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The Forgotten Wisdom Behind Genesis' Story of Creation
The Forgotten Wisdom Behind Genesis' Story of Creation
The Forgotten Wisdom Behind Genesis' Story of Creation
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The Forgotten Wisdom Behind Genesis' Story of Creation

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Since my awakening in 2004 I have dedicated myself to the written words presented in the Bible and how man has faithfully interpreted them with a literal undertone. Man has always been confused over the Bible's examination of the written words because of how they take them literally as truth, especially Genesis' story of creation.

We are taught by our religious leaders that God's "divine will" must be honored, worshipped, and followed without question; and if not, we are destined to hell forever. Many from the religious sect speak about the "divine will" and yet, they themselves follow the will of a God that works from out of a perceptional mind that is very intellectual, emotional, judgmental, and set in the believe that good, bad, and power are actually real.

My friends, from channeling the ascended masters for many years, I have learned that there is no "divine will" to follow. My book, "The Forgotten Wisdom Behind Genesis' Story of Creation," there sets a real "divine will" where we, eons ago, adopted a "divine plan" to go out and discover who we truly are as a Christ also. And, in that process, we created a divine pathway for us to follow and grow in consciousness.
Release dateJul 5, 2019
The Forgotten Wisdom Behind Genesis' Story of Creation

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    The Forgotten Wisdom Behind Genesis' Story of Creation - Terry Newbegin

    Created by Terry L. Newbegin

    Copyright © 2018 by Terry L Newbegin

    Copyeditor: Nancy Salminen

    ISBN: 9781543977820

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise be copied for public or private use – other than for fair use as brief quotations embodied within this book without prior written permission from the author.

    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice nor prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The author is only offering information of a special nature to help you in your quest for health, abundance and joy. In the event you use any of the information or techniques in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assumes no responsibility for your actions or any of its results.

    Library of Congress Catalog Number: Filed



    I give thanks, recognition, and honor to the group of Ascended Masters and the Archangels who have been working with me since I entered this world in 1948. Even though they did not officially introduce themselves to me until 2004, they have always been by my side, guiding, and encouraging me to partake in delivering the wisdom behind the written words in the Bible to those that are ready hear it. Especially, the wisdom behind the Bible’s story of creation.

    My friends, the wisdom revealed in my book on the Genesis’ story of creation truly uncovers a deeper meaning behind the Bible’s text than what religions have been teaching us for centuries about our beginning and how we left the Garden in sin.

    Even though I look upon these very enlightened ascended masters, along with the Archangels, in calling this my writings, I dedicate this book to them, for they have given me the great honor to connect with them while writing and creating this book. And with saying that! The ascended masters have asked me to also dedicate this book to those that have the courage to read it. And with that! I give my sincere appreciation to those that dare to read it and to the ascended masters and their wisdom.

    I give great honor and thanks to my wife Dianna for her love, support, patience, and devotion through all the difficult times. It was my wife who gave me the space, time, and trust to stay committed to my business ventures and to my writings on one of the most controversial and debated text, the Book of Genesis.

    I also give many thanks to Nancy Salminen, a channeler in her own right, for her support, her patience, her editing, and her feedback on the books that I have written. Because of Nancy, I have learned to dig deeper into my heart, soul, and mind in expressing myself in a more precise way in order to keep my writings simple and clear for the reader.

    A Message from the Editor

    If there is to be one word to sum up this beautiful piece of writing, it would be the word Freedom!  One may ask, Why freedom?

    Through Terry’s courage to compose this book, along with the guidance of the ascended masters, you will learn as you journey through each chapter how stuck and composed we are in today’s existence. However, we will also learn how our stuck energy is our learning tool to free ourselves from what is holding us back from understanding why we are here on Earth, why we suffer, and why our life is the way it is. So oddly, we may want to thank and honor these ten gifts listed and described below:

    In my opinion the greatest tool would be the author of this book, Terry L Newbegin, as his devotion along with his compiled work over the years has allowed me to feel and understand a newness within myself that brought me a knowingness to whom I really am. And interestingly enough, as you read along in the book you will learn the significance of why my opinion about the author is the way it is because of how he uses numerology to interpret our many lifetime personalities as a guide to our completion as a human, thus our freedom.

    Once I completed the editing of this book to the best of my layperson’s knowledge, I sat in my comfort chair on the porch feeling the sun warm me. Through relaxed deep breathing and feeling into what I just edited and read from the Terry’s book, I felt an overwhelming sensation of freedom!!! I am who I am!! I am free of all that lowers my consciousness to less than what I am. It is so beautiful!! There is the word freedom capturing all my attention.  

    While reading this book, please understand the challenge of three themes running simultaneously throughout each chapter:

    It is one of the most challenging tasks to perform and yet, Terry and the ascended masters succeeded in telling the true story of our creation and putting it on paper for us have and to hold. Do keep in mind that it is not necessary to retain all the wisdom exposed in this book as you move along in your study. We are reminded throughout the book who and why we are who we are. It is more important to just trust your reaction and feelings as you read along releasing any judgement that will cloud the message. 

    Lastly, I wish to thank Terry for gifting me the journey of editing, and I graciously thank Dianna Newbegin for allowing her home to be my home also.

    Happy reading, and may you find your freedom!

    Nancy Salminen

    Author’s Journal

    Currently, I am a successful entrepreneur, a teacher in New Energy Consciousness and a channeler for a group of Ascended Masters and Archangels that specializes in the forgotten wisdom of the Bible. These masters and Archangels are very well known throughout the Churches – for they use their names heavily in their teachings. I have also authored books titled: Genesis: Your Journey Home, The Book of Revelation: A New Beginning, The Fall of The Church, Unlocking the Consciousness of Your Soul, and now my new book; The Forgotten Wisdom Behind Genesis Story of Creation.

    Born in 1948 into a family of seven, I remember at ten years old seeing and talking to the spirits from the other side of the veil. But when I reached the age of about thirteen it all stopped. It wasn’t until 1975, while asleep in my bed, I suddenly was awakened by three apparitions that emerged from the walls of my bedroom, clothed in the habits of Franciscan Monks. As I laid next to my wife, who was asleep, one of the Monks moved toward me, informing me – that it was meant for me to know the truth in this lifetime.

    Puzzled by what the Monk had said! I turned and asked him, Then what is the truth? Instead of the Monk answering, he smiled and walked back toward his fellow Monks. Then as suddenly as the Monks appeared, they disappeared.

    It wasn’t until the next morning when I suddenly heard a voice in my head asking me to write a book about Genesis, the story on creation. Intrigued by what I heard and had seen the night before, I grabbed the family Bible and read it from cover to cover. I never read the Bible before! However, when finished, I began to write what I felt was the underlying wisdom behind the literal words written about the story of creation.

    However, as I moved through Genesis, Chapter One, verse by verse, writing what I felt was the wisdom behind the text, I decided to push all this writing aside and favor myself to get back into business because a few months earlier (1975) I had filed my company bankrupt. With my focus on getting back into business it became very difficult for me to concentrate on writing a book about Genesis’ story of creation as well. Therefore, I decided to let go about what I had seen and heard from the Monks and focus on my career as a business owner.

    It was a few months later, after seeing the monks in my bedroom, I finally managed to get back into business by taking on a partner where, in December 1975, we opened an auto parts store just outside of West Gate Loring AFB, in Caribou, Maine.

    However, as the years past from the experience with the Monks in 1975, and then after moving to Somerset, Pennsylvania from Maine in 1989; I once again in early 1993 failed in business. But, instead of going back into writing, I again chose to find a way to get back into business for the third time.

    After fishing for seed money to begin again, I managed to make a financial agreement with my brother-in-law and his brother where I would give them twenty percent of the company, but with the understanding that I could buy them out once the company becomes somewhat successful. This then helped me open a retail automotive parts store in Somerset, Pennsylvania.

    Then, in September 2000, seven years after my opening in Somerset, I decided to sell the automotive parts store, payoff the twenty percent owned by my brother-in-law and his brother, and move to Johnson City, Tennessee to open a new business venture as a full owner. It was there in Johnson City, Tennessee, September 2000, that I decided to open up a new company supplying vehicle parts to the United States Air Force. To this date (2019), I still own and operate this company.

    Of course, along the way in operating this new company of nineteen years, I have had my share of ups and downs. For example: In 2004, four years after moving to Tennessee from Somerset, the business was in its beginning stages once again of failing, financially. You can say that it was a time in my life when I actually began to question myself about my ability to run a business. I actually could not believe that I allowed my company (2004) get to a place of adversity where I could lose it all at the age of fifty-six. After all, starting a new career at that age could be a challenge on its own.

    However, no matter what I felt inside, instead of complaining and blaming, I took full responsibility for my company’s situation – for I was, after all, the decision maker. It was also the time when my thoughts and prayers moved toward the three Franciscan Monks that visited me twenty-nine years earlier. I remember saying to myself (2004); If I fail this time it would be my third time. My goodness, I wonder if someone is trying to tell me something?

    Then one night after praying myself to sleep, this happened! It was early morning, and before getting out of bed, I began to feel something occur around me; for out of nowhere, just like the Monks did 1975, I witnessed a prophetic event where I was staring at a huge rustic brownish wooden door that, to me, looked like a big bank vault. And, as I stared at this huge door, I noticed three extended metal straps connected to three metal hinges that were about four inches wide that went across the top, middle, and bottom of this huge wooden bank looking door.

    Seeing this, I began to scan the door for a handle, or something to open it, but none could be found. Then suddenly, the door began to open on its own. That is when I noticed how robust this huge wooden door was; as it appeared about eight feet high and three feet thick. As said, it reminded me of a bank vault! And, as this thick wooden door opened, I noticed eight spirits sitting around a wooden picnic table. There were four spirits on one side and four on the other side; all sitting there facing each other.

    Once this huge wooden door reached its open capacity, I, like a blink of an eye, went from lying in bed to standing in the entryway of this thick vault looking door; staring right at these eight spirits sitting there watching me. And, as I observed them, one of them said to me: Welcome to the wisdom of the Bible. And, when I heard this, my thought moved to; What does that mean? Though I stood in the entrance way of this thick vault looking door in awe, these spirits began to introduce themselves to me.

    On one side of the picnic table, the first to introduce himself was Jesus, then Mother Mary, then Mary Magdalene, then Tobias, known as Tobit in the Old Testament. Starting on the other side of the table, the first was Lord Melchizedek, as he informed me that he will be the group leader for my writings. Puzzled by his remark, my thoughts moved to, What writings? However, disregarding my thoughts about Lord Melchizedek’s words, the introductions continued with Kuthumi Lal Singh, known as Saint Frances of Assai; then Adamus Saint Germain, known as Samuel in the Old Testament, and then lastly was Moses, the author of Genesis.

    Then Lord Melchizedek spoke again and asked me to enter the room where they were sitting. Hearing this, I stepped forward, thus crossing the door’s threshold. And, once inside, I had this overwhelming feeling that I somehow knew everyone, like I worked with each of them before. Nevertheless, that is when Lord Melchizedek spoke again and said, that they were there to help me with the forgotten wisdom of the Bible, as they were experts on the subject. It was also at this time when Lord Melchizedek said, that I was a person that always enjoyed being on the front line when it comes to matters of the Divine. And, that I was a priest under the order of Melchizedek.

    Hearing this coming from Lord Melchizedek, my thoughts went to wanting to bow and kneel before them. However, Lord Melchezidek must have heard my thoughts because he said instantly to me, not to bow or kneel before them – for we are all equal in God’s eyes. After hearing this from Lord Melchezidek, you could not begin to imagine what I was feeling – for I felt so honored, blessed, and humbled with what I had seen and heard coming from such esteemed and admired angels.

    Even though I was witnessing this, I still had a hard time to believe what I was hearing – for I felt no judgment coming from them. Then, like a blink of eye, I found myself back in my bed; and, once I was aware of being there, it occurred to me that these enlightened Angelic Masters said nothing about my financial situation concerning my company.

    Yes, can you imagine that? After all that I heard, the witnessing of Jesus and those amazing Masters of the highest order, my thoughts moved to my business problems! Here I was confronted by such grace and honor with these angelic beings and all I could think about was my company. That is when I felt ashamed of myself for coming up with thoughts of the business at a time like that. In fact, I thought that I dishonored them because of it.

    However, even with thinking this, I somehow felt encouraged and elated at the same time because of what I just witnessed and experienced. Actually, it was from this elation that I felt that led me to having another apparitional experience a few days later.

    It was about seven o’clock in the morning, again year 2004, awakening from my sleep and out of nowhere, Jesus himself appeared in physical form before me. And, as Jesus stood there in front of me in my bedroom, he said "that everything with your (my) company will be fine." Then as quickly as Jesus gave his message, he dissipated back into non-physical form.

    However, as I laid in bed questioning myself about what I just seen and heard, I decided to get up from my bed and walk into the bathroom to shower. But, as I was moving toward the shower, I could hear Jesus conversing with me even though I could not see him. After a few minutes speaking with me he finally departed.

    My friends, it was right after these two experiences in 2004, that I finally returned to my writing, addressing what these wonderful Masters have been desiring for me to do. And yet, not pushing me as if I had to – for it was my choice! However, what I learned in those two appearances by the ascended masters was how much I really desired to channel them. This deep desire led me in presenting to you many of my channeled books concerning the wisdom of the Bible. And now, with the help of these wonderful ascended masters again, I present to you, the Forgotten Wisdom Behind Genesis Story of Creation.

    In closing of this journal, and to my surprise, it was about three weeks after my conversation with Jesus, my company began to flourish. And, to this date (2019), my company has grown every year to heights that even surprises me today.

    However, from what I have heard, seen, and experienced with the ascended masters, I have no desire to put you in a position where you have to make a choice on what to believe or not believe about what I witnessed, and what I am about to present to you. I am simply here by my own choice to convey a message of wisdom that was freely given to me. And now, I freely pass this wisdom on to those that have the eyes to see, the ears to hear, and the heart to understand.

    And, if what I write resonates, then rejoice – for healing and ascension will soon follow. If not, just throw the book in the trash. Or, better yet, give it to someone that may have an open heart and mind to the message given here in this book.

    Mission Statement

    Since my awakening in 2004 I have dedicated myself to the written words presented in the Bible and how man has faithfully interpreted them with a literal undertone. Man has always been confused over the Bible’s examination of the written words because of how they take them literally as truth, especially Genesis’ story of creation and how man has derived from a single-minded God that holds all power to himself. Even the ascended masters spoken of the Bible’s strict literal language and its many rewritten versions, and they advocate that the Bible as we know it should be rejected because of it.

    For example, we are taught by our religious leaders that God’s divine will must be honored, worshipped, and followed without question; and if not, we are destined to hell forever. Many from the religious sect speak about the divine will of God and yet, they themselves continue to follow the will of a God that works from out of a perceptional mind that is very intellectual, emotional, judgmental, and set in the believe that good, bad, and power are real. And, in the end, this God loves to set rules for everyone to follow but himself.

    My friends, from channeling the ascended masters for many years, I have learned that there is no divine will to follow but our own – for the God you seek is not in a book or in a church, but is within you. And, from reading my channeled book: The Forgotten Wisdom Behind Genesis Story of Creation there sets a real divine will where you, as a souled being, eons ago, adopted a divine plan to go out and discover who you truly are as a Christ and a Goddess. And, in that process, you created a divine pathway for you to follow and grow in consciousness.

    In fact, it is not really about divine will! It is about a divine plan that each of us has created and accepted in expanding our consciousness beyond what we see only as judgment, sin, punishment, power, and that of positive and negative as real. Religions teach that Jesus is the only way to the father; that he is our savior, and the forgiver of sins. However, from channeling Jesus, the Christ himself; his words were not about him being our savior because that belongs to those that dare to awaken from their sleep to a ‘knowing’ that they are their own savior.

    Know that our journey through time and space, lifetime after lifetime, became very limited to where we have forgotten our divine plan – for we instead have adopted a human plan that brought to us cleverness, a remarkable intellect, judgment, power, toughness, inflexibility, bullishness, proficiency, love, and a dual energy that we believe is real. We even found friends and scholars that provide for us their truths about a God that is filled with love, forgiveness, and compassion, but only if we worship him and do good, therefore conditional.

    Throughout my channelings with the ascended masters there were times when I had individuals ask me if I would call upon them to comment on; Why is it that people pray for truth and guidance and yet, God remains silent? My friends, the masters have always answered their question by telling them: Every time someone asked about their prayer not working, it is because what they receive from God does not match with their already set beliefs about God, so they discard what God says and take it as if God is not answering.

    There is one major thing that I have learned channeling the ascended masters. That is, our mind is illusionary and the center for mental impressions that are sole based on our opinions, logic, reason, and thought patterns that carry within them the belief that we are only a human in need of a savior. With this belief it becomes the major factor on why we suffer and why we do not hear the masters themselves speak to us from the other side of the veil. From this belief, the energy frequency of our consciousness lowers to a condensed version of ourselves where we only know material living as something real.

    For generations, religions have tried to build God and their holy books around the mind of reason (the intellect) and that of emotional thinking to understand God and his ways. My friends, most everyone on earth has forgotten in what they perceive about God and the Bible, as it is nothing but a mental version that religions happen to identify as the real God. Therefore, the God and the Bible that we strongly believe is truth has been long replaced and rewritten by those that love power and control. Thus, it should be discarded!

    Because of this, the God of the Bible, as we understand him to be our savior and creator, is in fact, a false God that strongly believes in the tree of knowledge of good and evil as real. My friends, according to the ascended masters, we humans have no concept when it comes to knowing the real God. The real God holds no idea when it comes to good, bad, sin and punishment – for these things are all based on a rational mind that has no concept about the real God.

    We have forgotten that our mind is a creation of our own spirit in order for us to experience our choices, to expand in consciousness, and to learn the wisdom behind our choices. We have also forgotten that our mind cannot ever know the real God because all that the mind knows is how to work with positive and negative, good and bad, right and wrong, sin and punishment.

    My friends, we have forgotten our link to this universal omnipresent mind field of pure unbiased energy that you will soon read about here in this book – for this is the real God. You will also learn from this book about how we transformed this pure unbiased god energy into positive and negative, good and bad, sin and punishment in order for us to play opposites to gain wisdom. And, we profoundly accomplished this act by focusing out of a mind of reason instead of out of our I AM spirit.

    When Jesus walked the Earth, he called this universal omnipresent mind field of pure unbiased god energy, father. Jesus knew during his time on earth that man’s thoughts, beliefs, expressions, and judgments came from a mental viewpoint when it came to understanding God and him. This all happened because of man’s habitual beliefs about duality, positive and negative, good and bad as feeling real to them, when in truth, it was all an illusion.

    Jesus’ thoughtful wording of calling this energy father kept in line with this universal omnipresent mind field of pure god energy since it gave our expressions, ideas, desires, and beliefs some type of form so we can experience it. And yet, none of it is real! In fact, how can religions say with certainty what God looks like or even if he exists, let alone God looking like man or man looking like him? Specifically, if God is nothing more than a universal omnipresent mind field of pure unbiased energy that man uses for their creations!

    Religions look at Jesus’ father as a self-contained entity that loves to teach us about worshipping and sin, and if we do not follow him and the church teachings, then we are to be punished. Therefore, all that can happen when taught this falseness, we will follow a God of a mental nature, a God of good and bad, and a God of sin, judgment, and punishment; leaving out any God of a divine composition that is of a universal omnipresent (everywhere at once) mind field of pure unbiased energy that we all use for our creations.

    Religions, kings, and rulers have overlooked God’s true composition for centuries all because of them teaching us to use reason, free will, fear, and duality as the basis in making our choices about believing who God is and what he wants for us. What comes from this type of teachings is that we actually lose sight on how important it is to understand our own divineness. In other words, religions, and all those in power, have been describing God since his inception of long ago from a mental dualistic approach and not from one’s own I AM spirit.

    Most of us have worked very hard throughout the years to describe God and his work here on earth. We place our faith in him, we study books written about him, and we even listen to those that say God is filled with love, forgiveness, and mercy. And yet, we are taught that God hates, is jealous, is filled with judgment, and is very mysterious. The main reason why religions teach us to fear and worship their God of perception (falseness) is to hide from us who we truly are at our core essence – for we are the real Christ, God, and the Goddess.

    By religions maintaining the belief in a God that created you and must be loved and worshipped, is a God that is a false God. For instance: Regardless of how much effort you put into worshipping and understanding their false God, it seems like there is nothing you can do for him to elevate your pain and suffering. And all that you are told by religion is the need to understand and be patient to God’s ways. Meanwhile, you continue to suffer!

    My friends, your suffering will never end until you know who the real God and the Goddess are, and how the written words in the Bible have been replaced by a mental version (illusionary) of a male God who, in the end, robs you of your energy and your authority (power) as a Christ also. In wake of religions long accepted teachings, and that of your suffering when it comes to Genesis’ story of creation; the ascended masters from the higher realms have hence given me the honor of channeling them in presenting to you: The Forgotten Wisdom Behind Genesis Story of Creation.

    Religions around the world are very much asleep when it comes to the wisdom found in the story of creation, because beyond the obvious writings of the text, there lies the unchanging narrative where you possess the composition of this universal omnipresent mind field of pure unbiased god energy, to whom Jesus called Father. Therefore, the wisdom here is that God is not literal or does he exist as a single-minded male personality. He does not even exist as a deity wrapped in a book that holds all power to himself. And yet, God is real because you are real! But, this God of the Bible, as presented by religion, is not.

    Therefore, in honor of whatever you are experiencing today or in the past, such as child abuse, being raped, not educated, imprisonment, stolen from, being a victim or victimizer, even your house burning down, or losing everything you have, or whatever negative undertaking that you feel you have experienced; all of it, has been created by you for soul growth, and not some devil.

    If you have ever been a victim in this lifetime then know it most probably comes from a lifetime where you were the victimizer. And now, you are the victim in order to discover all aspects of playing opposite roles (light and dark) for the benefit of soul growth and the wisdom it brings to your oversoul (the I AM Christ). Therefore, my friends, know that you have never sinned! How can you sin if all that you are doing is playing with a dual energy that is not real? It is not possible!


    By viewing my website:, you will find the names of the ascended masters that I work with and how familiar they are with the wisdom behind the Bible’s written words – for they are the main characters religions use in their teachings. Names such as Jesus, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Apostle John, Lord Melchizedek, Moses, and many Archangels, like Michael and Raphael, just to mention a few. And, from channeling them, I have learned that I have had many incarnations as a leading Shepherd in all major religions; not only that, but I was also the main recorder of the words written in the Bible.

    One of the biggest surprises I have received from the ascended masters since 2004 was when I learned about religions misleading us when it comes to knowing God, Satan, sin, punishment, and his judgments when we die. All of it, my friends, has been nothing but lies all because of fear, power, and control. The example given was when the ascended masters metaphorically informed me that God is like a vast ocean and we humans are the drops of water making up that ocean; and, if we took away all the drops, then there would be no ocean, therefore no God. This in and of itself is very profound!

    Since we have forgotten that we are the ocean and therefore the Godhead, then no wonder we fear this God of the Bible. Religions teach us that their God is real but they know not what they are talking about – for their God is nothing more than an illusion brought about by a belief that maintains that we are nothing but sinners and therefore, we must be punished. My friends, it was our energy and consciousness that was stolen from us when it comes to believing in this God of the Bible as our creator; when in fact, we humans are the ocean (Goddess) that created and uses this "omnipresent mind field of pure unbiased energy (God) for our creations.

    As given by the ascended masters! It was us souled beings from the beginning that set-in motion a challenge of discovery that has led to multitudes of belief systems that have led us to what we believe today as a God who created us, a God we must worship, and a God of sin and punishment. This is why we fear this God of the Bible with utmost shame and guilt – for the real God should never be feared, because the real God (you at your core) never judges the human you about what you did, right or wrong.

    The time has come to open your mind, your heart, and awaken from the deep sleep that you have been put in by our government leaders, the media, and the religions of the world – for they have always taught that fearing God and government is good. Understand that there is more to you then what the Bible’s literal written words proclaim – for you are more than just a human. The Bible, like we humans, is filled with many different stories, names, and talents – for most of us have been on this earth many times. And, like Jesus before us, his story, and like our human stories, are not to be taken literally.

    Our purpose coming to earth is not about God being part of a book/Bible that we must follow and worship. It is about our choices, belief systems, and our experiences of good and bad where, in the end, gains us the wisdom to awaken to who we truly are; a Goddess and a Christ unto ourselves that have never sinned!

    Never forget! We humans together are the ocean! Therefore, we are the God and the Goddess that express our words and stories to be manifested for us to experience. It is not about sin or worshipping some God above us because we are the Father-Mother-God-Goddess, and therefore we cannot sin. We are just playing in disguise and acting like a human in need of a savior.

    Even Jesus himself has channeled through me that he is not our savior, and never was – for he showed us the way, but we did not listen. The message Jesus left – We are our own savior, for we are a Christ as much as him (Jesus). But, instead of accepting his message, we decided to stay with what our religion proclaimed as truth; that we need Jesus to come and save us.

    My friends, all of it has been a big lie! We humans are the Christ that comes and saves ourselves from falling further into a consciousness of an emotional and dualistic composition that forever tells us that we are only a human and a sinner, and therefore must be punished. Therefore, know that there are three recognizable levels to interpreting the Bible even though, from a deeper level, there are more.

    The most obvious one is the literal or material point of view that religions continue to teach us today. They take the stories in the Bible as historical and literal facts without considering that they are working from a three-dimensional vibrational world and from a mind filled with emotional belief systems that come from many lifetimes past where duality is accepted as truth. My friends, the ascended masters call this first-grade thinking.

    The second recognizable level religions use in interpreting the story of creation is by way of the intellect; using reason, logic, fear, intelligence, and the belief in good and bad, sin and punishment as the basis for their truth. This is the level where most religions teach biblical scripture today. This level deals with morality, ethics, right and wrong, good and bad; and everything of duality, including the preaching of sin, punishment, judgement, and suffering as a means to control and set fear within us. It is from this type of teaching that we bow down to this fear, keeping us in our sleep state and where we give away our God energy to those that love control and power.

    The third level is one that has not yet been explored by religion – for their assessment behind the story of creation has to do with psychological justification and material fact in order for them to maintain their power and control over us. However, religions have completely overlooked the wisdom of our divine spirit! Yes, the drops in the ocean, as it concerns the evolution of our mind-soul and ego, and that has nothing to do with our intelligence or how

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