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Endgame Apocalypse WW3 Will President Trump start World War 3? And why should liberals stop worrying so much?
Endgame Apocalypse WW3 Will President Trump start World War 3? And why should liberals stop worrying so much?
Endgame Apocalypse WW3 Will President Trump start World War 3? And why should liberals stop worrying so much?
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Endgame Apocalypse WW3 Will President Trump start World War 3? And why should liberals stop worrying so much?

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Will the division caused by Trump's presidency and unification of all faiths, lead to a holy war that could destroy all organized religion for good?

In this book, Kurt Robertson describes how a war between Russia and its allies and America and their allies could start in the Middle East expanding throughout the western world.
Leading to a global war, a new crusade between fanatics and terrorists versus Interfaith headed by the Vatican.

He explores the chaos and division caused by the culture war.
And tries to encourage a more balanced view on conspiracy theories.

He describes how transhumanism is going to change our lives forever.

And where do the aliens come into all of this?

And why despite all of this, should the liberals stop worrying?

Release dateAug 21, 2019
Endgame Apocalypse WW3 Will President Trump start World War 3? And why should liberals stop worrying so much?

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    Endgame Apocalypse WW3 Will President Trump start World War 3? And why should liberals stop worrying so much? - Kurt Robertson


    This is just a theory.

    This is no personal attack on Donald Trump or anyone else for that matter.

    I don’t vote, so I’m neither on the right nor the left.

    I have chosen to be politically neutral.

    Which gives me an eagle’s eye perspective.

    I will disclose more at the end of this book.

    On why I don’t believe humans can successfully rule over other humans.

    I am a researcher and analyst.

    I look at the happenings in the world and express my own point of view.

    Take it or leave it, if you will.

    This is just a hypothesis based on observation and a great part, pure speculation.

    I obviously won’t be able to cover every. single. thing. that’s going on in the world.

    Because every single day something new will happen that’s totally insane.

    But a lot of these things need to be covered, so we can get the full picture.

    And that’s why a lot of subjects will need to be explored.

    There are a lot of issues going on in the world.

    And it’s crucial to research those issues, so the dots can be connected.

    Again, I’m not claiming, that this is the full truth.

    I’m just sharing what I believe COULD happen.

    But it doesn’t mean, it will.

    You, the reader, need to find your own truth.

    It is my intent to write this book from an objective, unbiased, well-balanced, point of view.

    My apologies beforehand, if I fail.

    Another thing I want to fully disclose.

    Is that I’m not a racist, misogynist, homophobe, bigot etc.

    I’m just saying this, because people might get the wrong impression.

    If I question anything but the main narrative.

    I mean no ill will to anyone.

    And I try to empathize with everyone on every side of the equation.

    I’m obviously not perfect, so I will make mistakes.

    Again, my apologies beforehand, if I fail.

    Also, as I told in the title of this book.

    I believe liberals shouldn’t have to worry so much.

    And I will show several examples throughout this whole book.

    As to why I believe, liberals, SJW’s, etc. need to stop worrying so much.

    President Trump, A breath of fresh air?

    Or is it the same old story?

    Here he is, the man that promises change.

    Just like all the other previous presidents.

    Only this time he is planning to ‘’drain the swamp’’.

    By standing in the middle of it.

    It took about seventy days for a great amount of his supporters to disown him.

    When he bombed Syria on the basis in what he saw on a Youtube video.

    His own supporters begged him not to.

    But had he worked out some Machiavellian scheme behind all of this?

    Who knows.

    Many of his supporters don’t even like him.

    But they voted for him because they felt they would be voting for a lesser of two evils.

    Maybe you shouldn’t vote at all.

    Let it all come crumbling down.

    But let’s face it.

    The establishment has most likely made up their own mind, as to who was going to be elected.

    Regardless of your vote.

    Or not, maybe your vote does count for something.

    But a lot of people have already given up on Trump, thinking it’s the same old story.

    Others are still holding out hope.

    They believe, he will make a difference.

    Well, to be honest, he does seem to be the first president in a long time, to be doing his actual job.

    And to actualize a lot of his promises.

    Will he make a few mistakes?

    Of course, he is after all a human being.

    And humans are fallible.

    All this, humans ruling over other human’s thing, is quite silly, when you think about it.

    But if there isn’t any governance at all.

    The world would be in chaos and anarchy.

    Some would say, that that would be great.

    The funny thing is, that there would still be some form of rulership.

    Were born leaders will rule and protect other people, that can’t fend for themselves.

    And form little groups all over the earth.

    That will most likely war with each other for resources.

    So, it really wouldn’t make much of a difference.

    There might be a few individuals here and there that can fend for themselves.

    But even they would travel from group to group, when it comes down to it.

    Hence why people do prefer governance and rules to live by.

    Even if it’s just their own rules.

    Their still rules nevertheless.

    But is President Trump going to make a difference for the better?

    Since his presidency, the economy seems to be a lot better these days.

    But a lot of investors say that economic collapse is way overdue.

    And that it can happen anytime.

    It doesn’t look very positive.

    And yet, there are things to look forward to.

    Whether this is really going to happen, is question two.

    He claims he is going to release hidden technologies to the public.

    He has started Space Force.

    Now, everyone in America with the money to afford it, can start their own space company.

    A lot of jobs could be made available for Americans.

    He has been criticised for believing climate change is a hoax.

    But there are also other factors that need to be addressed.

    A lot of people would have lost their jobs, if they had closed all coal mining companies.

    And instead go for renewable energy.

    So, for that reason he has have kept a lot of people happy.

    It is also the reason why a lot of people voted for him.

    Unfortunately, a lot of coal mining companies have shutdown, after the election.

    And a lot of people have sadly, lost their jobs anyway.

    But there are still a lot of other coal mining companies at work.

    Maybe the eventual goal is to GRADUALLY shut down, all coal mining companies.

    In the meantime, allowing people to start space mining companies.

    So, whoever loses their job in coal mining, can continue working in space mining.

    Which of course will take time, before it’s all up and running.

    I’m not saying that this is the plan, but it could be.

    But there are always a lot of other factors attached to this.

    A lot that we cannot see, unless your working in the white house.

    It might not be so clear-cut black and white.

    He has already fulfilled his promise when he signed the tax cuts and jobs act.

    And he has already brought U.S. unemployment down to the lowest it’s been this century.

    He did a lot of good on his promises.

    It would be good to not only focus on all his negative traits.

    But with all the division that is created by his election.

    It doesn’t feel that the turbulence is going to let up, until it explodes.

    A lot of politicians all over the world, aren’t very happy with him.

    I guess that’s an understatement.

    Could all this unrest lead to a nuclear Armageddon?

    A lot of his supporters claim the reason he is disliked.

    Is because he is slowing down the New World Order from materializing.

    And that’s why, the mainstream media is fuelling the hate against Trump.

    In his supporters eyes, he is completely separate from the establishment.

    The corporate leaders, who they believe to be the actual rulers.

    Tend to use politicians as puppets, to further their own agenda.

    Unlike previous presidents, who were bought and payed for by the deep state.

    Trump is a self-made billionaire.

    So, he is backed up by no one, but himself.

    Or at least, that’s what everyone says.

    Since he became president, a lot of the revenue of his businesses has plummeted.

    Forbes magazine estimated a four hundred million dollar drop in his fortune.

    At this moment, it isn’t much of a drop for a multi billionaire.

    But if his fortune continues to plummet over the following years of his presidency.

    He might be forced to sell out to the establishment.

    But is he really, as independent from the establishment as people like to claim he is?

    Why Donald Trump could be the perfect candidate for the establishment.

    Whether knowingly or not, Donald Trump could be the perfect candidate for the establishment.


    Well, let me elaborate.

    He claims to be a Christian, and he also claims to be on the side of conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones.

    He wants to supposedly ‘’drain the swamp’’.

    Which is hard, when your standing in the middle of it.

    The establishment has realized that a great percentage of Americans are part of the conspiracy crowd.

    Which has successfully grown, thanks to the internet age.

    More and more people in America are starting to question the status quo.

    And what happened during 9/11.

    And they are finding out all kinds of info on the corrupt establishment.

    Forged by, as Alex Jones puts it: ‘’the globalists’’.

    Even though there a are lot people questioning Alex Jones validity.

    A lot of people go to him for their daily dose of information on conspiracies.

    He does tell people to do their own research.

    And with sites like Wikileaks, those things are becoming more easier to do.

    But how many people will actually do that?

    Most people don’t have any time or willpower to do the actual work.

    Jones seems to be working at least ten hours a day, researching all these subjects.

    So, most people will come to him for their daily fix.

    The globalists have allowed him to do this for a very long time.

    He may be, just another pawn in their deceptive scheme.

    It is however, nice to see him be a lot more positive than he used to be.

    A lot of what you’d see on his site was fear porn.

    And in many ways, it still is.

    And it wasn’t just his site.

    Many other websites and Youtube channels were exposing corruption in higher places.

    And predicting the end of the world, or the apocalypse.

    Believing it would come next weekend.

    There was so much doom and gloom reported.

    You’d listen for ten minutes to Alex Jones, and you’d think the world was about to end.

    But it didn’t, yet.

    Well, not entirely.

    Though the world these days, is in a lot of chaos.

    And it seems to be ramping up, with more and more division.

    But back to my point.

    As to the reason why Donald Trump, could be the perfect candidate for the establishment.

    He claims to be a Christian.

    Whether he really is...or not.

    Is another question, in its own right.

    I don’t know, I can’t read his mind, obviously.

    But when I hear him say, how he never feels the need to ask God for forgiveness.

    I have my question marks, about it.

    Isn’t asking for forgiveness from sin, the foundation of the Christian faith?

    To believe you are a sinner, who needs redemption from God?

    And there are a lot of people, even his own supporters that remain sceptical.

    But he could be put into office as a puppet, being a symbol of Christianity.

    A Christian who might start World War 3.

    Because of the terror caused by Islam.

    Who are ramping up the fight, to conquer western civilization.

    In the meantime, you have the pope.

    Who wants to practice interfaith.

    Were he unites all the world’s religions.

    Including Islam, or at least a part of Islam.

    Then whatever is left over, might unite others to fight against each other.

    You already see in a lot of alternative media.

    How there seems to be this push of fire, against Islam vs the right.

    Versus the left, who want open borders and want the Muslims to come influence western culture.

    Or in the right’s eyes, destroy western culture.

    The ironic thing is, that feminists want to have Shariah Law in their countries.

    Well, they wouldn’t be able to run around topless screaming: Free the nipple!

    Granted, you have two sides to feminism

    You have puritanical feminists, that claim, that all sex is rape.

    And then you have the other side of feminism, that are sex positive.

    And claim that the patriarchy has suppressed their sexual freedom.

    And now they want the freedom to explore and show of their own sexuality.

    But the weird thing is that, both sides seem to want Shariah Law in their country.

    So, if you have the mainstream media constantly vilify this ‘’Christian’’ president.

    The general public is going to get sick and fed up, with religion.

    Especially monotheistic religion.

    Which is useful if they want to establish their one world government.

    A lot

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