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The Chinese Idiom Dictionary: The Complete Collection
The Chinese Idiom Dictionary: The Complete Collection
The Chinese Idiom Dictionary: The Complete Collection
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The Chinese Idiom Dictionary: The Complete Collection

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The Chinese Idiom Dictionary is a massive collection of over 4,100 chengyu, carefully organized for easy reference. Each idiom is provided in its traditional form, with both Pinyin and English translations accompanying them. In addition, every expression has a detailed note of its traditional source to give readers a deeper understanding of the context that surrounds and informs each saying, faithfully preserved in Chinese.

For anyone with an interest in Chinese language, culture, or philosophy, don’t miss out on this authoritative three-volume collection!

* Over 4,100 Chinese chengyu and idiomatic sayings!
* Pinyin and English translations!
* Detailed notes for the context of each phrase!
* Alphabetical organization for easy reference!
* Thousands of insights into classical Chinese literature!
* For the first time, all three volumes collected in one special edition!

PublisherMaki Hayasaka
Release dateFeb 27, 2020
The Chinese Idiom Dictionary: The Complete Collection

Maki Hayasaka

Maki Hayasaka is a sociolinguist and has worked in Japanese studies for nearly two decades. Her focus as a language researcher has been on the relationship between English and Japanese, and how native speakers of one language can best learn the other.

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    The Chinese Idiom Dictionary - Maki Hayasaka


    The Chinese Idiom Dictionary

    The Complete Collection

    Mei Li

    Maki Hayasaka

    First published 2020

    Publication © Rockwaller Books 2020

    Text © Mei Li and Maki Hayasaka 2020

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    Publisher: Rockwaller Books

    Editor: Dane Wallace

    Proofreader: Hua Chen

    Cover design: Emma Grey


    ISBN: 9780463549803

    Distributed by Smashwords

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    Chéngyǔ are a form of traditional Chinese idiom. Most of them consist of four characters and convey a wide range of nuanced meanings. Learners of Chinese will usually encounter them early on in their studies, although the sheer number of them can be intimidating for new and experienced speakers alike. The precise number of chéngyǔ is impossible to say, but there are approximately 5,000 of them in common use (with as many as 20,000 cited by some sources, although the vast majority are quite obscure).

    These idiomatic sayings provide valuable and fascinating insights into the culture, history, and collective wisdom of the Chinese people, touching on topics from love and beauty to war, business, and morality. As a result, a deep understanding and mastery of these expressions is regarded by many as a reflection of high education and cultural sophistication.

    But even on a more personal level, chéngyǔ are a natural part of any learner’s journey to becoming fluent in Chinese: it is incredibly hard to walk the talk as a higher-level speaker or listener of the language without being able to recognize their usage or understand the specific meaning they impart in a particular context.

    Although most chéngyǔ have their origin in ancient or classic Chinese literature, there is a fair number of them that have emerged from even the twentieth century (especially from Western material that has increasingly found global audiences over the past two hundred years).

    In many cases, chéngyǔ offer a form of precis of the original story they originate from, retelling it in an extremely succinct and conceptual way. Other chéngyǔ are direct quotes from their source material, utilizing key characters in the poem or story and adding in necessary particles to make them grammatical. As a result, these chéngyǔ can often be seen as snapshots of Classical Chinese literature, with all the archaic vocabulary and conventions that such historical material necessarily involves.

    By their nature, this means that chéngyǔ impart information far more concisely (and thus abstractly) than people do in their regular speech and writing, which is part of the reason why new learners of Chinese can struggle to grasp their nuanced meanings. Another reason is the fact that chéngyǔ can take the role of any part of speech, from an independent clause (that is, one with a subject and predicate) to a noun, verb, adjective, or adverb. Naturally, this requires a good foundation in the language to reliably use and interpret such phrases correctly.

    Given how conceptual the language often needs to be to convey a multifaceted moral or message in around four characters, the modern translations usually require a fair amount of either contextual information or localization to assist with their intended meaning. Otherwise, the reader or listener can be faced by a group of characters that don’t seem to express an intelligible meaning in isolation.

    Of course, not all chéngyǔ originate from ancient stories, poems, and myths, as this dictionary demonstrates. There are a number of idiomatic expressions that have direct English equivalents. Although these are more recent additions to the language, as we mentioned a bit earlier, it is interesting to see that they still use the vocabulary and syntax of Classical Chinese, adopting the general structure of four characters to convey their meaning. This qualifies them as chéngyǔ for inclusion in this series of dictionaries.

    For every chéngyǔ, we provide the original form of the expression, Pinyin and English translations (with additional contextual notes as needed), the source from which that saying originates, as well as the relevant quote for context.

    It is our hope that this resource will assist new and experienced speakers of Chinese to gain a deeper insight into this ancient and fascinating culture. And what better way to achieve that than through the beauty of its language?

    We’re excited to be joining you on this journey.

    Mei Li

    Maki Hayasaka




    āi bīng bì shèng

    Meaning: An army burning with righteous indignation is certain to win.

    Reference: 《老子》第六十九章

    Quote: 祸莫大于轻敌,轻敌几丧吾宝,故抗兵相加,哀者胜矣。


    āi hóng biàn yě

    Meaning: A land swarming with starving, homeless people (especially describing a region after suffering a disaster; derogatory usage to describe homelessness).

    Reference: 《诗经·小雅·鸿雁》

    Quote: 鸿雁于飞,哀鸣嗷嗷。


    āi jiāi hù

    Meaning: From house to house / from door to door (typically in describing a search).

    Reference: 老舍《四世同堂》七四

    Quote: 自从他作了副县长,随着白巡长挨家挨户地收铜铁,他的美誉便降落了许多。


    āi shēng tàn qì

    Meaning: To heave a deep sigh (especially in despair).

    Reference: 明·凌濛初《二刻拍案惊奇》卷三十八

    Quote: 终日价没心没想,哀声叹气。



    ài bù shì shǒu

    Meaning: To love something too much to part with it.

    Reference: 南朝·梁·萧统《陶渊明集序》

    Quote: 余爱嗜其文,不能释手。


    ài cái rú mìng

    Meaning: To love gold [wealth] as one’s life.

    Reference: 清·岭南羽衣女士《东欧女豪杰》第四回

    Quote: 我想近来世界,不管什么英雄,什么豪杰,都是爱财如命,何况吃官司的,少不免要和那些狼官鼠吏交手,这更没钱不行了。


    ài mò néng zhù

    To be willing to help but to be unable to do so.

    Reference: 《诗经·大雅·烝民》

    Quote: 维仲山甫举之,爱莫助之。


    ài qián rú mìng

    To love money like life. / To have a cheeseparing attitude.

    Reference: 明·谢谠《四喜记·大宋毕姻》

    Quote: 既称月老,又号冰人,爱钱如命,说谎能神,自家高媒婆是也。


    ài shǒu ài jiǎo

    To be a hindrance to others. / To prevent others from doing something.

    Reference: 明·凌濛初《初刻拍案惊奇》第三十二卷

    Quote: 后边有些嫌忌起来,碍手碍脚,到底不妙。


    ài wū jí wū

    Love me, love my dog.

    Reference: 《尚书大传·大战》

    Quote: 爱人者,兼其屋上之乌。


    ài zēng fēn míng

    For love and hate to have a clear standpoint.

    Reference: 陈若曦《耿尔在北京》

    Quote: 他很困惑,也很痛苦,想不到爱憎分明、坚强独立的小睛会怕人‘闲话’。



    ān bù dàng chē

    To walk leisurely instead of riding (in a carriage).

    Reference: 《战国策·齐策四》

    Quote: 晚食以当肉,安步以当车,无罪以当贵,清静贞正以自虞。


    ān bù wàng wēi

    Don’t forget about danger in times of peace.

    Reference: 《周易·系辞下》

    Quote: 是故君子安而不忘危,存而不忘亡,治而不忘礼,是以身安而国家可保也。


    ān fèn shǒu jǐ

    To safeguard oneself with integrity and honesty.

    Reference: 宋·袁文《翁牖闲评》八

    Quote: 彼安分守己,恬于进取者,方且以道义自居,其肯如此侥幸乎?


    ān jiā luò hù

    To settle down. / To make a home for oneself.

    Reference: 郭沫若《郑成功》第四章

    Quote: 台湾每年可收二三季,我们去只要辛苦得几个月,就可以安家落户了。


    ān jū lè yè

    To live and work in peace (especially under a good government).

    Reference: 《老子》第八十章

    Quote: 民各甘其食,美其服,安其俗,乐其业,至老死不相往来。


    ān lè wō

    A bed of flowers. / Quiet and comfortable accommodation.

    Reference: 宋·邵雍《无名公传》

    Quote: 所寝之室谓之安乐窝,不求过美,惟求冬暖夏凉。


    ān mín gào shì

    To inform people in advance to make sure they are prepared for something.

    Reference: 清·金念劬《避兵十日记》

    Quote: 嘱两县速出安民告示,谕令店铺照常开张。


    ān pín lè dào

    To live a simple, virtuous life. / To be contented in poverty and devote oneself to higher callings than materialism.

    Reference: 《后汉书·杨彪传》

    Quote: 安贫乐道,恬于进趣,三辅诸儒莫不慕仰之。


    ān rán wú yàng

    Safe and sound. / To escape from something unscathed.

    Reference: 《战国策·齐策》

    Quote: 岁亦无恙耶?民亦无恙耶?王亦无恙耶?。


    ān rú pán shí

    To be as solid as a rock. / To have great security.

    Reference: 《荀子·富国》

    Quote: 为名者否,为利者否,为忿者否,则国安于磐石,寿于旗翼。


    ān rú tài shān

    To be as firm as a rock. / To not be in any danger.

    Reference: 汉·枚乘《上书谏吴王》

    Quote: 变所欲为,易于反掌,安于泰山。


    ān shēn lì mìng

    To settle down and proceed with one’s pursuits.

    Reference: 宋·释道原《景德传灯录》卷十

    Quote: 僧问:‘学人不据地时如何?’师云:‘汝向什么处安身立命?’


    ān tǔ zhòng qiān

    To be in one’s homeland and feel loath to leave it.

    Reference: 《汉书·元帝纪》

    Quote: 安土重迁,黎民之性;骨肉相附,人情所愿也。


    ān yíng zhā zhài

    To set up camp.

    Reference: 元·无名氏《两军师隔江斗智》第二折

    Quote: 这周瑜匹夫,累累兴兵来索取俺荆州地面,如今在柴桑渡口安营扎寨,其意非小。


    ān yú xiàn zhuàng

    To accept things as they are.

    Reference: 刘少奇《论党》

    Quote: 另有些同志在工作中疲蹋,老一套,安于现状。


    ān zhī ruò sù

    To endure hardships with equanimity.

    Reference: 清·范寅《越谚·附论·论堕贫》

    Quote: 贪逸欲而逃勤苦,丧廉耻而习谄谀,甘居人下,安之若素。



    àn bīng bù dòng

    To halt the troops and wait instead of plunging into battle. / To bide one’s time.

    Reference: 《吕氏春秋·恃君览》

    Quote: 赵简子按兵而不动。


    àn bù jiù bān

    Step by step / To adhere to conventional ways.

    Reference: 语出晋·陆机《文赋》

    Quote: 观古今于须臾,抚四海于一瞬。然后选义案部,考辞就班。


    àn bù jiù bān

    To do things in a logical order. / To adhere to conventions.

    Reference: 晋·陆机《文赋》

    Quote: 然后选义案部,考辞就班。


    àn dù chén cāng

    An illicit affair. / To do something under the guise of another.

    Reference: 元·无名氏《暗渡陈仓》第二折

    Quote: 着樊哙明修栈道,俺可暗度陈仓古道。这楚兵不知是智,必然排兵在栈道守把。俺往陈仓古道抄截,杀他个措手不及也。


    àn jiàn shāng rén

    To stab someone in the back. / To betray somebody.

    Reference: 宋·刘炎《迩言》卷六

    Quote: 暗箭中人,其深次骨,人之怨之,亦必次骨,以其掩人所不备也。


    àn rán shén shāng

    To feel disheartened or depressed.

    Reference: 清·百一居士《壶天录》

    Quote: 女更黯然神伤,泫然流涕。


    àn rán shī sè

    To be overshadowed or outshone.

    Reference: 南朝·梁·江淹《别赋》

    Quote: 黯然销魂者,惟别而已矣。 李善注:黯然,失色貌


    àn sòng qiū bō

    To make secret overtures. / To cast flirtatious looks.

    Reference: 宋·苏轼《百步洪》诗之二

    Quote: 佳人未肯回秋波,幼舆欲语防飞梭。


    àn tú suǒ jì

    To attempt to find something (especially by following a clue).

    Reference: 《汉书·梅福传》

    Quote: 今不循伯者之道,乃欲以三代选举之法取当时之士,犹察伯乐之图求骐骥于市,而不可得,变已明矣。


    àn wú tiān rì

    A total absence of justice (especially in reference to a government or region).

    Reference: 清·蒲松龄《聊斋志异·老龙船户》

    Quote: 剖腹沉石,惨冤已甚,而木雕之有司,绝不少关痛痒,岂特粤东之暗无天日哉!



    áng shǒu kuò bù

    To stride forward with pride.

    Reference: 老舍《鼓书艺人》二十四

    Quote: 新郎昂首阔步,在他身边迈着鸭子步,为的是显摆他那马靴和银马刺。



    áo áo dài bǔ

    To cry pitiably for food.

    Reference: 汉·荀悦《前汉纪·成帝纪三》

    Quote: 作治数年,天下遍被其劳,国家疲弊,府库空虚,下至众庶,嗷嗷苦之。



    bā hóng tóng guǐ

    Unity (refers to a faraway place in all directions: a unified world).

    Reference: 《晋书·武帝纪》

    Quote: 廓清梁、岷、包怀扬、越,八纮同轨,祥瑞屡臻。


    bā jiǔ bù lí shí

    Quite close. / About right.

    Reference: 老舍《柳屯的》

    Quote: 可是比较的,我还算是他的熟人,自幼儿的同学。我不敢说是明白他,不过讲猜测的话,我或者能猜个八九不离十。


    bā miàn líng lóng

    To be able to please everybody. / To facilitate social relations in a smooth manner.

    Reference: 唐·卢纶《赋得彭祖楼送杨宗德归徐州幕》诗

    Quote: 四户八窗明,玲珑逼上清。


    bā miàn wēi fēng

    To make or present a magnificent appearance.

    Reference: 元·尚仲贤《单鞭夺槊》第四折

    Quote: 圣天子百灵相助,大将军八面威风。


    bā xiān guò hǎi

    The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea [a Chinese folk legend].

    Reference: 明·无名氏《八仙过海》第二折

    Quote: 则俺这八仙过海神通大,方显这众圣归山道法强,端的万古名扬。


    bā zì méi yī piě

    For there to be no sign of anything happening yet.

    Reference: 孙锦标《通俗常言疏证》卷三

    Quote: 《通俗编》:‘朱子《与刘子澄书》:圣贤已是八字打开了,人不自领会。’按今有‘八字不见两撇’之谚,似又因于此。凡事无端绪者,谓之八字不曾见两撇。


    bá dāo xiāng zhù

    To draw one’s sword and provide help.

    Reference: 宋·释道元《景德传灯录》卷二十二

    Quote: 师曰:‘路见不平,所以按剑。’


    bá miáo zhù zhǎng

    Haste makes waste.

    Reference: 《孟子·公孙丑上》

    Quote: 宋人有闵其苗之不长而揠之者,茫茫然归,谓其人曰:‘今日病矣,予助苗长矣。’其子趋而往视之,苗则槁矣。


    bá shān shè shuǐ

    A difficult journey over land and water.

    Reference: 《左传·襄公二十八年》

    Quote: 跋山涉水,蒙犯霜露。



    bái bì wēi xiá

    A minor blemish or imperfection.

    Reference: 南朝·梁·萧统《陶渊明集序》

    Quote: 白璧微瑕,惟在《闲情》一赋。


    bái bì wú xiá

    Perfect moral integrity. / Flawless white jade.

    Reference: 宋·释道原《景德传灯录》卷十三

    Quote: 问:‘不曾博览空王教略,借玄机试道看。’师曰:‘白玉无瑕,卞和刖足。’


    bái diào tóng xīn

    The heart is like wild grass (describing the envy of wealth and splendor).

    Reference: 北周·庾信《竹杖赋》

    Quote: 秋藜促节,白藋同心。终堪荷蓧,自足驱禽。


    bái jiá qīng shān

    Scholars who have not yet achieved their fame.

    Reference: 宋·谢翱《送袁太初归剡原》诗

    Quote: 风帆送客到夷州,白帢青衫谈不朽。


    bái miàn shū shēng

    An inexperienced or young scholar.

    Reference: 《宋书·沈庆之传》

    Quote: 陛下今欲伐国,而与白面书生辈谋之,事何由济。


    bái rì zuò mèng

    To indulge in wishful thinking.

    Reference: 明·豫章醉月子《精选雅笑·送匾》

    Quote: 以为必中而遍问星相者,亦是白日做梦。


    bái shǒu chéng jiā

    To begin something from scratch. / To start a business under poor conditions.

    Reference: 周而复《上海的早晨》第一部十二

    Quote: 朱延年是商人的儿子,他的福佑药房是白手成家的。


    bái shǒu qǐ jiā

    To begin something from scratch.

    Reference: 《朱子语类》卷一0七

    Quote: 今士大夫白屋起家,以致荣显。


    bái tóu xié lǎo

    To be happily married all the way into old age.

    Reference: 明·陆采《怀香记·奉诏班师》

    Quote: 孩儿,我与你母亲白头偕老,富贵双全。


    bái yù wēi xiá

    A minor blemish or imperfection.

    Reference: 南朝·梁·萧统《陶渊明集序》

    Quote: 白璧微瑕,惟在《闲情》一赋。


    bái zhǐ hēi zì

    Black words on white paper (especially in reference to written evidence).

    Reference: 元·无名氏《看钱奴买冤家债主》第二折

    Quote: 不要闲说,白纸上写着黑字哩。若有反悔之人,罚宝钞一千贯与不反悔之人使用。



    bǎi bù chuān yáng

    To shoot with great precision (i.e., archery or marksmanship).

    Reference: 《史记·周本纪》

    Quote: 楚有养由基者,善射者也,去柳叶百步而射之,百发而百中之。


    bǎi chuān guī hǎi

    All things tend to move in one direction.

    Reference: 《淮南子·汜论训》

    Quote: 百川异源,而皆归于海。


    bǎi dú bù yàn

    To be worth reading one hundred times.

    Reference: 宋·苏轼《送安惇秀才失解西归》诗

    Quote: 旧书不厌百回读,熟读深思子自知。


    bǎi duān dài jǔ

    For there to be many tasks that remain to be done.

    Reference: 周恩来《人民政协共同纲领草案的要点》

    Quote: 经济建设是百端待举,但须有缓急轻重之分。


    bǎi fā bǎi zhòng

    To shoot with perfect accuracy (i.e., archery or marksmanship). / To have a good grasp on things.

    Reference: 《战国策·西周策》

    Quote: 楚有养由基者,善射,去柳叶百步而射之,百发百中。


    bǎi fèi jù xīng

    Tasks that have been neglected are now being undertaken.

    Reference: 宋·范仲淹《岳阳楼记》

    Quote: 政通人和,百废具(俱)兴。


    bǎi gǎn jiāo jí

    For a multitude of feelings to well up in one’s heart.

    Reference: 南朝·宋·刘义庆《世说新语·言语》

    Quote: 见此茫茫,不觉百端交集,苟未免有情,亦复谁能遣此。


    bǎi huā qí fàng

    A hundred flowers bloom. / Allow the arts to have free expression to prosper.

    Reference: 清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第三回

    Quote: 百花仙子只顾在此著棋,那知下界帝王忽有御旨命他百花齐放。


    bǎi huā shēng rì

    The birthday of flowers. / The twelfth day of the second lunar month (February).

    Reference: 清·秦味芸《月令粹编》卷五

    Quote: 《陶朱公书》:‘二月十二日为百花生日。无雨,百花熟。’


    bǎi jiā zhēng míng

    Allow a hundred schools of thought to contend with each other.

    Reference: 《汉书·艺文志》

    Quote: 凡诸子百八十九家……蜂出并作,各引一端,崇其所说,以此弛说,取舍诸候。


    bǎi kǒng qiān chuāng

    To be damaged and battered. / For the basics to be poorly grasped. / For life to be difficult.

    Reference: 唐·韩愈《与孟尚书书》

    Quote: 汉室以来,群儒区区修补,百孔千疮,随乱随失,其危如一发引千钧。


    bǎi lǐ tiāo yī

    One in a hundred. / To be the cream of the crop.

    Reference: 清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第一百二十回

    Quote: 姑爷年纪略大几岁,并没有娶过的,况且人物儿长的是百里挑一的。


    bǎi liàn chéng gāng

    Mastery comes from training. / Practice makes perfect.

    Reference: 汉·陈琳《武军赋》

    Quote: 铠则东胡阙巩,百炼精刚。


    bǎi nián dà jì

    A project of considerable and lasting importance (i.e., for a hundred years).

    Reference: 清·梁启超《论民族竞争之大势》

    Quote: 数月之间,而其权力已深入巩固,而百年大计于以定矣。


    bǎi nián hǎo hé

    One hundred years of harmony.

    Reference: 《粉妆楼》第一回

    Quote: 百年和合,千载团圆恭喜!


    bǎi nián shù rén

    It requires one hundred years to educate people.

    Reference: 《管子·权修》

    Quote: 一年之计,莫如树谷;十年之计,莫如树木,终身之计,莫如树人。


    bǎi sī bù jiě

    To be puzzled about something despite giving it plenty of thought.

    Reference: 清·纪昀《阅微草堂笔记》卷十三

    Quote: 此真百思不得其故矣。


    bǎi sī mò jiě

    To be puzzled about something despite giving it plenty of thought.

    Reference: 清·纪昀《阅微草堂笔记》卷十三

    Quote: 此真百思不得其故矣。


    bǎi wén bù rú yī jiàn

    Seeing is believing. / Seeing something for oneself is one hundred times better than hearing about it from another source.

    Reference: 《汉书·赵充国传》

    Quote: 百闻不如一见,兵难遥度,臣愿驰至金城,图上方略。


    bǎi wú liáo lài

    To be bored stiff. / For time to hang heavy on one’s hands.

    Reference: 汉·蔡琰《悲愤》诗

    Quote: 为复强视息,虽生何聊赖。


    bǎi wú yī shī

    For there to be no danger of anything going wrong.

    Reference: 汉·王充《论衡·须颂》

    Quote: 从门应庭,听堂室之言,什而失九,如升堂窥室,百不失一。


    bǎi wú yī shì

    To have no merits at all. / For everything to be done incorrectly.

    Reference: 宋·袁采《袁氏世范》

    Quote: 至于百无一是,且朝夕以此相临,极为难处。


    bǎi yī bǎi shùn

    To be submissive and obedient.

    Reference: 明·凌濛初《初刻拍案惊奇》第十三卷

    Quote: 做爷娘的百依百顺,没一事违拗了他。


    bǎi zhàn bǎi shèng

    To be victorious in all of one’s battles.

    Reference: 《孙子·谋攻》

    Quote: 百战百胜,非善之善者也。


    bǎi zhé bù huí

    To hang on by the eyelashes. / To persevere with a strong will, no matter the setbacks one encounters.

    Reference: 汉·蔡邕《太尉乔玄碑》

    Quote: 其性庄,疾华尚朴,有百折不挠,临大节而不可夺之风。


    bǎi zhé bù náo

    To remain undeterred by recurring setbacks or obstacles.

    Reference: 汉·蔡邕《太尉乔玄碑》

    Quote: 其性庄,疾华尚朴,有百折不挠,临大节而不可夺之风。



    bài xìng ér guī

    To be disheartened. / To return in low spirits.

    Reference: 明·冯梦龙《东周列国志》第一回

    Quote: 各军士未及领赏,草草而散。正是:乘兴而来,败兴而返。



    bān bó lù lí

    Variegated. / Of many colors or tints.

    Reference: 战国·楚·屈原《离骚》

    Quote: 纷总总其离合兮,斑陆离其上下。


    bān mén nòng fǔ

    To try to show off one’s skill in front of an expert.

    Reference: 宋·欧阳修《与梅圣俞书》

    Quote: 昨在真定,有诗七八首,今录去,班门弄斧,可笑可笑。


    bān nòng shì fēi

    To be a telltale. / To sow discord.

    Reference: 《庄子·盗跖》

    Quote: 摇唇鼓舌,擅生是非。



    bǎn bǎn liù shí sì

    To be unaccommodating or rigid.

    Reference: 清·范寅《越谚·数目之谚》

    Quote: 板板六十四,铸钱定例也,喻不活。


    bǎn shàng dìng dīng

    For something figurative to become a fact. E.g., That clinches it.

    Reference: 清·李绿园《歧路灯》第九十三回

    Quote: 议亲之事,这三位老伯,并儿的外父一并说好,那就石板上钉钉,就如我爹订的一般。



    bàn bàn lā lā

    To be incomplete.

    Reference: 朱自清《论说话的多少》

    Quote: 最麻烦的是人多的时候,说得半半拉拉的,大家或者交头接耳说他们自己的私话,或者打盹儿,或者东看看西看看,轻轻敲着指头想别的,或者勉强打起精神对付着你。


    bàn bì jiāng shān

    A part of the country that is preserved or lost after an enemy invasion.

    Reference: 清·蒋士诠《冬青树·提纲》

    Quote: 半壁江山,比五季朝廷尤小。


    bàn jīn bā liǎng

    Of equal match. / Two of a kind.

    Reference: 宋·释普济《五灯会元》卷十一

    Quote: 问:‘来时无物去时空,二路俱迷,如何得不迷去?’师曰:‘秤头半斤,秤尾八两。’


    bàn lù chū jiā

    To undertake a job that one wasn’t trained to do (especially late in one’s life).

    Reference: 《京本通俗小说·错斩崔宁》

    Quote: 先前读书,后来看看不济,却去改业做生意。便是半路出家的一般。


    bàn shēn bù suí

    To have hemiplegia (paralysis of one side of one’s body).

    Reference: 汉·张仲景《金匮要略·中风历节》

    Quote: 无风之为病,当半身不遂,或但臂不遂者,此为痹脉微而数中风使然。


    bàn tú ér fèi

    To give up or stop halfway through something.

    Reference: 《礼记·中庸》

    Quote: 君子遵道而行,半途而废,吾弗难已矣。


    bàn tuī bàn jiù

    To yield with a display of reluctance. / To pretend to be a sham.

    Reference: 元·王实甫《西厢记》第四本第一折

    Quote: 半推半就,又惊又爱,檀口揾香腮。


    bàn xìn bàn yí

    To be dubious of something.

    Reference: 三国·魏·嵇康《答释难宅无吉凶摄生论》

    Quote: 苟卜筮所以成相,虎可卜而地可择,何为半信而半不信耶?


    bàn yè sān gēng

    Late at night.

    Reference: 元·马致远《青衫泪》第三折

    Quote: 这船上是什么人,半夜三更,大呼小叫的。


    bàn zhēn bàn jiǎ

    To be half true and half false.

    Reference: 元·范居中《金殿喜重重·秋思》套曲

    Quote: 我这里千回右转自彷徨,撇不下多情数桩。半真半假乔摸样,宜嗔宜喜娇情况,知疼知热俏心肠。



    bǎng shàng wú míng

    For a name to fail to be listed (especially as a successful candidate for something).

    Reference: 明·冯梦龙《警世通言》第十七卷

    Quote: 谁知三场得意,榜上无名。自五岁进场,到今二十一岁,三科不中。



    bāo cáng huò xīn

    To have ill intentions.

    Reference: 《左传·昭公元年》

    Quote: 小国无罪,恃实其罪;将恃大国之安靖已,而无乃包藏祸心以图之。


    bāo luó wàn xiàng

    To be all-embracing.

    Reference: 《黄帝宅经》卷上

    Quote: 所以包罗万象,举一千从,运变无形而能化物,大矣哉,阴阳之理也。



    bǎo jīng fēng shuāng

    To endure many hardships.

    Reference: 清·孔尚任《桃花扇》第二十一出

    Quote: 鸡皮瘦损,看饱经雪霜,丝鬓如银。


    bǎo shí zhōng rì

    To do little else but eat (i.e., to lead an idle, unproductive life).

    Reference: 《论语·阳货》

    Quote: 饱食终日,无所用心,难矣哉!



    bào bù píng

    To stand up against an injustice.

    Reference: 清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第45回

    Quote: 气的我只有替平儿打抱不平。


    bào chóu xuě hèn

    To get revenge.

    Reference: 《淮南子·氾论训》

    Quote: (文)种辅翼越王勾践。而为之报怨雪耻。


    bào fēng zhòu yǔ

    A violent storm.

    Reference: 《老子》第二十三章

    Quote: 故飘风不终朝,骤雨不终日。


    bào hǔ píng hé

    To be reckless or foolhardy.

    Reference: 《论语·述而》

    Quote: 暴虎冯河,死而无悔者,吾不与也。


    bào lù wú yí

    For something to be fully revealed or exposed.

    Reference: 周恩来《评马歇尔离华声明》

    Quote: 美帝国主义的对华政策已原形毕露,蒋介石政府的卖国外交亦暴露无遗。


    bào tiǎn tiān wù

    A reckless or arbitrary waste of things.

    Reference: 《尚书·武成》

    Quote: 今商王受无道,暴殄天物,害虐烝民。


    bào tiào rú léi

    To fly into a rage.

    Reference: 《古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

    Quote: 我有亲父兄,性行暴如雷。


    bào tóu shǔ cuàn

    To scurry away like a scared rat.

    Reference: 《汉书·蒯通传》

    Quote: 始常山王、成安君故相与为刎颈之交,及争张黡、陈释之事,常山王奉头鼠窜,以归汉王。


    bào tóu tòng kū

    To cry on one another’s shoulders.

    Reference: 清·刘鹗《老残游记》第四回

    Quote: 这里于家父子同他家里人抱头痛哭。


    bào xīn jiù huǒ

    To make a situation even worse.

    Reference: 《史记·魏世家》

    Quote: 且夫以地事秦,譬犹抱薪救火,薪不尽,火不灭。



    bēi cí hòu lǐ

    Modest words and generous gifts.

    Reference: 《后汉书·许劭传》

    Quote: 曹操微时,常卑辞厚礼求为己目。


    bēi cí zhòng bì

    An attempt at bribery (in the phrase’s derogatory usage).

    Reference: 《战国策·秦策三》

    Quote: 楚赵附则齐必惧,惧必卑辞重币以事秦。


    bēi gōng qū jié

    To act subserviently or obsequiously.

    Reference: 宋·魏了翁《江陵州丛兰精舍记》

    Quote: 公卿大臣皆卑躬屈膝唯后,虽谢安石之贤也,而犹不能免。


    bēi gōng qū xī

    To bow and scrape obsequiously.

    Reference: 宋·魏了翁《江陵州丛兰精舍记》

    Quote: 公卿大臣皆卑躬屈膝唯后,虽谢安石之贤也,而犹不能免。


    bēi gōng shé yǐng

    To fret with imaginary concerns.

    Reference: 汉·应劭《风俗通义·世间多有见怪》

    Quote: 时北壁上有悬赤弩照于杯,形如蛇。宣畏恶之,然不敢不饮。


    bēi huān lí hé

    The sorrows and joys of partings and meetings.

    Reference: 宋·苏轼《水调歌头》词

    Quote: 人有悲欢离合,月有阴睛阳缺,此事古难全。


    bēi pán láng jí

    For cups and dishes to be strewn about after a feast.

    Reference: 《史记·滑稽列传》

    Quote: 日暮酒阑,合尊促坐,男女同席,履舄交错,杯盘狠藉。


    bēi shuǐ chē xīn

    Trying to extinguish a burning cart of firewood with a cup of water.

    Reference: 《孟子·告子上》

    Quote: 今之为人者,犹以一杯水救一车薪之火也。


    bēi tiān mǐn rén

    To feel compassion for the state of the world and its people. / Bewail the times and pity the people.

    Reference: 唐·韩愈《争臣论》

    Quote: 彼二圣一贤者,岂不知自安佚之为乐哉?诚畏天命而悲人穷也。


    bēi xǐ jiāo jí

    To have mixed feelings of both sorrow and joy.

    Reference: 《晋书·王廙传》

    Quote: 当大明之盛,而守局遐外,不得奉瞻大礼,闻问之日,悲喜交集。



    běn mò dào zhì

    To put incidental (non-essential) matters before fundamental (essential) ones.

    Reference: 金·无名氏《绥德州新学记》

    Quote: 然非知治之审,则未尝不本末倒置。


    běn xiǎo lì wēi

    To earn small profits with small capital.

    Reference: 毛泽东《中国社会各阶级的分析》

    Quote: 小贩不论肩挑叫卖,或街畔摊售,总之本小利微,吃着不够。


    běn xìng nán yí

    It is difficult to change one’s nature. / A leopard cannot change its spots.

    Reference: 元·尚仲贤《柳毅传书》楔子

    Quote: 想他每无恩义,本性难移,着我向野田衰草残红里。


    běn lái miàn mù

    The true or original appearance of things (especially in reference to human nature).

    Reference: 唐·慧能《六祖坛经·行由品》

    Quote: 不思善,不思恶,正与么时,那个是明上座本来面目。



    bèn niǎo xiān fēi

    A slow sparrow should make an early start.

    Reference: 元·关汉卿《陈母教子》第一折

    Quote: 我和你有个比喻:我似那灵禽在后,你这等坌(笨)鸟先飞。


    bèn shǒu bèn jiǎo

    To fumble. / To be all fingers and thumbs.

    Reference: 谓动作不灵敏。《二十年目睹之怪现状》第八六回

    Quote: 慧卿 搶着道:‘老爺你不要疑心我們怎樣。我不過看見他用的都是男底下人,笨手笨脚,伏伺得不稱心。’


    bī shàng liáng shān

    To be forced to do something desperate.

    Reference: 明·施耐庵《水浒全传》第十一回

    Quote: 林冲雪夜上梁山。


    bí qīng liǎn zhǒng

    A bloody nose and a swollen face (i.e., to be beaten badly).

    Reference: 《三侠五义》第四四回

    Quote: 这恶贼原想着是个暗算,趁着军官作下揖去,不能防备,这一脚定然鼻青脸肿。


    bǐ bǐ jiē shì

    To be found everywhere.

    Reference: 宋·包拯《请救济江淮饥民疏》

    Quote: 年亢旱,民食艰阻,流亡者比比皆是。


    bǐ cǐ bǐ cǐ

    Each other. / One another.

    Reference: 清·郭小亭《济公全传》第一二二回

    Quote: 正说着话,济公进来。周员外连忙举手抱拳说:‘圣僧久违。’和尚说:‘彼此彼此。’


    bǐ mò guān sī

    A battle of words (i.e., debates and disputes).

    Reference: 清·许叶芬《红楼梦辨》

    Quote: 借他人酒杯,浇自己块垒,非仅为懵懂辈饶舌,打无谓笔墨官司也。


    bǐ shàng bù zú bǐ xià yǒu yú

    To be worse off than some, but to be better off than many others.

    Reference: 汉·赵岐《三辅决录》

    Quote: 上比崔杜不足,下比罗赵有余。


    bǐ shǒu huà jiǎo

    To mime. / To use gestures to strengthen one’s tone while speaking.

    Reference: 杨朔《金字塔夜月》

    Quote: 老看守却像没听见,紧比手划脚说。


    bǐ yì shuāng fēi

    To fly wing to wing. / For loving couples to march side by side in their careers, becoming partners.

    Reference: 《尔雅·释地》

    Quote: 南方有比翼鸟焉,不比不飞,其名谓之鹣鹣。


    bì gōng bì jìng

    To be reverent and highly respectful.

    Reference: 郭沫若《洪波曲》第十章五

    Quote: 军长为李玉堂,一山东大汉,抵军部时,在门外相迎,毕恭毕敬。


    bì gōng bì jìng

    To be very polite and respectful.

    Reference: 《诗经·小雅·小弁》

    Quote: 维桑与梓,必恭敬止,靡瞻匪父,靡依匪母。


    bì guān suǒ guó

    To be secluded. / To be cut-off from outsiders.

    Reference: 《周易·复》

    Quote: 先王以至日闭关,商旅不行,后不省方。

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