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The Girl Girl: One Summer Can Change Your Life
The Girl Girl: One Summer Can Change Your Life
The Girl Girl: One Summer Can Change Your Life
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The Girl Girl: One Summer Can Change Your Life

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A young girl moves into a new neighbourhood But who is the mysterious woman next door? She's wealthy and glamorous but everything is not quite what it seems. A story of sexual awakening and romance.

Lesbian erotica for intelligent readers.

Release dateOct 20, 2019
The Girl Girl: One Summer Can Change Your Life

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    The Girl Girl - Susan Sapphire


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    Author’s note

    All characters depicted in this work of fiction are at or above the legal age of consent for sexual acts.

    Chapter 1 The Rules

    The new house was much bigger than the one they had left. Eleanor’s father had got a sudden and rapid promotion and the family had moved from a small semi-detached in the city to a detached house in a road of large premises, each set back with a large garden and a wide frontage.

    Initially the novelty of the big house was quite exciting but Eleanor soon started to miss her old friends. She scanned the road for other girls her age but all she saw were large 4x4 vehicles with tinted windows, glimpses of families as they migrated from air conditioned cars to behind blank and secure front doors. For a while she entertained herself by exploring the large garden which was somewhat overgrown. She found an old outhouse that contained rusting tools and a decrepit looking lawnmower. The garden itself was surrounded by a high brick wall, high enough to prevent Eleanor from seeing anything outside of the garden and beyond which remained a complete mystery to her.

    After the family had been there for about a week and most of the boxes had been unpacked, her mother decided it was time to meet the neighbours. She baked cakes and bought bottles of wine and inveigled the family to dress up smartly for a sortie to their immediate neighbour. Eleanor’s mother wore a printed summer dress and a wide floppy brimmed hat with a dark ribbon, her father was in an open neck shirt. Eleanor herself wore her current favourite shorts which had tiny flowers printed on them and made her teenage legs look even longer. She topped this off with a plain white shapeless tshirt and wore her long blonde hair in a single plait that hung down as far as her waist.

    As a family they trooped up the long front path of their neighbour. The front of the house looked much like their own, a large red front door stood under a mock Georgian portico, window boxes full of flowers hung at each of the downstairs windows but the windows had blinds drawn, presumably against the summer heat. The only indication that someone might be at home was a gleaming white two seater sports car parked carelessly in the gravel driveway.

    OK, best behaviour please said Eleanor’s mum as she pushed the large enamelled bell-push. Deep inside the house they heard a bell ring twice. Eleanor’s father pulled at his collar until he received a nudge in the ribs from his wife. He rolled his eyes at Eleanor and she giggled.

    After a long pause, just as Eleanor’s mum was about to try the bell again, the door opened. Standing above them was a tall attractive woman wearing a small dressing gown and seemingly little else. Her feet and legs were bare and she clutched the front of the gown with one hand.


    Oh, er, hello. said her mother brightly, somewhat taken aback by the neighbour’s state of undress. Ploughing on regardless she exclaimed We’ve just moved in next door and we wanted to pop round and introduce ourselves. She smiled her best neighbourly smile and held out the Victoria sponge. The neighbour absorbed this information, her gaze roving coolly over each member of the family standing on her step.

    I’m really sorry if this isn’t convenient. Perhaps we should come back some other time? Her mother was clearly uncomfortable, thinking she had interrupted this woman as she was about to get in the shower or getting changed to go out.

    No, no, not at all. Come in. the lady said, with sudden warmth I saw the removals lorry and was interested to meet you. Come and sit down. She led them into a vast hallway with vaulted ceiling and then through into a large reception room at the front of the house. Large comfortable looking furniture was arranged tastefully on stripped wood floors. Almost all the decor and furniture were either white or cream and the effect was slightly dreamy in the watery sunlight that filtered through the blinds.

    Please, make yourselves comfortable. I’ll be right back. The lady vanished back into the hall and the three of them looked at each other. Eleanor shrugged and flopped into a squishy looking armchair, kicking off her flat summer slippers and tucking one leg under her.

    Eleanor! chided her mother and she reluctantly sat more upright in the chair and put her shoes back on. Her mother and father opted for each end of the sofa, mother perching nervously on the edge, still clutching the plated cake, father sitting back and throwing his arm along the backrest.

    The lady returned, this time dressed more demurely in a short white summer dress with a high neckline. She was still barefoot and Eleanor noticed her immaculately painted toenails.

    Oh a cake! that’s so thoughtful of you. Let me get a knife and we’ll all have a slice. her manners were impeccable. Would you like tea? or perhaps coffee?

    Eleanor’s father was about to speak but her mother got in first

    Tea would be lovely, thank you.

    The lady took the cake and disappeared again. They could hear tea preparations from deeper within the house. Eleanor’s father grumbled that he’d have preferred coffee.

    Tea is more proper, David.

    Eleanor thought her mother was taking this all way too seriously and she glanced at her father. He winked at her.

    This is a lovely room. her mother was gazing around the white room. A mantelpiece held a couple of tasteful looking nick nacks but no photographs. Some unread magazines were placed artfully on a low coffee table. To Eleanor the room looked cold and lifeless despite the summer sunshine diffusing through the window blinds, more like a waiting room. Her father grunted non-committally.

    Presently their neighbour returned with a tray of tea things and set it on the table. The cake had been sliced.

    Oh that looks so nice. gushed her mother. We should introduce ourselves, I’m Mary and this is David, and our daughter Eleanor.

    It’s so nice to meet you, I’m Elizabeth Hamilton-Patterson, a bit of a mouthful I’m afraid. She kissed each adult on both cheeks and turned to Eleanor. I love your shorts Eleanor. she leaned down and kissed Eleanor too. Eleanor thought she was very sophisticated, being the perfect hostess despite the fact that they had obviously interrupted her afternoon.

    Shall I be mother? said Elizabeth as she started to pour milk from a silver jug. The tea gurgled into the delicate bone china cups. Next she portioned out the cake onto matching china tea plates and handed them around. She sat daintily on a pouffe her plate balanced on her bare knees, and nibbled at the cake.

    And what brings you to Beechdown?

    Oh David got a promotion, his company is based down this way and the new job is at head office. Eleanor thought she was boasting.

    Lovely. Well I’m sure you’ll like it here. Its a lovely village and the countryside is marvellous.

    Eleanor’s attention started to drift as the polite small talk washed back and forth. Her father look bored too but was making an effort. Mrs Hamilton-Patterson appeared composed and interested in the small details of their move, the new house, the overgrown garden. Eleanor definitely liked her dress. Very simple and not too sexy, she looked elegant as she sat, back straight, her smooth legs tilted slightly to one side. Her high cheekbones and dark eyebrows served to emphasise her slightly hooded eyes, giving her a relaxed, almost sleepy look. Eleanor noticed that she didn’t seem to be wearing any makeup despite her immaculate appearance. Long wavy dark hair hung loose, the sleeveless dress emphasising the tanned curve of her shoulders.

    She seemed to sense Eleanor looking at her and glanced over at her smiling warmly. Eleanor smiled and looked away, suddenly shy.

    Well, we shouldn’t keep you any longer. But you must come around for dinner one evening. David was evidently keen to be off.

    Elizabeth started to place the tea things back onto the tray.

    Eleanor, why don’t you help Mrs Hamilton-Pemberton with the tray? Eleanor squirmed knowing that her mother had got the name wrong but their neighbour was too polite to say anything and smiled again at Eleanor.

    Eleanor stacked up the plates and followed the swaying hips of their hostess out of the room. The kitchen turned out to be at the back of the house overlooking an immaculate garden.

    Oh my gosh, you have a pool! About 20 yards from the house was a large jade green pool sparkling in the sunshine. On either side were white painted trellised pool houses, a couple of sun loungers were arranged beneath a large umbrella. The far side of the pool had an infinity edge and seemed to hang over the garden that descended from it.

    Ah yes, my sanctuary. It is the one luxury I would hate to do without. I’m out there just about every day in the summer. Elizabeth joined her at the window.

    I’m so jealous! I don’t suppose you’d let me come and swim in it?

    Elizabeth looked at her for a long moment. Eleanor immediately regretted her bold question. She was so rude, and this lady was so polite; now she would find a graceful way to refuse her.

    Sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude.

    Can you keep a secret? asked the lady, Eleanor was surprised by the change of subject.

    I guess.

    Well. If you can keep a secret and you can abide by two rules, you can use the pool.

    Eleanor looked up at Elizabeth, not fully understanding.

    What’s the secret?

    First the rules smiled Elizabeth. Rule number one, no boys. Ever. My only exception is the pool boy and that’s only because I can’t find a pool girl!


    Elizabeth looked at her long and hard. Rule number two. she paused seemingly unsure. Eleanor looked back at her quizzically. Rule number two, no clothes

    She waited for Eleanor to digest this. Eleanor’s eyes widened You mean...

    Elizabeth nodded. None at all. I told you this was my sanctuary, my escape from everything. Now I think you probably understand the secret?

    Eleanor nodded.

    Now you know the rules, I’ll leave it up to you but I’m asking you to keep my secret whatever you decide. Will you do that for me?

    Eleanor nodded again. Suddenly the woman’s appearance at the door made perfect sense. She’d come straight from the pool. Eleanor was shocked at what she’d heard, she took a last look at the pool shimmering and sparkling like a large emerald jewel hanging over the garden. She reluctantly turned away and followed the tall woman back to the sitting room and her waiting parents.

    Goodbyes seemed to take forever as the niceties were observed. Elizabeth was invited to dinner again but no dates were set. Eventually they were departing, Elizabeth watching them leave from the step. As they went through the gate onto the road Eleanor looked back and saw Elizabeth waving, she waved back. Her parents were deep in conversation comparing houses and nitpicking at the decor that they’d seen.

    I loved her hallway.

    Yes, but expensive to heat. her father said practically.

    And that wooden floor, lovely. sighed her mother

    You don’t have to polish it.

    Did you see what she was wearing when she opened the door?

    Uhuh. said her father, aware that he was on dangerous ground

    She must have been about to take a shower or something.

    Eleanor smiled knowingly. She knew why the downstairs rooms all had blinds at the windows, why Mrs Hamilton-Patterson was wearing so little when she answered the door. She tried to imagine her without the white dress, fixing tea, walking through the house, lying outside on a lounger and swimming in the crystal clear pool. She found she could imagine her legs and even her bottom and hips but couldn’t conjure up a clear image of her torso. Did she have large or small breasts? Eleanor couldn’t remember. Was her tummy flat or rounded? Again, her imagination failed her. Instead she switched to thinking what it might feel like to be free of her own clothes, to feel the sun and the summer breeze in a way she never had before, to slip naked into the pool and swim leisurely, the water lapping against her skin. She shivered.

    Are you alright dear? asked her mother You’ve been very quiet.

    Eleanor shrugged in her usual way as her father opened their own front door and they stepped inside.

    The next morning, Eleanor decided to try every window that might look out over their neighbour’s garden. But try as she might, and she leaned out dangerously from some of them, she could not catch a glimpse of the beautiful pool or the tall and mysterious neighbour. Next she tried the garden, she walked the length of the high wall that separated their properties but nowhere was there any gap or any change in height that would allow her to see over. She mulled over the deal proposed by Elizabeth. Could she bring herself to agree to it? No boys was easy, she didn’t have any friends down here anyway. But no swimsuit? That was another matter entirely. She supposed she must be self-conscious about her body as she analysed her own hesitation. Even if she was only sharing the pool with Mrs Hamilton-Patterson, she was so beautiful and self assured, and Eleanor would feel clumsy and plain next to her.

    But as the long hot days dragged on, that limpid pool called to her. She imagined swimming languidly in the cool crystal water and letting the sun dry her as she lay indolently on a lounger. She couldn’t get these idyllic images out of her head and so one day when her parents were out in town, she put on a thin cotton dress, left a note for her parents to say that she’d gone for a walk and would be back for dinner and made the short walk to Mrs Hamilton-Patterson’s front door.

    On the front step she hesitated, unsure if she could go through with it after all. Noticing that the sporty car was not on the drive, Eleanor plucked up the courage to ring the bell. She’s probably not in, she told herself. She was about to turn away and head home when the door swung open and there was Mrs Hamilton-Patterson much as she had been the first time they’d met. Eleanor had a dizzying sense of deja-vu. Elizabeth was standing above her in a very similar gown, the hem high on her legs and the sides clutched together with one hand.


    Hello Mrs H.P. Eleanor hadn’t really planned what she was going to say.

    Come in Eleanor, excuse my gown As she stood aside for Eleanor to enter. Eleanor squeezed past her breathing in the feint scent of sun tan lotion and chlorine. Mrs Hamilton-Patterson adjusted her gown and tied the cord around her waist. Now, what can I do for you?

    I was wondering if I could take you up on your offer to use the pool? Eleanor blurted it out before her courage failed her.

    Mrs Hamilton-Patterson contemplated her with a serious look on her face. You remember the conditions I told you about?

    Eleanor had thought of little else for the last two weeks and nodded dumbly.

    Elizabeth smiled warmly at her. Then it would be lovely to have some company. Come through, I’ll show you around.

    They walked past the kitchen door and into a similar room at the back of the house. Inside were cupboards with mirrored doors, a large shower cubicle and some comfortable looking wicker furniture with large squashy cushions.

    You can change in here, there are hangars in the cupboards. And here, she opened a large cupboard near the external door are towels. Help yourself. Why don’t you go straight out and take a dip. I’ll make some lemonade and bring it out. She smiled again, seemingly genuinely pleased to see Eleanor. Oh and one more thing Eleanor, I’d really rather you didn’t call me ’Mrs H.P.’ it makes me sound like a bottle of sauce. You must call me Beth, all of my friends do.

    Thanks, um... Beth she grinned, slightly embarrassed at calling this beautiful older woman by her first name.

    And I shall call you Norrie! Elizabeth decided. With that she left Eleanor in the changing room and soon could be heard clattering around in the kitchen. Eleanor looked around wondering what she was doing here. She opened one of the cupboards, inside was another gown like Beth was wearing and some empty hangars. She took a deep breath, reached behind her and pulled down the zip at the back of her dress. She stepped out of it and hung it carefully in the cupboard. Then, without stopping to think, just in case her nerve failed she quickly unfastened her bra, pulled off her panties and flung them into the cupboard and shut the door. Now she was confronted with her naked reflection in the mirror. Dismayed, she tore a towel from the pile shown her by Beth and wrapped herself in it. Feeling slightly better she turned the handle on the outer door.

    The sun was beating off the slabs leading to the pool and Eleanor was momentarily dazzled by it. But she could see the aquamarine water beckoning to her and she stepped out into the sunshine. The flags were so hot she ran for the shade under the umbrella. Beth had obviously been using one of the loungers, a paperback book was lying face down and a towel like the one Eleanor was wrapped in was flung over the back. Eleanor looked around but there was no sign of Beth or anyone. She took a deep breath and unhitched the towel.

    Elizabeth was watching from the kitchen where she was feeding lemons into a juicer. She smiled at Eleanor’s trepidation, watching her hesitate by the loungers. Now she was holding the towel across her front, still not quite ready to let it go. Elizabeth looked at her pale skin and even paler bottom and made a mental note to make sure she applied sun cream. She watched, as finally Eleanor dropped the towel onto a lounger and headed for the shallow water at the far side of the pool. Gingerly she stepped into the water until it was lapping at the top of her thighs, she bent down and splashed some water over her, obviously luxuriating in the sensation, then she pushed off and swam leisurely into the centre of the pool. Elizabeth smiled with satisfaction, it certainly would be nice to have some company and Norrie seemed like a lovely intelligent girl for a companion. She poured the lemon juice onto the ice and sugar in the large jug and topped it up with sparkling water.

    Eleanor was floating on her back in the middle of the pool with her eyes closed. She looked perfectly content. Elizabeth placed the tray on the table between the loungers and called out to Eleanor There’s lemonade here for when you’re ready. There was some frantic splashing from the pool as Eleanor attempted to cover herself with both hands and stay afloat at the same time. She whirled round as best she could to face Beth, her feet pedalling furiously. In all her anxiety over getting into the pool she had somehow forgotten that Beth would be naked too. She was standing by the side of the pool shading her eyes with one hand, looking directly at Eleanor. She looked even taller from Eleanor’s position in the pool but she had lost none of her elegance having forgone her gown. Eleanor noticed that she had broad shoulders which tapered to her waist and wide curvaceous hips. Her breasts were not small and had no tan lines. Of course she had no tan lines, she chided herself, why would she? Eleanor looked away quickly, had she been staring? Elizabeth returned to her lounger and sipped from one of the glasses she had brought, waiting for Norrie to get out.

    In the water, Eleanor was trying to figure out how to leave the pool. Should she walk out of the shallow end where she’d got in, or swim over to

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