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Hard Bound. The Capture
Hard Bound. The Capture
Hard Bound. The Capture
Ebook322 pages2 hours

Hard Bound. The Capture

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

They’ve taken her. They have erased her past and are preparing her for a future of sexual slavery, submission and servitude.
At times shocking, this psychological thriller delves into the hidden world of human trafficking and, in this instance, the connection to the dark web and the non- consensual world of bondage, discipline, sadism and masochism (bdsm).
College student, Karen Richard’s, investigation into the industrial pollutant, JD industries, has dire consequences. Her attempt to gather soil samples is interrupted by Mistress Lana’s security team. Before she is aware of what is happening, she finds herself brutally and expertly bound, gagged, and told, to her horror, that she is being prepared for her Bondage Master.
Meanwhile, her best friend, Kristen Davis, with help from the one honest cop in town, Paul, does Everything she can to free her. Including the risk of being captured herself and placed into the bondage training and white slave trade herself.
Follow the twists and turns in this action-packed psychological suspense novel that doesn’t skip a beat.
Will the white slavers succeed in shipping their ‘package’ to the Bondage Master? Or will Kristen and Paul foil their plans?

This is the first book in the series.

PublisherDee Bishop
Release dateMar 1, 2019
Hard Bound. The Capture

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    Book preview

    Hard Bound. The Capture - Dee Bishop

    Day 1. 10:37 am

    Karen Richards was grim. Here she was in the cafeteria at West Virginia University. Her laptop was open and email rejection after email rejection on her computer had her more frustrated than ever. She had just finished countless hours getting the goods on KP Industries and no one was interested. As she sat back in her chair she looked over to her right and saw her best friend Kristen Carter walking towards her. ‘Hey K, she shouted. Hey K, shouted Kristen back. What is going on? Why the look on your face? Did you break up with an imaginary boyfriend?" Karen knew that there was no imaginary boyfriend. Actually, there was no boyfriend at all. She had been so involved in the KP Industries investigation that there was just no time to date. She was beautiful with dark brown hair, a very fit figure, and a bust and butt to attract all the guys attention. Well, at least the straight ones.

    I hit a roadblock. Actually, I hit a wall. No one wants to listen. They tell me with no actual proof, all the deaths and sickness could be due to so many other factors.

    After all, Jamestown was a college town now. But it was also a mining town going back a long time. All those diseases don’t go away immediately. Karen knew she could not give up. They all say it was because of the mining and that is all old news. Most of the rejections are polite. No one cares anymore.

    Karen was a graduate student and her dissertation was on environmental disasters and company culpabilities. This didn’t exactly go well with the mining community. However, this West Virginia town was growing and much had been done to improve both the environment and people’s outlook. Karen was convinced that KP Industries was responsible for most of the sickness and death in Jamestown. Not the mining. And she had to prove it. The name KP Industries was fairly new to the town. They started as a mining equipment manufacturer and were also involved in petroleum products. After a bit of controversy, they closed the facilities for 2 years. The company was then bought out and reopened as an Environmental Research company. What a reversal! However, the damage had been done. And though the new company insisted that they cleaned up everything that needed cleaning up, Karen was skeptical. And she had very good reason to be. Through her research, she discovered that the original owner had passed and that his daughter was now in charge. Changing the name didn’t change the fact that it was the same company.

    Kristen looked at her pretty friend. Actually, Kristen was not too bad herself. She was a bit taller at 5’8, had a slightly larger bust and just as slim a waist. They were both students at the University. Kristen was from Connecticut. She was hardly a West Virginian. However, she was majoring in Physics and had visions of working in aerospace one day. The college had an excellent program that would help her career. And they offered her a scholarship that she couldn’t pass up.

    There was never a time where she and Karen had a drink at any bar and weren’t hit on. So, what are you going to do now? Karen insisted that she had to get into the Compound and get soil samples. Kristen looked at her and even though she knew that both of them may just get into trouble, she thought that she could help her friend. She told her about a guy she met the other day, named John, who had access to the KP Industries Compound grounds. She told her that he was usually at O’Brien’s every night and what he looked like. He had tried, and miserably failed, to pick her up. But he seemed nice and he wasn’t bad looking.

    But please think this over Kristen pleaded with her friend. You really don’t know what you are getting into. What if you do get in? What if they catch you snooping?

    Karen told Kristen that she would lie to them and tell them she got lost hiking. It happens. There were so many wooded areas in and around Jamestown that people did actually get lost hiking. If this John character came through, she really had nothing to worry about.

    Karen was born and raised in West Virginia in the neighboring village of Tandem. She was a child that had experienced the loss of a loved one due to corruption and pollution. When she was 18 years old, her little brother Robert had died of leukemia. She and her family knew it was the polluted streams around their property. All these were owned by the super-rich neighbor William Faust. He was the CEO of KP Industries. And when they sued, Faust’s 15 odd lawyers found no challenge that they could not overcome. But Karen never forgot. Thankfully Faust died of cancer himself a few years later and the company closed down. But the pain from the experience and losing a loved one never went away. She would devote her life to cleaning up the environment and putting away those that were poisoning others. She could not decide on whether to be a newspaperwoman, though the term would slowly disappear with the advent of cable news and the internet, or a lawyer. She was still undecided as she entered her Final Year of College. But she still had a little time and she studied both paths. She remembers first hearing about KP Industries when she was a child. There was a little article in the paper about a woman dying of cancer who blamed her illness on the Company. She figured it happened all the time when a company would be accused of causing an illness. After KP Industries closed down, Karen was happy. But she found her life calling. And she remembers seeing a photo, then of the daughter of the CEO of KP Industries. She was pretty, slim, beautifully dressed, and the look was of disdain for the people around her. Karen thought it the perfect opportunity to begin that life’s calling by investigating them. When her brother died, she was skeptical that anything was cleaned up. She had to find out. But obviously, with all the rejection emails, her research needed much more.

    Kristen was a beautiful young lady who always saw the good in everyone. From a well to do family in Connecticut, she was always ready to help anyone that needed help. She could never walk in front of men without them doing the double take. She was so pretty. She met Karen while they both tried out for the golf team in school. Neither made the team. But they didn’t care. They had met each other and after a few days, became best friends.

    Men, in both Karen and Kristen’s life, played a minor role. Sure, they went out occasionally. And even slept with one or two during the stay in College. But they were both ambitious about their studies and career. The time would come to settle down. So, Karen would become a lawyer or a newspaperwoman. And Kristen was definitely on the aerospace track. Little did they know that the events of the next few days would put their career plans, and even their lives in great jeopardy.

    Chapter 2:

    Day 1. 8:35 pm

    O’Brien’s was a normal looking bar on the main strip of town. The usual dark entrance. The bar stools straight ahead. And the many television sets that identified it as a Sports Bar. As Karen walked in, the guys by the entrance table all looked. She was stunning. She wore her tightest jeans and a top that just about could have doubled for a second skin. And her heels made her all that much more sexy. She looked around and yes, Kristen was correct. There was John, drinking by himself at a table by the bar. He was looking down at his mug of beer and didn’t see her approach. She headed right that way. Time to go to work. John was a tallish, stocky middle-aged guy. Probably around 45. Seemed to be in good shape. Had the makings of a beard and if you looked hard enough might be considered pretty good looking. I wouldn’t throw him out of my bed, she thought to herself.

    As she passed the booth that John was drinking at, she stumbled and her purse flew out of her hands and the contents on the floor. Ow, she screamed to herself, but just loud enough for John to hear. As she knelt down and grabbed her ankle. John quickly looked over and saw this stunning woman collapse to the ground. He shot up out of his seat and got down right next to her. Other patrons also sauntered over wanting to help. I am ok, Karen told everyone. I just tripped. These new heels. John helped Karen pick up the items that fell out of her purse, including a sexy photo of her in her bikini that she strategically placed in her purse and was the first item to drop.

    As John was helping with Karen’s purse, he saw her bikini photo and immediately got excited. What I wouldn’t give to see this bitch naked, he thought. Here you go, miss. All set.

    He turned to go back to his beer. Karen had her entrance succeed.

    Thank you so much for helping me. Can I buy you a drink? Karen thought that she did such a good job and now she was offering to buy him a drink. She was so proud of herself. John was speechless. but only for a minute. No little lady, let me buy the drink. Here, sit.

    Sitting across from Karen, John was finding it really difficult not looking down at her breasts. She had a low-cut blouse on and he was guessing, from what he could sneak a peep at, that they were real, perfect C Cups and fabulous. So, what brings you to O’Brien’s tonight? I never noticed you here before. What if I said I have been here several times? said Karen. Then I would tell you that I was either going blind, was too drunk to see or that you were lying. retorted John. Karen smiled. First time. And I came to see you. John quickly rose up you a lawyer or cop or something? I didn’t do nothing. Karen quickly interrupted No, please sit down. I am not a lawyer or something. I am a student. I just need some information and I heard you are the one to talk to. John looked deeply at Karen and then stared down to her breasts. And the outfit is for me? Karen blushed a bit. No, but I also didn’t want you to ignore me. Please just sit and listen to me. It is a simple request." She smiled. John was intrigued. He listened.

    Chapter 3

    Day 1. 10:01 pm

    Karen was happy as she drove back to her dorm. What a wonderful guy, she thought. He listened. He understood her passion for the environment and more importantly, he said that he wanted to help. As soon as she got back to her dorm, she ran over to Kristen’s room. She wanted to tell her about what happened. She was so excited. Kristen, not so. She expected this guy John to listen, but also expected that he would try to discourage her. Somehow, Kristen felt that Karen was getting into a situation that could get her into a lot of trouble. Look Karen Kristen argued. I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Maybe you are taking on way too much. And you really don’t know this guy. All I know about him is that he works for the company. Karen interrupted her friend. He listened and he understands what I was telling him. He mentioned that he also thinks there is something bad going on. All we are going to do is get on the grounds and take soil samples. And leave. But what if you are found out? Kristen asked. Karen looked at her and said if we are found out, I will make up an excuse. I was out hiking and got lost. Don’t worry K. I will be fine.

    Chapter 4

    Day 2. 8:55 am

    What to wear was the question for the next morning. Karen finally decided on some short jeans and a fairly tight shirt. The shirt was for John. He had possibilities. And if she succeeded in her quest, then he would be rewarded. She loved how the guys always seemed to go out of their way to cater to her. She was very happy for her genes. Thanks, mom and dad, she said to herself. Then it hit her and she sat down on the edge of the bed. This was serious. She still saw her little brother every single day. A tear traveled down her cheek. It was only 4 years ago when she said goodbye to him. And she and her family knew what happened. Her brother Rob was poisoned because of the pesticides in the pond near her home. He was always playing

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