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Tortured Lovers (Episode 1)
Tortured Lovers (Episode 1)
Tortured Lovers (Episode 1)
Ebook30 pages23 minutes

Tortured Lovers (Episode 1)

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Saito Kengen is a ronin – a rejected samurai - roaming the countryside in search for a new master after a new ruler has taken over. He makes a happenstance erotic and steamy encounter with an unknown dame, Mariko, and shortly after he rescues her from a vicious and sadistic husband. The chemistry between them is reignited when Saito makes a bold move into the lady’s castle and the nights in the lady’s castle are painted in crimson lovemaking till break of day.

Their little paradise comes under threat when Mariko’s step mother-in-law discovers the couple’s secret and spins a web of debauchery and domination around the two lovers with the view of achieving her political ambitions. As the three of them whirl away in a dance of oriental perversion, Saito needs to figure out how he will escape from the sadistic clutches of the insatiable lady whose varied pleasures knows no limits.

PublisherVera Payne
Release dateNov 12, 2019
Tortured Lovers (Episode 1)

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    Book preview

    Tortured Lovers (Episode 1) - Vera Payne

    Tortured Lovers

    By Vera Payne

    Copyright 2019 Smashwords Edition

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favourite eBook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents:

    Chapter 1 – Hakone Forest

    Chapter 2 – A humid encounter

    Chapter 3 – Taste of a dame

    Chapter 4 – The Inn incident

    Chapter 1 - Hakone forest

    He had planned the day before to give himself the benefit of an early start, knowing from prior journeys that the Tokaido would be fuller and busier with the onset of spring. The majestic road connected the fortified towns of Osaka and Kyoto with Edo and long of 303 miles, it ran mainly along the pacific coast of the island of Honshu.

    Since the turn of the 15th century and the rise to power of the Tokugawa clan, the road had transformed itself into a bustling and vibrant artery of the country linking the new shogunate capital of Edo to central Honshu. The flow of travellers and transport of a variety of wares was ever increasing and at the last post-station town of Hakone, the innkeeper warned that the control checkpoints delays were getting unbearable leading to occasional skirmishes between weary travellers and the guards. The strict control applied along the road to the new political seat of power was considered essential by the Shogun and without the required seals of passage, access was not possible. Anyone venturing without

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