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The Safe Word
The Safe Word
The Safe Word
Ebook67 pages59 minutes

The Safe Word

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Martina’s last Dom threw her out of his house, because she was more than the Dom could handle. This forces Martina to surf the web in search of a new one. For a sub, she is pretty demanding, which caused the riff between her and the last Dom.

The arranged meeting with her new Dom candidate turns out to be a disaster. The real-life version of the candidate was not what he advertised. Frustrated, she orders a stiff drink to calm her frustration at the disappointment.

Martina is working on her second drink when The Storm breezes in, Meghan, aka Storm is an imposing ebony Amazon and she sits next to Martina and seems to offer a shoulder to cry on. She thinks.

Storm has other ideas, and the two leave together and get to know each other a little better. She finds Storm to be a charming, and gracious person, and lesbian. Later that evening, Martina leaves, after several glass of wine and friendly conversation, and realizes the lesbian issue is a deal breaker.

Martina's best friend calls her the next morning to see how her online date turned out and is shocked that things went so wrong. But she offers advice that is not what Martina expected to hear. She point out that, Doms, male or female are Doms, and Marina is a sub. She tells her to connect the dots and encourages Martina, to at least give it a try.

With much trepidation, Martina prepares herself to meet up with the lesbian dom, with less than high expectations. But Storm, it turns out, under promises and over delivers and the two arrive at a middle ground. The question of will it work out hanging above her head. Can Martina deal with the dilemma?

PublisherTenth Muse
Release dateJun 12, 2019
The Safe Word

Candice Christian

Candice was born in Paris KY on 9 January 1988. Her parents, George Bertrand Christian, an attorney who once aspired to be an actor, and Frances Hollowell insisted that Candice and her sister Simone, be sent to a Catholic school. Candice was deeply religious as a child, at one point thought of becoming a nun.

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    The Safe Word - Candice Christian

    The Safe Word

    Candice Christian

    Copyright 2019 Candice Christian

    Published by Candice Christian at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Adults Only 18+


    Kate Kavanagh

    Part One

    Martina woke suddenly, from a deep sleep to completely awake. She had been dreaming of her master. It was a fairly common dream for her, the big, powerful commanding man who would rule her life. In her favorite dream scenario, he was a pirate and she a passenger on a sailing ship. She knew the dream was mostly flavored by the cheap romances she read all the time.

    She found that she was mildly aroused now. It was not a burning need but rather a pleasant languidness to her movements.

    Her hand stole to the crotch of her panties and she gently rubbed herself through the thin material. She tried to recapture the dream in her mind's eye, but it had fled. This irritated her far more than it should have, and she kicked off the covers and got up. Her eyes drifted to the computer on its desk in the corner. It was her usual habit to get up late on Saturdays and chat with Tom for hours. Tom. The events of the night before came back to her in a rush.

    A deep depression overtook her then. She remembered the balding man who had met her at the club. He had been nothing like her mental image or the way he portrayed himself online. She was never going to find her pirate. Tears welled up in her eyes then and she struggled not to let them come but lost. What now? She asked herself hopelessly.

    She remembered Storm too but tried to push that memory out of her mind. Martina was afraid of those memories. She had been brought up to believe that homosexuality was a terrible sin. Remembering how close she had come to submitting to another woman was profoundly disturbing to her. She had also been brought up to believe that interracial couplings were wrong. Her parents were strong Catholics and deeply conscious of their heritage.

    How did she get herself in the situation. Desperate, horny and confused. She was pretty sure at this hour of the morning she would never resolve the issues in her head.

    Martina closed her eyes and dreamed she was snuggling back against the warm body of her Domme and knew no more.

    Twenty-four hours earlier

    . Martina paid the driver and watched with some apprehension as the taxi slowly rolled away. A light snow was falling, and it quickly lost itself in the dark Cincinnati night. She looked again at the scrap of paper clutched in her hand and then at the dreary I of number 204. There had been no mistake, as bad as it looked this was the place she was supposed to meet Tom.

    They had been talking online for several months and he seemed to be just the kind of Dom she was looking for. He seemed tall, powerful and confident with a wicked imagination. His picture and conversation had left her dying for the real thing. There had been some vagrancy in his description, picture and actions but she had rationalized it away. She was really desperate for a man.

    Elliot, her last Dom had kicked her out of his apartment three months ago with no explanation or remorse. He had been the closest thing she had ever found to what she wanted. Only his egocentric tendencies and total lack of concern for her feelings had kept her from falling for him in a bigger way than she had. Just thinking of the way, he had used her so callously made her shiver with anticipation.

    She entered the grungy foyer and was stopped by a man in a black T-shirt and jeans. He was sitting on a bar stool in front of a shabby wooden podium and wearing a bored expression. He was tall but heavyset with a thick beard that was beginning to show some gray.

    Gotta see some I.D., he said in a thick Covington accent.

    She showed him her license and he examined it closely, satisfied he returned it and took out a stamp.

    Ten, he grunted.

    She gave him the money and he stamped her hand with the stamp. He didn't move from the stool, so she walked through the glass door and into the club. It was

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