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Stepping Into My Divine Masculine King Power: A Confessional Spiritual Guide to Conquering Earthly Battles Shielded with an Army of Lights
Stepping Into My Divine Masculine King Power: A Confessional Spiritual Guide to Conquering Earthly Battles Shielded with an Army of Lights
Stepping Into My Divine Masculine King Power: A Confessional Spiritual Guide to Conquering Earthly Battles Shielded with an Army of Lights
Ebook351 pages3 hours

Stepping Into My Divine Masculine King Power: A Confessional Spiritual Guide to Conquering Earthly Battles Shielded with an Army of Lights

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Stepping Into My Divine Masculine King Power unites the Divine Masculine energy with the persona of the King archetype.  Part autobiography and part divine guidance, Kevin Hunter reveals pieces of his life mixed with content intended to inspire the reader into physical and soul victory through a series of inspirational and informational essays.   The autobiographical segments focus on the efforts it takes to move from child abuse, oppression, addictions, and mental health issues to rising up through the various stages of immature adolescence and into the spiritual maturity of the divine masculine king energy.  This is a process that doesn't take place overnight, but is gradually shaped through the course of time as you endure continual life challenges, experiences, and study. 

Life is one big classroom aimed to assist the soul in its individual evolution process.  The more centered and confident your soul becomes, the greater the chances of naturally and effortlessly rising and stepping into the divine masculine king power energy.  You gain more resilience through the tougher times.

The divine guidance teachings include psychic insights as well as inspirational wisdom on developing a courageous spirit with bold self-confidence to achieve and accomplish what you seek out to do in life.  This is from understanding the working nature of the Universe, God, Spirit, the Light, as well as the value of pairing with your Spirit team to recognize your lessons as well as attaining victories in life.  Your soul is intended to endure challenges and struggles to prepare you for successes, wins, breakthroughs, and blessings. 

Sometimes points are made in a stream of consciousness, while other times spirit messages are intertwined with those thought processes and discussions. Some of it may be lighthearted and entertaining as the author points out pieces of his selves coupled with his wins that later came beyond the childhood trauma and onto the more serious tough love motivational speeches.  The ultimate goal is to empower and inspire you to step into your divine masculine king power in order to conquer and succeed in all aspects of your life.  The Divine Masculine energy is one that all souls have access to regardless of gender.

Release dateMar 7, 2020
Stepping Into My Divine Masculine King Power: A Confessional Spiritual Guide to Conquering Earthly Battles Shielded with an Army of Lights

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    Book preview

    Stepping Into My Divine Masculine King Power - Kevin Hunter

    Stepping Into My Divine Masculine

    King Power

    A Confessional Spiritual Guide to

    Conquering Earthly Battles

    Shielded with an Army of Lights


    Samsung USB:LOGO:WarriorOfLightPress-LOGO.jpg

    COPYRIGHT © 2020 KEVIN Hunter

    Cover copyright © 2020 by Warrior of Light Press

    Published and distributed in the United States by Warrior of Light Press, which supports the right to free expression and the value of copyright. The purpose of copyright is to encourage writers and artists to produce creative works that enrich our culture.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book and publication may be used or reproduced by any means including but not limited to digital, electronic, graphic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, taping or otherwise; nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise be copied for public or private use – other than for fair use as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews - without the written permission of the copyright owner, publisher or author.  Social media posts please credit the author.  The scanning, uploading, and distribution of any contents in this book without permission is a theft of the author’s intellectual property.

    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly.  The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being.  In the event, you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

    Warrior of Light Press

    3. Mind and Body.  2. Spirituality.  1. Title

    All rights reserved. Copyright © 2020

    ISBN-13: 978-1733196277


    For you on your journey towards overcoming struggles and gaining prosperity, achievement, and breakthroughs.


    I stumbled upon your work bro and I just loved it!  There’s not many men sharing openly in this space and helping others in it as well, so that’s great to see!!

    Your raw truth and essence are extremely refreshing.  Finally, someone that exudes a masculine yang energy to the fullest in the spiritual genre.

    I read your Warrior of Light book in separate chunks to really get the full value of it and your experience.  I loved it so much!  The writing style I feel is directed towards the more masculine/male audience and maybe one at the beginning of a spiritual path.

    I see you most definitely gaining access to the hearts of the men that read your books.  The ones who need to hear from and about the angels from a male point of view in the typical American dominated masculine landscape, a different kind of man.

    Read your book, Connecting with the Archangels.  It was incredible!  I have to say it is nice to have a male perspective on this subject.


    Warrior of Light

    Stay Centered Psychic Warrior

    Empowering Spirit Wisdom

    Darkness of Ego

    Transcending Utopia

    Realm of the Wise One

    Spirit Guides and Angels

    Soul Mates and Twin Flames

    Raising Your Vibration

    Divine Messages for Humanity

    Connecting with the Archangels

    Monsters and Angels

    The Seven Deadly Sins

    Love Party of One

    Twin Flame Soul Connections

    A Beginner’s Guide to the Four Psychic Clair Senses

    Tarot Card Meanings

    Attracting in Abundance

    Abundance Enlightenment

    Living for the Weekend

    Reaching for the Warrior Within

    Ignite Your Inner Life Force

    Awaken Your Creative Spirit

    Stepping Into My Divine Masculine King Power

    The Essential Kevin Hunter Collection

    The Metaphysical Divine Wisdom (series):

    Psychic Spirit Team Heaven Communication

    Soul Consciousness and Purpose

    Manifesting Fearless Assertive Confidence

    Balancing the Mind, Body, and Soul

    Increasing Prayer with Faith for an Abundant Life

    Universal, Physical, Spiritual and Soul Love


    STEPPING INTO MY DIVINE Masculine King Power unites the Divine Masculine energy with the King archetype. This is part autobiography to hammer home the efforts it takes to move from child abuse, oppression, addictions, and mental health issues to rising up through the various stages of adolescence and into spiritual maturity.  This is by gradually moving through the royal court archetypes of the Page, the Knight, and the Warrior before fully stepping into the Divine Masculine King Power energy.  It is a process that doesn’t take place over night, but rather over the course of time through continual life challenges, experiences, as well as study. 

    The other element contained in this are divine guidance teachings connected to developing a courageous spirit with bold self-confidence to achieve and accomplish what you seek out to do in life.  This is from understanding the working nature of the Universe, God, Spirit, the Light, the Energy, or however you choose to call it, as well as teaming up with your Spirit team for victory.  Your soul is intended to endure challenges and struggles in life to prepare you for successes, wins, breakthroughs, and blessings.  Sometimes points are made in a stream of consciousness, while other times Divine messages are intertwined with the thought processes.  The ultimate goal is to empower and inspire you to step into your Divine Masculine King Power energy which assists in conquering and succeeding in many aspects of your life.  This is regardless of your gender, since the Divine Masculine King Power is an energy that resides within all souls.

    Stepping Into My Divine Masculine

    King Power


    Rising Up Into King Confidence

    When I use the masculine label terminology, this can include anyone regardless of gender, even though the masculine energy tends to be dominant in men the way feminine energy is dominant in women.  As life has progressed throughout Earth’s evolution, humanity has been gaining a higher awareness level that includes awakening the masculine and feminine energies within all people regardless of gender.  The soul’s goal is to balance both masculine and feminine energies within it.  Masculine energy is directed outwardly, while feminine energy is inward.  Masculine energy takes action, while feminine energy is receptive.  When I dive into a writing project, it is the Divine Feminine energy within me that I need to access for the purpose of creative expression, but what propels me to actually get to work on the project is the Divine Masculine action energy.  The Masculine energy is required to take action on something, but the Feminine energy is the internal creative engines I access.  The planet Mars rules the Masculine energy, while the Venus planet rules the Feminine energy.  Everyone was born with a Venus and Mars astrological placement.  You look at your Venus sign to determine what you desire, while looking at your Mars astrological placement to determine the energy of the action you take in going after that desire.  Both are needed to help fulfill aspects of your soul’s life purposes.

    Some content discussed in this could ignite a troublesome spark within you while also speaking to elements that exist in the core parts of your soul.  It may prompt you to awaken certain parts of the Divine Masculine energy within you to apply towards your life purposes, experiences, and endeavors.

    A FEW WORDS BEFORE Diving Into the Meat

    MANY HAVE POINTED OUT how they feel I seem to exude an energy that commands respect like a Warrior or a King.  Moving swiftly between those energies likely depends on what mode I tended to be in that day, or more accurately put would be what side of the bed I got up on.  This is also part autobiographical piece that discusses how I’ve driven through personal life struggles with this overconfident driven nature.  This is also mixed in with Divine Guidance from above since I wouldn’t be able to endure an entire book about me without talking about how you can apply some of the guidance to your own life.  One of the goals is to convey a strength, toughness, and perseverance with some keen depth, motivation, and awareness mixed in.  I often use the word God because it packs a stronger punch in the gut, but feel free to interchange the word you identify God to be whether that’s Spirit, the Light, Energy, or the Universe. Part of embodying the Divine Masculine King energy means to be respectful of others points of views, labels, and words they choose to use regardless if you personally identify with it or not.  The Creator of all that is doesn’t care what label you use since that fixation is resorted to the ego.  My confidence comes from the confidence that He and Spirit have of all the good that we are capable of reaching.

    What made me rise into this seemingly invincible Warrior of Light with a Divine Masculine energy was not an overnight effort.  It should also be pointed out that I don’t think of myself in this way or any way to be honest.  I’m just someone that does what I need to do like any hard-working person.  I know what needs to get done, I do it, and I accomplish it.  This is my Mars in Capricorn placement, which is considered one of the harder working Mars placements next to the Mars in Aries followed by possibly the Mars in Scorpio.  My Venus is in Pisces, the placement of ethereal love, compassion, and creative artistry.  All of this and other examples I weave in is for the sake of inspiring your own gifts that you might not be aware of.  It could also prompt you to self-evaluate on a deeper level. When you hear someone else talking about their own struggles towards achievement, it tends to awaken your own struggles and achievements to help you climb higher than where you are now.

    Some of the dominating Divine Masculine King energies may be what I appear as to some, but like any human being I struggle with the shadow side.  I vacillate between having and displaying this formidable holy determination to falling into a despair of frustration and confusion, which is the shadow side.  As a soul in a human body living a physical life on this planet, I also experience and display all of the possible colors and shades in thoughts, feelings, actions, and personality without apology.  Revealing aspects of both the Light and Shadow side within is to face it, embrace it, learn from it, then let it go.  We have to first go back into time to childhood, which is where I and you began to shape form in ways that would be both a blessing and a hindrance to overcome. 

    Fasten your seatbelt since this might initially be a bumpy ride.  I’m going to hit you with my past as quickly as possible to set up the point of rising up out of the Darkness and into the Light, then we’ll get into some spiritual Divine Guidance to help you understand the nature of the Universes ways of granting breakthroughs and blessings.  All of this is connected to the Divine Masculine King archetype energy without having to say that in every sentence.


    DON’T EXPECT TO ACHIEVE anything worthwhile without first enduring suffering and pain.  When I close my eyes, I can remember feeling the assault and then the ringing and the burning sting as my father repeatedly used me as a punching bag.  I was seven when my body trembled badly from the pain and the shock of what was happening that I lost balance and crashed to the floor.  I was shouted at to stand up to be repeatedly assaulted and bashed again.  This was at the hands of the one I never vocally addressed as my father, even though it was the one I was given to when I came to be this lifetime. One of my siblings described our upbringing as like being in the military.

    My true Father is the Creator of all that exists since that is who made me and has loved me unconditionally, as He does with you. This childhood assault would happen repeatedly and periodically for years that it blended into one another.  I never knew when I was going to be struck next or if that particular day I woke up would be the day I would be beaten again. 

    I was ferociously attacked physically, verbally, and psychologically so much that my soul’s primary consciousness splintered and cracked like a sheet of glass.  When that happens the pieces within the soul’s consciousness each became a different self and identity.  They all have their own names, values, viewpoints, interests, religions, political affiliations, sexual orientations, personalities, and on and on.  The persona that writes has no recollection of it except through a haze of splintered film within another identity.  One that seems distant and unaffiliated to who I am now.

    As the abuse was a regular part of my life, I forged on knowing that there are people that could possibly have had it worse such as Jesus being nailed to a cross while still alive or the repetitive sexual assault by a parent or caregiver.  Ongoing severe traumatic abuse causes similar damage to each individual regardless of the form it comes in.  It can get complicated and convoluted to dissect the repercussions of each since all victims of ongoing child abuse will be faced with that inevitability.  How one comes out of it will vary between each.  It is interesting to note how the greatest issues on the planet are caused, created, and instigated by other people, if not at our own undoing.

    One of the common traits that survivors of traumatic child abuse have is the massive warrior like strength gained.  It tends to be higher than someone that didn’t endure that kind of trauma.  The shadow flipside are the ongoing challenges that person faces while having to wrestle with so as to survive each day.  For some it can be like dealing with some form of a crazy genius or madness.  A person may be a genius, but the dark side is they can also be crazy to a degree, even though crazy is subjective.  This is illustrating the opposing light and dark sides that come with being a survivor of traumatic child abuse.  It’s not saying we’re crazy, but we are constantly wrestling with mental and emotional disorders that are beyond what someone else might be wrestling with.  One person might move about through life oblivious or naïve to their surroundings, while the victim of child abuse will be hypervigilant to the extreme end every single day.  Going to certain places can be difficult.  Dealing with hostile bullying personalities can trigger a PTSD like reaction that can cause a retaliation through some sort of upset or violence.  A best friend once commented when I was in my twenties that I reminded him of Will Hunting, the character Matt Damon played in Good Will Hunting.  Will was this intelligent guy, but rough around the edges due to his street upbringing.

    Some measure of awareness and vigilance is necessary for anyone that navigates through this Earthly life, but too much can be taxing on your sensitive system.  If you were repeatedly badly abused, then you’re already sensitive to anything and everything around you.  Balance is always the area to work to thrive for when possible.  As a survivor of child abuse, you can work hard to change your life and circumstances and find the silver lining in that dark cup.  Some people have faced violence only on one occasion in their life, but it’s enough to have a modifying effect they’ve had to battle with ever since, so imagine facing repeated violence for years. 

    The point of alluding to the damaging childhood is for various reasons.  One of them is that I’m often asked how I got the big jobs I did while in the film industry working with some heavy power hitters that sought me out to bring me on from the early age of twenty-three.  How did I later evolve into a spiritual teacher with dozens of books that help others improve their lives?  It wasn’t by reading memes on social media.  The spiritual connections were taking place since birth long before those sound bites became popular online on in a meme.   Some want to know how you went from childhood abusive oppression to rising up and becoming the warrior and King that commands a room.  It isn’t to rattle off an ego driven resume list of fanatical credits.  It’s to say that you can have nothing going for you in your life.  You can be growing up in a situation filled with oppression, repression, and interminable violence, but you can still come out of that with intense King like strength conquering all sorts of amazing things in your life.  This is one of the bigger reasons I sometimes often bring up the work I’ve done or who I’ve worked with successfully.  It’s to show that one person who needs some inspiration and motivation that if I can do it, me, someone who is not popular, loved, or massively followed and adored like a Kardashian, Instagram influencer, or hot model, can create and contribute some deep interesting and amazing things in life.  It is more groundbreaking to change one person rather than having hundreds of thousands of followers that are not motivated to positively change their life due to your underwear photo post.

    There is an array of challenges that will come out of the abusive home I did.  Victims of child abuse are in a powerless position growing up.  They place their trust into the older caregiver who abuses that over and over again.  When the child grows up it instinctively has trust issues.  You cannot blame them since they were born believing they are to put their trust into human beings only to have that mistreated by all they come across.  They start to initially see people as an enemy or a threat.  When you have one abusive parent and the other parent stands by and does nothing, then the parent standing by can be seen as an enabler.  They might not do anything out of fear of what will happen to them, but some will see that the enabling parent chose to mate with the other parent who became an abuser.  They might be considered responsible to an extent, but not as much as the parent doing the abusing.  At the same time, sometimes the enabler is afraid of doing anything or they could get into trouble too.

    A well-known preacher has talked about the repetitive sexual assault her father enacted on her growing up.  Her mother knew of it, but did nothing and turned a blind eye.  This preacher said she was almost angrier at the mother for doing nothing over the father doing the act.  I should be clear that I blame no one, but just making a few statements on the matter.

    Maybe you move through life with a frozen smile on the outside, but you’re bleeding in emotional pain on the inside.  It’s okay to not be okay.  You don’t always have to be together.  I spent decades with this secret of child abuse that I kept to myself pretending it never happened, while learning to allow the Light in and give it room to heal me without any resistance from my ego.  The Light gave me hope instead of despair.  When others had been abusive, I never thought something was wrong with me to warrant it, which can often be the immediate sense from a victim.  Instead, I already knew something was wrong with the abuser.  That unapologetic confidence has been there since childhood.  When you display confidence to your abuser, this just makes them madder.  When you’re not cowering into submission, oh boy does that get under the skin of the abuser or bully to see you stronger than they are.  It hits their dark ego like you would never believe.  This is witnessed in daily life with those whose souls are stunted and not evolving from where it is now.  It can be someone you come across whether in person, the media, or social media.  The Dark contaminated are offended by the confidence in a Light being. 


    AN ABUSER HAS ALSO been taken over by their own uncontrollable ego, which is a pawn for the Darkness to infiltrate.  The Darkness uses the weak and susceptible as puppets to enact harm on others in some form whether through words or violence.  The Darkness despises confidence in a Light being, because its goal is to see you fail.  He will work through abusers to try and bring you down.  When you don’t fall for it, then you are giving the Devil the biggest black eye.

    This is also not giving the abuser a free pass by saying, Oh, the Devil made him do it. 

    This is in the same way that others make excuses that they were intoxicated on a drug or alcohol when they enacted some type of crime.  Every single person on the planet is responsible for their own actions, words, thoughts, and feelings.  Regardless if they have been taken over by a mind-altering substance, stress, a bad day, their tantrum child driven ego, or the Darkness of the Devil himself.  You are responsible for how you behave towards yourself or others.

    My mother reportedly did go to the police a few times, but they couldn’t do anything. I recall numerous occasions growing up when the police would show up at the door when the violence my father enacted escalated.   It was an ongoing nightmare because he didn’t stop, but would continue his reign of terror for hours.  Lawyers would cost money she didn’t have.  She was passive, sensitive, and not ambitious.  Barely surviving check to check, she needed my father’s income to make it.  This is another reason I knew I would never have children unless I knew I could provide for them solely on my income alone, otherwise I’m not doing that.  That’s not a rule that most follow since there are more children born into poverty than born into families of financial means. 

    I was born March 5, 1973 in Arcadia, California.  My childhood abuse took place in the late 1970’s and on upwards.  It’s not like it is in the 2000’s and beyond, where abuse can be easily caught on tape and ends up trending on social media when it gets in the right hands.  There is still massive childhood abuse going on behind closed doors.  A cunning deceitful abuser will rarely abuse out in the open.  They do it when no one is looking because they know if they do it out in the open, then they’re going to get in trouble from someone.  There are the abusing bullies that don’t care and will plainly do it out in the open.  People are filming that and putting it on social media and YouTube for people to watch, like, dislike, or comment, but how many do anything about it?  They might condemn it in a comment, but no one mobilizes, protests, or riots to stop that kind of abuse.  We know they can mobilize to protest as they’ve been doing that forever.  Meanwhile poverty, hunger, and child abuse continue on over the centuries barely getting much notice to create a movement of activism to fight it. 

    My child abuse and bullying never took place in school.  This was my home life that was fraught with unstoppable and immeasurable psychological and physical abuse.  I wasn't bullied in school, but we know there were others who were.  I was bullied at home, which could be seen as much worse since you can't escape it as an eight year old child.  My home life did not feel safe, but was a place to sleep in nightly fear unable to run away.  Many young people have run away and fallen into prostitution or law breaking of some kind.  Some end up dying on the streets or in prison or they get involved with the wrong crowd.


    YOU TRY TO FIND THE positives to a challenging situation.  A positive gained through the repetitive severe abuse is I feel nothing when it comes to what anyone might say or think about who I am.  The feeling nothing aspect is almost sociopathic or emotionally dead as one would call it, but is more apt to be accurately described as indifference.  We’ve all seen public figures take what is said about them negatively.  For some they’ve admitted to taking it personally that it’s crippled them.  Someone with great strength knows not to pay any attention to the noise around them since it can weaken someone on the cusp of low self-esteem.  You can have compassion for a situation, but it doesn’t plague you to the point that it renders you stagnant.  When you are a confident centered King soul, then your perception is on a broader level.  Dropping down into toxicity isn’t something you consider to be appealing.

    I was repeatedly physically, verbally, and psychologically assaulted growing up.  I was also repeatedly

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