacrifice. He came to die in place of sinners to ensure that anyone who accepts Him as their Lord and Savior never has to perish, but have eternal life! Whosoever receives Him and walks in the revelation of His covenant will walk in purpose and prosperity while on the earth. This eternally famous individual is none other than the Son of God – Jesus Christ, the Messiah.

    It took me years to finally receive the revelation that God calls everyone for greatness on an incredible journey of discovery. He made us – you and me – in His very own image and likeness. What a revelation that is, comprehending that we are all so unique, yet each is created in His image. I do not believe that living a life of purpose and significance is only reserved for a lucky few born with golden spoons in their mouths. God says that He has grand plans in store for each of His children, and these plans lead us to prosper in every area of our lives (Jeremiah 29:11).

    I can hear you asking a pertinent question at this stage: "Why is it that many people then still struggle to make ends meet and go through countless ups and downs in life when Jesus paid the price for all?" That, my dear friend, is found in the fact that we are three-part beings.

    We are a spirit with a soul who lives in a body. Our five senses play a dominating role in how we observe life, and most individuals are kept bound or are dictated to by the lusts of the flesh and their emotions – i.e., fear, pride, strife, etc. Many people only live to satisfy their own dreams and desires, yet apart from God, earthly wealth is fleeting; here today and gone tomorrow.

    The Lord clearly states that the lusts of the flesh and the desires of the heart can lead you to seek after the seemingly flashy lights of success, which lure many astray (Galatians 5:19-21). The end of this broad highway leads to a place called hell. Hell is real. To be in hell is to experience the eternal absence from the presence of God – a place of no return – where there is constant torment without any comfort. Hell was never intended for human beings. It was a place prepared for satan and the angels that fell with him. It is certainly not God’s plan for anyone to end up in hell (Luke 13:28).

    Long before this book was birthed, God knew that you would be reading these words. This is an appointment with destiny – a kairos moment. In the pages that follow, I will be transparent regarding my own life, sharing with you my journey to freedom.

    I do so to reveal to you that there is always hope – no matter how desperate or hopeless your situation might be right at this moment. Since time is our most valuable commodity, I can promise you that the time you invest in reading and studying the words in this book will be worth it. You can expect significant changes to happen in your soul and spirit.

    As God sheds His glorious light in every area of your being, your perspective about life will change. The ideal outcome of affected change can be obtained in the following manner: By allowing the Holy Spirit to reveal hurts, bitterness, pain, fear, wrong beliefs, or even unbelief, as you read through the pages. Whenever the Spirit highlights something meaningful, you should thank Him for revealing the truth and be quick to repent of anything that has kept you bound and walking around the mountain for as long as you can remember. By doing so, you are consistently choosing life, as encouraged in Deuteronomy 30:19.

    The Lord has a unique pathway that is set out for each person, and to find this pathway, you must be born again. Once you are born of the Spirit, the flesh takes on a subordinate role and must submit to the spirit-man. God then gently reveals all the hurts and pain and wrong perceptions, which the flesh amplified and even applauded.

    Someone living on an entirely human level rejects the revelations of God’s Spirit, for they make no sense to him. He can’t understand the revelations of the Spirit because they are only discovered by the illumination of the Spirit. (1 Corinthians 2:14, TPT)

    God promises that if you would choose life over death, your choices will ensure that both you and your descendants will be prosperous and not only enjoy this life but spend eternity with Him.

    The key to overflowing life is to love and obey the Lord and to commit yourself firmly to Him. This manner of obedience will ensure that you rise from the ashes. So, dust yourself off, look at yourself in the mirror, and you will see that the Father did not merely put your broken pieces back together with some heavenly adhesive. Instead, He makes a brand new you. The new you is actually Christ in you, for you are a new creation altogether (Colossians 1:27; 2 Corinthians 5:17).

    As a new creation in Christ, you can clearly see this Godly pathway for your life since it is illuminated by the Word of God, a light to your path and a lamp unto your feet (Psalm 119:105). As I know that you are excited to discover, in greater detail, what the pathway of your life holds, I now invite you on this journey of illumination where God will shine His light in the dark and hidden places in your heart.

    You might ask: What about the shattered pieces of my life which I’ve grown accustomed to? They capture my life story, the essence of who I use to be... The Lord understands this and says, I will allow you to refer back to them, but they won’t hurt anymore. They will merely be a memory to showcase what I saved you from. When you talk about those memories, they will be covered by the blood of My Son, and healing will pulse from the pain so that others might be made whole through your testimony. God is bringing you victoriously through the fire without even the smell of smoke (Daniel 3:26-27). When you tell people what He has done, He will reveal to countless others that there is indeed hope for them; a way to conquer by the blood:

    They conquered him completely through the blood of the Lamb and the powerful word of his testimony. They triumphed because they did not love and cling to their own lives, even when faced with death. (Revelation 12:11, TPT)



    It is not the beauty of a building you should look at; its the construction of the foundation that will stand the test of time. – David Allan Coe

    A YOUNG GIRL FINDS herself locked up in a dungeon. Her tired body, clothed in rags, is bruised and battered by her unseen master. Tears of despair have rolled pathways into her dusty skin. She is exhausted and easily distressed as the torment and constant abuse has left her being a ball of nerves...

    There is no glimmer of hope since the heavy chains can seemingly never be broken off her ankles. Initially, she was enticed by the many promises that stated that she would encounter happiness, freedom, enjoy wealth, and live the good life. She was naive enough to embrace this idyllic mirage. She would be far away from her overprotective and seemingly unloving family.

    This charmer said it would not even cost her much. She only had to trade her heart, innocence, and joy. It was a fair exchange compared to all the promises. But the reality was that the sweet-talking Casanova had other intentions for this gullible girl.

    He kept her longer than she intended to stay, and he took her further than she wanted to go, until there was nothing left of the person she once was. She now believed her master’s words wholeheartedly as he has continuously told her that she is worthless, despised, vile, and utterly disgusting! Yes, she nodded her head in shame. That is who she has become.

    At this point, she wishes to die, but that privilege is not even granted to her. In her attempt to rest, she cannot escape the regret and utter sorrow, but when she is awake, the days are long and miserable. If her parents were to see her now... If anyone would be able to recognize her, maybe they could rescue her. Still, that thought is growing strangely dim as the reality of the pit she is in and the depth of the darkness pulls her back to her awful truth. It is too late...

    You will declare to prisoners, ‘You’re free!’ and to those in darkness, ‘Step out into the light!’ They will be like sheep that graze beside the roads and find pasture on the barren hillside. (Isaiah 49:9, TPT)

    This story depicts how I felt as a young teenager. I was looking for an escape from the prison in my mind, but the enemy was right there, like a roaring lion, waiting to devour me. I was utterly ignorant, unaware of the dangers ahead and the immense cost of following him (1 Peter 5:8). Join me as I reveal to you, with the help of the Holy Spirit, how I ended up in the dungeon, and how the King Himself came to rescue me.


    I HAVE SOME VERY FOND memories of my life as a young girl. I was the eldest and wisest of two siblings in our tight-knit family of four. I always thought that my parents made such a gorgeous couple, even though their passions and personalities were vastly different. My mom is exceptionally gifted in creating something beautiful from what others would deem nothing of worth. She especially loves landscaping, gardening, and interior decorating. My mom can transform the most basic living space and outdated garden into a stunning home, using only her God-given vision, coupled with a lick of paint, gardening tools, and cleaning agents. She is a woman of her word and extremely conscientious. My mom is very compassionate; she will walk the extra mile for anyone and even help meet the needs of those around her. She is such a selfless person; she would not think twice about giving away her last penny if it means helping someone in need. I have always admired this about her.

    My dad is passionate about farming and nature. Add a horse to the mix, and he is in his element. He is a visionary and a very gifted businessman and believes in the principle of hard work and integrity, which will cause you to become successful. He loves to play tennis and is a charming man who is well-liked by all who know him. However, my father is a man of few words, and he certainly does not carry his heart on his sleeve.

    In those early years, I recall my dad working as a financial broker while internally cultivating the dream to one day leave the office environment and pursue his passion for becoming a farmer. Our home in Oudtshoorn, situated in the beautiful Southern Cape of South Africa, had a vast property adjacent to the Grobbelaars River. We had beautiful stables for our equestrian horses. We were living the dream in the early 1990s.

    My parents were highly esteemed in the community; my dad was even a deacon at the Dutch Reformed Church, where we were members. I vividly remember how we would attend Church as a family. The Church building, which was established in 1853, stood right in the middle of town. The Church was constructed with a unique, light-yellow limestone and boasted a towering steeple. Terrifying gargoyles seem to glare at you from every corner, supposedly to guard the Church.

    The moment you entered through the enormous wooden doors, all your senses were captivated by the smell of all the polished wood. As you walked inside, it appeared as though the shadows were being held captive inside the building, as hardly any sunlight could enter through the picturesque stained glass windows. The white and gold pulpit stood in the middle of the Church, resembling what I – back then – imagined the throne of God looked like. All around the pulpit were statues of angels. The majestic organ pipes were situated on either side of the grand pulpit. With demonic-looking gargoyles lurking about on the outside and the throne surrounded by angelic beings on the inside, the contrast was something quite fascinating. To me, it was a depiction of the opposing forces in the unseen world (Ephesians 6:12).

    We religiously attended Church every Sunday, but somehow, being on time was not my dad’s forte. I recall several times we arrived so late that my dad would rush in to fulfill his duties as a deacon, while my brother and I would sit in the vestry, listening to the sermon and hymns over the speaker. My dad would lecture us beforehand, warning us that he will ask us questions about the sermon and that we will have to answer accurately and thoroughly. We tried to follow the sermon, but it was conveyed in such a formal manner that it went right over our heads. However, my brother and I were quite intrigued by all the black and white photos of all the former ministers, dressed up in their gowns and flaunting their unbelievable beards and mustaches. There was an eerie atmosphere in the vestry, and we would be very cautious to not leave any noticeable trace of our presence in this sacred room.

    Something else I vividly remember is the offering plates; these shallow round wooden plates, lined with green felt – which was thinning after years of receiving the offering – would be sent around from bench to bench. I typically received a R2 or R5 coin from my parents to place in the offering bowl. The coin would be such a distraction during service; I would typically calculate what else I would be able to buy with the money.

    On a few occasions, after fidgeting with it, the coin would slip from my hand and fall onto the wooden floor with a loud crash. Apart from the preaching, the Church was typically hushed. Thus, the sound of a coin dropping seemed to echo throughout the entire building. Since it was frowned upon to make any noise while the minister was delivering his sermon, you can imagine the stares you got from some of the elderly ladies. It was unbelievable how quickly a coin managed to gain momentum and roll all the way to the front of the Church on those polished wooden floors. As I slowly slipped downwards on the bench, hiding my head in shame, my mom would usually respond by pinching me for causing a stir. The sound of the organ playing was so beautiful and timeless and genuinely amplified the majesty of the Lord in the sanctuary, but strangely, I would always – without fail – start yawning when we sang the hymns.

    Everyone respected the minister and elders; they were very stately in appearance and demanded respect due to their position – not only in the Church but also in society in general. When it was time for the minister’s quarterly

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