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Deviant Detective: The Erotic Detective Mini-Series: Book 1
Deviant Detective: The Erotic Detective Mini-Series: Book 1
Deviant Detective: The Erotic Detective Mini-Series: Book 1
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Deviant Detective: The Erotic Detective Mini-Series: Book 1

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About this ebook

Jasmine Tyler is a young woman trying to uncover the reason for the disappearance of her best friend, Jade. It's not long into her journey when a mysterious sexy 40-year-old stranger by the name of Carson White joins her side, a Detective, seeking answers to find a missing man.
They work together to uncover the truth behind the disappearance of Jade and the missing man. But things aren't as simple as they seem; getting answers only creates more questions and bodies...
As the evidence builds, so does the sexual tension between Carson and Jasmine, as she finds out just how strong and forceful police training has made him.
Carson doesn't just use handcuffs and demanding commands on criminals after all...

Release dateAug 8, 2019
Deviant Detective: The Erotic Detective Mini-Series: Book 1

Evelyn Ann Roberts

I'm a writer who's main interest is erotica mystery's. BDSM is the main focus of the erotica genre in these books. As for the mystery aspect, my main focus is around detective work, but I am also working on books outside of this criteria.Warning: Some of the sex scenes can be very intense and some may feel uncomfortable reading. This is due to some of the hardcore BDSM scenes. Please note that these are only fictional and are only written from fantasy.

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    Book preview

    Deviant Detective - Evelyn Ann Roberts

    Copyright © Evelyn Ann Roberts, 2019

    Chapter 1

    On the Road, For the First Time

    My legs won't carry me any further. The adrenaline once coursing through my body has officially run out. After 2 hours of walking along this dusty roadside, I have officially reached the point of crippling fatigue. Although, it isn't just my tired state that makes me want to abandon this mission. The irritability caused by grains of dirt that have snuck into my shoes and the dust blowing into my mouth was enough reason to go home. Well, for most people anyway.

    Squinting my eyes, I scan the long road ahead of me. Searching for the town in which I longed to reach. A heavy sigh escaped my mouth to the realisation that the tiny dot in the distance is it. Forcing myself towards the dot was my only chance of finding her, so I did. There is no way I can be alone any longer. Fears of what might have happened to her and what will happen to me if I'm alone with my head any more is the only reason I can push myself forward.

    The sound of wheels on gravel caught my attention, as it's distant noise echoed through the empty environment. I dart my eyes around me to find a car in the distance behind me. The first sign of human life I have seen on this trek made me suddenly aware of my vulnerable state. The dusty black van got closer, and the fear of the possible evil person it contained caused adrenaline to rush back through my veins. And just like that, I can move. Nervously walking away from the van and towards my location, I moved quickly. Averting my eyes as the sound of the vehicle appeared directly beside me as an attempt to avoid attention.

    At the corner of my eye, I see the window of the car roll down as the driver shouts out, Hey, are you heading to Tensville?

    I divert my eyes to the mystery driver to see two dark eyes pierce into mine, his black mid-length hair swaying with the breeze revealing his chiselled face. I move my eyes to his large bare arms connect to the steering wheel, displaying dark hairs and the muscle that lies beneath it.

    A lump forms in my throat as I muster up the courage to speak to one of the most gorgeous men on the planet.

    Y-yes, the tiny dot in the distance. Um, why? I stutter.

    You look exhausted. You thought it was a good idea to walk down this road, huh? the mysterious man laughs.

    Oh, yeah. That's me a big dumb dumb.

    As soon as the words escaped my mouth, I wanted to curl up and die. And by the look on his face, so did he.

    Well, I don't think you're going to make it on foot. So why don't you jump in? I promise I'm not a murderer.

    That's what a robber would say.

    What? his head tilted to the side in confusion.

    Never mind. Um, I would like a lift, thank you.

    The man reaches across the seat and swings open the door for me. I jump in beside him and slam the door shut. While I place my seat belt on, I begin my line of questioning.

    So, why are you going to Tensville?

    I'm looking for someone.

    Wait, me too! I blurt out.

    Yeah? Who are you looking for? He asks.

    My friend Jade. I haven't seen or heard from her in a month.

    He nods, Oh, sorry to hear that dumpling.

    The mystery man begins to drive down the seemingly never-ending road. The van generates a lot of noise, and yet the feeling of awkward silence causes anxious thoughts to escape my mouth.

    You didn't put your seat belt on.

    He lifts an eyebrow and laughs, Anyway... What is your name, angel?

    My names, Jasmine. Jasmine Tyler.

    Nice to meet you, Jasmine, I'm Carson White.

    After a few moments of silence, I divert my eyes back to the road, keeping my mouth closed to stop anything else embarrassing from being released. My mind becomes smothered in thoughts of Carson. His deep voice, enormous amazing body, commanding eyes and sexy stubble.

    I shake my head violently, removing thoughts of Carson from my mind. I need to think straight, remember why I'm here. The only person that needs my attention is Jade. I lift my eyes and look out the window to see the abyss of dirt clouds floating in the breeze. I'm not symbolic, but this view only brings thoughts of Jade lost in this scary world without finding a way home.

    Wherever you are Jade, please be ok.

    Chapter 2

    A Whole New Town

    Carson and I arrive in Tensville. Under an archway made of an array of flowers and towards a sign welcoming visitors. Carson parked in front of the friendly sign obstructing its message.

    Peering out of the window, I look up to see a wide street in which buildings sit chaotically on either side. The whole town's on a hill, with yellow bricks leading to its peak. Flowers and painted houses created a vibrant, slightly garish, view from the

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