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Dirty Little Secrets: Paris Reflections
Dirty Little Secrets: Paris Reflections
Dirty Little Secrets: Paris Reflections
Ebook40 pages35 minutes

Dirty Little Secrets: Paris Reflections

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Shh...can you keep a secret? A dirty little secret?
Her job is all about the public and his is top secret. So is the passion they’ve hidden from the world for two years.
Abigail Jones is the youngest Minster of State for Children and Families in the history of Great Britain and the press love her. None of them care that she is a private person with a very private desires. They treat her like they do big name celebrities—that is, hounding her every move hoping to catch her in a vulnerable moment. That’s why she has always had to travel the world to relax and feed her sexual appetites. Keep it short and casual and then nobody gets hurt, right?

U.S. Navy Seal Jack Berret is all about the mission when on duty and all about pleasure when he isn’t. When he meets Abigail at a Fleet Week party in New York, the weekend affair changes from two days of intense pleasure to two years of flying to meet her anywhere, anytime they can get together. He is addicted to this woman, and now it’s time to step out of the shadows. He just has to convince her that he can protect her from the resulting media storm.
This time they’re meeting in Paris and he has it all planned out. He has a new mission and doesn’t intend to fail.

It will be a weekend neither of them will forget.

Release dateOct 7, 2020
Dirty Little Secrets: Paris Reflections

M.Francis Lamont

Born in Hardisty, Alberta Monica developed an undeniable love of reading at an early age. Homeschooled during her primary years, her mother not only taught the basics to her five children, but she also read to them at least twice a day. From Anne of Green Gables to Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings the stories and the people behind them instilled a love of the written word.As soon as she could hold a pencil Monica began to write her own stories. Her first complete work was ‘Monkey Millionaires’ in which a pair of monkeys became millionaires by selling ice cream. While it was a huge hit among the kids in the neighborhood it was just the beginning. After discovering the TV show Spartacus, and full immersion into that fandom, Monica was disappointed to find there was very little fiction to satisfy her desire to indulge a love of Roman era romance. The spark was then lit to write the stories she wanted to read herself.Despite some eye-opening experiences (it’s not as glamorous a profession as the movies would have you believe) she would not change her journey in the slightest. When she is not working or writing, Monica is a single parent to a little girl. Nothing makes her happier than when her daughter tells her that she wants to be a writer, “Just like you, Mommy.” So, to keep inspiring a very special little girl, and to bring some elements of romantic Rome and the romance of real life to some not-so-little girls, she is pleased to be writing as M. Francis Lamont and brings you “The Champion’s Prize” the first of her centurion saga and many more stories to come. She encourages everyone to “Live with Passion. Live with Purpose. And most important of all, Never Lose." Welcome to the beginning of something wonderful.

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    Dirty Little Secrets - M.Francis Lamont

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