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It's About Bridges: the Restart
It's About Bridges: the Restart
It's About Bridges: the Restart
Ebook161 pages2 hours

It's About Bridges: the Restart

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About this ebook

This book was going to be a “What did you do in the war Daddy?” story. All of that changed when worldwide war broke out in 2020. That war involved a Corona Virus worldwide attack, radical Islamist terrorism in Europe and the Gulf, and anarchists attempting to overthrow our Constitutional Republic by attacking major US cities and the American way of life.

This is that story. It is also why we need you to join us if we are to defeat this most formidable enemy. We are recruiting you to join our family of “just five persons” in this quest. The book includes a basic orientation course much like military basic training to help you in making your decision to join us. - We will study history. .We will describe wars in three Earthly, Heavenly and Mind War Theaters. You will be exposed to “war stories” - not just to read them - but to “jump into our Head” and experience the Vietnam War and the 1991 Gulf War with us.

Release dateOct 5, 2020
It's About Bridges: the Restart

George Georgalis

If you’re looking for my biography or for author credentials, you won’t find anything. My credentials are solely that I’m the fortunate father of two boys. My duties in the IT”S ABOUT BRIDGES book are as an instructor in the basic orientation course portion of the book. Hopefully this will make-up for my being “too busy” to be a teacher-father to my sons while they were growing up in Germany.

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    It's About Bridges - George Georgalis

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. Please do not participate in or encourage the piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.


    This book is dedicated to my wife Suava and two sons Savas and Steve Georgalis; to my two sons-in-spirit Lieutenant Commander (Naval Reserve) Danny Frey and wife Heather in Pensacola Florida; and to Dr. Lutz Meyer and his wife Hildegarde living in Germany. I was inspired by the congregation of the Vine Grove Methodist Church in Kentucky and New Liberty United Methodist Church in Braselton GA to undertake this.


    The original It’s About Bridges book was expanded from just writing about our family heritage and war experiences into a warning of the communist-socialist threat to our Constitutional Republic and American Way of Life. On 4 September 2020, I received an email from the first chosen publisher for this book with Subject: Content Evaluation: FAILED. That email ended my book publishing attempt with them. But instead of quitting, I undertook a RESTART in mid-September 2020 to correct the errors in the first book. I added a RESTART chapter to the original "It’s about Bridges" book which is now with a new print publisher and requires up to six months to complete. I also took that RESTART chapter and published it as a separate book. This is it.


    I’m going to be honest with you. It’s too late to influence the 2020 election. I’m therefore using this RESTART as a sort of advertisement to get you interested in reading IT’S ABOUT BRIDGES when it finally gets published in the Year 2021.

    Please try to fit a couple of book writing attempts by a first-time author into your busy schedule and overlook my amateur gaffes.






    It took us a while to get here. After the original It’s About Bridges book was abandoned by Rich-Life Publishing, we had to find a way to get a skinny version of that book published before the November 2020 election. The plot of both books involves how a 79-year old transforms himself into George d’Braselton, a Don Quixote wannabe who is committed to defend his Nation against a Socialist threat in what would become the 4th War of his lifetime.


    The story started out simply as a talk between a father and two sons about what Daddy did in the War, and the threats now facing our United States. Then an unrecognized worldwide war broke out in 2020. That war involved a Corona Virus global attack, radical Islamism in Europe and the Gulf, and anarchists attempting to overthrow our Constitutional Republic by attacking major US cities and the American way of life. Something had to be done.


    Our story begins when fictional George d’Braselton and his faithful sidekick Pancho Sancho (that same faithful companion to Don Quixote in the 1605 novel written by Cervantes) mount their steeds and embark to save our nation by attacking the giant enemy windmills in our Nation’s Capital. Upon arriving in Washington, they notice they’ve been on this battlefield before. That’s when, back in 1968, insurgents attacked the Democratic National Convention in Chicago and later burned and looted our US cities. This time around the anarchists struck at the Republican National Convention in Washington, and proceeded to riot, loot and kill/defund cops in our cities. But the significant difference in the 2020 battle is that we are no longer united as a country. The Democrats are no longer with us. They have deserted this quest to save our Nation and worse, even trusted sidekick Pancho Sancho was spotted riding off on a Democratic donkey! George d’Braselton cannot continue this quest without him. George d’Braselton had a real life Pancho Sancho to bail him out in the 1991 Gulf War. His name was Major Jim Hugar and you can read about him in the book. George d’Braselton could not have made it through the Gulf War without him. To continue this 2020 quest, we must locate a replacement for Pancho Sancho. THAT’S WHERE YOU COME IN!


    You are invited to join us as possibly Pancho Sancho’s replacement. What began as a small family affair remains a small family affair. This quest to save our nation involves only five people: General Bill Livsey as the military mentor and teacher, George d’Braselton as the Don Quixote wannabe, my two sons, and YOU. These five people will train to save our Nation in a "Basic Orientation Course" about wars in the book. We need at least one more student and a replacement for Sancho Panza added to the course to train and defeat this formidable enemy. That’d be you! You are invited to volunteer and join our family as the fifth member on this quest.


    The November 2020 election is history. We have either re-elected a President who will protect our Nation - or the other person won – the one who will be the weak President the DESTROYER needs to continue the transformation of our nation into a Socialist nightmare. Either way - we still need you. Please stay with us to either be part of the effort to keep Socialism away from our Nation; or, to prepare and take our nation back. I can best explain that mission with an email sent 17 October 2020 after our family vacation to the Smoky Mountains in North Carolina. It describes both the defeat of our book effort and the plan to return to the quest. It is shared below.

    From: Sent: Saturday, October 17, 2020 5:52 AM

    To: Susan Robinson

    Subject: Sharing with you as Family my Just a Friday note to family below.

    Hi Ms. Susan,

    Sorry I’ve dropped out’ for about a month now.  I’m exhausted physically and mentally.  I’m so tired that I’m just resending you, as my other family, the note to my blood family" below.

    I failed Ms. Susan!

    - I’m not sure what is driving this, but I had (OK – I can get crazy with you can’t I?) this calling to get IT’S ABOUT BRIDGES published before the election.

    - I finally found a way to publish a Reader’s Digest condensed version of it yesterday – the details are in the below email.

    - But it’s probably too late to affect the election - and to tear down that blanket the media has put up shielding the USA from the TRUE threat to our nation’s survival (see below for what the blanket is).

    Just want you to know that:

    -  You sustained me 4 years ago when I thought Trump had no chance – but you said to wait – and the miracle occurred.

    - It looks even worse this time around – unless a Delaware computer repairman who is legally blind can get the world to see the truth about the Bidens in time to affect the election voting.

    We need another miracle Ms. Susan.  Let’s pray for one again.

    Luv u from ur bruda gg

    From: Sent: Friday, October 16, 2020 7:14 PM

    To: Savas Georgalis; Steve Georgalis ; Suava Georgalis, Veronica

    Subject: Just a Friday note to family

    Hello family (but mostly to Savas, because I haven’t been in touch with him for too long), I’m long-winded, but I’ll try to keep this short to catch u up on what the old man’s been up to lately.

    1.  Four days in the North Carolina Mountains.  Many thanks to Stevie and Veronica for dragging us away from Braselton for a very needed change of pace.

    - Stevie and Veronica found this wonderful home on a lake in the Smoky Mountains and got Suava and myself outa Braselton.

    - It was a beautiful restful vacation, and more beautiful when it rained - almost every day - and left beautiful smoky clouds’ in the Smoky Mountains" (think that was the source of the name?)

    2.  The Books (note it’s now plural).

    - After I was fired by Rich-Life Publishing on 4 September, Savas came to the rescue with on-line publishers.

    - He even showed me how to download a fat book into a skinny email attachment (thanks Savas – for ur look at my desktop thru ur Mom’s i-pad - IT WORKED!)

    - I added one chapter’ to the thick 700 page book – then made a skinny book outa that chapter - and called it IT’S ABOUT BRIDGES – THE RESTART"

    - So that’s the 2nd stand-alone 116-page book.  I got it published on SMASHWORDS (the name of the on-line publisher from Savas), and have a grand total of only 1 sale so far – the single book I bought!

    - There’s a problem getting the SMASHWORDS books to on-line folks like Amazon and Barnes-Noble; i.e. the book ain’t available yet - as of today - anywhere but SMASHWORDS.

    3.  I’ve moved to Barnes and Noble for Publishing.  In case Stevie and Veronica were wondering what I was doing for 3 days at the North Carolina cabin – that’s what.

    - Barnes and Noble kept telling me that their Nook (whatever that is) had computer issues – and that’s why no Smashwords books were showing up on their site.

    - So I finished both an on-line and printed book with Barnes and Noble’s at their relatively new publishing sitetoday.

    - It will take a week for a human to review – but by this time next week, I should have "IT’S ABOUT BRIDGES – THE RESTART" published and for sale by Barnes & Noble (I’ll let u know when/if?).

    - I still have the fat original 700-page monster with Page Publishing (the replacement print-publisher for Rich-Life after they dumped me) – but it’ll take 6 months to print-publish it.

    - I might try to print-publish the fat 700-page monster with Barnes and Nobel next week – subject to it not being too fat (will also let you know).

    4.  The election.  We were with Stevie

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